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Interrogation over beer
Date of Scene: 06 December 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Harley Quinn conducts an interview on Alyx after she crashes on April's apartment. They discover about Alyx's origins and how her parents had sex to have her. An important distinction!
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Alyx Vance

Harley Quinn has posed:
Following Spiral's teleport dance away means that Harley is left with the hot potato.. "O' course she just dances away now!" the clownette says in complaint, hmphing and shaking her head to herself. But she did promise a beer so a beer it is! She opens the fridge, popping a couple open.

"So, I hope ya ready foh talkin' about yoh life. It's April's beeah, and I just don't open it foh anyone!" big gift!

When Harley returns to the living room the two hyenas have settled down now, sitting near the couch and eyeing Alyx with an hungry look, from time to time they licking their big jaws. Intimidation tactics! "So! Spill the beans!" Harley demands, "Wheah ya from?"

Alyx Vance has posed:
    With Spiral gone, and Alyx having just proudly declared that her parents had slept together in order to create her, the situation was profoundly different from the chaos of earlier. Sure, the hyenas were still there licking their chops, but Alyx could relax a bit and let her guard down.

    "Uh..." Alyx begins, her eyes intermittently moving from Harley to the hyenas. "New Mojexico..." The words roll off her tongue like they're totally normal.

    With some caution, Alyx slowly sits on the arm of the couch, making a point to watch the hyenas watching her. "How about you..." Her words trail off there, as if to draw attention to the fact that she didn't know the other woman's name.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Really...?" Harley cackles very much an hyena, "That guy names his cities aftah him? Talk about havin' an ego! But the moouh I heah o' him the moouh I suppose that might be it!" clearly she has heard stories about Mojo before, "Let me guess, theah's a Mojo Yoik too? Oh is it New Moyoik?" she starts thinking about that for a minute before just shrugging, settling the other beer on the table near the woman.

"And ya know, woahd o' advice, noone heah wants ta heah about theah parents havin' had sex. It's gross! So no goin' around talkin' about it ta everyone ya find!" see? Harley is already helping!

"Me?" She mmmms, perhaps not used to people not knowing her name. Damn outer-dimensional travellers that don't know her fame! "I am Hah'lee Quinn!" she presenting herself. "Former harlequin o' crime. Those are Bud and Lou. And this is April's place. April is my bestie." there, everyone is introduced.

Alyx Vance has posed:
    A smile forms as Harley is so quick to deflate Mojo's triumph and accomplishments. "New Mojork," Alyx answers softly, her smile lingering. "It's the only way there could also be an Old Mojork." She reaches out to take the beer from the sidetable. In New York, she was underaged, but this would be their little secret.

    "Well, thank you, Hahlee Quinn," Alyx says with a nod, giving her beer a little wave in the air. She pronounces the clownette's name as it's given. Alyx even waves her beer at Bud and Lou, but the gesture seems somewhat sarcastic.

    Suddenly, Alyx leans forward with a quizzical look on her face. "What do you mean?" she asks. "If I don't say it, how would you know?" About her parents, that is.

Harley Quinn has posed:
A devious little smirk appears on Harley's expression. "New Modork." and she appearing rather pleased with that play with words. It's all about the little jabs! (Specially with Mojo not being around to hear it). And with her beer in hand she makes way to settle down near the hyenas, sinking into the couch as if a queen in her throne, the little beasts resting their heads on her lap. She takes a drink from her beer and relaxes, "So what's yoh beef with Spiral?" She asks, "Because she is one o' my besties too. So if ya got a beef with her ya got one with me too, capisce?"

There is a bit of an edge on her tone when she delivers those words even if her expression remains with that ever-present smile, the eyes a touch manic. Almost as if she was eager for things to go haywire. But then again, she doesn't seem exactly .., 'right'.

"That's how things awhe done around heah! Sex, that is. Moves the woahld too!" She explains, "Everyone does it! And those that claim ta not do it only means they awhe the woist and do even moouh! I hope ya ain't one o' those that still believes we awhe brought by storks to ouuh parents!" but then she squints her eyes, "Or...., how do ya people normally do the whole reproducin' thing eh?"

Alyx Vance has posed:
    "So. Former harlequin of crime? Is that feed-your-family-with-a-stolen-loaf-of-bread crime or...something else?" she asks, her browline rising a bit as she studies Harley. Her tone is ambiguous, making it unclear which side of the coin Alyx falls on this issue.

    "People are grown for Mojo's amusement," Alyx explains simply before bringing the beer to her lips. It's an oversimplification of the reproductive habits of the people of the Mojoverse, and certainly leaves out any mention of the Spineless Ones, but it's the world as Alyx sees it. "Not me," she adds simply before tilting the beer back so she can sip from it.

    Her first sip of beer brings Alyx to cough a little in surprise. It wasn't good, no, but isn't that always the case at first? She follows the cough with a polite smile towards Harley before resting the beer against her knee.

    "Spiral is one of Mojo's agents," she explains, turning her head to watch Harley's reaction to that. This is where Alyx catches her first glimpse of the clownette's madness and the mania on display. She looks away almost immediately and faces forward.

    "...I'm going after Mojo and taking him down means taking down Spiral," she adds, her words now cautious. "So, I guess that means you too?" Alyx stirs uncomfortably, as if preparing for a sudden exit.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Nah, it's moouh about bein' a princess of crime sorta thing while my ex was the Prince..." Harley gesturing with her hands while she speaks, "It's all sorta complicated. But we ain't togetha anymoouh so that part o' my life is done with. Finito. No moouh.." with the way she says that last part, so determined, it totally means that it's something not done with yet. "Turned a page in the book!"

"Ah, so ya someone who is sorta like me. Spiral is one o' the othahs? Created by Mojo?" with all she knew about Spiral the woman still kept rather quiet about her origins.

"And Spiral ain't one o' Mojo's agents anymoouh!" She sounding rather defensive, "She's heah on earth on a permanent manner! We have even fought against Mojo's minions already, out in the Wildways..." she then muttering. "This Swift Vengeance goon..." one of the new Mojo followers, a speedster apparently.

"And ya know what they say... An enemy of my enemy is my friend!?" she then suggests. "Maybe you and Spiral can join forces!" she then shrugging. "If not and ya come aftah her... Well, I will be kickin' yoh ass." it's all very simple to her really!

Alyx Vance has posed:
    "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that," Alyx replies, still facing forward, as Harley mentions her breakup with the Prince. She brings the beer up to her mouth again for another sip. "I've never even had a boyfriend, if it makes you feel any better." This point is given a slight sigh and then celebrated with another gulp of the beer, almost immediately after the last one.

    "I'm human, if that's what you mean. My parents are from Earth," Alyx explains. "But, it's my first time here. Seems..." She looks out at the apartment and even a bit of the chaos still visible in the kitchen. "....Nice."

    "I don't know if Spiral was grown or what. We have intel that it might not be the case, but we don't know for sure..." Alyx adds, leaving the 'we' unclear.

    The point about Spiral and Alyx working together earns a hearty -HA!- from her. "Yeah right!" Alyx exclaims, giving Harley an incredulous look. Instead of listing a bunch of reasons why that would never happen, Alyx's age shines through -- just a girl of twenty -- and so her answer is just one of simple defiance.

    But then, Harley's threat (or promise) lingers in the air. Alyx brings the beer back to her lips as she continues to face forward. "You can try," Alyx answers quietly before tipping the beer back and into her mouth. It's not a threat or a call to violence -- just one of those things that two opposing soldiers might say to each other in between battles.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I figured." This about boyfriends. "Since ya weah so proud of parents sex." psychoanalysis magic at work! "But so, theah awhe humans out theah in uh .., Mojoverse?" that makes her curious, rubbing at her chin in thought, those blue eyes looking at the same time manic but also calculating. That does explain a few things about Spiral... Maybe not as alien as she thinks! "And o' course this is a great place! This is Brooklyn!" she gesturing. "Best place ta live in..."

"And are ya stuck heah or what? It seems whoever ya were communicatin' with ain't answerin back so ..., ya got any money? Place ta stay? Know anythin' about earth?" the questions being shot with an high cadence. Curious clownette.

The challenge for Harley to try it makes her lunge forward suddenly on her seat. Most likely just looking for a reaction out of Alyx. "Betta be careful on what ya wish foouh!" another cackle escaping her lips afterwards, "I am serious though, if ya awhe heah on yoh own ya gonna need any allies ya can get."

Alyx Vance has posed:
    I figured. Alyx frowns a little at that. "I could get a boyfriend," she says with a slight tuft of air born out of frustration. She seals the deal with another gulp of the beer, the taste growing on her. "My parents had sex which means I wasn't grown for Mojo's amusement," Alyx points out, turning her head towards Harley as she says so. "Didn't stop him from getting it, though, thanks to your friend." The word 'friend' comes out with some acid.

    "There are some humans. Not many. Just a few, really," Alyx explains as she rests the aluminum can against her cheek. "Most of them are in the fight. The others are dead."

    Harley's sudden lurch does bring out a reaction -- Alyx leaps up in her seat, just a bit, as the motion catches her by surprise and breaks the razer line of tension. She recovers from it naturally, trying to shift back to her original position organically. She didn't want to give Harley the satisfaction, but it was reasonable to be nervous. Earth had a reputation as a bad neighborhood in the multiverse. Anything could happen.

    "I'll be fine," Alyx insists, using the declaration as a blanket answer for all of Harley's questions before taking the last gulp of her beer. As if to seal the deal, she crushes the can in her hand and looks over to see if Harley had seen it. Accepting help from the clownette was a risky prospect, but if any of this was going to get back to Spiral, she wanted to project a picture of strength.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well..., we all got ouuh past..." Harley taking in a big gulp from her beer too, a sleeve then brushing over her lips. Savage! "I have done some bad things, ya done 'em too I am suwah! And so has Spiral... But suwah, I can understand grudges!" she gives it a thought. "Could always solve it out on a duel. Maybe some mud... Oh pistols on the sunrise. Spiral would like that trope.." she muses, almost as if she was talking to herself. But soon enough those piercing blue eyes focus on Alyx again, "What I am sayin' is ..." and she leans forward, "... ya might wanna think things ovah instead o' just takin' a quick decision o' makin' enemies outta everyone heah. Clearly theah was a plan foh ya ta land right heah!"

The Dimensional Nexus that is April's Apartment.

The reaction from Alyx does have her grinning though, amused and chortling to herself, "See my point? Yoh awhe too nervous, bein' around heah foh the first time.." The can crushing does have her laughing. "Gettin' it ready foh recyclin'?" is she impressed with Alyx's strength? She finishes her own beer too. Do this one too! April' will appreciate the cans bein' all nice and flat foh delivery!"

"But well..." And Harley seems to have come to a decision, "If ya need a place ta rest in foh a day oh two, oh if things ain't as fine out theah as ya think they might be ya can always come crash at the couch. I know how it is havin' ta start ovah. I had ta do the same. April helped me then."

Alyx Vance has posed:
    There wasn't a plan, per say, to arrive in April's Apartment, but the intel said the arrival would at least be somewhere safe. The journey had been made in haste, as any delay could result in Alyx showing up in the wrong place and far from Spiral. It was this short delay, just a few minutes, that brought Alyx to Earth many months after Spiral despite departing the Wildways almost at the same time.

    "I'm not looking to make any more enemies than I need to," Alyx points out, glancing over at Harley, as if to say 'okay, I hear you.' The jab about the beer can goes unaddressed.

    "I'll keep that in mind," Alyx replies at the offer of a place to stay. Her tone softens, though, for the next part. "Thanks, Hahlee." As far as Alyx knows, there's no R in her name. "C'mon," she says as she rises to her feet. "Let me help clean this mess up." She points a finger at the doorway leading to the kitchen.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Good choice!" Harley then springs up to her feet, the hyenas yelping and perking up. Is it food time?! Clearly so as they start lapping towards the kitchen, gnawing at one another. As for Harley. "I appreciate that!" helping clean it up. "I will even offer ya an extra beeah foh the help." a wink and that seems to settle it.

And while she walks towards the kitchen she mentions. "So .., ya got some strength theah.. How good are ya at roller derby?" Harley. Always recruiting for her roller derby team.

But the rest of the time will be spent fixing the kitchen up so April doesn't notice more destruction at her place!