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She's Out of His Pantheon
Date of Scene: 03 December 2020
Location: Sushi Restaurant
Synopsis: The Ant-Man takes a Mafia linked demigoddess for sushi, challenges are issued to take place upon the field of minigolf.
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Sofia Maroni

Scott Lang has posed:

"Daddy is not getting catfished! You don't even know what a catfish is!"

"I know you're getting it!"

"Hush and be good for the sitter, I'll be home late...unless this goes badly." With such optimistic words Scott leaves, the usual laid back Dad look replaced by, well a laid back Dad trying to dress up. But not TOO dress up. The grey suit he wears is no tailor-made custom fit but off the rack from some department store, a little tight in the shoulders. No tie, something he'd agonized over for 20 minutes or so on whether it would make him look too stuffy or too unkempt, lingering doubts still in his head even now as he climbs in his blue Honda Accord and drives over to the restaurant.

It was far from five star, another thing he had mulled over again and again. A small sushi joint, sushi was fancy and fun he told himself, the interior decorated with the same tacky Oriental decor most places like this had. He mills around at the entrance, checking his phone a bit too often as he waits. Was he early? Too late?

"Stop it, you're a damn Avenger, not a high school boy on his first date," he mutters to himself. Which was true, but his dating life had also been in shambles since leaving his wife and getting out of prison, a handful of dates till now mostly consisting of women wanting the phone number for Captain America, Tony Stark, Thor, in one case Black Widow, and in an even more bizarre case Hulk. Not Bruce, just Hulk. That one he'd run away from in a hurry. With a sigh he leans back against the wall outside the sushi restaurant and closes his eyes, willing himself to chill out.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
For her part, Sofia arrives in a cab. The blonde is dressed casually-nice in a black cocktail dress that would work in a variety of venues. Halter neck and sleeveless, it bares her back and fits smoothly down to somewhere north of mid-thigh. Smokey stockings and heels complete the outfit, along with a light wrap in dark gray.

Stepping out smoothly, she flashes a warm smile at the sight of Scott waiting by the restaurant. No, the video wasn't enhanced and that smile is naturally distracting. She's already paid the cabby, apparently, and just gives him a wave before he drives off.

"Hi Scott." she greets, stepping right up to him. "Very nice to see you in person. Sofia Marion, to put a last name to the first. You can call me Sofie if you want, but I'm good either way."

She casually slips her arm into his own, then. "And sushi is one of my faves."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott's eyes open and he has to work to keep himself from making some sort of embarassing noise, his Adam's apple doing a little dance along his throat instead. "Sofie, hi, yeah, I'm, you're stunning. Sushi? Oh, right yeah the sushi," Scott stumbles over himself as she slips his arm into the crook of his own, likely able to feel how tense he was. His eyes are wide and he feels a million times more self conscious than even before, all the more as he takes note she's as tall or even has an inch on him in heels, and he was hardly a small guy. Maybe if he enlarged himself JUST a bit in the restroom later...no he shakes the thought away and steps inside with her.
     At least he'd thought ahead enough to make reservations, almost reluctantly letting her arm go as the two are seated soon enough in a quiet booth with a good luck cat figurine sitting on the table between them and a couple laminated menus. Scott doesn't even touch his yet, trying to stare at her while doing his best not to look like he's staring. Rubbing at his chin with one hand he says, "So Sofie, I don't know if this is a rude question or not but, have you been single long? I mean I kinda put out there you know, the whole divorce I've been through and everything but you, I can't imagine any fellow letting you get away from them."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia's stance is poised, yet relaxed, her hand warm and strong. And with her fingers she absently caresses his forearm through the jacket. Into the restaurant they go, where she settles comfortably and removes her wrap. She picks up a menu and glances it over, perhaps so she doesn't seem to notice his staring.

    Looking up at his question, she smiles and chuckles softly. "Thank you for that, and actually it's been more a matter of me keeping people out. Yes, I've been single for some time now... certainly too long. Between my singing career and a lot of travelling around, it's easy to avoid actual relationships."

    Her posture shifts and she leans forward a bit, resting her chin lightly on one hand. "But I'm sure you know all about that, with your... costume gig."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott relaxes a touch. Just a tiny bit as he leans back a smidge to hear she was single because she'd been busy and traveling. Sure she might be lying, but at least she hadn't gone off on a rant about some crazy ex. It was a start. He finally grabs his own menu as a waitress appears with some waters. "Drinks? Appetizers?"
     "Iced tea. Lemon please. Oh and some crab rangoon," Scott sounding just a wee bit excited at the prospect of the cheesy fried foods. He really was a simple man in many respects turning attention back to Sofie as she makes any requests of her own. The way she leans forward, it doesn't look at all intimidating and yet he finds himself leaning back in response with a squirm as she studies him and lets out a nervous laugh. "Yeah I guess, suppose I need to address that all huh? Hey I mean, it's not that different from what you do sounds like. Go where you're needed, do the job, head home for the night. Well, if I'm lucky, sometimes it takes a bit longer. It uh, keeps me active I'll say that," he vaguely dances around the subject. He had mixed feelings about being a so-called hero and it shows easily enough, a hand dropping to drum fingers on the table as he picks up his water and takes a long sip as if biding for time.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia looks up to the waitress. "Could you bring us a pot of green tea, please? And make the crab rangoon for two." She smiles back to Scott again. And she's still watching him when the waitress departs. Her expression softens and her voice lowers just a touch.

    "Listen, Scott, I can tell you're nervous. Don't be. I promise that I won't bite, and I'm just as uncomfortable with this dating-thing as you are. My performer's instincts are better at hiding it, that's all." And with that, she reaches out to slip her hand under his drumming fingers, lacing them with her own.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Grasping at his hand for a brief second only makes things worse, Scott staring down at his fingers laced with her's for a long moment before he finally laughs and his squared off shoulders finally relax. Once more he leans back forward again and nods.

"Yea, sorry. I know, you're right, I've just been out of practice and every one I've been on since joining the team has been at best a disaster. Way easier dealing with bad guys where you just have to punch someone or break something," he admits, the first genuine smile he's had that hasn't appeared shaky as he gives her fingers a brief squeeze before letting go so they can sit back. Adding jokingly, "You ask me for Tony Stark's number though and I'm sticking you with the bill. So go on, ask, I know I can't get around it. What do you wanna know about the Avengers?" going for the direct course, his usual modus operandi as he takes another sip from his water and sets it back with a clink, his heart rate back to something approaching normal.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia chuckles at the Tony Stark reference, and she shakes her head. "Really? You could do that...?" Her eyes brighten then and she leans in a bit closer. "Scott, I promise that I'm here for you, okay? Seriously. Forget that Stark guy." She leans back a little, then. "And while I do have questions about the Avengers, that's not the reason I responded to your ad. I mean, I could always just walk up to the Mansion and make an appointment or something, right?"

    She tilts her head a little, then, watching his face. "Tell me a little more about you. Or Cassie. Or even your Ex, if you want. And feel free to ask me questions as well. Although now that you've got my full name I'm sure you'll run a top secret background check on me or something."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Alright alright, you've convinced me. And no probably not, good luck getting past our secretary. They'll barely let me in the building," Scott certainly preferring to sprinkle in plenty of jest with his words as the appetizers and drinks arrive. The order of various sushi rolls is placed next, Scott wasting little time in grabbing one of the greasy snacks and dipping in sauce, though he waits a moment to say more before eating.

     "Not a whole lot to tell about me. Well, I mean I guess there is but, you know. A few years in prison doesn't make for the best dinner date stories. And uh, feel a bit funny talking about the ex on my first date. I dont know, just trying to get my life together this last year or so, stumbled my way into the hero business, nearly got my butt thrown back in jail for it. Next thing I know I have a steady job but everything else is gone topsy turvy. Cassie has been about the only sane port in a storm I've had through it all. I just want her to have a whole family. I mean, she does on my ex's side but...umm. Sorry that was probably a bit much sharing," Scott catching himself monologuing a bit.

     There's the slightest flush to his cheeks as he hurriedly stuffs the food in his mouth at last, a hard swallow before he says, "OK you can at least TRY and embarass yourself now. Any tales of embarassing brace mishaps when you were a kid or forgetting the words on stage or something?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia is not new to sushi rolls, and is also pretty good with chop sticks. She eats neatly while talking, managing somehow not to talk with her mouth full. And as he starts rambling he'll likely catch her smiling in response. Especially where Cassie is concerned.

    "Embarassing mishaps when I was a kid? That part is, well, complicated..." she replies, pausing to take a sip of tea. "Discussing family is usually where I start to throw up barriers, so please excuse me if I get a little evasive. I'm still working on it, but I want to trust you with something. It may just come in small steps, okay?"

    Chopsticks, sushi roll, sauce, then delicately nibble it. All without making a mess. "Without naming names for the moment, my father was a member of the Mafia."

Scott Lang has posed:
    There's less grace to Scott and more competence by perseverance and force. He knows HOW the chopsticks work when the rolls arrive, but more often than not he either fakes it by simply stabbing a roll or mashes them so hard they fall half apart. But he chews with his mouth closed and at least never makes a move for the fork despite it all.

    "Mmm, hey it's fine. I mean I met a few guys from the mob when in prison. Polite dudes mostly and it's not like we get to pick our family right? I mean I've been in prison, not like I'm going to sit here and judge you cause your father did some bad things, that ain't YOU" he accentuates briefly pointing a chopstick at her.

    One can almost see him warring in his brain whether or not to make some stupid crack about Godfather or the Goodfellas, but mercifully Scott once more displays a modicum of restraint as he clenches his jaw and makes himself not do it. Instead he asks, "So singing a safe subject then? How long you been at that? Maybe could come hear you sometime. Never did much more than karaoke myself, certainly not good enough at that anyone ever invited me back."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia shakes her head. "I'm not here to make you an offer you can't refuse, Scott. And no judgement from me, either. I mean, I understand how easy it can be to be misunderstood as a hero." She pauses for a moment, then adds in a bit lower voice. "That's part of the reason I'm hesitant to get into the business."

    Did she just imply she's considering getting into the *hero* business, or did he miss something?

    Sofia chuckles, then. "Singing is always a safe subject with me, actually. I grew up on the classics, blues and big band, mostly, but I'll sing almost anything. Except for Rap or maybe Hip-Hop. And I was serious about sending you my show schedule."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Oh I'm so glad you said it before I had to at some point," Scott seeming like a weight was taken off his mind when she makes the movie quote, only to brow raise a moment later. HAD she said that? Another thoughtful nibble of some rice and salmon and he remarks, "I've generally been a classic rock fellow myself...actually there's probably some footage online by now of me belting out AC/DC backed up by some giant ants but, sorry did you say you wanna be a hero?" Scott takes a sweep of the room with his eyes and then looks back at Sofie. It wasn't suspiscion per se but he could feel something was odd even if he didn't know what.

    "Sofie I don't think, I mean, look I'm not out to dash anyone's dreams or anything but vocal training isn't going to cut it for taking down guys with guns," his tone gentle, doing his best not to seem demeaning. He'd only met a few and been warned by the Avengers about the wannabes. Good-natured folk that wanted to help, and were totally unequipped, unprepared, and a danger to themselves and others. Best to be upfront and make them think you're a jerk than luring themselves into putting themselves into danger was the rule of thumb.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia smiles, chuckling a little while chewing on sushi. "You're quick, aren't you? But there's more to me than just my good looks and singing voice. Let's table that for later, okay? But if I couldn't take care of myself I wouldn't even consider it."

    Chopsticks are empty, and unless he's watching REALLY closely he doesn't see her steal a sushi roll from his plate. And even then it's unlikely. Brows lift and she smiles almost playfully as she nibbles.

    "Oh, I definitely like classic rock, but I don't have the right kind of voice for AC/DC. I can do a really good Steven Tyler, if you're an Aerosmith fan."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott was a practicing magician of sorts, but alas even he isn't quite prepared to catch a demi goddess in the act of sleight of hand as he looks down at his plate quizzically with furrowed brow. "Thought I had...well, I'm done eating I suppose," at least full, Sofia saving him from perhaps stuffing himself to the brim as he downs the last of his tea and settles back with an appreciative groan. "Please don't make me picture you as Steven Tyler, I don't need that image in my head," he pleads with a faint shudder that is only half joking. No longer having the safety net of the food to keep his hands busy his fingers pluck at the thighs of his pants below the level of the table even as he cocks his head to one side and nods.

    "And fine. Maybe if, you know, we're still talking a few weeks from now you can show me what you can do. You know like, an assessment," he finally settles on saying. Oh, he was going to judge HER as a hero, the guy fumbling over a pretty date. Flashing another smile that at least some might qualify as handsome he asks, "And hey here's one. Every time these dates it's all trying to figure out what the other person likes. So tell me, what do I need to avoid hmm? Any strong hatred for minigolf? Despise sandy beaches? With me it's escape rooms. Please, please don't make me go to one of those. They got so mad when I shrunk my way out of there."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia tilts her head and gives him a coy look, then. "No? Not even with the tight, low-rise pants and the plunnnnnnging open shirt?" She leans back a little at the last, drawing her hand down to her navel with a playful look. Then she chuckles. "I wouldn't even TRY to pull off his look. Seriously."

    She finishes and sets down her chopsticks. Neatly. Across the plate. "Okay, then. An assessment it is, I can definitely live with that. Now things to avoid..." she looks thoughtful for a moment. "I already brought up my father's Mafia family. Gonna go slow on that one. My mother is a long and uncomfortable conversation all its own. I'll save that one for after the assessment. But that's really it for me."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott looks. Of course he looks. When a buxom blonde starts using words like plunging and running her fingers down her body any man and even most women are going to look. He probably lets his eyes linger on her torso a second or two longer than they should before he blinks and snaps his head up so fast it looks like he might sprain something, a hand drawn to his mouth for a cough.

    "Right, right, yeah, no parents. Hey it's fine, as a rule I really don't go asking about a woman's parents. That would just be, well a bit creepy I think," Scott points out. Snorting as he adds, "Though maybe I should, heavens knows my mother-in-law should've been a warning sign. Still, no questions on it. And now that you totally missed the boat on saying no, we will absolutely be going to play minigolf with my daughter next time. If you still want to see me again after this. No wait, you already agreed to the assessment, yeah I think you're locked into this mistake my dear," Scott teases as the waitress returns to ask about dessert.

     Still missing his stolen roll Scott purses his lips and checks the menu. He liked sushi, but most of the 'traditional' Oriental desserts were totally foreign to him. Peeking over top the menu he says, "So, split a slice of chocolate cake with me?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia chuckles at his reaction. Predictably so. "Minigolf with Cassie? I wouldn't miss it." she replies, leaning forward a little again. "And since we ARE already locked into an agreement, I'll go ahead and give you a teaser. Remember, now, you can't back out. And I'll tell Cassie if you try."

    "Chocolate cake sounds wonderful, too. And so does splitting it, so it doesn't go straight to my thighs." The waitress swings by, catching an order for cake and coffee. Cappuccino for Sofia.

    "Okay, so now the teaser. You work with Thor on the Avengers, so this shouldn't come as too much of a shocker for you. My mother is a Greek goddess. I'll give you the whole story after minigolf."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "I'm glad the kid thing isn't scaring you off. I know it's not exactly what most women are looking for in a man but, she really is...I'm sorry your mother is a what now?" Scott's gushing over his daughter having to come to an abrupt end as Sofie's teaser finally hits home in his brain. Shouldn't come as much shocker? It was still far from normal and Scott looks at her face a long while looking for any hint she was joking. She seemed so pleased with herself he could make neither heads nor tails of it and finally shakes his head. "Yea, sure, why not. Greek goddess that eats chocolate cake and sushi. Sorry that's your mother. What demi-goddess? Ahh right, no questions no questions," Scott reminds himself as a large hunk of cake is set down between them.

    From the amount of gooey icing/fudge/and even chocolate sprinkles on it one can safely assume it is not part of any diet plans. It doesn't stun Scott quite as much as the goddess tale but it still gets its own shocked expression all the same as he picks up a small dessert fork, his mouth salivating a bit. "So, since you brought them up and the only rule was no talk about parents. How are your thighs anyway? You know, scale of 1 to 10," he teasingly asks as he digs the tines into the dessert.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia doesn't look like she's joking, and if anything she looks amused by his reaction. The smile remains, and when he starts asking she lifts an index finger just as he catches himself. "Right. Small steps, remember?" she replies. Of course she knows that the minute she mentions Aphrodite he'll doubt any and all possibility of real feelings, either hers or his own. Aphrodite is many things; forthright and honest are not among them, however.

    "You really have to ask? I thought you would've been checking out my legs when I got out of the cab. Very sloppy of you, Mister Lang." It's almost a chiding, as she picks at her side of the cake with the small fork. "But I'm sure you'll get another chance, so don't worry."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "There was a lot to take in and not much time to do it! Besides, I'm a hero you know, I had to be keeping an eye out for danger the whole time too. See how you made it all the way from the cab to here without harm falling upon you? All my doing. It's a very exhausting job," Scott seeming far more willing to joke about his heroics than discuss them in great detail. If only he had the power of X-Ray vision too as for at least a moment he looks at the table which blocks his sightline of Sofie's lap as if the furniture were his sworn enemy.

    The gooey cake at least helps to offset any surliness he feels on the matter though as the two of them eat, Scott doing his damndest NOT to hurl himself at sweets the way he usually does, there's at last only one bite left. Scott carefully scoops it onto the fork and leans forward offering it out. "Tribute for the demi-goddess Sofie from her humble servant. Oh great Sofie, bless this man with good fortune and a few holes in one come mini-golf," he solemnly intones. He'd managed to avoid teasing her about the Mafia, it seems she only got off the hook one time though when it came to her lineage.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia nods sagely between bites, even managing a halfway serious expression. "Yes, well, I'm sure I can come up with a way to properly thank you later." she replies. "Being the damsel in distress, and all." Does she notice his gaze? Maybe she even suspects X-Ray vision, but she doesn't seem bothered by it either way.

    When the last bite is offered she leans in slowly, lashes lowering before she replies. In fluent Latin. <May the blessings of the Goddess go with you, and be upon both you and your child.> Opening wide, she slowly drags her lips along the fork to clean off that last bite. <And may I not totally kick your ass in mini-golf. To the shame of your child.>

Scott Lang has posed:
     It was meant to be a joke. So why was Scott suddenly feeling like his shirt collar was two sizes too small as he watches Sofie eat that bite in seeming slow motion? He takes a deep breath and finds himself gazing at her lips even as she speaks and while it might not be magic he was still under a spell of softs as he slowly presses back and picks up his water, downing what was left as the check arrives. "I don't know what you said but I loved the way you said it. And cake just moved up the list on my favorite desserts. Hmmph, I'll have to bring donuts or something next time," trying to snap himself out of it as he lets out one more sigh and picks up the check, his credit card tucked inside and vanished into the back almost as soon as it hits the table.

    Still trying to drag his mind's eye off her eating dessert he remarks, "So outside your singing though, any interests? Hobbies? I mean Cass and work keeps me busy but I still find time to practice card magic. Bit of drumming. Not uh, not good enough for stage mind you but I can keep a tempo. Too much time on videogames just so I can stay caught up with my daughter. What have you got going on with you?" he fishes.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia chuckles at that, easing back as she finishes the cake morsel. "I'll keep that in mind; whisper sweet nothings in Latin." she replies, with a touch of a wink. "My Italian is better, of course." Mafia, duh! "Well singing is as much a hobby as a profession, of course. Like with most musicians."

    She leans back, then, looking thoughtful as he takes care of the check. Sofia doesn't try to stop him, either. "Cassie already warned you about card tricks, I think. But I'm into self-defense. Not so much formal martial arts as just fighting. I blame my upbringing. Oh, and shooting as well. Pistols, rifles, shotguns whatever. Target shooting, clay pigeons, that sort of thing."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "I have got to remember not to take you to Olive Garden, that would probably deservedly get my ass kicked," Scott opines as his card returns, a few dollars set on the table for the tip. "Which it sounds more and more like you can do. Sounds a lot like me. I mean, I've gotten a bit more training since I joined the team but most of my style is just brawling. I didn't get in many fights in prison but enough to learn how to use every advantage and not worry about making it look pretty like Cap and Widow do somehow," a hint of jealousy in Scott's voice.

    Standing up finally though he offers his arm again. "All done? Gotta make you get back to your cab alright after all my damsel in distress with her self defense training and fondness for firearms. By the way if you do ever come to my house we have a no guns policy so, you will be frisked on the way in," he assures her with a nod of his head and a proper twinkle in his eye.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia rises when he does, picking up her wrap and stepping up close to slip her arm through his when it's offered. "No frisking on the first date, Scott." she replies, almost deadpan, as she steps in close. There's a definite spark present, however, and she does crack a smile.

    "And don't worry about it. Just because I like to shoot doesn't mean my apartment is an armory or anything. Besides, where would I even hide a holster in this dress, hmm?" With that, she shifts and gives him a playful hip-bump. "But I learned to fight from a bunch of hit-men, so it's all pretty results-oriented for me as well. Shall we, then?"

Scott Lang has posed:
     It was kind of adorable in an awkward sort of way, which pretty much sums up Scott in how he deals with most of life as he sets his other hand atop Sofie's and walks with her outside into the rather brisk December night. Even with his suit he felt the chill, surely she'd...but there wouldn't be much reaction from a demi-goddess would there? If anything it helps to prove her story about her mother more than anything as he fails to spy a single goosebump on her cocktail clad form as he hails down a cab.
     All proper and gentleman now as he gets the door and holds her hand as she slips inside, his head poking in just a moment to whisper, "Oh and thighs, ten out of ten. But it won't help you on the field of putt putt. Been a pleasure Sofie," lifting her hand for a quick kiss across the back of her knuckles before he stands and shuts the door. Waiting until he THINKS she's out of viewing range before the people around him on the sidewalk are greeted by the sight of the grown man in a suit throwing up a fist pump and shouting, "Hah YES!"