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Latest revision as of 03:20, 11 December 2020

Par for the Course
Date of Scene: 09 December 2020
Location: Mini-Golf Course
Synopsis: Scott, Sofia, and Cassie too play a round of mini-golf. Then Sofia abducts Cassie to 35,000 feet.
Cast of Characters: Sofia Maroni, Scott Lang

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia is pretty sure she's never actually played Mini-Golf in all her long (relatively) life. With that in mind, she's looking forward to it on many levels, and not just the new experience. Meeting Cassie should certainly prove to be fun, not to mention seeing Scott again.

Come to think of it, a second date IS a new experience for Sofia.

She arrives early, and dressed quite casually. Jeans tucked into leather knee boots, a colorful peasant top under a light jacket, blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Certainly a change from the cocktail dress.

She lingers near the entrance.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Casual but not TOO casual. Scott is usually the epitome of throwing on the first thing he finds but spends at least 30 minutes overthinking things before he settles on white sneakers, jeans, a t-shirt that reds 'Jokes about German sausages are the Wurst!' and a plaid long-sleeved buttonup left undone over it. With just the barest hint of product in his hair. Sofia was certainly worth at least a smidge of hairgel. Oddly he's almost more nervous this second go-around as he parks, his blonde 6 year old daughter practically bouncing in her seat. "Is she nice? Is she really that pretty? Will she have a gift for me? Daddy I get to go first..." the rambles of the small child not stopping until they're out of the car and Scott crouches down in front of her.

"OK Cassie, I need you on your best behavior with Miss Sofia, you've got that right?" he tells her.

Cassie blinks back innocently a time or two before she grins. "Got it Daddy!" she confirms before looking over his shoulder and seeing Sofia, recognizing her having seen the video response she sent Scott. Showing none of the shyness most children her age might with strangers Cassie rushes up to her. "Miss Sofia, Miss Sofia! I'm Cassie! ...are you really dating my Dad? Why?" she asks sounding rather incredulous.

Scott groans as he walks up more slowly behind and just sets a hand on top of Cassie's head, his other over his own face a moment. "Hi Sofia. Meet Cassie. Cassie, this is Miss Sofia," he says, finally taking his hand off showing just a bit of red to his cheeks from the awkward start. Some things didn't change.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia certainly recognizes Scott, which limits the options on who Cassie is. Even if the girl wasn't calling her name and running right up. Sofia's whole face lights up as well, and she crouches down to be on Cassie's level when the girl rushes up.

"And you must be Cassie." she replies, looking from the girl to her father with a hint of a wink to the latter. "Scott, you should've *told* me she was so pretty." Sofia offers a hand to Cassie, all formal-like, before rising to greet Scott with a hug that lingers enough to deepen his blush.

"You do ask a really good question, Cassie. But I'm sure I'll figure out why I'm dating him about the same time he figures out the same for me." Beat. "By the way, you two DO know that I've never played this before, right? Not that I want you to go easy on me or anything."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott freezes up a moment at the hug before his arms find their way around Sofia's back and offer a tender squeeze in return. Cassie meanwhile now behind Sofia looks up at her father's face and makes what can only be described as a smoochy face as Scott scowls at her before the hug ends, quickly flashing back to a smile. "I didn't have to tell you she was pretty, she lets everyone know it," Scott teases his daughter as he takes her hand in one and loops his arm through Sofia's with the other.

"Watch out Miss Sofia, Daddy cheats," Cassie enthusiastically pipes up and if Scott was slightly blushing before he's a sputtering tomato red now.

"At golf! She means at golf! And NO I do not! You are ALLOWED to move the ball when it's up against the wall like that! I...are you sure your mother isn't supposed to be watching you this week?" Scott mutters making his daughter scowl at him and stick out her tongue.

Scott shakes his head and sighs as he leads them all inside the mini-golf grounds, not much more than a small shack of a building where folks can buy their equipment along with snacks, with the rest of the facility being just the open grounds with various wacky themed obstacles. The requisite windmill can be seen on one hole, a cartoony gator opening and closing its mouth on another, a small artificial babbling stream running through or around many of the courses with a few small bridges leading over it here and there along the footpaths between holes.

"Don't worry Sofia, it's easy! We'll teach you. I mean you're gonna have to know how to golf if you're going to be a hero. Pretty much a requirement," Scott assures with a confident grin, finally unlacing arms and hands at the shack as he pays for the clubs and colored balls.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia laughs at the cheating comment, her arm quite comfortable hooked through Scott's. "Oh he does, does he? Then maybe just you and I will get ice cream afterward..." she replies, casually coy. "And no, Cassie is all OURS today. I'm not sharing."

They head towards the grounds, then, and she offers. "Maybe later, after the game, I'll show you something cool. You know your dad can do some cool stuff. Also goes along with the hero stuff."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Hey, hey, no running off you two, I'm part of the package deal especially where ice cream is involved," Scott grumbles in good humor, though he already is starting to feel like he's out-numbered as Cassie and Sofia click. Cassie getting much smaller putter than Sofia and him, his daughter hurriedly selects a bright yellow ball from the 3 he got, a blue for him and red for Sofia as they step up to the first course.

"And yeah, I know, my Dad can get really small!" Cassie pipes up more loudly than is necessary drawing some looks from other patrons. Scott is already out of blushes by this point despite the game not having even started and just lets out a beleaguered sigh.

"Cassie, just shoot your ball. And use your inside voice," he mutters at her.

"But we're outside..."

"Do it anyway," the embarassed father says as Cassie shrugs and steps up to take her first shot, the first being through an opening on the side of a miniature barn, a playful sign on top reading, "Can you hit the broadside?"

After Cassie takes her shot Scott encourages Sofia to step up and stands up close behind her. "It's all about positioning..." he says, his body brushing up against her as he wraps his hands around her wrists to help guide her.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia spends some time selecting the 'right' size putter... with Cassie's help... not to mention one that's the right color to match her blouse. The blonde smiles a lot at the interaction between father and daughter, watching with open curiosity as Cassie shoots first.

Trying to mimic the girl's stance, Sofia moves awkwardly as she tries to get into position. That's when Scott helps, and if she pushes back against him it's surely unintentional. Right? If she's seen this approach in movies she plays along anyway, and it's Cassie who gets the curious look.

"The positioning, hmm?" she replies, tilting her head back a little to not quite put it on Scott's shoulder. "Is that what we're calling it now?" For all that, she takes her time with the positioning and manages a halfway decent shot.

Scott Lang has posed:
For just a moment Scott turns his head into the side of Sofia's, his lips practically on her ear as he whispers back, "There are just all sorts of positions I'd love to see you in," before his rakish smile is back. Who him? No he's just a goofy father, never said a thing as he watches Sofia's shot at least make it through the other side of the barn. "Good job, we'll be calling you the Goddess of Par before you know it," Scott teases, following up with his own shot as Cassie just cocks her head at the pair of adults and then shakes her head.

"Old people are weird," she mumbles before skipping to her next shot. The next few holes go in much the same fashion, Scott frequently finding an excuse to adjust Sofia's leg, or lift an elbow, but nothing untoward, and seems just as ready to help his daughter when need be. It's on the fifth hole something strange happens as Scott fires a bad shot which sees his ball coast around a low brick wall that now lies between his ball and the hole.

"Oooh, we're gonna beat you now Da...HEY!" Cassie calls out in annoyance. A look down revealing Scott's ball moving back the other way, slowly and without spinning. A closer look revealing dozens of black ants holding it up from underneath as they march.

"What?" Scott replies with an innocent whistle.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia laughs, resisting the urge to elbow Scott in the kidney or hook a calf with her putter. "Demi-Goddess." she corrects, flashing a grin to Cassie. "And yes. Yes we ARE weird. It's in the job description. And you'd best not be hustling this game of Mini-Golf. Where I grew up, guys who hustled Mini-Golf got their thumbs broken."

She plays along, and even enjoys the contact-game that she's having with Scott on the side. At least until he brings the ants into play.

Leaning lightly on her putter, Sofia looks from the ball to Scott and then to Cassie. "He cheats." she declares, nodding knowingly. "Do you let him get away with this all the time, or should there be consequences?"

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott continues to do his best to look nonchalantly innocent as the ants march his ball around to within a couple inches of the hole before they scatter. At least he didn't let them put it in. He had STANDARDS though he grins at Sofia as he picks his putter back up. "Frankly I don't know what you're talking about. The rules simply say play the ball where it lies. I never touched it at all!" he insists as he steps up.

Cassie meanwhile stands there with arms crossed glaring daggers at her father. "No. Usually Uncle Hank smacks in the back of the head when he does stuff like this. Or one time I waited till he wasn't looking and hit his shrink button and then dumped applesauce on his head," the little blonde girl proudly announces.

Scott's grin falters at that and he pauses in taking his shot to point his putter at Cassie. "We've been over this, that wasn't funny. I smelled like apples for a month," his gaze shifting to Sofia with some suspiscion now and a slightly more sheepish smile. "Don't get any ideas now. It's uh, all in good fun you know?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
"Until someone gets their teeth knocked out with a putter." Sofia replies, almost sweetly. Cassie gets a curious look, then. "Hit his shrink button, hmm? I'll have to remember that one. Maybe without the applesauce, though." Sofia looks back to Scott, then, after he takes his shot.

"Scott, I've decided that Cassie is going to be part of my demo. One, because I trust her judgement, and two, because she doesn't CHEAT at Mini-Golf." They continue the shot rotation while the conversation goes, and Sofia leaves that generic and vague statement on the table.

"Cassie, do you trust me?" she asks.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott flinches a bit as he takes his shot when Sofia mentions knocking teeth out and despite being only a few inches from the hole his ball skips over and misses. He smacks his lips together and mutters, "Women," before knocking it in on the next go only to look up with an overdue sense of caution at what she says next. "Hey, now wait first of all Cassie you do not show her where the button is and sec-"

"I'll help Miss Sofia! You're nice and you don't cheat at golf either!" Cassie running to her side and bouncing excitedly without even knowing what she's volunteering for. Along with sticking her tongue out at Scott.

Scott rolls his head back and takes a deep breath. "Oh my god, why did I want to bring another woman back into my life again when I can barely handle the six year old? Alright, yes, fine you can help Sofia with her demo when we're done," Scott acquiesces, not entirely sure he had a choice in the matter by then. At least he seems to lay off using ants any more as they continue playing.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia laughs softly at that, looking delighted to have an accomplice. "Just remember, Cassie, it has to stay a secret, okay? If I'm going to get into the hero business like your dad, I need to know that people can keep my secrets." The more they play, the less Sofia pays attention to her actual form while golfing.

She's apparently physically adept as well as having a good singing voice. "Did your dad tell you I'm a singer, Cassie? Granted I sing mostly at bars and places for big people, but that's not all the time. I'm sure your dad lets you help him all the time, too. When you're not pushing the shrink button, that is."

Scott Lang has posed:
"I'm right here you know!" Scott reminds the two some might say vengefully bratty blondes. Unfortunately for him both seem to be enjoying ignoring him which only messes with his own concentration all the more as they keep playing, Sofia's natural athleticism and poise soon overtaking Scott's...well lets face it, he was no golf pro to begin with. But he had the MOST experience and soon sees that advantage dwindling, barely staying ahead of Cassie as they near the end.

Cassie meanwhile seems delighted to have someone else that will work with her to give her father a hard time. While him and his ex-wife were hardly mortal enemies, it was always a bit tense when they were together. She nods eagerly. "I can keep secrets! I keep them from Dad all the time!"

"Hey wait wha..."

"And I like to sing too! We can watch Princess Ponies Sing Along Jamboree number 16 later and I'll teach you all the words!" Cassie crows out enthusiastically, drawing a laugh from Scott.

"NOW we'll see who suffers," he taunts Sofia as they approach the last hole. This one was different than the rest, a clown's face at the end of a single skinny ramp leading up at a sharp angle, the hole being the center of its mouth. Off to the sides of the ramp were simply deep pits. You had one shot, make a hole in one and win a free sundae, or lose your ball to the pits so the employees could collect them later. Scott gives his club a little twirl as he looks at the silly hole. "So, this where we put some stakes down?" he challenges.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia laughs and plays right along into Cassie's hand, often shooting Scott a knowing smile as well. "Princess Ponies Sing Along? That's a new one for me, Cassie, and I know a LOT of songs." she replies.

Then comes the last hole, with the all-or-nothing shot. Sofia looks it over, even stepping up closer for a better look. "Are we talking stakes for you and your little friends, or are we going to play this one straight?" she replies. Of course she'd be better with throwing the ball, but that's hardly sporting.

"Loser buys ice cream, or something more?"

Scott Lang has posed:
Daughter was there, only second date. Scott reminds himself of both those facts as Cassie steps up. SHE wasn't interested in whatever the adults were playing at, she just wanted her free sundae. Alas Cassie was good for a six year old but the tricky shot was a bit beyond her as her ball sailed off into the pit on the right, the clown face at the end lighting up and letting out a mocking laugh as the young girl stamped her foot and fumes at it.

"Still wasn't cheating!" Scott continues to insist though he has a feeling he'll be paying for that one later one way or another. His eyes flick to Sofia and back to the hole and he purses his lips. "I'd say winner picks next date but I got the last two, probably your turn anyway. How about we make this real childish, winner gets to pick a truth or dare on the loser," Scott challenges as he steps up and sets his ball down to take his shot, waiting to hear if Sofia accepts.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni doesn't hesitate, but she does bite her lower lip as she nods. "You're on, Lang." she replies. Then she shoots a look over at Cassie. "Truth or Dare is probably going to be adult-talk, Cassie, but I promise I'll make it up to you." she replies. Sofia looks almost genuinely nervous as Scott prepares his shot, likely for the first time during the whole Mini-Golf match.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "I don't know what she's talking about Cassie. Adult talk. I guess Miss Sofia wants to talk about taxes or something," Scott feigns innocence as he lines up his shot. Cassie seems unimpressed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes like she was far older than she was. Scott ignores it, taking his time, probably MORE time than should really be taken for a minigolf shot. But this was for the big one! All the marbles. He draws the club back and smacks the blue ball, which rolls straight and true up the path and into the clown's mouth.

No laughter, instead a few small sirens go off and steam shoots out of the clown's ears. Scoot whoops and hops in the air while a bored teen worker announces over a speaker, "Congratulations, you've won a free sundae on hole 18."

Scott fairly dances out of the way and takes a bow to Sofia. "Your shot I believe m'lady," just a BIT too gloating for his own good to be making on a date. He didn't get winds perhaps as often as he'd like, and seems in no hurry to help Sofia with THIS particular shot.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
"Right. Taxes." Sofia quips back, deadpan. Everyone watches as Scott steps up and sinks the all-or-nothing hole. She rolls her eyes and groans, before laughing softly as he dances and gloats. When he finishes she places her own ball, grumbling only a little. "Looks like we'll be having a LONG discussion about taxes..."

Stepping up, Sofia doesn't prepare nearly as much as Scott before giving the a swat. Up the ramp it goes, but she hit it a little hard and the ball catches a bounce near the end of the ramp. Skipping up, it hits the top of the clown's mouth before falling into the abyss.

As the clown begins its mocking laughter, Sofia's response might be a little surprising. She points to the clown with her putter with hand on her hip and lets loose with a long stream of Italian that sounds, well, less than nice. For a moment it's not quite certain whether she'll break the putter, fling it away, or perhaps even brain Scott with it.

Then she smiles, regaining her composure before handing it to him. "Good game, Lang."

Scott Lang has posed:
It was only after Sofia stepped up and let loose her string of Italian that Scott began to have second thoughts about beating a demi-goddess. Weren't the ancient gods and goddesses supposed to be a petty, vengeful, fickle sort? Scott sweated through the tirade while Cassie stared wide-eyed, clearly trying to learn all the 'fun' Italian words she might repeat later and ask what they mean. As Sofia finishes and hands Scott back the club to turn in he lets out a nervous dry laugh. "Yea, good game. Next time I'll teach you about playing Monopoly. Really see how mad you can get. Nobody wins at that," he teases.

Stepping over to the shack he turns the equipment back in and collects his coupon for the free sundae off his winning shot before turning back to Cassie and Sofia. He's barely opened his mouth to say something before Cassie 'yoinks' the coupon out of his hand and pockets it, gaily chirping, "I'll hold onto it for you Daddy!" Scott glowers at her a moment before he shakes his head and looks to Sofia with a wry grin. "I'll collect my winnings from YOU next time on that bet," approaching and hesitating but a moment before he slips an arm not through her own but around her waist instead as he starts leading them back to the parking lot. "Any ideas where you want to go next time my divine and holy?" he teases, Cassie skipping along gaily behind them.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni laughs softly when Cassie claims the coupon, pretty sure the little girl would've done that either way. "Right." she replies to Scott. "Long talk about death and taxes." When he slips his arm around her waist she eases her own around his just the same. They take a few steps towards the parking lot, and she turns to glance briefly back at Cassie.

"Well I -did- promise Cassie that she could help with my demo." she replies. "We probably don't want to do that right in the parking lot, however. As for the next date? Since we're going to be talking about important things like death and taxes, how about we keep it somewhat private?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"Probably not, I'm not so adventurous as to try things like that in PUBLIC," Scott putting on a scandalized tone of voice and fanning at himself with one hand. His fingers squeeze at Sofia's hip and he smiles though, going quiet for a few moments, simply enjoying her presence, the peace, the sense of family despite being only a second date.

He takes his own look over his shoulder just to check on Cassie and she's looking at the pair of them from behind with a grumpy expression on her face. 'Kiss' she mouths silently and in case he doesn't get it she makes a smooch face and then holds her hands up like puppets and mashes them together. Where was she LEARNING stuff like this Scott wondered as he gives his daughter a dirty look and then focuses again on Sofia. Clearing his throat he slides his arm up a bit higher along her side and pulls her in, then goes for the kiss, his lips parting just a touch, half expecting a lightning bolt from the sky yet.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Was Sofia expecting it? Maybe, maybe not. But in any case she's ready for it. And when Scott turns to kiss her she meets his gaze with a twitch of a smile and lowered lashes. It's a nice kiss, lingering just long enough for her right foot to lift. And only once the kiss parts does she shoot Cassie a grin and a knowing wink.

"Well as it happens, I -am- feeling a bit more adventurous now." she replies, one hand adjusting his collar unnecessarily. There's a little path from the Mini-Golf place to the parking lot, and it's not terribly busy today.

Sofia steps back from Scott, offering a hand to Cassie. "You wanna go for a ride, Cassie? Just a short one..." And that's when a pair of large, rainbow-feathered wings suddenly sprout from her back and unfurl with a *snap*.

Scott Lang has posed:
When the kiss releases, and he was almost sure she had to be the one who did because he was ready to let it go till he ran out of air, Scott briefly presses his lips together and looks back at her with an enraptured look about him. Standing up just a bit straighter as she fusses at his collar he sucks in a deep breath and then promptly is flustered all over again at her words. "Adventur-I don't have a babysitt...oh. OH right, the demo. What are you..." Scott's words dribbling to a halt as the irridiscent wings sprout forth like they had been hiding behind her the whole while and he'd just never noticed. Scott's jaw drops, sure he's seen plenty of strange and wondrous things in his life but there was something positively, angelic and holy about it, and the fact he had feelings for her only magnified the beauty of what he was seeing. "Sofia I had no, wait ride?"

Scott's mind is taking a bit long to catch on but Cassie knows what's up as she fairly runs at Sofia and leaps up at her, forcing Sofia to either catch her or go down in a heap as Cassie. "Yes, yes, yes! I want to fly! OHMYGOSH, your wings are so pretty! Daddy we'll be back!" Cassie it seems isn't asking for permission, even at 6 she knows she isn't going to get that many chances for something like this and wasn't about to let a 'no' get in her way.

"Yeah but, Sofia, I, umm," Scott fumbling over a response. Oh gods if his ex found out...

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni crouches a little as Cassie runs up, catching the little blonde missile in her arms with a laugh. Holding the girl tightly against one hip, Sofia gives Scott a playful grin and replies. "She'll never know, trust me." Looking down at Cassie, then, the winged blonde sinks a little into a crouch and her wings tuck in just a little.

"You ready, munchkin? Short ride this time, but we'll do it again. Promise."

It's all the warning Cassie gets before Sofia is just *gone* in a rush of wind, launching into the air at ridiculous speed. One moment they're on the ground, and the next there's just the sparkly, rainbow reflection waaaay up high.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Yeah but how fast and high are we...OH GEEZE!" Scott finding himself stumbling backwards as a rush of air blasts over him and his girlfriend and daughter are just GONE! His heart races and as much as he trusts Sofia there is a very real pang of fear running through him as he looks up, one hand held like a visor over his brow as he searches for them in the sky. "No no no, this was a bad idea, very bad. HEY! HEY YOU TWO! BE CAREFUL!" he cries out like every worried wart parent ever, drawing at least one nearby couple to look at the man yelling at birds with a bit of a worried look of their own before they hurry on.

Not that it mattered, it's not as if either of the girls could hear him anyway. For one they were too high, for another the air rushing past them made quite a woosh. And for another Cassie was squealing, not in terror but glee, the adventuous 6 year old having spread her arms wide, trusting in Sofia to hold her. "HIGHER HIGHER!" are the only actual words she seems to speak now and then, her smile as wide as it can possibly get, already thinking about telling all her classmates what SHE got to do this week.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia can fly very high and very fast, but she also knows that Cassie is only mortal. Holding Cassie under the arms while the 6-year old squeals and screams to go higher, Sofia laughs as they fly fast enough for the wind to tear at their clothes. "Next time." she calls out.

Once they are above the clouds, Sofia's wings stretch out fully with a loud *whump* and the two just hover there for a moment. "Isn't it beautiful?" she asks, feathers rustling just enough for them to stay aloft. "But this is one of MY secrets, Cassie. Remember, we talked about this earlier. You can tell people that you went flying this weekend, since they know your dad is an Avenger. But don't mention names."

Scott Lang has posed:
OK they were out of sight now. Scott's near having a full on panic attack. What was Tony's number? Power-Girl? Who else did he know that could fly?

For Cassie though it was heaven, she was getting to fly and with an ANGEL no less. The little girl scarcely squirms, her small hands pulling back to rest atop Sofia's as her wide-stretched rollercoaster smile pulls back to one of awe-inspiring beauty as they fly through a cloud, Cassie shivering from the cold moisture. And altitude. "I love it Miss Sofia. I love it so much! I won't tell anyone about you, I swear! PLEASE I wanna fly again I...I'm c-c-c-cold though," Cassie can't keep it out of her thoughts for very long. Sofia might be a demi-goddess immune to the elements but Cassie was a very mortal 6 year old dressed for a breezy day of mini-golf, not cloud soaring and Sofia can likely feel her starting to shiver even as Cassie wants nothing more than to keep flying.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia's voice is soft and full of understanding, especially when Cassie shivers. "I know, munchkin. That's why this is only a short flight. Next time we dress you more warmly." Pulling the girl close, and facing outward, Sofia murmurs. "Okay, we're going down now. It'll be fast, but I've got you."

Sofia furls the wings and pitches forward into a steep dive, plunging down head-first. She keeps the speed under a hundred, opening her wings just enough to keep the fall more or less controlled. About thirty feet above the ground the wings snap back open again to break their fall, although Sofia still goes into a deep crouch. There's another flutter, a shimmer, then the wings are gone.

"Just a short demo." she offers to Scott with a grin.

Scott Lang has posed:
"CASSIE!" Scott cries out as he rushes over into a crouch in front of Sofia and grabs his daughter into a tight hug. "Oh my gosh you're freezing, Cassie we need to get you some soup or something and..."

At the same time he's speaking though Cassie is as well, neither waiting for the other as she babbles, "Daddy Miss Sofia took me up really high and we went through the clouds and she's an angel Daddy and I got really cold but Miss Sofia hung onto me and I wanna do it again!"

"We, we'll talk about that. Maybe uh, maybe next time I go with," Scott suggests, not quite sure how that would work just yet but not going to bother thinking about the logistics. When it's clear Cassie is fine if shivering Scott grabs his keys and with a 'BOOP' unlocks the car with the remote, hustling Cassie off to climb inside. Letting out a sigh he looks back to Sofia, his worried parent expressiong softening.

"Sorry, sorry you know I trust you Sofia I just...holy crud you're fast and the wings, I never even thought..." Scott breaking out into a short laugh. "Alright I'll admit it, there was maybe still a small part of me till now that also thought you might just be a crazy woman talking about the goddess stuff but, I guess I'm a full on believer now," rubbing his hands together as he speaks in a sort of nervous fidget at the admission. Someplace 'private' next time she wanted. "So, your place or mine next time?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia understands about being a worried parent, after all she had one of those herself. The other one? A very different story. She keeps her distance a little, after giving Cassie a parting hug, and watches as Scott puts the girl into the car. Once he turns back towards her she speaks, keeping her voice low.

"My place." she replies, without hesitation. "I am an apprentice to the Iris, the Goddess of Rainbows... sort of the female counterpart to Hermes. She is not my mother, but that is a much longer story that will require a lot of wine."

Sofia smiles, then. "I would never, ever put Cassie in danger. I know you know that, but I wanted to say it all the same." Another pause, then she steps up to kiss him. Lightly. "I had a good time today, Scott."

Scott Lang has posed:
There was that twinge of thinking this beautiful blonde was a bit crazy again even though he had literally just seen her with wings and flying. Goddess of Rainbows...how many gods and goddesses was he going to have to learn?

"You're a complicated woman you know that?" he sighs dramatically before returning her kiss, the only thing that seems to shut him up.

"I had a great time with you Sofia, leaning over to whisper teasingly in her ear, "And I'll be sure to bring a whole boxed wine with me when I stop over," no doubt making her inner Italian spirit cry at the mere thought. He was joking though. Right? Probably? Oh gods what if he wasn't?! Scott doesn't say one way or another though, giving her hand one last squeeze before he sees her off.