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Latest revision as of 13:52, 16 December 2020

The Arts of Themyscira
Date of Scene: 16 December 2020
Location: Themysciran Arts Center
Synopsis: Diana kicks Donna's ass! (other things happen too, but they're not relevant).
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Diana Prince

Donna Troy has posed:
    It's amazing what can happen in just a quarter of a year, and since she had returned from her sojourn in another dimension, Troia has been hard at work catching up. It is typical of the woman that she has barely stopped to smell the roses since she got back, but rather has spent most of the time ensconced in Titans Tower going over reports, or at the Embassy, where she seems to have developed a new-found interest in diplomatic affairs.

    Since the momentous arrival of the Amazons on American soil during the Warzoon invasion, the world has somewhat woken up to the idea of Themyscira as a real place, and moreover one which matters. The extent of Amazon military capability - on the face of it primitive but undoubtedly very potent - has raised a lot of diplomatic eyebrows, but the possibilities of trade, cultural and scientific exchange have provoked as much interest, and the embassy has been flooded with requests ever since. Mostly these have been responded to with polite form letters reiterating the Themysciran policy of non-involvement, but Donna has been insisting on reading through everything. Going through paperwork when there is the possibility of investigating the progress of the Cultural Center seems very un-Donna like, particularly given the presence here of a training arena, which ought to have her running.

    Of course it's not too long before the temptation can no longer be resisted. It had happened quite innocently a couple of days ago, with a casual "Sister? How is work on the Arts Center progressing?" but had inevitably turned into the suggestion of a tour.

    Donna arrives at the new center only a few minutes late, driving one of the Titan's bikes, which seems to be her favored mode of transport these days. She is definitely in Donna mode rather than Troia mode today, wearing a smart red coat, warm against the New York winter, leather pants, and wedge-heeled boots - a sure sign she has dressed to prepare for spending time with her tall, heel-wearing sister.

Diana Prince has posed:
It would seem that Donna's departure over the past 3 months had taken her away from some of the most impactful moments of bringing Themyscira into the limelight of the world's view. This Arts Center was one of those things, as was that historic charge across the battlefield outside of Metropolis.

The Arts Center was already going to be a popular place, as Themyscira has quite a following in the United States-- let alone the world --but now it was even more anticipated a place.

The building was a converted public expo, having undergone major renovations to bring up to what it is now, a shining example of a mixture of New York architecture and the culture of 'Paradise Island'.

Donna is met in the lobby, a grand affair all unto itself. Perhaps not as grand as say the Hall of Justice, as it's meant to be very inviting also, but still a spectacle to behold.

The Princess is wearing a slim sweater of soft white, tucked in to a pair of black slacks and indeed, heeled shoes of black leather! With her dark hair tied back in to a loose ponytail, Diana is smiling as she walks to intercept her sister, reaching her hands out to take Donna's own. "I am -so happy- to see you." She says, having been... elated to have her sister back. "Was the drive okay? It is cold out there..." She knows that the weather doesn't really bother either of them, but still!

"Would you like a drink? Hot tea, cocoa, we have a lot of choices." Diana asks, with an attendant trailing behind her dressed in a business suit and black framed glasses the young woman also offers a smile to Donna. Donna might recognize her too, as they've likely met in the past several times, her name being Maria.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna takes Diana's offered hands, but apparently that's not enough for her, because she rapidly closes the distance to make it a full embrace. "It's so good to see you too, sister. Every morning when I wake I hold by breath for a moment before I open my eyes in case getting home was a dream and I am still trapped in... that place. Every morning I smile with joy knowing that I really am home and you are only a few miles away."

    After a few moments she pulls away, studying Diana's face for a few moments with a smile, before turning to greet Diana's assitant with another smile. "Maria, it's good to see you. I hope Diana has not been working you too hard, though..." she gestures at the magnificence of the lobby around them, and laughs. "It looks like that is a vain hope. When I left this place was virtually an empty shell. It is simply extraordinary how much has been done in such a short time. How soon is the grand opening?"

    Donna turns back to Diana with a playful grin. "A drink would be nice, thank you. Do you have any of that Mexican Coca-Cola? Ever since you introduced me to it the first time I visited the Embassy I have been hooked." Diana, the coke-pusher. Nine years previously she'd got Troia hooked on regular American Coke, too.

    "The place looks magnificent, Diana. I am excited to see everything. And to get involved. My time away has convinced me that Themyscira must be more to our world than a place where Amazons come from to save the day. It is our wisdom more than our strength we must share with the World of Men."

Diana Prince has posed:
The embrace is shared, Diana holding her sister closely and with great affection. Especially when she hears the content of Donna's reply. It is heartwarming, and a bit sad to think of what Donna must've been going through while gone... exiled, of sorts.

When the Princess pulls back she puts her left hand upon the side of Donna's right cheek to cup her face and offer a light stroke with the outside of her thumb. She shows a sweet smile to Donna. "We are happy to have you back to us, so very happy." She says before turning to face Maria as well.

Maria, looks between the two women and summons her own smile. "Oh, heavens now, I can't think of a better job than to be able to be here, with the ... well, the two of you." She smiles again, laughs nervously and then chimes in and up. "Mexican Coke, yes. We have some of that in the kitchen, I saw the bottles just the other day. It's so good..." She turns to head off to presumably grab one. "Diana, would you like one?"

"Oh, uh..." Not one for soda, Diana is lost in consideration of it. "I suppose I will try some, yes." Rare is this occasion!

A look from Maria shows it too before she smiles at the both of them and heads off.

Diana turns back to Donna then and places her left hand on Donna's back lightly. "Come, I will show you around." She starts to lead her down the main hallway. Some workers are visible here and there too, mostly further down the hallwa, or a few scaling the staircases on the right hand side of the main hall.

"We hope to be open by mid January, if all things go as planned. It has come together quickly. We hired the right people, it would seem." Diana says with a slight grin. "Come, I will take you to the training arena. I believe it will be the main attraction, after all."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna grins at hearing that Diana's going to be joining her in a Coke - it's a small thing perhaps, but it's a symbol of sharing that she appreciates. This being the Themysciran arts center, really they ought to be drinking some Themysciran wine, but you can't get Coke, Mexican or otherwise, anywhere in the Seven Worlds and compared to where she has been, America feels very much like home.

    "I didn't really imagine the place would be this big," Donna says as they make their way down the hall. "I mean... knew how big it was physically, but seeing it like this, almost ready - it seems larger. More full. More going on, or there will be. I do not recall if there were plans for a... a library. A room for scholars. Is that something that could be arranged? It would not have to be a large space, there are few outside of Themyscira who could read our books, but those few should have the opportunity to do so. We could bring a few books at a time, and allow scholars a place to study them, with guidance from those of us who can read the texts. Perhaps we might make arrangements with a publishing house to publish translations."

    It's not wholly out of character for Donna to be talking about literature even while on the way to a training room - after all she has been working on an English translation of Homer's comic play Margites, preserved on Themyscira but lost to the rest of the world for some time. Her efforts in translating the text do seem to be eternally delayed by the necessities of her Titans work or by the lure of the training grounds though.

    Donna stops suddenly on the way, standing still for a moment in bemusement before she continues along. "Diana... Mother was really here? I mean, in America? I can't get my head around it. " She gives a short, amused laugh. "It must have been quite a shock to her. All the things she has heard of the country from the two of us aside - for her to leave the island after all these thousands of years and see with her own eyes the world outside, so changed from how it was when she lived in it."

Diana Prince has posed:
As they walk together through the main hallway, they'll walk past statues of prominent Themyscirans, from Antiope to Menalippe, statues of many prominent members of the Themysciran warrior ranks.

"Well." Diana says. "We do have a library, it is on the second floor to." She motions toward the staircase as they pass beside it. "We would be more than happy to have you involved here as much as you would like to be too. The more interaction we all have, the more... 'alive' the facility will become. So I believe, at least."

A quick smile is shown then as Diana leads furhter down that central hallway before taking a turn to lead Donna down a section that has windows on the right. "The Arena is partially visible just past this courtyard." She motions out the windows as they walk. And indeed, Donna will see a familiar looking construct outside and across the courtyard which is still be worked on.

The Arena is a sized-down version of the grand arena on the western coastline of Themyscira itself. Sized... considerably down, of course, but still impressive none the less. The other biggest difference being that it is partially build in to the building itself, so some of the audience section is beneath the sky, and the other half is beneath a tall domed ceiling high above.

As they reach the courtyard doors, Diana opens them up and guides Donna outside. "But yes, the hope here is to provide a place where people /can/ learn how to read our culture, from own written word. As you know, we cannot bring people to Themyscira easily, so this place is to bring it... to them. Those who wish at least."

As they now walk through the courtyard toward the arena's main entrance, Diana grins. "I sat upon horseback with mother, and stared at Metropolis as the sun set on the far side of the city. We watched the lgihts come on across all the buildings. She was... impressed, though I believe she tried to hide it." Her grin persists as she glances toward Donna. "She did not leave the Themysciran campsite. She said 'maybe some day, but not today, Diana'." After a short pause then, Diana's hands come together and she exhales lightly. "Baby steps."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Ah. It must have been hard for her," Donna says. "We have asked a lot of her, Diana, and we ask for more. We should remember that." Her expression is thoughtful, though she doesn't seem in a hurry to explain those thoughts or her comment.

    When the arena - so familiar if in miniature, like some theme-park recreation of the original - comes into view, Donna breaks into a huge grin and turns to Diana, her eyes flashing with excitement. "Sister, this is... this... oh gods. It is beautiful and hilarious. And so few will understand. But we must change this, Diana. We cannot bring people to Themyscira easily now, but that must change. At least some of those who come here and see this should have the chance to see the original too. We can introduce our culture to the world through this center, but this should not be one way, Diana. We should open a cultural center in Themyscira too, so that our people can learn of the world outside. We should invite scholars and artists and philosophers to visit our Island. We should..." she interrupts herself with a smile. "But I am going to fast," she says, stepping out into the arena proper.

    Donna stands in the middle of the arena floor, turning in slow circles to look up at the seating around, taking in all the details - the similarities, and the differences, to the original back home on Themyscira, and stops finally to grin back at Diana. "It will take time," she says. "But that you have achieved all of this, so quickly, sister - it brings me hope it will not take too long."

Diana Prince has posed:
With the Arts Center itself being 3 stories tall, the dome of the Arena reaches up to the heights of being a 4th or even 5th story in totality, and as the two women walk together along the main pathway that leads through the gates of the Arena, they'll pass by a small stable where horses will be kept, though there currently are none within it.

"You're quite right, Donna." Diana says while they walk in to the Arena, their footfalls impacting on finely soft sand now. Diana just observes the arena, and Donna's reaction to it, grinning at her. "This was the biggest construction job of this whole project. The rest of the Center was simply in need of a... face lift. This was the main building issue, and with some rather... super help... it was completed quite swift, all things considered." Diana knows a lot of super people after all!

"The hope is that people will come and enjoy watching us train, as much as we enjoy it back home. Bringing in outsiders to participate as well, such as Phoebe, Kate, or anyone else who would wish to sign up for lessons and courses." It's what Diana always wanted when she was a little girl. To get to participate in the grand Amazon exhibitions that took place in their own Arena back home, so it is no stretch that she'd try to share it with others here in the rest of the world.

"I had not thought of that..." Diana says about a Cultural Center being opened in Themyscira City. "I would be very in to that idea... but would MOther? Well, possibly. I think the battle in Metropolis did effect her. I think it gave her an indication of how much the world has changed, and that our people might be falling behind... in some ways." In a lot of ways! But Diana doesn't like to push too hard, even with someone she trusts to likely share her opinion, such as Donna, or Cassie.

"This is why it is important to have you involved here." She says with a grin now, her fingers interlaced together in front of her lap. "You are a fountain of great ideas."

Maria can be seen catching up to the two women now, carrying a tray with the glass bottled soft drinks.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "She has to be open to the idea Diana," Donna says with a smile of thanks as she takes her coke from Maria. "Thus listen to every voice... For that is Compassion, and in it's fulfilment you shall find your purpose." To hear the words spoken in English is so unfamiliar it might take a moment to recognize that Donna is quoting Aphrodite's Law. Spoken in Themysciran it would be far more familiar, as their Mother has quoted it to them both so often. The rules that are supposed to guide the Amazons, to define them. "It will take her some time, because to change the habit of millennia cannot be easy. But she will come around."

    "And you are right. We have much to teach, but as much to learn. When I was in... that place, I tried to figure it out. The mechanics of the place we were in. Our science and our math have developed in was that is different to the way it has developed in the outside world. There were some interesting insights that gave me, but ultimately it was clear that the physics of Man's world has benefitted from embracing technology while we have embraced tradition. There are those Amazons who commit themselves to science who could teach a thing or two to the scientists of Man's World, but the reality is that the ubiquity of digital technology is something that cannot be rivalled by a handful of our scientists thinking the most elegant of thougths." Donna breaks into an ironic grin.

    "That's a part of the reason I am so eager for Caitlin to become an Amazon, sister." Donna shakes her head a little. "We need new blood. Amazons who can appreciate our ways, but bring their own ways to. For all the gifts the patrons have given me, I was very little use in that place beyond the black hole, Diana. Caitlin's knowledge of engineering was vastly more useful than my knowledge of swords and tactics."

Diana Prince has posed:
Maria hands them both the drinks with a smile before she lowers the train to her hip and starts to look around the arena herself as she turns and starts to walk back toward the main gate out to the courtyard.

Diana thanks her assistant before she goes however, and then takes a sip from the bottle after glancing at it's label and stroking her thumb across the logo. She listens to Donna's response and raises her eyes up to look at her sister who gets a light grin at the other.

She bypasses straight to the talk of Caitlin though. Her eyes dart around the room before she looks back to Donna. "What would you say about Caitlin having a ceremony here? It would seem appropriate that her becoming a publicly known Amazon be done here in this place. Obviously she would desire such a thing on Themyscira too, and it would be provided first. But a ceremony here, in New York, could be quite the... expression, offered to the rest of the world. Showcasing our intention of welcoming new members to our people, right here, where anyone can come and witness our traditions first hand."

Diana turns then to start to walk as well, motioning Donna to follow with her by putting an arm around her sister to hold her side-by-side. "If you would like that idea, I would like you to ... plan it and host it. The bond that you and Caitlin have forged, I think it would mean a lot to her. I hope, at least, that it would."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head thoughtfully as she joins Diana to continue the tour. "Yes, I think that's a good idea. It would be a way to bring our worlds together. And there are those that Caitlin would like to be able to join in such a ceremony who could not come to Themyscira. Of course, she will have to have a ceremony on Themyscira first. Our sisters would not allow her to leave without celebrating her joining our ranks." Donna grins wide. "Once the Patrons have granted their approval of her, and I know they will, she will be a new sister to us all. Our sisters do love their festivals, and that's not an excuse they have often."

    "Yes Diana, I would love to host that event," Donna says, nodding her head firmly. "Caitlin was the first friend I made when I came to America. Real friend, I mean. I had no friends my own age growing up. When I came here... at first it was hard, because I had so little in common with anyone else but you. I met Caitlin... there was some trouble at a restaurant where she was doing some work. I stepped in to help. She was just starting to come into her powers, but she had no idea how to use them. I wondered if the Patrons had granted her the strength she had, because that was the only way I knew at the time someone could be as strong as she is. I knew she needed someone who could understand the experience she was going through. I suppose that gave us something in common. Perhaps if I had never met her, I would have left America before I ever became a Titan. I would be proud to honor her in that way, and it would be a wonderful symbol of the opening up of Themyscira to the world that we bring an American into our ranks."

Diana Prince has posed:
As they walk together back through the passageway that leads out in to courtyard, Diana listens, sips her bottled Coke and grins at what she hears from her sister. "That right there." She tells her. "That is what you have to say when you give a speech as this event." She looks over to Donna, grinning big and positively toward her. "Sharing personal stories like that of the connections that we have made since leaving Themyscira to come to the rest of the world. That is the key. I have met... and created memories with... so many people since leaving the island. Those stories are the best to speak of, to help show disbelievers that this is how we all improve as a society. By coming together."

Back outside of the multi-story arena, Diana doesn't go back in the direction they'd come from, instead she leads them to the left hand side pathway that moves toward an exterior staircase in the courtyard will will go to the second floor balcony up above. She drops her arm from around Donna and draws in a breath of the crisp December air.

"That being said, I have... a request." She takes a second before looking toward their destination, then bouncing her gaze over toward Donna. "I would like it if you could visit Cassie to spend a little time with her. I think she could use some personal time with you now that you are back." A soft smile is shown to Donna then. "She took the disappearance of all of you quite hard, especially with our inability to do anything about it. I have spent time with her, but I think she considers me... 'too old' to really connect with, like she might someone your age. If that makes any sense, of course. Perhaps I am misreading it, but... my heart tells me otherwise."

Donna Troy has posed:
     Donna nods her head thoughtfully as the pair walk out onto the balcony. She stares out over the scene below before turning her back on it and leaning againts the parapet, sipping her cola.

    "Cass seems to be very busy these days," Donna says, staring into the distance. "Between school, the Titans, and the Outsiders, she has a lot on her plate. And it seems in the last few months she has been taking it upon herself to be your spokeswoman. Well, ours, I guess. She is being quite the junior ambassador for Themyscira. I think she deserves a pay rise, Diana. Perhaps you should get her a new car for Christmas. " She looks back to Diana, grinning mischeivously. "If it's not something at least acceptably fancy though, I'm getting her a nice fast bike though, be warned."

    Donna turns to stare into the distance again. "It's not true that you guys couldn't do anything about it. In fact Cassie and the other Titans figured out a way to guide us home. When we escaped from the singularity, we were dumped back into hyperspace. In a shuttle craft that had no hyperspace capability. We were utterly lost. Somehow they managed to make a psychic beacon and plant it in Hyperspace, so we could follow it back to the wormhole path and find our way back to normal space. If they had not done there, we would probably still be adrift in Hyperspace today, rationing out the last of our supplies and getting very hungry."

    "And Cassie consulted the Oracle." Donna blinks a few times, and shakes her head. "I can't... that just amazes me. I wouldn't have thought of that. Sometimes I think she's more Themysciran than I am. Besides, Menalippe always kinda scared me." She gives an amused laugh. "And she took Kate! Hera. I wanted to do that! Cassie never ceases to amaze me."

Diana Prince has posed:
Up on the second story balcony that overlooks the courtyard, the view is quite nice but there's clearly work left to do on the landscaping and artwork that have not yet been brought in. Additionally, the large windows along the building itself show the inner hallway that gives access to more rooms and spaces within the building's educational wing, including a library visible toward the front.

Diana stands with her left arm over her stomach and her right holding her glass bottle up in front of her shoulder. The bit about the car makes her visibly grin again, her red hued lips mischievously reacting to the notion of such a gift. "It is possible that I have been working on Helena for quite some time with regard to a car that is better for Cassie's bubbling career as a Themysciran spokeswoman. Though that car that Helena picked out certainly does build character... it does not give the best image for someone titled in the media as 'Wonder Girl'." Diana pauses then. "But, a case can be made both ways. Who knows what may come..." Mysterious.

The Princess' eyes look out over the courtyard and across the way as she watches something off in the distance. "Many things came together to bring you all home, it is true. I am very thankful for all of those things as well. I do wish it had happened sooner, but... that is neither here nor there at this point."

As Diana turns then she motions for Donna to come with a tip of her head. "Library, I will show it to you. Perhaps we can decide options on which Themyscirans to vouch for to come and help curate it for the grand opening."

As they start to walk again, she takes another sip of her drink before adding. "But if you can get Cassie involved in Caitlin's inauguration, I think it would be a splendid connection, being that they are both American-born members of our society, and you are all closely aged--" She pauses, glances over and shoots a grin. "Compared to the rest of us at least." When her eyes go forward again she continues. "You, as a group, represent the youth of the Amazons. It means a lot to me to see you all together, solving problems together, laughing together. All of it."

Donna Troy has posed:
"You're not the only one who wished it had happened sooner, sister," Donna says with a smirk. "Don't forget that we were the ones who were actually stuck in that mad place not knowing if we would ever get home again. And we were in the dark about your fate as much as you were about ours." Her expression grows more serious, and she swings her bottle around idly, gripped between two fingers. "Diana... the last thing I knew was that you were planning to lead the army against the Warzoons, that the rest of the Titans were flying directly into a Warzoon fleet, apart from Supergirl who was helping Kal with a scheme that involved fighting other Kryptonians."

    She tilts her head in Diana's direction as they walk. "Diana, we didn't have an oracle to consult. I spent three months worrying myself sick, not knowing what had happened. Not knowing whether, if I ever escaped, I would have a family to go back to. It was not a good time."

    She falls silent a little while as they walk, then gives a shake of her head. "And I lost my armor. I had it made when I left Themyscira the first time. It served me well for a good while I guess, but between Brianiac drones and a Warzoon assault platoon attempting to recapture the Dreadnought, it finally got beyond the point it could be repaired. I don't think I'll ask Pallas to make me a new set, I think that's in the past now."

    She tilts her head up, looking at Diana side-on, and takes a sip of coke. "You should have seen how I was dressed out there. I looked like a space pirate. I was actually wearing a cloak that originally belonged to a genuine space pirate, hundreds of years ago. Strangest thing. It was this really lovely deep black, the blackest fabric you ever saw. But when we returned, when we arrived back in our universe, it kind of... it's covered in stars. Vorpal thinks it's a star map. One day I'll try to figure it out, maybe it will lead me to buried space pirate treasure. Maybe that's not exciting to someone as ancient as you are who has seen and done it all, but to us kids, that's an adventure!"

    Donna breaks into a broad grin and wraps an arm around Diana's shoulder to give her a quick hug. "Don't worry sister. We may represent the youth of the Amazons, but you're not past it yet. You probably have a few more centuries to go before you can think of retiring."

Diana Prince has posed:
As they walk down the exterior balcony overlooking the courtyard, all of what Donna says is taken in and between swapping her gaze from going forward, and over to Donna to acknowledge her with little expressions crossing her face here and there, Diana ultimately just grins faintly.

"We will talk about a replacement set of armor for you, at least for ceremonial purposes. You are certainly not required to wear a suit if you do not wish to, or feel that it is behind you now. But I think it would be good to at least have a set, in case it is ever needed. Fancy pirate cloaks or not... and point-of-fact, I still have an adventurous heart, and if this cloak you speak of did point to a space-bound 'X Marks the Spot' then I would be very remiss with you if you did not take me with you to see what was there."

She grins at Donna again then as they're almost to the double doors leading in toward the library. "We were all worried, universally, let us settle it on that then, and we are past it now. Most thankfully."

As they walk together, Diana sees their reflection in the glass and is reminded of something she saw two little sisters walking through the Arts Center this morning on an early tour of the facility. She does what one of the sisters did to the other...

And sweeps her left leg behind her, and over to give Donna a light butt-kick from behind, like someone was behind them doing it! And with heels on, no less!