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Latest revision as of 14:52, 6 December 2020

The Dimensional Nexus strikes again!
Date of Scene: 03 December 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Alyx drops in at April's apartment when Spiral and Harley are lounging. Standoff ensues.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Spiral, Alyx Vance

Harley Quinn has posed:
April's apartment. 8pm. Ditch the blue overalls.

That was the message sent to Spiral for her to come for a visit over at April's. Maybe there would be dinner! Or, worse of all..., socializing! *gasp* But there was always something or another that the clownette was up to. And today one would find her cleaning up and checking up on her roller blades. The ones she uses when she goes roller derbying! Or rolling about empty 80s malls like she was Jennifer Connelly...

The hyenas are placid tonight. They have been fed, Harley made sure of it so they are sitting by a corner, appeased and in their own food coma.

"So, I am tellin' ya!" She is saying to Spiral, ".. The girl is vicious! She was kickin and shovin left and right and takin' out all o' them bitches from Tendahloin.." this she is talking about Aimee and some adventure a few days back where apparently the girl was 'recruited' to join the game.

"Gal ain't shy at all wheah it counts!"

Spiral has posed:
They aren't overalls, they are spandex. Like everybody who is anyone wears. But, fine, she's going old school, with orange spandex instead, even plainer than the powder blue, yet somehow more gaudy. If only because of the retina searing colour.

She's lazing on April's couch like she owns the place, her furry boots up on a table, the picture of chilling, aside from the fact there are swords and arms everywhere in a haphazard sprawl around her. "What girl is this again?" she asks, a bit confused. "Vicious compared to whom?". She's almost affronted, really. She's the vicious one.

She brought her jagermeister this time, and takes a sip from a little shot glass of it that one hand clutches. Every so often she peers at the hyenas. She's not really seen them that much, not when they lie there. They look like they'd do pretty well in an arena with someone. Climbing for Dollars, perhaps? That was a fun game show, she recalls.

Alyx Vance has posed:
    No trumpets or drums would triumphantly announce Alyx Vance's arrival. Instead, she would come into this world to the sounds of unremarkable kitchen items clattering to the floor! Three loud ***ZZZAAAAPPPPBOOOM** blasts echo from the kitchen as reality begins to tear. Bright pink light pours from a vertical seam suspended in the air before it widens a touch and Alyx Vance stumbles out of it. Chairs, decorations, plates -- all of it comes crashing down in an orchestra of chaos.

    "Gross!" she calls out from her place on the kitchen floor, unwittingly seated with her legs bent at the knees. "Russell, you didn't mention how that would /feel/! It was like being /born/..." she hisses before looking down at herself. To her surprise, she's dry. Alyx's eyebrows rise a touch as she brings an index finger up to tap repeatedly against a wireless earpiece worn on one ear. "Russell? ... Russell?"

    "Great..." Alyx mutters to herself before climbing to her feet. The young woman reaches to unholster her pistol and points the business end at the ceiling. "I guess I'm alone, then..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Aimee!" Harley replies to Spiral, making a face at her and shaking her head, "Ya wean't even listenin'! Hmph.. And vicious compared ta.." that makes the clownette think a moment, tapping on her lips for a while. "... well, compared ta the gal she used ta be I suppose." a bit of a mischievous look on her face. "I'd like ta think we had a hand on it."

One of the hyenas opens it's maw in a big yawn when Spiral is peering at it. Maybe it's hungry? It oggles Spiral a bit, perhaps checking if she's a danger to Harley or not but is quick to return to it's leisure rest.

The crash of kitchenware crashing makes Harley jump, at the same time the hyenas do! "The time wraiths are back!" look, it's been only a few weeks. She is still suffering from PTSD. So any disturbance ..., specially at April's, always brings her back to it.

The hyenas are already on the move, prowling to the entrance and Harley gestures to Spiral for them to move over to the kitchen, reaching for her baseball bat.

Spiral has posed:
"Oh. Aimee.". Spiral ponders for a moment, and then smirks a little. "Maybe her exposure to the Wildways is responsible. Or maybe she is braver than she realises. I have seen such... triumph in the face of adversity, overcoming your flaws... there's a reason why the heroes journey is so popular you know. Some truth, or at least people wish it were so.".

She smiles coldly at the hyena when it yawns at her. Just try, Bud. She's had to keep watch over Mojo's beasts too. "I'm the animal wrangler, not the star." she tells the hyena. And she shakes her head idly at Harley's fears when she hears about time wraiths, slowly getting up though as there WAS a noise.

"Impossible, there are no tempor... wait.". Her eyes widen, and she hops up, drawing her swords, following behind Harley.

Alyx Vance has posed:
    Familar, yet different. Alyx Vance was used to being in a strange environment without support, but this was altogether a new situation. Mojoverse adjacent, she figures. Alyx slowly begins to move through the kitchen, stepping over an upended chair as she allows herself a moment to inspect an empty carton of milk -- that's milk, not Mojo-Milk -- as she passes. "...Couldn't spring for the name brand, I guess," Alyx whispers, shaking her head with a grin.

    The sounds from the living room -- the swords being unsheathed, mainly -- are Alyx's first clue that she's not alone. The second and third are not what she expected at all.

    "Nice doggie..." she coos, now slowly backing up from the kitchen's entranceway. Alyx points her pistol at the pair of hyenas that have come around the corner while also extending one arm out to show them the empty palm of her other hand. She really didn't want to shoot them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The 'doggies' certainly don't look friendly..., or nice. In fact they show their teeth at the intruder inside the kitchen, heads held low, ears back. Rather aggressive. Not that they lash out or jump to attack. They are still hyenas, not ones to go for the immediate or frontal assault.

"Told ya!" Harley says back to Spiral when she draws her swords. And that means it's serious business to her too! She appears a few moments later on the entrance, bat in hand, proud pigtails showing with their different colors. "Alright time thingie.. Back to the Wildwa---" she pauses when she notes it isn't exactly a monstrosity. "Heh...?" she looks a touch confused and then looks back to Spiral. "What the heck...?"

"Who the heck are ya. And why ya breakin' in?" She then demands.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral is merely smirking when Harley turns her head to peer at her. "A star finally appears, worthy of eating." she encourages the lazy hyena with a wave of a metal hand from hyena to Alyx. One of her spare hands reaches forward meanwhile, to nudge Harley out of the way to the left, while she makes sure she's got enough room to swing swords around.

"Twisting paths meet once more through the Wildways. Though not a time wraith this time, but an errant star. No doubt cancelled by Mojo... albeit not permanently.". She still has her jagermeister in yet another hand - having so many is super helpful really - and sips at it, while her swords wave threateningly at the new arrival.

"This one is known for trouble.".

Alyx Vance has posed:
    Alyx takes a couple of steps backwards, slow careful movements designed to be obvious and not-at-all sudden, to place some distance between herself and the hyenas. They're not immediately lashing out at her, so that's something, right? When the first non-hyena makes herself known, Alyx shakes her head and tilts her gun back to point at the ceiling again.

    "I didn't mean to /break in/ like this..." Alyx calls over, still shaking her head. "I'm..." She pauses, not used to having to introduce herself. She really was far from home. "...Alyx Vance. I'm looking for..."

    "Spiral!" she hisses as the second non-hyena comes into view. Alyx aims her gun at Spiral and points her open palm in Harley's direction. "You didn't even bother to keep running on the other side? Didn't even hide out?" she taunts. "I'm insulted." Alyx, it would seem, mistakenly believes Spiral had been running from her.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The nudge from Spiral has Harley looking up at her. "Woah, ya just got all handsy all of a sudden..." a bit of a hmph. She doesn't like being nudged to the sidelines! Attention seeker like she is there's no way she allows herself to be benched so she still steps forth. Though true enough the kitchen is a bit cramped. Hard to swing those blades, or a bat! "We awhe at April's! No breakin' moouh o' it!" she warns Spiral.

But then it seems they both know one another. "Heh?" Harley makes a face, "Is this like that otha girl? Veronica Nance? Similar names too..." a look up to Spiral. "Ya seem ta have a beef with all these people.."

Her bat then points at Alyx. "Look, don't know ya but no shootin' in heah! Put that down oh I am gonna make ya regret breakin' all those worthless-but-full-of-sentimental-value-ta-April's plates." truth be told, she doesn't really think those plates mean anything to anyone. Cheapos from a nearby store!

Spiral has posed:
Spiral shrugs. "I don't want you to get shot." she tells Harley honestly enough. "So much wasted star power. And this one enjoys shooting people.". And there's only so much space to swing a sword to block any incoming bullets here too.

"This one knows me." she admits to Harley, still not replying to Alyx even though she's being talked to. "And I know many people. I was a talent agent after all.". ie, a slaver / kidnapper. "This one is looking for me it seems, even. Infamous, means more than famous.".

"Running? Why would I run from you?" she asks, with a laugh. And not exactly helping matters. "I spent much time hunting you after all in between performances. Boring time, too.". She holds up a sword between the two of them, her white eyes glowing more fiercely than normal. "How ironic you come to me now. Maybe the Bloat arranged it, even.".

Alyx Vance has posed:
    No shooting. No breaking. As the clownette unceremoniously establishes April's apartment as a cross-dimensional neutral zone, Alyx's eyes shift from Spiral to Harley and then back to Spiral.

    Talent agent? "She means kidnapper," Alyx explains for Harley. "Slaver, really..."

    After a few moments, Alyx slowly lowers her pistol. Her palm, though? Well, Alyx's palm tilts forward, causing the electronics strapped to the back of her glove to dimly light up. Four tiny panels across the knuckles flip upwards and Harley's bat is painted with faint red sparkles. Suddenly, Alyx pulls her hand back, as one might do if they were trying to snatch something from someone else.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Oh, you don't go and quote The Three Amigos without Harley noticing it. She grins mischievously. "Someone's been watchin El Guapo." she says to Spiral, grin wide with amusement.

Yet attention is soon back on Alyx, "Look, everyone got a past!" Harley says a bit defensively towards her FRIEND Spiral. Slaver, kidnapper. Sure! "And ya fohgot cyborgin' people up." she isn't really helping, is she? But she doesn't go too much further now, continuing on with a frown on her expression, eyeing this newcomer. "Look heah, Alyx... I got a beer, or two! We can have one and noone has to shoot shit up and ...." the targetting on her baseball bat has her quirk a brow and then she feels the /yank/. It catches her by surprise, having her be pushed forward with a yelp.. Not that she falls but it's enough to have her grip slip and the bat fly off.

"Thief!" She accuses. Bud and Lou growl quite noticeably. "Give that back!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral hmphs at 'past'. "Are you saying I'm too old now?" she asks. "I have techniques to avoid aging.". She doesn't say WHAT exactly, but her faves involve babies or Phoenix Force hosts so far. She grips her swords tighter, and nudges Harley aside again, ready to wade in at this point.

"She IS a thief, and a rebel. Refusing to conform in mind... even as she does in body.". A sword points at the two armed Alyx, with two pointing motions. "A former star, now cancelled and faded. Better to clear it up before it makes a mess of this Earth too.". As there's not much room in here for a Spiral, two hyenas, a Harley and an Alyx, she pushes at Harley with two hands to get her out of the way, a bit more aggressive than her earlier handsiness.

Alyx Vance has posed:
    "Too old..." Alyx repeats, affirming it. It's certainly not something anyone in the entertainment business wants to hear. "...Yeah, Spiral, you're looking old to me. Too much time in the suns." How many suns did this world have? She'd have to make a point to check that.

    With a sudden smack, Alyx now has a bat held by a tight fist. She grips it about halfway down. "I'll give it back," Alyx agrees, narrowing her eyes. "When I'm done."

    "Spiral..." she mock whines, raising the gun again. "Are you going to come with me or am I going to have to bring you back? The hard way." Alyx taps her earpiece a couple of times with the end of the bat. "Russell?" she stage-whispers. "Russell? Open the portal! Russell?" Alyx's eyes shift back to Harley and Spiral with a small amount of embarrassment crossing her features.

    "We must really be in the middle of nowhere. What is this place?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Magic to not look old? "Oh, ya mean L'oreal. I use revitalift.." yep, face cream for all those wrinkles! "How ya think I keep this beautiful smooth skin, eh?!" and nothing like talking about revitalizing creams while in a standoff at the temporal nexus that is April's house.

As the two continue their back and forth Harley just blinks. She is still somewhat confused but she is understanding a bit more of things at least. Not that it helps she being PUSHED over like a discarded rag by her traitorous friend. It does do the job of getting her out of harm's way and also a bit further back, letting them ample space to duke it off.

But again, Harley won't have any of it. "LOOK!" she getting those decibels up. "Noone ain't goin' anywheah! This is April's place, ya awhe invadin'. Eitha take ouuh hospitality and have a beeah oh get the hell outta dodge!" there! Ultimatum! "And ya put those katanas away too!" this last part to Spiral.

"This is Brooklyn, New Yoik.." she then explains to Alyx, gesturing. "Planet Earth if ya need moouh!"

Spiral has posed:
Laughing a bit, Spiral advances, hopping from foot to foot. "Oh look, you are stranded too." she observes. "Maybe Screwloose really did arrange it. He's always five steps ahead of everybody else... even though he comes across as insane.". Now Harley is finally outta the way, she has room enough to dance and make her way forward, with a sort of inexorable quality to her, the swords whirling around her.

"Or maybe not, as otherwise I would haul you back to your job, which Mojo presumably would want.".

"She has a gun, and you complain about me?" she asks Harley. "And she stole your bat. Pfft. And to think all were afraid of you at one point.". This supervillain, is not impressed.

"Fine." she eventually says. "I will not cut her to quivering bloody sushi this time. But only because I cannot return her to her rightful home.".

Alyx Vance has posed:
    Spiral's laugh earns an eyeroll from Alyx. "Please," she barbs. "You know why I'm here. You're going to answer for your crimes, Spiral." Viva la revolution!

    April. April. April. "Okay, fine..." Alyx agrees, lowering her pistol. "Wouldn't want to upset 'April' ..." Her voice suggests that she's mocking Harley a bit, bringing attention to the mysterious April who owns the apartment. By now, Alyx has picked up on enough of what Spiral had said, recognizing that she and Mojo might be on the outs. She relaxes a little.

    "Earth?" Alyx questions, her face showing some curiosity from that. "...Seriously?" She sounds like she doesn't believe it. "...I guess you're right. It /is/ ironic that I'd find you here," Alyx mutters to Spiral, looking around with a newfound appreciation for the apartment she ripped into. And Harley. Alyx takes a couple of steps towards the clownette, the other human, as if they shared a long history together. Only moments pass before Alyx comes to her senses and steps back from the other human. Still, she tosses the bat upwards so it flips around. Alyx catches it by the wide end and holds the tapered side for Harley to take back.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Hmph! Harley looks between the two of them, daggers in her eyes, waiting until they both seem like they will indeed lower their weapons. Beware her wrath! The clownette then nods when they seem to acquiesce to her demands. "Good."

"Now that we ALL awhe in the same tune lets talk. First. Get outta the kitchen.. I need to clean this up befoouh April sees it, get the beeahs..."

Eyes trail to the hyenas. "BUD. LOU. Back ta the living room! Keep an eye out and don't let 'em kill each otha!" she speaking to them as if they fully understood her. And true enough they retreat back out to the living room.

And finally she takes the baseball bat with her hand, "Don't do that again!" because this baseball bat is her preeeciooousss!

"Now git." She points to the living room.

Spiral has posed:
"This one lies." Spiral warns Harley. "She was born to be a star, precious and coddled, not harmed in any way. Not even altered! And in return for this blessing, she caused much trouble.". She backs away from both of them, into one corner of April's big living room.

And starts to dance. "I assume she won't be here long. This one likes hiding under rocks or in sewers, after all. I am going back to Tahiti... for now.".

She points a katana at Alyx. "All this time and now you are here before me. You will be the star of MY show, next time we meet. And to think I had other plans.". She eyes Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman, for a moment, though these plans are all strictly in her head and nobody elses so far.

And then she dances, legs a blur of furry booted speed in her haste, and vanishes with a pop.

Alyx Vance has posed:
    Alyx reaches out with her empty hand and gives one of the chairs an invisible yank with her Gravity Gloves. She catches it by the top rung of the chair's back support and sets it down gently at its place in front of the kitchen table. "Sorry about the mess..." Alyx mutters, now taking a moment to take in the devastation her arrival had caused.

    Phffff. "I was born at Black Mesa," Alyx reminds Spiral, leaning forward a touch to give the words some forward velocity. "The human way." Her eyes shift to Harley. "Totally human. My parents had sex," she explains matter-of-factly with some pride lingering in her words, as if she expected the clownette to be impressed by this detail. "...But, not here."

    And then, Spiral's gone. "She could always make an exit..." Alyx admits with a sigh before tapping her finger against the earpiece. "Russell, how many blocks away is Tahiti? Russell?" Alyx growls softly before moving to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

    From her vantage point, that special spot in the living room where one could still see into the kitchen, Alyx gives Harley a rueful look. "How many blocks away is Tahiti?" she asks, letting some faux vulnerability into the sound of her words, as if it might help the other woman to take pity on her.