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Latest revision as of 03:19, 11 December 2020

Listening to a One-Hit Wonder
Date of Scene: 10 December 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Jethro Glass timeskips to 2020 New York, and a Spider patches him up.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Jethro Glass

Peter Parker has posed:
4 PM. Central Park. Temperature: a balmy 49 degrees. Forecast: Sunny.

Except if you in the northern half of the park, where storm clouds are brewing. And not figurative ones, either - an entire square mile is overshadowed by dark clouds 500 feet up, blue lightning arcing between clouds.
A lot of people who were relaxing in he park were reminded of the Egyptian Incursion about a month ago and were vacating the area. Cops have been called, but only a few vehicles are on the scene and are stopped at the perimeter of the park. Park Service has also been notified.

And, at the southern tip of the park covered by the highly-unusual weather, sits one Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, perched on a light-pole and recording the whole thing through his mask and the drone currently moving around the cloud formation.

"It's Thursday, isn't it? This sorta thing always seems to happen on a Thursday..."

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Already Men and women in white hazmat suits have gathered together with fancy bleeding edge equipment ready to check on the potential findings of this little bit of strange weather a brewing within central park. No real effort has been made to seal it off quite yet but such motions are being prepped just in case on the off chance.

     A few officers are on sight half moving in with rain coats on as the weather begins to turn for the worse a torrential downpour begining to fall only in a perfectly cut off section of the park.

     The weather goes from bad to worse in a matter of seconds building and growing into a torrential downpour wind carrying the waters to the edge of the strange weather zone but no further.

     "That's strange" One of the workers calls out. "The readings aren't showing a traditional source for the activity, it just IS." Sounding completely perplexed as he looks across his complex scanner a mets baseball cap almost smacking him clear in the face as a child runs past him to try and catch it.

     The cap continues flying past right up towards that street lamp the child running across open ground now soaking wet from the rain water. He's a little boy no older then 6 jumping for his hat as he runs without super vision chasing after his hole ridden baseball cap.

     At the center of the region a brilliant bolt of lightning strikes the ground. It forms a ball that grows out from the size of a marble into the size of a mini-van and further into the size of a back yard swimming pool of electricity giving off a brilliant light and shooting off arcs of electricity that manage to fry nearby electronics.

     Those standing too close are thrown back violently with electricity arching off of their uniforms, the only things to save their lives! Birds are shocked out of the sky from the force of the impact spinning down towards the ground as the electricity maintains its size a completely white wall of force with lines of electricity covering its surface.

Peter Parker has posed:
The cap is snagged by a webline, but the kid is about to get a little talking to about running into hazardous areas when the ball of energy impacts, then spreads outward.

Spider-Man realizes the kid is about to get turned into a crispy critter and covers the kid in webbing, hanging him on the lightpole. This has the dual effect of not grounding the kid and the webbing acting as an insulator, forcing the energy to follow the path of least resistance. Which means going through the lightpole under him instead of actually through him.

The drone is far enough away, but the HUD shows the effects of mild electrical interference as he watches and waits.

This is about the time a naked bodybuilder appears, usually.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     The electricity begins to turn clear not fading outright but instead becoming more transparent like a window into another world or place. Through this veil one can see what appears to be the top of a mountain with soldiers dressed in union and confederate uniforms jeering and cheering on a pair of men fighting with cavalry swords at the top of the mountain. Neither one appears to be in good shape battered and bruised, with uniforms torn open and drenched by the rain.

     Glass stands in his confederate uniform shirt torn open by a blade the lightning ebbing out from the end of his blade as he makes contact with an ancient Inca amulet caught mid explosion held by what appears to be a union general. The scene appears frozen in time for a long moment.

Peter Parker has posed:
Granted, Peter's strength is in science, but he had seen RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK as a kid, and the other two movies had instilled a desire to become Indiana Jones. So he had developed an interest in ancient history.

And the Civil War, being almost 170 years past, was ancient enough. So he recognized the uniforms.

"...Holy cow, it's an Einstein-Rosen bridge."
He looked down at the kid, who was staring up at him. He put the cap on the kid's head, then dropped to the ground to get a better look, the drone moving around it to get as much footage as it could.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     The kid looks up for a long moment following Parker with his eyes as the hat is places down onto his head. He can't do much more then just watch as he twitches about in that little webbing that saved his life. He sways a little bit in the air offering a quiet. "Fanks pider man!" Through the missing two front teeth that still haven't quite grown back in for him.

     On the ground the men and women in their hazmat suits begin examining the phenominon once more looking over the scene with what they can. Though for the most part their equipment was fried by the sudden EMP thrown off by the massive orb that had appeared out of nowhere.

     One of the scientists moves her hand forward to touch the now transparent orb only to get a brief shock of electricity. She rips her hand back shaking it down to one side letting out a low "Ow that smarts". Before blowing on it through her hazmat suit as if that would do much of anything.

     The surroundings of the mountain appear to be some sort of mountain top where two armies are fighting over the entrance to a city of some sort? Though the entrance appears to be made of gold and platinum with the locking mechanism split between the two forces.

     It's not hard to tell that the leaders of the two sides appear to be the Union general and this Confederate soldier currently fighting to the death outside of its entrance.

     The Jethro Glass is wearing a mask of Cotton and has had his chest sliced open holding a jewel encrusted cavalry sword which is currently transferring the brunt of a lightning strike to an ancient Inca medallion. Just looking at the two men it's clear to see that the two men are related, likely brothers.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looked backk to the kid. "Once the light show is over, I'll get you out, son. But right now you're safer where you are."

He looks back to the portal...or window...or whatever it was. There was a lot of data coming through and he was going to have to analyze most of it later. But this was certainly one for the books. A window to another time period? Definitely another geographical location, closest mountains here were the Adirondacks...

Jethro Glass has posed:
     The Boy now slowly spinning in place as he's managed to get a light twist in the web just calls over "Dake your dime piderman" With a bit of a friendly smile as he slowly spins in place trying, and failing to get a good look as he twists around and around on the light pole.

     One of the examiners brings fourth a simple drone from the back of his truck and sends begins to send it fourth into the bubble himself attempting to examine the situation for himself. It passes through the bubble crossing the thresh-hold.

     Time resumes, and violently. The Lightning bolt strikes the sword causing the cavalry blade, and the Inca amulet to explode outright into a brilliant lightshow. Jethro is thrown back and out of the bubble crossing up and over. The union general is thrown into the opening of the city some of the troops on both sides are knocked off their feet some falling out of the bubble are killed by crossing the thresh-hold.

     In a sudden moment the entire bridge slams shut leaving behind anything that was partially crossed over between the two passageways, including a now confused looking Jethro Glass laying on his back looking up towards the rainy skies.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks as the portal suddenly collapsed, expelling people in all direction. Debris and objects went everywhere.
A long object flew sraight at Spider-Man who reached up and caught the object, plucking it out of the air. He looked at it for a few moments before he recognized it - a Whitworth rifle with a long telescopic sight fitted on the side of the rifle instead of the top.

He looked at the man on the ground, his Confederate uniform, and realized the rifle must belong to him.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "I would thank you kindly" Jethro starts as he rolls over on one side bleeding onto the ground, from where he'd been slashed open by his brothers blade. "If you'd hand me back old Lucille stranger". The masked man offers a bit of a smile clearly in pain as he looks up from the ground the only one out of the group to be ejected from that dimensional protal and still find himself alive.

     The workers who'd been examining the portal bring themsleves to their feet collecting bits of shraptnel and weaponry from the surroundings as well as from their vehicles examining the sheer velocity with which some of the historical artifacts have been propelled into their research vehicles.

     Off from the sidelines police are finally making their way over. To check out the scene, the boys in blue unsure of exactly what's just happened on their watch.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looked down, then pulled the medical kit out of his backpack, slinging the rifle over one shoulder. "Right now you look like you need medical attention more than Lucille. So let's deal with that first."

He opened the medical kit, pulling out antiseptic, bandages, and a medical stapler. "Open up your shirt, lemme see how bad it is. You can call me Spider-Man. What can I call you?"

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro pulls open his shirt revealing a canvas of scars and battle wounds. It's the sort of thing most modern men wouldn't have come back from. Old and new stitches a like making for a network and patchwork of scars that mesh together to something borderline unrecognizable.

     From the more recent battle it looks like there's a few gashes from the sword fight that are a bit bad, but thankfully nothing modern medicine can't deal with. For the medicine of the era it likely would have been lethal, but a few stitches and he'll be fine.

     "One Hit wonder" He coughs a bit. "Thought I was original with the false name, but since it looks like I might be dying you may as well know." He pauses for a moment. "Names Jethro Glass, From Indiana, and it is a kindness to meet you Spider-Man"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles, a smile visible even through the mask. "This will sting a bit, Mr. Glass from Indiana. I'm from Queens, New York, myself."

Spidey begins cleaning the wound with antiseptic, and the results are encouraging. "Okay, Jethro...It looks like you have a moderate laceration, this slash here, but it hasn't damaged the muscle too much. I'm going to clean it out, and then I'm going to close it. It'll hurt, but it'll hurt a lot worse if I leave it."

He checked the wound over. "All right...One Hit Wonder. That has a different meaning these days. It usually means a band of musicians who write and perform a very popular song, but are never that successful again. Okay..." He holds up the staple gun. "This is going to hold your wound closed with bent metal strips. I need you to relax for this next part."

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "Caught a chance a scratchings from that Arkansas toothpick of my brother's, so I reckon it might" Jethro Grumbles to himself gritting his teeth on a strap of leather just bellow his neck so he doesn't grind his teeth on the pain. The man seems fairly used to the pain of medicine though he seems to be expecting far worse.

     He spits out the leather back into place. "These days?" He asks still looking up towards the strangely clad man. "May have just come back from thinking I was cold as a wagon tire, but I know I aint been out that long son."

     With an incredulous look on his face turning to a confused expression at that strange device Jethro doesn't have much option but to stay still on the ground as Spider-Man works his magic.

     Out and around the two the police work through checking if any of the others are alive and tending to the scientists who had shown up to examine the strange phenomenon even as the weather begins to clear back up to a fine and sunny day. It seems that everything is returning to normal leaving nothing behind to show that strange situation except the bodies and the bits of debris.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man took a deep breath.
"Mr. Glass, I'd like you to take a deep breath, look to your left above the trees. You are currently in New York City, in Central Park."

Spider-Man presses the wound together, then presses the stapler against it. There is a click-CLACK, and twin needles of pain dig into the flesh, but the wound at the point stays closed.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro takes in that deep breath following the orders of what he presumes to be the costumed doctor who's assisting him. And as he looks out into the skyline he can't help but half about cough up a lung.

     He forces himself to stay stable out of sheer dicipline but there's a great deal of shock going through him as he looks from one side to the other looking first at the city all around, and then at those strange things in the sky, those horseless carriages riding through the streets and those odd looking clothes on the ground.

     He barely has a moment to notice the corpses scattering the ground of his comrades in arms and the men he'd been fighting against as he just looks from one side to the other trying to keep the brunt of his body from moving.

     "You know how to pile on the agony." He looks back to Spiderman for a long moment, still trying to process what he's just seen. At the very least it seems to have distracted him from the pain. "Almost makes El Dorado seem pointless."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey uses a fourth staple, then inspects his handiwork. The bleeding is slowed drastically, and a pressure pad and bandage should hold him together.

"Sorry, Mr. Glass. The current date is December 10th...in the year 2020."
He applies the pad, then begins wrapping up Jethro's chest. "Where were you an hour ago...and what was the date?"

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "Well I was at Juarez peak New Mexico, and it was January 6th, 1865" Jethro takes a long pause after saying the words he sets up for a moment looking off into the distance as he's wrapped up setting in thought. "I'd finally tracked down my bastard brother who'd killed my sons and put their heads on pikes outside of town." He shakes his head slowly from one side to the other. "Was finally going to bring him to justice for what he'd done." He pauses a long moment. "Didn't have a care for that city of gold, but it was the whole reason the Confederacy funded my little revenge quest, thought it would fund the war effort."

     He slowly brings himself back up to a stand.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Easy there, soldier. I don't know what happened to your brother, but I do know the war ended a few months later." He looked around. He was in no condition to take on a guy who had just leapfrogged 160 years. But...

"Look, Glass, you need rest. You need a hospital, and a place to absorb all this." He took out a card. "When the police come by...you'll know who they are, show them that card. Give them your name, rank, and that you came through the portal, and tell them you want them to call SHIELD. When the ones from SHIELD come, give them that card, tell them Spider-Man suggested it. They'll be more equipped than most to help you."

The card simply had, in block text, "MARY JANE WATSON, SHIELD AGENT" and a phone number under the SHIELD eagle logo.

"I'll hold on to Lucille for you right now. They might take a dim view of a firearm in your possession. After you get settled and sorted out, they'll provide you with ways of understanding and handling the 21st century, and I am betting that a way of getting in touch with me will be one of those things. Just get in touch with me, if I don't contact you first. I promise Lucille will be well taken care of."

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro Stumbles slightly to one side catching himself in the process from falling over. He doesn't look too kindly on someone else holding his gun but he does take that business card. "You best take good care of her." He points towards Spider-Man.

     "Lucille's the last thing I've got in this world." He stumbles his way over to a nearby park bench after grabbing the card and looking it over a bit confused at the numbers listed on the surface. He doesn't seem to fully understand if it's an address or quite what but seems content to wait for the police if needed.