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Latest revision as of 03:19, 11 December 2020

Fairy Apartment Visit
Date of Scene: 10 December 2020
Location: Meggan's apartment
Synopsis: Meggan invites GLamour to stay with her. It's adorable.
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Meggan Puceanu

Glamour has posed:
So, there's a tinkling at Meggan's window. A polite knocking from a tiny, tiny figure.

A glowing blue light that flickers and blinks to get her attention, see. Glamour is here, and she wants in.

IT's cold out here, okay?

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan is busy reading, ironically a book on the Fae, which is probably mostly inaccurate, but she has a lot of unanswered questions regarding her lineage, and there isn't much information available outside of folklore.

The quiet knocking does shake her out of her concentration. The flickering and twinkling fills her insides with warmth, she just can't help it! Glamour is always a welcome sight!

Meggan peers for a moment and then makes the short walk to the window, opening it, "Hey you!"

Glamour has posed:
"..ugh, never greet me with 'Hey'," replies the tiny, tiny fairy! 'HEY!' is a sore spot for her. "Everyone's alwqays making 'Hey! Listen!' jokes. Everyone who's played that stupid video game, anyway! UGH!"

It's not her vault she looks like Navi!

And Tinkerbell!

(Actually, it's totally her fault.)

"ANnnnyway! How're yoooou? It was BORING out there tonight so I thought I'd come visit!"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan smiles, "Right.. bad habit. I am always shouting out 'hey'.. but yeah come in! I don't keep empty bottles around so don't worry about.. yeah." She will close the window once Glamour is inside, "Honestly you can just sleep here every night if you want. I don't mind! I don't do well with most roommates. They're so messy.."

She gestures to the books, "What do you think? I personally think I've hit rock bottom in my research. I'm desperately flipping through pop culture references and old wives tales now trying to learn more about.. well.. us.."

Glamour has posed:
"Fairy pop culture is rubbish, don't go there," says Glamour, firmly, tongue in cheek. She spins in the air, leaving a trail of glitter around her.

"Speaking of it, do you hate Tinkerbell as much as I do?" says the Tinker-bell looking fairy. She flutters to Meggan and goes to sit on her shoulder. "Sure! I can move in. Hang out. You're gonna have to leave the house cleaning to someone else, though."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan thinks, "No I can't say that I -hate- Tinkerbell but it does get tiring that every depiction of a fairy looks... well like her.. and coincidentally you. People always want fairies to be cute, with wings, and who never have a bad though about anything. But no we do get angry.. and we don't always have wings."

She sighs, "And I know these books won't tell me much. But it's really all I have to go on right now. I wish Roma was here... he'd probably give me an ear full about... something. Anything."

Glamour has posed:
"Roooooma?" asks Glamour, fluttering around her in circles now. "Who's Roma?" YES. That Glamour looks like Tinkerbell in any way is totally coincidental and not at all a fault of pop ccultur influencing her particular views.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan nods, "Yes he helped me when I got trapped in Otherworld.. even glamoured my parents so they'd think I was still a teenager when I got back and would forget that I was gone at all. He basically ensured that my return wouldn't be.. a shock. It would have been hard to explain where I'd been all that time. I don't know where he is now though.."

Meggan ponders, "Still probably in Otherworld.. he was an old man. But I doubt he was human. I just assumed he was one of the Fae.. but he revealed my true form and showed me the source of my power. Without him I would be even more lost than I am now."

Glamour has posed:
"Your true form?" asks Glamour, curiously. Another flutter around Meggan.

"I mean, I don't know you that well. Is *this* your true form? Or is there another?" She's curious and means nothing by the probing, personal questions.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan laughs a bit, "Right.. we never talked about that. Sorry.. I'm thinking out loud as much as I am talking to you. But this very close to what I looked like when I was born. I can shapeshift into.. well anything I like. But it can be taxing. My true form is who I really am.. even this body is a trick really. I was born in disguise. In truth I am... bright. I mean literally bright, blinding light. I have natural senses in that form that just.. well it's different. I can sense so many things.."

"But I don't have a lot experience yet, being my true self, it's not really a complicated thing, it's just that it feels... really crazy when I do it. And people are likely to run away.."

Glamour has posed:
"So do you glow like me?" asks Glamour, curious. She has no idea, but she's definitely interested. She DOES glow, after all. "I have to work to make myself NOT glow... which is a pain in the ass!" SHe takes a moment and indeed, stops glowing that soft, blue light that suffuses her. "It's like ... meh. The most I can do is get big for a while." Which she does! She moves away from Meggan a step and then, there she is! Full size! "It doesn't last long," she adds, her voice still musical even now. Like bells! You know.... tinker... bells.

The dust gets everywhere, though.

She sighs.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan nods, "Yes glowing and all! I don't know if I am as bright as a feel but yeah.. there's definitely glowing! People notice me and the world just.. seems to transform into this contrast of things that are magical and things that aren't. Depending on where I am my surroundings can become... really dead or really alive."

At Glamour's sudden increase in size, Meggan can't help but be a bit impressed, "That's nifty! How long can you stay big? Long enough to go the movies at least?"

Glamour has posed:
She makes a face.

"...nnnnno. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes?" She looks down at herself. She is clothed, barely, in stripes that cover the appropriate parts. "I generate the costume with illusions. Doll's clothing is just NOT made for wearing. I really ought to take Ms. Van Dyne up on her offers..."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan smiles, "Right.. well how often can you do it? For me it just depends on what I am shifting into.. I could turn into a huge dragon right now but it'd make me really tired after. I'd have fire breath and all..."

Glamour has posed:
Her eyes get huge and she advances suddenly on Meggan.

"REALLY?" Big eyes.

"A DRAGON?" all excited.

"I can only do it once a day. It's *really* draining to be this big."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan nods, "Oh yeah.. we never talked about that either did we? Well.. I can just think of something and turn into it. It doesn't even have to be real.. I can just shapeshift into it. Some things are more tiring than others. The less tiring it is, the longer I can stay that way before I have to revert back to the way I am now."

"But yeah.. dragon, vampire, werewolf, cat, other people, anything really." She looks at Glamour, "I don't know why you can't shapeshift the way I can though.. you'd think that it wouldn't be much different.."

Glamour has posed:
"...caaaaan you get tiny?" asks Glamour, curiously. "Like, we could have tiny movie night on someone's iphone!"

This sounds like an exciting idea to her.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan smiles, "Yeah I can get tiny, like a mouse, or just a small version of myself if I wanted to. I could even be smaller than you get but that would also be pretty taxing on my energy. There's a certain spectrum where I am more comfortable you know? A certain ways bigger.. and a certain ways smaller."

Glamour has posed:
"Right, no. I can totally get that. Somewhat. I think. I'm just excited we could do TINY movie night. Because I'm tiny. Shit sucks at six inches tall." She grabs Meggan's hands excitedly, bouncing once up and down. "It would be NORMAL."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan smiles again, "Well why don't we just do that now?" She grabs her remote and turns on the TV. It's not long before Netflix is popping onto the screen. She obviously stays away from Disney stuff.. anything resembling winged fairies.... "How about.." She turns on some movie about a vampire and a werewolf falling in love.

Then Meggan shrinks down to around Glamour's size, maybe just a bit bigger, within her comfort range, "Now we can watch a vampire and a werewolf fall in love.. and they will look like complete giants!"

Glamour has posed:
For her part, Glamour just sseems stunned. And then excited. And then stunned. There's a lot of long staring at Meggan with ... huge amounts of gratitude. She has to look qaway before her eyes well up. Someone is doing something normal with her.

This feels amazing. And it shows.