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Latest revision as of 06:49, 10 December 2020

A day at work
Date of Scene: 08 December 2020
Location: Clinic <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: And the ghost gets the button.
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Karita Landry

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is here at the clinic helping out. He maybe a bit young but he is a resident at one of the local hospitals, and puts in time here. He does not look like your average doctor, but he does have the white coat, even if he is wearing sun glasses inside. He has came out of the back talking to a few patients here and there, seeing if he can help some of the minor concerns without a full office visit.

Karita Landry has posed:
The door to the clinic opens up with a soft woosh of noise as a brightly garbed figure enters. The individual is college age - perhaps, hair pulled back into a French braid that swings grandly about her waist. She wears an outlandishly bright shirt of tye-die wonder, black jeans with patches on the legs filled with unicorns, kittens, rainbows and other Anime influenced critters. And she appears to be talking to herself.

"Are you absolutely positive this is where you left it?" Karita's gaze flickers to the left, 'talking' to empty air. It's only as her gaze adjusts to the interior light that she lets out a slight click noise with her tongue. "This is so not funny if this is a practical joke." Her gaze is still looking at 'empty' air, head slightly canted to one side.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over to the woman a brow raises a moment, but this is mutant town. She may be talking to her invisible friend, so he does not automatically believe she is a loon. He will look to the woman he is talking to and says "Alice is ok, it is just a sprain she just needs to take some over the counter meds, and rest her arm." He does pull a lollipop from his coat pocket, and gives to the little girl. Then he stands and looks over to Karita "Hello, can I help you?" He asks in a friendly tone.

Karita Landry has posed:
Karita's eyes narrow slightly, gazing at that empty spot with a critical expression. Her mouth purses slightly down, "Oh, great, NOW you're not sure." She intones with a snort, hands planted on her hips. With a shake of her head, Karita's gaze soon moves away from the ground and towards the young man offering a bit of candy to the girl. A wry grin is offered, though Karita's gaze flickers past the girl a moment, then back towards Robert. "Well, I was wondering if you or your staff, or .. cleaners .. might have found a button." There's a slight pause a Karita's gaze flickers to one side again, then back to Robert. "A large button, about the size of a quarter.. it has flowe..." A pause, "It's been painted with roses, excuse me, tiny roses in the center - oh good grief, I'm getting there. Tiny roses in the center and the button is blue, while the flowers, yes, roses, are red." At that, Kari's gaze turns and offers a hopeful expression to Robert. "It was lost about two weeks ago."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "I did not, but I can ask, and see if someone has. As a button you mean one with a pin you wear on your shirt or hat, or more an actual button to hold something closed?" He asks to make sure he knows what he should be looking for.

Karita Landry has posed:
With her attention on Robert, Karita's hands lift upwards, 'talking' as she does so. "It's about yeah big." She glances sidelong then returns her attention to Robert. "And started out a button, that you use as a clasp - to a coat, but it was then made into a broach with a clasp on the back, though the clasp is probably broken, why it was lost." Karita's attention is occasionally shifted around the room, her eyes seemingly looking past everything into empty spots along the chairs, walls, and otherwise, before returning back to Robert. A slightly shifted stance is offered then, moving from one foot, to the other. "It's an important item to .. a lady who ah, would really like to be bur... to have it back."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's brow raises a bit to the change of words, but nods a moment. He will walk over to the nurses window and asks, them about it, and they offer to check lost and found. He turns back to Karita, and says "They can check lost and found but if it not here you can leave a name and number for us to contact you or the lady if we find it."

Karita Landry has posed:
With a deep breath of relief that she wasn't asked to visit bedlam, or if she was on drugs, which happens... Karita offers another bright smile. "Oh, thank you. That would be great. It was made by her mother, and given to her when she was just a little girl." With a roll of her eyes, Karita turns to the empty space next to her. "I'm -getting- there." A shake of her head, and Karita begins shifting through her pockets, "Here, my card." At which point, the blonde produces a small card that simply reads, 'New York University Paranormal Society' - Karita Landry, along with a telephone number. "I can be reached there." She states, index finger idly pointing to the number, before the card is handed towards Robert. "Sometimes it's difficult to move on, if you've lost something really important to you."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's brow raises a bit and says "So, this is for a ghost?" He will ask her at this and says "I have not seen any myself, but there are a lot of things out there, that I have not seen yet." He admits. He does pick up a pen, and makes a note on the back of the card "So, when do you need it by for her?"

Karita Landry has posed:
One hand idly lifts upwards, running splayed through Karita's bangs, send the strands to flit wildly about her forehead, as she talks. "Yes, well, as The Bard states, 'There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy'."

Canting her head to one side, Karita's gaze flickers to the empty air next to her, bobbing her head a little, before turning back to Robert. "She's not really sure, I was actually going to just sneak into the cemetery and bury the button in her grave if I could find it." And Karita states this without a flicker of doubt, shame, nor pause. She does what needs to be done. "She remembers being very ill, but that's pretty much it, that and not having her button." Kari's face scrunches into a frown, before her gaze flickers back to Robert. "Thank you for being so understanding, ah, Doctor..?" She inquires casting a look towards any name-tag Robert might be wearing.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look over at the woman and lets his eyes adjust for a moment, to "see" the ghost. "Now that is interesting." He will comment as he seems to be looking over at the spot the woman is in. "Did we loose her here? I mean I hope we are not part of what happened to her.

Karita Landry has posed:
Tilting her head to one side, Karita's mouth parts, then closes again, noting that Robert is looking -directly- at the spot the spirit is located at. One brow idly quirks upwards, before lowering again, leaving Karita to pause in her talking - though only briefly. "No, she came here and was directed towards the hospital, that's pretty much all she can remember, that and just being very ill - like cancer, or something similar. Lots of times they just don't remember the finer details - other than what is really causing them annoyance." Stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jeans, Karita shifts slightly nervously from one foot to the other, "Anyway, I need to head back home, before it gets dark." No one likes to be out at night, though Karita really hates it. "Thank you for your help, and understanding."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to Karita and shakes his head slightly as if clearing it "I'm Robert, Robert Marksman by the way." He offers in name, as it seems seeing the ghost may have distracted him. He will hmms a bit, and starts looking about the room. After a moment, he will hmm, and walks over to a spot in one cornet, and pulls out a pocket knife and starts prying at the floor boards.

Karita Landry has posed:
The energy source situated next to Karita seems to almost pulsate slightly, the air getting significantly colder. "It's nice to..." Kari begins, before her voice pauses as Robert moves towards the floor boards, prying them up with a small pocket knife. "Have a thought?" She inquires, the smile to her features growing wider, teeth showing. Taking a few steps forward, as well, Karita's hands remain in her pockets, trying to look past Robert's shoulder towards the floor boards themselves. "She says that area seems familiar to her. If that helps."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and seems he pulled up the one that the button was under as if he knew exactly where it was. He will reach down getting the button and turns to offer it to Karita "I believe this maybe it?" He asks her.

Karita Landry has posed:
Reaching out her hand to collect the button, Karita's fingers clasp about the small item, her gaze flickering backwards. "Uh-huh. Hey - thanks! That was a brilliant stroke of luck there, Mr. Marksman. Or should that be Doctor Marksman. Anyway. Brilliant!" Casting a glance down at the small, quarter sized blue button with painted on roses, Karita squares her shoulders, spinning about on her heels. "Yes, yes. I'm going, but I'm going to get help, Andy can help me. He might have a matchbox we can put this in, too." It's only as her hand reaches the door that she pauses, and turns about again, green eyes twinkling. "You're the best, really. Thank you for this, I might have a good nights sleep now." Kari's fingers pull on the door, as she heads right on out and into the near evening air.