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What Exactly Is A Knickerbocker
Date of Scene: 27 November 2020
Location: Madison Square Garden
Synopsis: Diana and T'Challa take in another basketball game. Diana goes viral with her halftime dunking skills!
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Diana Prince

T'Challa has posed:
The tickets, good for any New York Knicks game, had already been given to Diana personally by T'Challa on a previous day. Then two days ago, a text message to Diana's phone.

> I am back in New York. I see that the Knickerbockers are playing the team from Boston in two days. A big rivalry so I am told. Would you like to attend the game together?

After plans had been agreed to then, T'Challa had pulled up in a sports car to pick up Diana and relay the pair of them to the game. T'Challa is wearing a pair of dark trousers and a black sweater with blue, grey and silver patterns on it. He has a small box wrapped with a bow which he gives Diana once the car is parked, before they go inside. "I thought something appropriate for the game," he tells her of the gift.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had happily accepted the invite as she'd had it on her planner anyway. she'd expected the King to contact her soon enough, and when he did she'd eagerly accepted it and prepared for the outing.

Here and now, the Princess is adorned in a pair of black slacks and a black form-hugging sweater with a white jacket on that wraps around her waist via a strap looped through a silver buckle. Her hair is tied back in to a loose pony tail, so when she finds the gift to be a hat, it's easy for her to slip on to her head and give a bit of a smolder stare to the King, for fun and to model his gift.

"I love it." She says to him. "This will be fun. I have been looking forward to it, truthfully. It is good to get out of the Embassy, and out of the 'normal' for a night." She'll give him a thankful hug for the gift and walk with him as he leads them onward.

"How have you been?" She asks him, a sidelong look sent over toward him then, the Knicks hat giving her a nice piercing look to her stare now, but it also sort've helps hide her identity... as much as her identity can be hidden anyway!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa returns the hug and offers Diana his arm for the walk through the underground parking garage over to the escalators up to Madison Square Garden above. "I am already thinking perhaps this was not a wise gift," T'Challa comments as he glances up at her hat. "When the Boston team gets one look? And realizes Diana Prince is cheering for their opponents? They may be so disheartened that I am not sure they will be able to give the Knickerbockers a good game," he tells her, ending the comment with a warm, lopsided smile.

As they reach the escalators up he tells her, "I have been well. Green Arrow showed me around The Watchtower recently. Walking on the Moon is, quite a treat. I may have to take a trip outside the base sometime," he says, giving a small shake of his head as if still processing that one.

They are soon having to make their way through the crowds of people who are getting food, shopping for merchandise at the various stands, or just standing around and drinking before the game, while others similarly are making their way through towards their seats. T'Challa is patient, moving as the crowd allows. "And yourself? Have you managed to make it back home at all recently? This is an American holiday coming up for being with family, after all," he says.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana stands upon the wonderfully convenient moving staircase with T'Challa at her side and a grin on her lips. "I will attend a game a Boston Gardens soon then, and wear a hat for their team, to balance it out. Home field advantage, as they say?" She replies in good humor for the King.

As they reach the top of the escalator, she smiles at the talk of the moon base. "I thought it was a bit dramatic to place a base up there, but it is done, and I am glad that we pushed for it to be a place for scientific study, and not just a place for super heroes to sit 'above the world'." A glance is paid over to T'Challa then. "I was never a fan of that prospect alone, I felt it would have been a very sour message to send to the rest of Earth."

She moves through the crowds with him then, and smiles to those who make eye contact with her, a few of them seemingly recognizing her too along the way to their seats. At his last question she looks back over to him. "It has been a bit of time since we went back. What with the situation regarding Donna--" Diana's MIA sister lost in space still. "I... have wanted to be close, in case something developed. But we will do something at the Embassy, or try to, if I can gather enough interest, of course. It is one of my favorite holidays here, after all."

T'Challa has posed:
While a few people spot Diana, nudging their friends and drawing attention her way, T'Challa seems to go far less noticed. Few New Yorkers could even name more than one or two African leaders, let alone recognize them. Though T'Challa being an Avenger has had him more in the public eye, he still tends to avoid publicity that isn't necessary for a good cause.

So a few people do spot him, but almost always after seeing Diana first and then taking note of who she is with. T'Challa offers a few smiles and nods back, and the occasional, "Thank you," to those who make a positive comment to the pair.

T'Challa turns his attention back fully to Diana as they begin to make their way down to the courtside seats. "I hope that there are positive developments. Has there been any word at all? I imagine there are a lot of ears trained towards the skies listening for word from them," he says. He doesn't mention how long that could take to arrive though if they do not have some sort of faster-than-light communication available.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go down to the court as they start down the stairs toward their seats. She hears his question and averts her eyes over to look at him. "Well... Carol Danvers is our best source of information for things beyond the stars, with Green Lantern out of reach for the time being. She has been dutiful in her efforts to search for answers, but sadly there is just nothing of news on the matter. It's..." She trails off as they reach their seats and start to navigate tot hem.

Once they're at them, Diana settles in beside him and shows him a forlorn expression. "It is not looking good. But, I will hold out hope until evidence shows otherwise."

She then gives him a very faint smile before her stare goes forward to the court. "These are very good seats." She tells him. "I almost feel like I am apart of the team..." She sits up tall in her chair and smiles at people across the court who are waving at them both, thusly earning a wave back from her along with a much bigger smile.

Royalty in the arena, after all, draws lots of attention.

T'Challa has posed:
"Carol is someone that can be depended on," T'Challa intones quietly in a soft rasp, nodding his head. "She will find what there is to be found in time," he says in a reassuring tone.

The Wakandan is fine when the topic turns to the game. The players are out on the floor, having already stretched and just doing some shooting and layups. A woman dressed in black skirt and a white shirt comes over carrying a tablet. "I'm Tabitha, I'll be taking care of you today," she says, starting in on the comments she says to everyone who sits in her section before she recognizes Diana mid-sentence.

Tabitha's eyes widen a bit with excitement. "Oh, Miss Prince. I'm such a big fan," she says. "Thank you for everything you've done for the city." It takes her a moment to take note of T'Challa, but when she does, she says, "Oh, and an Avenger too! This is a real treat. Let me get you both a first drink on the house?"

T'Challa gestures with his hand, "Thank you," he says. He looks over to Diana to see what she might like. "I suppose I'll have a local beer, if you could pick out a good one for me?" he asks her, as if not knowing the local brews.

The players are heading back over to their seats except for the starters, the game soon to begin.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana leans back in her chair then after waving to the people across the court. She looks toward the woman who comes to present herself to their section, which garners a big smile from the Princess. Diana tilts her head to the side and absorbs the compliment with grace and humility before glancing over to T'Challa when he is also recognized, which garners a grin from Diana.

When the order for a beer is placed, the Princess' eyes turn back to the other. "I will have a beer also, Tabitha. Oh, and a hotdog!" She lights up at the prospect of having such a thing here at the game. "Thank you." She adds to the young arena attendant.

When the players venture back toward them on the bench, Diana makes eye contact with some of them and happily reaches up to tap the brim of her hat, which gets her a few grins and even a finger-gun from one of them. This, is very amusing to the Princess who looks back to T'Challa with a smile. She's clearly having fun.

"We should get more of the Avengers to come to one of these some night. It would be exciting to see, I think."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa smiles to Tabitha as she departs to get their drinks, then turns his attention back to Diana. "Tony would probably get one of the boxes I'm guessing," he says, and then turns to glance around the famed arena. "Probably already has one, now that I think about it. Though I've never sat so close at a basketball game before. You may have to protect me if any of the players dives this way for a ball," he tells her, delivering the comment matter-of-factly, but with just a bit of light in his dark eyes that reveals his quiet sense of humor.

The players move out for the tip-off, jumping and one of them pushing the ball to a teammate, and the game is underway! T'Challa watches as New York goes down and gets the first basket to a cheer from the home crowd. "Does Themyscira have anything in the way of sports like this?" he asks her. "Organized teams and the like?" he inquires.

Diana Prince has posed:
Of course now a glance is paid up to the boxes in question and Diana shows a smile toward them. "I am sure those are quite nice, but a bit disconnected from the feeling of the game, like we are getting down here. All the same, however, that too would be fun." She looks back over to him to show another quick smile before the game starts.

With the audience cheering, Diana plays along with it with light claps and be apart of it all. At T'Challa's question she looks back to him to grin very faintly. "Somewhat..." She states back about sports on Paradise Island. "Our competitions revolve around our combative arts, however. From Chariot races, to feats of strength and skill. I was always most fond of the sword fighting and archery competitions, myself. Though... I participated in a fair amount of my own races." She glances back to him and grins softly once more. "With mixed results..."

A hand is motioned toward the game. "Like this though? No. We don't have anything quite like this. It would be admired for its emphasis on staying healthy, agile and working as a team, but ultimately it is not centered around... better one's ability as a warrior, so my people would question its overall value."

T'Challa has posed:
Tabitha returns with their beers and Diana's hot dog. "I brought you a few condiments and some chili for it you would like that on it," she says as she passes the food over. "How's the beer, is it to your liking?"

T'Challa gives his a try. "An excellent choice. Thank you very much," he says, pulling out some money to pass over to her, a tip then if the other items were on the house. She takes it with a grateful smile.

T'Challa turns in his chair slightly sideways towards Diana, one leg rest over the other as he watches the game and they talk. "They are quite athletic, especially at their size," he comments on the players. "A few you can tell are there mostly for their height. But most are quite gifted athletically beyond what you'd expect for most people of such height," he says.

The stadium plays organ music and the fans yell, "Charge!" at the end of it. As it repeats, T'Challa gives a quiet laugh and yells it out with the rest of the crowd.

As there's a timeout and the players huddle around their coaches, a little boy and girl from further down the front row of seats come down to Diana. "Excuse me, you're Wonder Woman, aren't you?" the little girl asks her.

Diana Prince has posed:
The arrival of their drinks, and her food, garners a happy 'Yaaay' from the Princess, who flashes Tabitha a smile and offers her a heartfelt "Thank you..." For bringing the condiments. A bit of the beer is sampled and the Princess expresses on her face how it tastes very good. "You are a delight, Tabitha." She adds after T'Challa tips her.

A quick look is given to the Wakandan man she's enjoying the evening with before Diana looks down to her food in her lap and sorts it out before sampling it and then dabbing at herself with a napkin. After a few moments she looks to the players on the court. "Oh, without question. It is actually quite impressive having watched sports like this advance over the years. Physical fitness in the world has gotten remarkably better, and the athletes are now all in such great condition. By and large, at least. These men in particular would be quite capable warriors, if they put their efforts in that direction." She's teasing, of course, and shows it with another small grin.

The ambiance of the arena is enjoyed, along with the food and beverage, before the two children show up, who each get a look of endearment from the Princess. "Why yes." She grins at them. "And look, it is King T'Challa, also known as Black Panther." She gets him involved too, because he deserves it as well!

She looks back to the children. "What are your names?" She asks of them now.

T'Challa has posed:
The little girl is wearing a Knicks skirt and blouse. She tugs at her skirt as she swivels back and forth, face a pretty grin as Diana is talking to her. "I'm Anna," she tells Diana. "I'm Michael," the little boy says. "Are you a real king?" he asks T'Challa a little wide-eyed. The Wakandan nods back to him. "I am, of a country in Africa," he says. The little boy stares a bit more. "Aren't you supposed to have a crown, and a scepter?" he asks.

This brings a warm laugh from T'Challa. "Different nations have different customs," he tells them. "We do not have a crown. Instead, we rule as the Black Panther," he explains.

The little boy nods his head eagerly. "Can you turn into a panther?" he asks, getting another laugh. T'Challa shakes his head and says, "No, but you know how a cat can see in almost total dark? I can as well," he says.

Anna, meanwhile, has her program for the game and she asks Diana, "Would you sign this for me, Wonder Woman?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is, of course, completely enraptured while overhearing Michael's line of questioning for T'Challa, as it's adorable and just plain fun. But her eyes are on Anna. She sets her food and drink aside, then sits forward to take the program to sign it. She gives it a glamorous use of the marker and then looks up to smile at the parents who are recording them from afar with their phones. "Here you go, Anna." Diana says as she waves to the camera when Anna turns around to look too.

She looks then back to T'Challa and grins at him before looking to Michael. "I have a crown." She tells the boy. "Would you like to see it?" She asks, reaching then in to her white jacket to pull her tiara out of her inner pocket. She turns it over in her hands and puts it on display for both of the children to look at. "Anna, you can keep it if you would like." She states, offering it to the young girl. She reaches in to a front pocket of her jacket then and pulls out a small metal ring that she offers to Michael then. "And this, Michael, you can keep." She offers it to him then.

"It is a ring of confidence, worn by Greek warriors. You and your sister have displayed quite a lot of confidence tonight, so I would like you to have it." She smiles to both of the children then. Obviously the tiara is a replica, and the Princess was prepared for possible interactions like this.

T'Challa has posed:
The two young kids are just ecstatic with the presents from Wonder Woman. Anna puts the tiara on and Michael puts on the ring, while their surprised and proud parents film. T'Challa just sits back in his seat, smiling softly and marveling at how Diana hands the public.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Anna says. "I'm NEVER taking this off!" she declares, before the two of them head back to rejoin their parents. T'Challa's eyes stay on Diana, that warm, lopsided grin of his showing. "Diana..." he says, but then just lets the words trail off, rather than trying to find any capable of expressing his thoughts. But that smile says it all!

The game continues and they reach halftime. As they do, people come out, dragging mats beneath one of the baskets, and setting up a little mini-tramp facing the basket.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is watching the children leave with a smile, and offering the parents one last wave before she turns back to T'Challa to grin at his trailing off after speaking her name.

As she settles back in to her seat and reaches for her cup to sip her beer again she watches more of the game after it returns to action following a television-timeout. "Love is infectious." Diana tells T'Challa, looking back over to him. "Happiness, kindness, these things go along with it. The more you give of them, the more people become receptive to spreading it as well. This is my belief at least."

She crosses her legs at the knee and rests her drink on top of her thigh, eyes on the game now. "Everyone wants to be loved, they are just not always aware of how much they would enjoy spreading it themselves."

T'Challa has posed:
The African's dark eyes observe Diana with a warmth as she says this. He nods slowly at hearing her philosophy. Yet there are so few, if any, who can manage such warmth in dealing with others as what T'Challa notes in Diana.

A woman comes out in the middle of the court with a microphone. "Ladies and gentleman, we are going to have a slam dunk contest, with participants from our audience!" A few claps can be heard, but a lot of people are focusing on getting food and drinks, or working their phones.

"And our first contestant is," she says, and the jumbotron shows an African-American young man who seems surprised they picked him. He gets up and comes out, and she asks him his name. "Jim," he tells her, before she goes on to pick a second contest. An Asian man in his late twenties, he comes up and gives his name as, "Cho."

"And our final contestant," the woman says, and up on the jumbotron, the camera zooms in on... Diana Prince.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes were down when the PA speaker started to talk, she was not looking at them until they spoke her name and the invitation came for her to join them out there on the court was given. A surprised look befalls the Princess' sculpted features, but ultimately she smiles nice and big as the audience starts to react.

A look is given over to T'Challa, her date for the evening, but she can tell he's all for this. As the audience continues to encourage her, with them both displayed on the scoreboard's giant televisions, Diana leans to T'Challa and speaks to him. "You did this, admit it." She says before smiling at him and then moving to oblige and stand up.

As she stands to cheering, and shouting, she moves to pull her white jacket off, now in her black slacks and black sweater (and helled shoes!), she flicks her pony tail over a shoulder and starts to walk out on to the court, waving a hand toward the crowd as she walks to join the other contests, smiling and shaking the hands of Jim and Chu, sharing words with them too.

T'Challa has posed:
As Diana looks to T'Challa he tells her, "Diana, I swear to you most solemnly..." he says in serious tone, before finishing, "... that I would never /admit/ to it." His lips quirk as she rises to go out on the floor. The fans are not just clapping, but they get on their feet as Diana Prince goes out on the court.

The other two men go first. They are given a smaller than normal basketball so it's easier to palm, and run at the mini-tramp and bounce off it. The first man does a nice one handed dunk and gets some applause. The Asian man does a two handed dunk, swinging it from way back over his head.

While he does, the announcer lady says to Diana, without the microphone picking it up, "We have prizes for all three of you, so go ahead and give the fans a show," she suggests. Then she gets on the microphone. "I don't think that Wonder Woman needs the mini-trampoline, guys. Let's get that out of her way," she says. Not that Diana couldn't jump over it for that matter. The other stagehands help move the mini-tramp, giving Diana a clear run at the basket. The fans start to clap in unison for her.

Diana Prince has posed:
Out on the court at its center, Diana is now there to watch the other two contestants do their turns, applauding for both of them while she waits for her moment, still offering waves and reactions to the crowd and people she can hear saying specific things-- as her hearing is that good.

When it comes to her turn she nods softly to the woman operating the event, then takes the ball they've offered to her. She palms it between her hands, rolling it over in her grasp to feel its texture with her fingertips. She grins at the team mascots playing around on the court while the Trampoline is taken away, then starts to dribble the ball as she walks forward, still on her heeled shoes... She definitely isn't the greatest at dribbling a basketball but her innate abilities allow her to have a one-up n that too over the average person.

As she bides her time, and plays it up a little for the crowd. Diana starts to move forward at a gentle jogging pace, even bouncing the ball as she goes!

Half way between the 3-point line and center-court though, Diana lunges in to the air and leaps UPWARd! She flies high on an arching course that has her not dunking the ball, but rather landing on top of the backboard, her legs on either sides of the shot clock!

To the resounding applause, Diana is only there for a second before she looks down court and at the basket on the opposite side! She once more lunges, this time arching up across the court as she comes downward and SLAM DUNKS the ball in to the hoop!

She drops down out of the air and lands right next two two security guards who look quite shocked, amongst all the other fans there too of course!

T'Challa has posed:
The crowd are all on their feet, rewarding Diana with tumultuous applause. "Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman!" starts up as a chant, with everyone joining and people clapping along between the words. That goes on for a dozen seconds or more, before the chant changes again.

"Kill the Celtics! Kill the Celtics!" Well, it is a New York crowd after all. The woman with the microphone quiets the crowd eventually. "Thank you to all three of our participants!" she says. "We have prizes for all three," she says.

The first man wins a basketball autographed by the team's star. The second gets tickets to another game. And Diana is given a ladies Knick's jersey. "Once again, lets hear it for all three of them!" she says, the crowd clapping as they clear up the court. T'Challa is standing in front of their seats waiting when Diana returns. "You did not disappoint, I'll say that," he tells her with a warm chuckle.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana accepts the jersey with a big smile, before shaking the hands of the other contestants and their host for the event. She holds the jersey in her left hand as she makes her way back to T'Challa, taking a moment to wave tothe crowd once more before she turns and reclaims her chair, nestling in between T'Challa and her white jacket draped over the arm of her seat. The jersey is laid there as well, as she reaches up then to turn her hat around backwards so that she can see a bit better now. She leans over to T'Challa then. "Next time it is your turn." She says to him before shoulder bumping him lightly and affectionately before she returns her eyes to watching the court, the crowd and the ambiance all together.