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Latest revision as of 03:14, 4 December 2020

Retrieving the Tablet
Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: Pepper & Amanda's Apartment, The Dakota
Synopsis: Amanda askes Thor to retrieve the hidden piece of the Tablet of Zalmoxis so she may dispose of it properly. He agrees.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Amanda Sefton
Tinyplot: Zodiac Rising

Thor has posed:
    Word had reached Thor after the hub bub of Elektra's possession, word from the sorceress he had sought aid from seeking his attention and it did not take him long to respond. Just a day or so after the madness and it saw him arriving after the responding message informed her of when he would be there. In fact he arrived a touch early, settling down upon the stoop of the apartment building, armored silhouette crackling with power for a moment as lightning danced across his form...
    Then Mjolnir twisted in his grip as another blast flickered over his body, washing him in white light that almost instantly transformed that armor into the casual jeans and grey hooded sweatshirt that he so often wears. Now holding an umbrella he made the steps with a few quick strides entering the lower part of the foyer and then climbing the stairs needed to reach the apartment.
    Afterwards there likely would be a knock on the door.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
When the knock sounds at the door, Amanda looks up from the tablet she's reading. She sets it aside and pulls herself out of the chair to cross to the door. Peeking through the peephole, she smiles when she recognizes the man on the other side of the door. Thus, when she opens the door, she still has that smile on her face. "Thor," she says warmly. "Welcome. Come in, please."

She steps back to let him pass and closes the door behind him. From out of the bedroom, the little bot Patrick comes buzzing out. It stops abruptly when it recognizes the Asgardian. There's a brizleeep-beep that escapes him, and the next thing Amanda knows the bot is spinning around the apartment on a tear, checking every corner and under every piece of furniture.

"Sorry," she says to Thor, apologizing. "He's looking for your brother."

Thor has posed:
    Stepping into the foyer and setting his umbrella down with a faint thump against the wall, Thor tilts his head to the side and gives a nod. "I came as you wished, and welcome the opportunity to offer what aid I can since you were so kind as to help me in my time of need."
    The tall man looks around the place, much as he remembers it assuredly, though when the robot emerges that causes him to straighten up and look a touch taken aback. Then when Amanda offers her explanation as to the why, his eyebrows lift and he hrms somewhat. "I see." A lip twists, "If it is effective in that effort I may ask Stark to lend me one myself."
    But then he steps further in, pausing just before the main living area, head tilted to the side. "What is it you need of me?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda steps back into the kitchen to put on some tea. "I am wanting to retrieve the piece of the tablet I left in your care," she admits. "Set has been stopped. The portal through which he might have emerged is buried under a mountain's worth of rock. So, I think it is time I returned the tablet to its rightful guardian." If she can find him. She hasn't heard from him since. Which, actually, is concerning.

She crosses to the fridge and looks within. Reaching in, she pulls out a full six pack of mead she procured from a brewer friend. She sets it on the table. "Can I offer you a drink?"

Thor has posed:
    Lips parting as he nods once, Thor uncurls a hand and starts to turn slightly, "Then you shall have it. I will depart at once, though it will take me some time to reacquire it. Perhaps a day. Two at the most." Depending on how a few things fall out and how close Heimdall can return him to the battlefield where it was secreted.
    Yet at the offering of the mead he smiles a little, "I can linger if you feel that it is not a time critical situation." He rests his hands on his hips and looks the liquor offer, but then returns his gaze to the woman before him.
    "Is there something else you would wish to discuss?" Perhaps getting the vibe that there may be something he is not being told.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda shakes her head. "It's not a dire rush, no. Truthfully, I should probably ensure it can actually be put back where it originated before I receive it."

She leans against the counter while she waits for her water to boil. Patrick comes back from his patrol to beep at her feet. "All clear?" she asks the little bot. It burbles and retreats. "Good lad."

She shakes her head slightly. "Tony gave that to Pepper. But she's never here, he's adopted me, I think."

Her head cants. "How is your lady, Elektra? Has she forgiven us, yet, for the state of her apartment?" She does feel bad about that. Of course, Elektra did help her defeat Set. So, that was good. But Amanda knows how these things can linger.

Thor has posed:
    A small smile is given in answer to her clearing that it's not a crucial rush to bring the artifact back so he nods and settles a hand upon the counter and leans there somewhat, but not entirely relaxed. He looks at the tea kettle, then back toward Amanda as he murmurs, "Tis good then that you give him purpose, I am sure he would have felt bereft without it." Such casual anthropomorphizing.
    "As for Lady Elektra..." He tilts his head to the side, "I at first had thought she wished to see nothing more of me. We had words when she awoke, and not ill ones, but she was... displeased."
    The tall man folds his arms over his chest then, bright blue eyes distancing in consideration as he lets his thoughts wander back to that time, then returns his attention to Amanda. "Yet when I sought to leave she stayed my departure. Perhaps things will return to peace between us. I hope it shall."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"I hope so, too," Amanda says with a smile. "I'm glad to hear there's hope, at least. She is a very intense woman. But a superb comatant. I was glad of her aid in Romania." Surely he knows she was there, right? If not...


"The bottles are mead," she notes, "if you'd like some. If not, no harm. I'll put it back in the fridge and enjoy it myself, later."

Thor has posed:
    That does indeed cause a furrow to touch Thor's brow, his expression shifting to curiousity. The bottles are forgotten for now as he tilts his head toward her, "She was of aid to you?" A beat taken and then he adds, "In this Romania?" His brows lift.
    His head turns to the side, then he looks back and says, "I know that she has... apparently, a talent of a sort. But I know little of it. If that is what you speak of."
    He then takes up a bottle of mead, one of them at least, then twists it open with an almost casual turn of his wrist causing the faint snap hiss even though it likely was not meant to come off that way.
    "What passed there?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
The kettle begins to boil and Amanda pours herself some water over a teabag to let it steep. "I and several companions, Elektra among them, went to Romania to the Tomb of Zalmoxis. He is an ancient sorcerer who once prevented disciples of the Elder God Set from releasing him onto the world. We spent quite a bit of time laying traps and preparing wards against sorcerer who used the ring to enslave Elektra and many others. And when the dark discipe finally turned up, we fought."

It's not an elaborate story, but she's not sure how much of a blow-by-blow the Asgardian might wish. Despite his culture's reputation for an excess of story and song.

She pulls the bag from her tea and sets it on a strainer by the sink. "It was a difficult battle, nonetheless. We were outnumbered two to one. But Elektra is highly skilled at striking from the shadows and is very quick on her feet. She saved at least two of the victims of the artifacts that enslaved her."

Thor has posed:
    "Hm," Thor tightens his arms over his chest and nods a little. Then his features seem to ease a little as he smiles, "Well, good then if she is. She did not tell me of her talents in that regard, and then again why should she?" He may seem like he's arguing, but not with Amanda, more likely himself.
    "Clearly I should not let it have me think ill of her." He takes a deep breath and then finally takes a sip of the mead. A sip that has him holding the bottle out and quirking an eyebrow as he adds a little quieter, "Not bad, this."
    That said he lifts his chin, "Did she give you any information as to herself... or she simply just... fought well?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Mm." Amanda gives a bit of a rueful look to the Thunderer, as she sips her tea. "She told me nothing about herself, nor how she came to learn her skills. But she's very skilled. Fought very well. Easily the equal of any of the others with me. Better than some. Certainly, if I didn't have magic, she'd wipe the floor with me."

There's a moment. She considers. "Frankly, aside from Kurt, I think she was the best of any of us at physical combat. And even Kurt has the edge only because he can teleport." She gives the Asgardian a smile. "Your lady is a warrior, sir. Though, I'd say we've both already learned that."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, so much she hasn't told me." Thor says as he lifts a hand to the back of his head and looks thoughtful, eyes downcast for a time. Then once again he argues with himself, "Then again who says she must disclose all of herself the instant I should so wish it? She has no obligation to me. Presumptuous of me to assume otherwise."
    He makes a small face and crinkles his nose as he shifts a little forward in his leaning posture against the counter. "Still. Leaves me with some reflecting to do I imagine."
    He shakes is head and takes another swig of mead then says, "I should perhaps get matters in order for the return of your artifact. Is there aught else you would have of me, Amanda?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda shakes her head. "No, Thor. I apologize if I've caused you or your lady any distress, however. That was never my intention." She sets her mug down. "I do appreciate all the help you've given me in recent days. If there's anything else I can do to help you, let me know. You've a friend in me."

Thor has posed:
    "Of course, and you in me, good Amanda." That said he rests a hand on her shoulder to give a gentle squeeze before he turns back toward the door, the umbrella /leaping/ across the distance before he reaches the archway. He turns and tilts his head at her. "I shall return as soon as I have the fragment, no more than two days on the outside."
    That said he pulls the door open and lifts a hand to wave in departure, "Until another time, Amanda. Take good care." And with that he steps out.