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Latest revision as of 05:58, 1 December 2020

A Casual Date
Date of Scene: 29 November 2020
Location: 5B - Karolina's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Gwen and Karolina have a cute, but weird date!
Cast of Characters: Gwendolyn Poole, Karolina Dean

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:

The text comes around two in the morning for Karolina, a few days after she met the weirdo in the park. It's a pretty nice day for the season, meaning it's cold out but the snow hasn't really begun falling yet. The Excelsior Cafe is a cozy little nerd cafe in town, with various comics and games on the shelves for people to enjoy, and all kinds of drinks and snacks named after well-known heroes.

Gwen is sitting in the booth beside the window, visible from outside. She is wearing a cute half-hoody with donuts all over it, a pink shirt, jeans and matching Converse. She brings a large mug of hot cocoa to her lips for a long sip as she gazes outside.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina doesn't get the text until later that morning, and when she reads it, she stares at it for a good few minutes. Then she shrugs, taps out a 'Sure! See you there!' before getting up and awake for her day. Then lunch time rolls around, and the pretty blonde makes her way to the meeting point.

    She's clad in a similar outfit she was wearing to karaoke that fateful night, some tan faux-leather boots with fleece lining, some snug jeans, and to spice things up, she's in a hoodie of her own. No donuts, though. It's a shade of pale pink, nice and warm in both tone and how it must feel while worn. The sleeves look extra baggy, but more comfortable than ill-fitting, perfect for hiding arms in when it's cold out.

    It's not easy to miss Gwen in the window, and Karolina smiles, waving a floppy sleeve before pulling it up so she can actually open the door and step inside. "Hey, hi!" she says as she beelines to the booth, cheeks tinted pink from chill and, well. A date.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Hey! Hope you like the cafe. Couldn't resist, what with the name and all." What does -that- mean? She doesn't elaborate, though. Gwen hops to her feet and sets her mug down. She then steps over and wraps her arms around Karolina in a warm hug, the girl quite a bit shorter. She then hops back and retakes her seat, folding her legs under her.

"I got a hot cocoa. It's the 'Fantastic 4-Chocolate'. It's super decadent." Gwen beams at that and then cocks her head to the side, watching the other girl.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Excelsior?" Karolina asks, bewildered, unknowing of any links or details or inside jokes. "I've never been in here before... I didn't know they--mp!" she's suddenly hugged, but she laughs. She's warm, and huggable, that hoodie likely hiding a tank top or something comfy underneath. She returns the embrace without a second thought, though, and gives the weird blonde a gentle squeeze before it breaks.

    "Oh! So it's all, like... hero themed stuff? I wonder if there's anything named after the Titans..." she glances towards the counter but slides her way into the seat across from Gwen, trying to see if she can sort out the menu but not wanting to stand for too long, as she might be in the way of other patrons!

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
There is a few things named after the Titans, actually. From a Tomato Soup to a Triangle Sandwich (That one being a bit of a stretch!). Gwen gives an impish smile and sips her coicoa as she watches the other blonde from across the table of the little window nook. "Yeah, it is. I'm a total sucker for that kinda stuff. I always wanted to join the Titans, but I'm not sure they'd take me. I'm more 'West Coast Avengers' or 'Great Lakes Avengers' material, I figure." She sips her cocoa again before she sets it down on the table.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Oh? Well. I think every group does their own thing. I'm a Titan, actualy," she says very quietly. Not something her OG comics ever did. Wait, wrong publishers even anyway. She smiles gently, though, and leans back comfortably. "Maybe I'll have what you're having. They probably have vegan chocolate mix... and soy milk... or... a half dozen other kinds... oh! Were... we going to do lunch? Or hang out and drink sweet drinks?" she asks, flopping her sleeve-covered hands together. Then she kind of deflates a little, "...I haven't... really been on many dates... is this a date?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "We can just chill here, or get something to eat somewhere," she adds, simply. "Anywhere good to eat near your place? We could pick something up then head there." Did she just invite herself over? The blonde shrugs, then, and sips her cocoa some more. "It's a date. Unless you don't want it to -be- a date. But it should be a date."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "It's been a while but..." Karolina turns back from the counter to look at Gwen. "Huh? My place? Do people do that on first dates?" she asks, blinking a few times. "I mean, if we're doing that, I can just cook... I don't mind cooking... I like cooking..." she bobs her head back and forth.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "If I'm gonna be honest most of the time the stories kind of montage up to that point, and I am -totally- clueless on actual dating. I was pretty much a loser with no love interests before becoming...well, this." She flashes a small grin and shrugs a shoulder before she sets her cocoa down. "Vegan cooking? Hmm. Well, I guess I can put my tummy in your capable hands?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Oh this is going to end in disaster isn't it..." Karolina rubs her face before sitting back. She smiles, though, "Right, so... what is it... this sounds like an internet fanfiction title, doesn't it? Two useless disaster lesbians go on their first date..." she nods, folding her arms. "Is that something that sounds accurate?" she tilts her head to the side slightly. "..as for food, I told you my breakfast burritos are out of this world."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "I'm bi, technically. Or pan? I dunno. Haven't done enough to really -know-. I just know I wouldn't kick Batman out of bed." She waggles her eyebrows and picks up her cocoa for another sip. "But yeah, preatty much. Applying 'disaster' to me is pretty sound." She flashes that grin.

"Breakfast burritos it is, then. Have hot sauce? Breakfast burritos -need- a killer hot sauce."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina rubs the side of her head, then shrugs. "I mean, you do you, right? I'm not one to judge. Would make me a pretty bad person if I did. And I try not to be a bad person..." she nods, moving to stand up from her seat. "Finish your cocoa and we'll get going then? Though... yeah, I've got hot sauce. ...Kori loved hot sauce. On everything. I swear she snuck a bottle into every cupboard in my apartment... and I think she still has a spare key..."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    She grins and hops to her feet. "Cool. Lead the way!" She doesn't comment on the mention of Karolina's ex, as if even with her lack of social cues, she can pick THAT one up. She toussels her own hair and then offers the crook of her arm to the taller girl. "So, like I said, I'm kinda winging it. Haven't really done this much before, either."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    A nod, the blonde stretches her legs, and... sees the arm offered. "It's ok, so am I. It's weird trying to get all this... stuff... sorted out..." she says with a sigh. Onwards, to the door, and she'll lead on out into the cool noontime air. "...I'd ask if you wanted to walk or fly but it's not far and it doesn't seem prudent to be ridiculously shiny in public today..." Karolina laughs.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    Gwen smirks at that and nods as they walk along. She scooped up her shark-shaped backpack on the way out, and it is now resting on her back. "Normally I wouldn't turn down a chance to fly, but that tree incident the other day has kinda put me off it for a few days." She winks and then turns to take in the city as they walk along. They are side-by-side, but Gwen is letting the taller blonde lead the way.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina is gentle, and warm. God she's warm. Even with the chill, she practically radiates heat. "Yeah? Well. Um. Maybe if there's a second date, I can fly you somewhere. Or something. Yeah?" she offers, giving a lopsided grin to her slightly smaller companion. "Ah! That backpack is -adorable-!" she laughs, smiling brightly, then turning her gaze on Gwen. "...have I called you adorable yet today? Because you are, too."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "Sounds good. And I don't mind being complimented. Didn't get it much before." She winks up at Karolina before she glances about. She scans the streets now and again as they go, like a person who is used to trouble waiting for her or finding her. The issues of being a main character!

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Really? I mean... look at you! You're cute and cuddly and I love that shark backpack... and your hair is awesome. It's not natural, is it? I mean... is that ok to ask?" Karolina seems a little flustered, but she shakes her head. "...ah... sorry... still new at this.. and.. kind of worried about you. That was a big fall you took the other day. And then you ran off with a sword. Are you ok?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    She laughs. "It's dye. Cool hair isn't part of my mutation." Gwen shrugs and then tucks some hair behind her ear, looking a little self-concious for the first time. "Before all this I...well. I dropped out of high school. All my friends moved away. I just spent all my time in my room, using my allowance on video games and comics. My mom finally made me get a job at this movie theater and...well, long story short, I'm a masked merc now. Well, kinda merc? I'm trying more to be a hero now, but it's hard, sometimes."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Aww... well... actually... now that you mention it, I don't think I know anyone off the top of my head that has cool hair as a mutation either..." Karolina ponders, but watches that little hair-tuck with a smile. "...what's.. what's your powers? If.. you don't mind my asking? You said mutation a few times. Me... well.... I'm not from here. This planet, I mean.... so maybe I've got it easier in terms of... weird power origins?" she asks, shrugging her shoulders a little. "Is it the psychic powers?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    Gwen furrows her brow a bit, as if trying to figure out how to explain it. She decides to skip over all the stuff about being retconned into being a Mutant. Easier that way. "I...call it the Protagonist power. Things kinda turn out my way. Not the easiest way, but in the most exciting. Like...I'll survive a situation, but in a way that would make a good...comic book? Also, I can kind of...sense stuff? Not really being a psychic, but I get impressions." Easier then telling Karolina she owned all of the Runaways comics. "But sometimes my senses are wrong, too. Like...I'll get a sense of something you did in an alternate universe or something. It's not as cut and dry as, like...Claws or something."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    In the middle of the explanation, Karolina stops walking. She listens, brow quirked, head slowly tilting to the side. "That..." she considers, when all's done, and then stops to think some more. "...sounds.. like.. a really, really abstract.. kind of power.. thing..? You're right, it's not as cut and dry as claws... or being able to fly... or shoot lasers from your fingers... I'm not even sure I understand it, to be honest... alternate universe me?" she shrugs helplessly.

    "And... um.. as far as being a hero... it is hard. It really is. I don't want to some days. But. I can't live a.. quiet normal life. I like to help people too much. I can't just sit by when bad stuff happens, you know...?" she gives a gentle smile to the shorter blonde, then points with a floppy sleeved hand at the building they've been in front of. "C'mon, top floor's where I live."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    She shrugs a bit and offers a rueful smile. "Not sure how else to explain it, really. So I'm just gonna leave it at that."

    She gives Karolina's arm a small squyeeze, their elbows linked. She stays quiet at the talk of being a hero, but she gives a small, distracted nod. "Alrighty, lead on up."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina doesn't understand. And maybe she never will. But for now, she's got a new friend. A new friend she promised to feed. Into Greenwich they go, and to the elevator. Fifth floor! A roof apartment in New York? She must be loaded. Or something. Then they're there, and she pulls her housekey out to open the door. "Annnd here we are..." she gestures with a warm smile. "Home sweet home... I had to get roof access... because garden... and flying..." she nods to the narrow stairs leading up.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    Gwen leans back against the wall of the elevator and stuffs her hands into the pockets of her mini-hoody as the elevator climbs. She then slips out into the hall, taking it all in as she hooks her arm back into Karolina's to follow along. "Much better then my hideout," she adds idly. She disconnects as the door is opened, and she peers about the apartment. She lets out a small whistle. "Nice. Hasn't been smashed by henchmen yet? Hat's off to you on that one."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Smashed by henchmen?" Karolina asks. "I mean, it's not really a hideout... and... I don't have anyone after me? That I know of..." she ponders, gently closing and locking the door behind Gwen. "I have a room in the Titan tower, too. And aside from the flying and the rainbows... I'm really mostly just a college student... I try to stay out of trouble.." she laughs. It's clear the blonde is totally unaware that trouble is standing next to her right now. "Is.. your place often.. um.. smashed?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "Could you put in a word for me with the Titans?," she asks, curiously. "A super-team would be pretty cool. Pre-tee cool." She brushes her fingers back through her hair before she approaches the kitchen counter. She hops up and parks her butt on it, getting comfortable.

    "I couldn't stay out of trouble if I wanted to. Not that I want to."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Didn't you just say that you... didn't consider yourself Titans material?" Karolina asks. She leans on the counter, smiling at the other blonde. "But I can see what the group says. We're still... kind of in a crisis... but, um... hopefully it'll be resolved soon... especially with Christmas coming up and such..." she exhales a sigh and turns around, leaning back against the counter next to Gwen.

    "So should I be worried about ninjas making a mess of my apartment now that you're here? Can you tell them not to hurt any of my plants or mess with my music collection?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
    "Well, it's part of the heroes journey to doubt yourself, right? So, me thinking I'm not Titans material means I'm destined to be one!" She offers a wide smile before she tucks some pink hair behind her ear. "And no problem. If any ninjai attack I'll make sure to take the battle to the roof. Cooler fight setting, anyways." As if that reminds her, the girl slings her shark backpack off and sets it nearby. There is a faint clunk, as if there is something heavy inside.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina can't help but laugh, "...the garden is on the roof, though! And... I mean, if you want to be a hero, I'd be happy to help? It's... really just being a good person and... dealing with bad hands that get dealt to you without giving in to despair and hate and the like... I feel like I'm quoting a movie here..." she frowns, then shrugs, and pushes herself off of the counter.

    "Anyway, I promised food... and I really hyped up my burritos... let me get to work, and you can tell me some more about your... hobbies? Habits? Things you like to do...? ...what's in your cute sharkpack?"