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Latest revision as of 15:00, 16 December 2020

I Ran So Far Away
Date of Scene: 16 March 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Beatriz da Costa, Kyani Kohanna

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Smart people don't really go to Central park at night. That's why, with the sun slowly sinking, all the people running go NOW. Before the park is taken over by the scum and vermin that prey on the weak.
    Of course some of them then come out a bit earlier to ply their trade.
    One woman, a forty-something, overweight mom by the looks, likely with a sedentary job nearby, trying to get back into the state she was when she was younger, is puffing and jogging slowly through the park, face flushed, gym gear sweat-stained, listening to something on her phone, strapped to her arm. Two young thugs jostle her and in the confused distraction a third cuts the phone off of her arm with a smooth, practice motion through the armband and runs off with it.
    Shocked the woman just yells for help, but, New Yorkers gotta New York. Everybody looks the other way.
    Hell, that racked green-haired jogger is so into her own music, her phone carefully located inside her green exercise jacket, wireless earbuds supplying the music, that she doesn't even notice the attacker.
    Oh, wait. As the robber runs near her, she veers course and ...
    It's actually not clear what she did. She went to ground, but his face snapped back with a Nike tread embedded firmly into it. And in a few seconds she's got him pinned to the ground AND folded up a bit ... using just her legs.
    "Someone call the cops please?" she says in a calm voice. "Just 911 tell them where you are, and scurry off. I got this."
    Bea smiles down at the poor, grossly overclassed robber. "Comfy are we?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani is out running, well doing his version of running which is high speeds with flicker of lightning as he moves, though having gone to see his grandparents a bit ago in Hawaii and getting to do a little swimming had him back in New York relaxed. He is now jogging in Central Park, and as he runs he hears some sirens and he follows a few of the cops as they seem to have a location that they are running too. Once he sees what is going on, some guy on the ground, he smiles when he sees who caught the guy.

    "Yo." he calls to Bea, "Seem that now you're out here protecting the park, you go girl!" he calls to her as he walks over to where she is, though staying out of the way of the cops. "What happend he asks as he looks to Bea.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea looks up, peering at the call out, then grinning upon spotting Kyani. "Yeah, this asshole stole a phone. I haven't done physical like this in so long it was like old home week!"
    Wow. The fashion world must be rough!
    "Hold on a sec, I gotta give a statement to the nice police officers coming here." And sure enough, with much gesticulation and denial--rendered moot by the trivial act of turning on the phone and finding out that he was not, in fact, Stella Cartwright, receptionist at Gordon & Co.--she finally got her statement taken down, contact information shared with the cops, and then allowed on her merry way.
    A merry way that leads over to where Kyani is skulking.
    "What brings you out here?" she asks, eyes twinkling. "Trying to catch crooks? Too late, I got him!"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He waits for her patiently and gives Bea a nod of his head. He scans the area as the cops is hauling the guy away. He does notice a bit of a crowd and others just trying to get out of here as quickly as they could. Kyani watches them for a moment than he turns his attention back to where Bea is and as she finishes talking with the cops Kyani walks over to where she is.

    He laughs, "I guess your a badass now huh?" he asks as he looks at her. A smirk plays along his lips as he looks at her. "So you feeling pretty good now that you took down a dangerous criminal?" he asks playsfully.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "You saying my ass is bad?" Bea asks in a dangerous tone of voice, glaring (quite unconvincingly) in mock offence. That lasts all of half a second before her face lights up again. She's still obviously high on adrenaline or something. She's practically vibrating.
    "It's been too long," she says grinning. "The placid life was nice, but man, I *miss* this stuff!"
    So ... the fashion world involves beating people up? This is so confusing!

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Actually you have a nice ass." he laughs as he looks at Bea. Though he can see she is joking and just watching her he can't help but chuckle. She is jazzed about what's just happened, but how does being a fashion designer and fighting people work. He didn't know, he just shakes his head, and let Beatriz have her moment. Kyani watches everything around him, still letting the cops do their jobs. "So you wanna go get somethign to eat?" he asks.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea looks down at herself in her running gear--super skin tight spandex pants, a crop top, and a loose fleece exercise jacket on top, prominent sweat stains visible as well as signs of her little tussle in the form of grass and dirt stains, then looks up at Kyn. "I'm not really dressed for fancy dining," she comments. "What did you have in mind? If it's anything much fancier than a food cart, I would probably have to change and shower first. You wouldn't want to be sitting in an enclosed space with me smelling the way I am."
    "And thanks for noticing. I put a lot of work keeping things in shape."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Yeah he noticed, he shakes his head, "Girl there isn't anything wrong with what you wearing or being sweatie, by the time we get there you would've dried." he says. "There is a taco truck nearby, I will treat. I know the guy, he has food better then Chipotle." he smiles. "Come on." he says as he holds out his arm for Bea.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Taking Kyn's arm like she's known him for years--it seems to be her way--Bea positions herself in such a way that she can walk alongside him while still looking at his face while talking. "I hope it's better than Chipotle," she says, laughing. "I'll bet it's fresher-prepared at the very least, instead of being held in a warmer all day."
    She walks along a bit before commenting additionally, "Sometime I should introduce you to feijoada and pastel." She giggles quietly for a brief moment. "Or maybe you'd prefer something lighter with requeijão on the side."
    It's not clear why she found that funny.
    "But anyway, in this city, it's always easy to find good food from anywhere, so I should be able to find some authentic Brazilian food."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    As they walk arm in arm Kyani looks to Bea, enjoying walking with her. "Yeah, I do like Chipotle, but this place pretty much blows them out of the water." he chuckles. "It's not far from here." he says as he escorts her towards the taco truck.
    "Whats feijoada and pastel?" he asks. It does sound funny but he doesn't know what she's talking about. "I know of a Brazilian place, I've delivered to it a few times. I will treat ya sometime." he grins to her. "You are right, there are many good places to eat, espeically self owned places which I prefer more than regular good chains."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Feijoada is Brazil's national dish. Meat and black beans in a dense stew. Served with a bunch of scrumptious sides." There's clear pride shining in Bea's eyes. "And I'm pretty good at making it myself, if I'm allowed to toot my own horn. Pastels are deep-fried pastries with a bunch of different things inside. It's mostly street food, but it's also great appetizers and sides for full meals."
    She waits to time the next part for maximum chance of causing a coughing fit, like Kyn drinking or the like.
    "Requeijão is usually something that goes along with breakfast, on the other hand."
    Her face is one of absolute, angelic innocence as she says that.