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Mantis (Scenesys ID: 2006)
Name: Mantis
Superalias: Mantis
Gender: Female
Species: Celestial Hybrid
Occupation: Adventurer / Empath
Citizenship: None
Residence: The Milano
Education: Ego primarily
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Spaaaace!, Guardians of the Galaxy of the Galaxy
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 06 Nov 1996 Played By Pom Klementieff
Height: 5'6" Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: "New Soul" by Yael Naim

Character Info


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Mantis is another of the Celestial Ego's failed attempts to produce an heir that might inherit his powers. Raised by Ego in isolation, Mantis has spent her entire life as his humble servant and using her empathic abilities to help him sleep. In addition to her natural martial arts skills, Mantis is an empath. She can feel the emotions of people nearby and even change them with a simple touch. Now that she's found a home with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Mantis is finally getting a chance to experience life.


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* 1996: For ages, the Celestial Ego visited countless civilizations in an attempt to produce a celestial hybrid heir that might inherit his powers. One of these visits is with an unknown mother on an unknown world and Mantis is born. Her mother does not survive the experience.
* 1996-2020: Though the newborn Mantis did not inherit her father's powers, Ego recognizes the benefits of her natural abilities and takes her to live on his planet. Isolated and alone, Mantis lives with Ego all the way into adulthood, acting as his humble servant.
* 2020: Ego takes a special interest in a half-human, Peter Quill, and tasks Mantis with retrieving him. Unknown to her, Peter is another of Ego's attempts at producing an heir. Mantis locates Peter and his Guardians of the Galaxy and decides that she'd rather stay with them instead of returning to Ego so that she can experience a full life.

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With most everything, including interactions with others being new to her, Mantis is quite childlike and inquisitive. What others find mundane, she finds new and exciting. She wants to learn and understand, and is quite eager in her approach to things, often inadvertently offending others as she goes about it.

Low Self-Esteem:
Knowing only of a life of servitude with Ego, Mantis is ignorant of just how important she might be in the grand scheme of things. Her entire scope of being is centered on servitude. As a result, she can be mired in periods of low self-esteem, unable to find confidence in her own abilities. It's common for her to put her own wants and needs aside in favor of providing for others.

Due to a life of near isolation, Mantis has only vague knowledge of anything beyond what Ego taught her. Everything in the world is new, she is utterly unaware of any societal norms, and barely even met people until she came by the Guardians of The Galaxy. She is learning little by little, but is very much like a child, wherein you tell her something, she is very prone to believe it and take it at face value. She is quite literal in her understanding of things.

To Mantis, most anything is new, as a result she's quite eager to share all of her finding. So telling her secrets isn't very smart. As a result of being an empath, she may also divulge one's feelings towards another, or share one's mood without any awareness that it might better be kept private. There are many faux-pas that she's capable of committing purely as a result of not knowing any better. All in all she's eager to please and endear herself on others, but may wind up hurting them or angering them.

Character Sheet


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Alien Physiology:
Due to her alien physique, Mantis happens to be more durable than humans, more flexible than humans, and more agile than humans. She tends to recover faster from physical damage and able to exert herself for longer periods of time before becoming tired.

Mantis' chief ability is empathy, she is able to sense the feelings of all sentient beings in her immediate vicinity. If she were to touch them, she's also able to get more specific information, albeit this is very likely to affect her to the point of sharing the emotion felt by the individual she is touching. She may look at someone and know they are in love, but if she were to touch them, she could tell with how and how intensely. Similarly while touching a person, she can tell what they like, dislike, fear, hate, love, and so on with the full spectrum of emotions.

Mantis is not only an empath, she's also a pathokinesis, capable of manipulating the emotional state of any person she comes in contact with. When Mantis touches someone, or someone is foolish enough to touch her, she is able to make them feel a whole range of emotion to varying degree of intensity, even if they do not normally feel emotions. This can lead to quite a confusion in someone utterly unfamiliar with emotions in general or one in particular. If the world's bravest warrior was to touch her, Mantis would be able to introduce them to debilitating fear. Beings of exceptional willpower may be able to resist how strongly they are affected, but it's godly to be unaffected by Mantis' pathokinesis. This power also works on extreme ends of the spectrum, so if someone filled with furious anger comes in touch with Mantis, she could make them feel overwhelming calm. In addition to introducing broad emotions, such as general happiness, Mantis can be very specific to the point of simple, brief mind control. For example, she could make someone do a minor task by simply making them feel a desire to do it. Mantis most often used her powers to serve Ego, so she's more likely to wait on a command to do anything, but she is capable of doing it on her own.

OOC: As with all character affecting powers, this one requires consent.

Sleep Inducement:
While with her pathokinesis Mantis is able to induce a wide range of emotions in others, to varying degrees of intensity, she also has a unique gift of being able to induce sleep in people she touch. If they don't resist or expect it, they fall asleep where they stand. If they resist, she can still force them with more power. At the highest end, she may even force induce powerful beings like strong willed aliens, or Asgardians to sleep, but that sort of exertion would leave her exhausted after the fact, and unable to do much until she's had a chance to rest and recuperate.


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Full Body Control:
Some call it 'chi', some call it 'ki', some call it mastery over every aspect of one's body as a result of reaching the highest level of martial arts. This is something Mantis can do, using focused meditation to double the speed of her healing. Reducing the level of pain she feels to overcome it and fight on. Silencing her heart when trying to be still. She also has high level of understanding of pressure points, and as a result can really debilitate an opponent, or give a heck of a massage!

Martial Arts Mastery:
Mantis is a very skilled martial artist by most standards. Unlike others who have undergone lifetimes of training, Mantis seems to have an innate, natural talent buried deep inside herself. This unfortunately makes her unable to mentor or train others. Her fighting style is fluid and adaptable, seamlessly transitioning between strikes and grappling techniques while relying on her incredible reflexes to dodge and handle incoming attacks. Her mastery of pressure points allows her to incapacitate foes with minimal effort, potentially turning the tide of battle in an instant. Mantis' empathic abilities give her a deep understanding of her opponent's emotions, allowing her to exploit weaknesses and orchestrate moves that leave them bewildered. In the chaotic arena of intergalactic martial arts combat, Mantis stands out as a formidable force, embodying the grace of a dancer and the ferocity of a warrior.


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The Guardians:
Mantis is apart of the Guardians of The Galaxy, they've made some kind of name for themselves around the Galaxy, and some who may have wished to mess with Mantis in principal, may be dissuaded once they realize who it is she associates with. Then again, some galactic police forces may have other's confusing!

The Milano:
Mantis resides on the Milano ever since she tagged along and kinda-sorta joined The Guardians of The Galaxy. It's a Ravager class vessel, and there's all kinds of awesome specs and stuff it does! Ask Peter Quill, Star-Lord will tell many tales about the Milano which Mantis can't even begin to think of!


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Mantis' antennas glow bright when she uses her powers and serve as a tell to others, not currently affected, that she is affecting someone. Of course one would have to know about it in the first place, but once it's learned, it's a pretty obvious tell. Another side effect, is that in some places mutants are not appreciated, and she could be taken for a mutant.

Celestial Madonna:
The Priests of Pama are a group of warrior monks that believe in the prophecy of the Celestial Madonna, a martial artist destined to become the mother of the "most important being in the universe," the Celestial messiah. Regardless of whether the prophecy is true or not, the Priests of Pama believe that Mantis is this Celestial Madonna and has a massively important role to play on a galactic scale. They are searching for her, eager to take her back to their temple and see the prophecy fulfilled. The Priests of Pama are not the only group in search of the legendary Celestial Madonna. Others well-versed in martial arts, galactic religions, or Kree legends may also be looking for Mantis so that they can use her for their own ends.

Clean Slate:
Mantis has a past with the Priests of Pama, of which she remembers nothing. She has a past of being revered in the Temple of the Priests of Pama as the Celestial Madonna. She remembers nothing of that as well. There's a wealth of martial arts knowledge she has, but retains only the muscle memory of fighting, and behave like a well oiled fighting machine, operating on instinct and reflex out of years of practice. But she couldn't name the moves she is doing, nor the many arts from which she draws her various katas. The only thing she recalls is serving Ego, and what little he allowed her to learn. So instead of this paragon of virtue, and galactic sage of all things martial arts, Mantis winds up a rather childlike, clueless, new soul of sorts, eager to learn and experience all there is out there. Oh, and she's bound to make every possible mistake along the way.

It's not so much that Mantis is wanted, as the Guardians of The Galaxy are wanted. Or at least most of them. Since she now sorta-kinda lives with them, travels with them, and works with them...well...she's guilty by association? Or maybe, by now she's amassed her own list of things she didn't realize were bad in the first place? Anyway you look at it, law enforcers across the galaxy is probably something she wants to avoid. Or at least should, if she knew any better.



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Mantis has 43 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Come to Themyscira to Party January 4th, 2025 There is a grand party on Themyscira, and everyone was invited! who got drunk? Who got stone walled? Who got served? You'll have to read to find out.
Crossing Paths 2.0 December 20th, 2024 Caleb, Cliff and Mantis save Longshot from trouble while illegally busking!
Sad Times at Ridgemont High November 26th, 2024 Peter's sulking over the death of the Milano. Mantis, meanwhile, solves everything.
Barflys November 6th, 2024 Remy wanders into a bar with a few others, and ends up meeting one of the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Terrax Aftermath: Guardians September 29th, 2024 Amid the battlefield in Wakanda, Lois Lane searches for stories to tell. She finds some of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the interview goes about as one would expect.
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE September 28th, 2024 Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus.
Knowhere Knoir: Chapter 1 September 9th, 2024 While setting up shop on Knowhere, Rocket, Mantis, and Groot get an unexpected first customer: Cosmo the Spacedog!
HUNGER: Zenn-La is for Lovers September 7th, 2024 On Zenn-La among the seemingly harmless science-hippies, the heroes discover a romantic triangle with infernal influence. Fennan Radd, Norrin's half brother, jealously pines for Shalla-Bal, and when the prospect of losing her arises, attempts her murder. He reduces the Fantastic Four to the Fantastic Three, instead.
2616 Light Years Isn't So Much September 6th, 2024 Mantis and Sue perform an exchange of goods. Peter tells his tale. No one gets probed... yet.
The Almighty Triangle September 2nd, 2024 Bishop, Hope, and Mantis have a chance encounter in Greenwich Village. They enjoy a slice of pizza together and Bishop tries to teach Mantis why it's wrong to use her powers to get free pizza from random passerbys.
HUNGER - Emotions and Sacrifice August 20th, 2024 Mantis and Monet talk about souls and Surfers
Black Holes and Misinformation August 19th, 2024 The Guardians go searching for information on how to stop Galactus on Knowhere.
HUNGER: The Oans Must Answer August 17th, 2024 A group of allies united against Galactus travels to Oa to demand answers from the Guardians of the Universe. They get some -- eventually.
HUNGER: Heralded August 16th, 2024 The Silver Surfer arrives to herald the coming of Galactus, in the middle of Times Square. The heroes attempt to reach his heart, but find it blocked or guarded, and are left to deal with the chaos that emerges as the populace considers the end of the world.
In The Heart of the Concrete Jungle August 15th, 2024 Eddie Brock stumbles upon Mantis about to fall victim to a street-level scammer and saves the day! Eddie is carrying a symbiote. Mantis is Mantis.
Philly Girls In Outer Space August 1st, 2024 Mantis and Mary talk about Earth and siblings over Zarg Nuts. Karaoke will be had later!
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Tamaran: It's Technically Vegan July 28th, 2024 The heroes reach Tamaran just ahead of Galactus, who comes to claim it in the place oF Okaara after renewing Terrax's service. As the planet errupts in chaos, the Tamaraneans fight of the Citadelians to reclaim their starports and attempt evacuation, and the heroes do what they can to save as many souls as possible. Diana manages to briefly pinkie-lasso the big guy, and reveals a weak point: the obscure device known as the Ultimate Nullifier.
Keep Your Hands and Arms Inside the Ride At All Times July 26th, 2024 Misunderstanding that the riders aren't in actual danger, Mantis accidentally breaks the Coney Island cyclone. Impulse saves the riders in peril and Mary Jane Watson saves Mantis.
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Vega: Hunger vs Greed July 14th, 2024 Morg and Terrax fight, and the heroes work together to bring down the Executioner. To the shock of no one, Terrax turns on them. To the shock of maybe some, the reason is Galactus' arrival on the planet. He offers Terrax his original deal, as he does every Herald, exchanging his world for service. But Big Purple is still hungry, and sets his sight on the other planet in the system that you've heard of.
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Vega: Lawless Space July 7th, 2024 The Milano travels to Okaara, as does Hal Jordan. Quill asks to be taken to their leader, and surprisingly, it works. On the planet, they meet the Warlord Tyros, formerly Terrax, a Herald of Galactus. He denies his role in the murder of the Green Lantern Corps in time for a different guy with a space axe to show up. At least one of them did it. Hal also finds out why the GLs are actually banned from the Vega system.
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Cold Case June 23rd, 2024 The Guardians transport members of the Titans et al to Knowhere to hunt for clues. They find several: a Tamaranean named Karras, on the run, a bartender with stories of a T-named conqueror, and ultimately, a gun dealer who speaks of Warlord Tyros of Okaara, his coup over the Vega system, and his... lost axe? It's a start.
Gamora goes Gallivating July 11th, 2023 Scene Closed
The Cosmo Situation July 5th, 2023 Mantis mistakenly attacks Mary Jane Watson for absconding with what she thinks is part of her friend. Gamora intervenes and drink invitations are accepted.
Rocket's Red Glare July 4th, 2023 Peter Quill decides to prank Rocket by taking the team to a baseball game featuring different mascots, including a couple with a very similar appearance to his. (Note: the link to the mascot pics is safe. Imgur might give a warning.)
How Many Licks June 9th, 2023 Drax is researching what to do with his Earth money, and Mantis helps him while licking a zargnut.
Halfway to Halfworld August 24th, 2021 In the wake of their pyrrhic victory over Thanos -- they did rescue Nebula, after all -- the Guardians and most of their passengers try to come to terms with all the changes wrought... all the while ignoring the sanest voice among them. (Who, frighteningly, may actually be Mantis.) Nevertheless, cheaters to the last, they are still apparently committed to taking out Thanos moving forward.

After Rocket is fixed.

Until then... well... that's anybody's guess.

Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (I) August 18th, 2021 The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava.
Another Place Nobody Knows Your Name (if you're Mantis) June 12th, 2021 Mantis learns the many definitions of fun
Milano Tales: We're going to need some help May 18th, 2021 The Guardians attempt to follow the Dark Aster. Upon losing it, they fight with their own confused feelings about what Nebula has done and who she is to them. It is settled, they need help. Peter makes a call and the crew head to Knowhere. There they meet Phyla-Vell, a seemingly random woman who Peter has a lot of faith in. Rocket, Groot, and Mantis head off to weaponise Mantis.
Milano Tales: The one where Nebula Kills Everybody May 16th, 2021 Nebula kills everyone. Okay not really. She makes it look like she killed everyone to convince Ronan not to kill everyone for real. Captured, as she expected she would be, she has thrown Ronan and Thanos off the scent for now. The crew may have other ideas. Murder is Nebula's love language after all.
Flashback: Earth Outfits! May 11th, 2021 Flashback to the time the Guardians were stranded on Earth. Mantis goes to explore shopping, and tries to fool Barbara Gordon, a detective, that she's in fact a human from European or something. It doesn't go as well as she thought it would.
Catching Up With Drax May 1st, 2021 Drax finally decides to start being less murderously social again and catches up with Mantis and Rocket, who shows him a mystery from his past and where he was made.
Happy Birthday, Star-Lord! Hope You Live To Tell About It! April 16th, 2021 The Guardians gather for a birthday party, which goes in directions none of them could have reasonably predicted. Rocket gets arrested again, but the danger of Nebula doing Nebula things leads to an unexpected agreement and profit.
Asking Of A Tree April 4th, 2021 Mantis finds out once and for all that there is no Elder Groot on Earth, but she does find Groot lost something, and she'll need to recruit Rocket to help.
Reporting to the Quill March 18th, 2021 No description
In Service of The Quill March 10th, 2021 As a follow up to #5280, Mantis ventures on her mission to discover what Peter Quill wanted her to find out. Next she'll have to report back to him.
The Mantis and The Quill February 20th, 2021 Quill has an assignment for Mantis!
What I Learned On Earth February 3rd, 2021 Mantis finally hunts down a Guardian who will hear of her awesome experiences on Earth
An Elder Groot December 23rd, 2020 Hank opens up to Mantis and she tries to give him advice on how to get better. Oh, Mantis also learned how to skate!
A Haunted Toy Story December 22nd, 2020 A wrecked toy store, rumors of ghostly villains, weeping female Japanese pro wrestlers waking up in the backseat of a car with a man they don't know. Just your usual tale.
There's a Mantis in The Tower December 4th, 2020 Mantis meets some people of Earth!
Common Area Chat November 21st, 2020 Drax surprises Mantis with a gift.
Lower Deck Schmooze November 3rd, 2020 Mantis gets to meet Rocket up close and personal


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Mantis has 43 finished logs.

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Mantis has been credited in 0 shows.

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Mantis has been credited in 0 albums.

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Mantis has authored 0 books.

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Group Memberships

Mantis has been listed in 1 groups.