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Happy Harbor: Recruiting Xiomara
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Happy Harbor Beach
Synopsis: Morrigan goes to talk to Crush. She doesn't get Crushed!
Cast of Characters: Xiomara Rojas, Morrigan MacIntyre

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Evening is usually when Xiomara 'Crush' Rojas tends to slide into Happy Harbor- this evening is no different. For now, Crush is resting on the beach, hands behind her head as she stares up at the sky for no particular reason. The sun has only just gone behind the horizon and the final warmth of the day begins to drain away.

    She's alone there on the beach, her boots placed next to her head as the waves lap at her feet. Nearby a six pack of beer sits- who knows where the young woman got that, but she must know someone who's willing to sell to an underaged girl without any form of ID.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's not really one to go to the beach, being one that burns in too much sunlight can have it's downsides, but, in the evening it's fine. She sits on one of the concrete blocks that lined the beach and there's a bit of a look to the alcohol and then to the girl that's letting the waves lap at her feet.

"Are you Xiomara Rojas?" the Irish woman asks. Her voice carries in an odd way, but it doesn't seem 'loud'.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Who's askin?" Crush wonders, eyebrows arching as she just speaks to the sky- she's clearly unworried. Although- most people don't know her real name, it's not exactly a secret either. "And I *prefer* to be called Crush." she states then as she lazily sits up to turn and face the woman who's speaking to her.

    There's no hiding what Xiomara is- her skin is white like paper. The eyes. The lips- black and naturally so. Those red eyes- she's Czarnian. Or, at least part Czarnian. "Who're you?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's dressed in all black, her hood up and protected from the breeze that comes and goes. "Crush." the Irishwoman nods to that. "It's a good name." she tells her. "And a friend of yours pointed you my way. She's a student at the school that I run." she admits. "I'm not sure what you are. Whether you are an alien, mutant or metahuman, but I'm not sure what you're doing out here." she states.

She gives a look to the waves, "I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre. I'm the head of Happy Harbor High School." she offers. "Do you have family or anything around here?" she asks.

"And I know it's weird for someone to just pop up and start asking questions, but I'm not here to do you any harm or try to lure you into a van with candy or booze." she tells her.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Seriously doubt you could hurt me anyways, Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre." Crush replies simply. "A friend of mine, huh?" she then asks.

    "So, I'm guessin' you need muscle for something... or...?" she begins before her hanging question is answered in a sense. And questions come.

    "No. No family around here. Or anywhere. Just me and the world." Crush replies, "Ain't sure why it's any of your business, though." She's curious, clearly, now looking at Morrigan- nose twitching as she takes in the scents around her.

    Crush begins to put on her boots. Just in case.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I wouldn't judge a book by it's cover, Crush. I don't tend to like violence, so unless you try to hurt me we'll be alright." Morrigan smiles, flashing bright white teeth at that. "Morgan. She's a student at our school." she nods to that.

"And no, I don't need you for anything like that. I was actually going to ask if you would be interested in attending the school that I run and that Morgan attends. I think you'd find that there are others like you there." she tells her.

Then there's a nod, "It's none of my business, no. But it's a question I ask for teens that are on their own in this world." she spreads her hands apart. Morrigan's still not moved. "I wanted to meet you and see if we could help." she admits.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Morgan?" Crush asks, frowning, "How'd she figure out my name, I ain't..." eyebrows narrowing together a bit as she looks at Morrigan now with a bit of distrust. A bit of uncertainty. "Yeah, and who's gunna pay for me goin' to a school? I ain't never been to school."

    "And what's in it for me, anyways?" Crush wonders next, "I been on my own for a couple of years. Ain't that bad." the teen says, playing off as if she were able to take care of herself perfectly. That is very much not the case- what fifteen year old girl can really take care of herself like that?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I figured out your name. It's how magic works some days." Morrigan chuckles to that. "The school is funded by a number of generous donors and others. You don't need to pay for anything." she tells her. "There's a first time for everything. Maybe now is a good time to try it?" she offers as she rests her hands on her knees.

"An education. Life skills. Meet others that are like you?" she offers. "And you seem like you can handle most things on your own, but, why keep doing that when you can have some help?" she asks her. "All I ask is that you give it a trial run. At the end of things if you don't like it or you want to go back to how things were...then that's it." she states.

"Or you can tell me to jog on right now and we won't bother you anymore." she adds.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush continues to sit there, just thinking a long moment. A moment of silence- what does she have to lose? It was a good question. If she can just give it a trial and walk away.. there really isn't anything to lose at all- only potential gain.

    "Alright." Crush offers after that moment's reflection- "Guess I ain't got nothin' to lose. But I am educated." She is not. "My parents did a real good job at teachin' me stuff." she remarks. "They taught me all sortsa good stuff."

    "But.. yeah.. I guess I ain't never been to school before, and if I can just walk away if it don't work for me.. guess I can gives it a try."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to Crush and there's a nod to that, "Do you have a place to stay this evening?" she asks. Honestly, Morrigan wasn't a creeper, she was just trying to help out. "And if you have prior eduation we can build on that. So I'm happy you've got some under your belt." she smiles. She wasn't going to test her. That was not what she was here for.

"If you find that it's not for you in the end you will not feel obligated to stay or forced to stay. We don't want to do that to people." she repeats. "We're a private school and we have dorms if you'd like to stay. Otherwise I can give you the address and things and get you on campus for a tour and things shortly." she offers.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Eh.. I'll get back to you on the dorms." Crush replies, "I kinda got a spot for me outsidea town that I found. It ain't that far. Maybe twenty miles or so. Just a few jumps to get here." she explains, "Anyways, I like the solitude."

    One step at a time. It's already a big step for this girl- who's been on her own ever since her parents were murdered about a year and a half ago. "When do I needs to be there for the tour?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan rises slowly, reaching into her coat pocket to pull out a card and offer it to Crush. She was being careful not to spook her. "Solitiude is nice at times. I completely understand that." the woman smiles.

"As for a tour, just swing by and we'll get you one. I'm at school all day tomorrow and probably over the weekend. We've got a bit of a meet and greet tomorrow evening if you'd like to stop by for that." she offers. "Otherwise just whenever works for you." she states.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush nods. "Alright." she says reaching out to take the card. "I guess I'll show up at this meet and greet tomorrow and start from there." she says, looking at the card quietly- turning it over to check the back. She slides it into her pants. "Uh.. Thanks." she offers quietly, "It's a nice offer." she says- well, at least she's got some manners.

    "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Crush asks, "I'll be there."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to her, "We'll see you there." she tells her. "And it's no problem. And don't stress out. Umm...one thing." she digs into a pocket. She comes out with a small disk and hands it to her, "It's an image inducer. While I have no problem with the way you look, we have human kids and well...don't need them writing home." she shakes her head. "But, if you just put it on you can literally look like anything. Even a bucket." she muses.

"And yep, tomorrow. If you figure out that you don't want to give it a try to send me a text or an email." she tells her as she starts to turn to head off.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush looks at the induce, eyebrow raising. "Ain't nothing wrong with how I look." she states simply. "They gotta learn to live with people like me. We ain't goin' away." she remarks. "But if this what I gotta do.. I get to choose how I looks?" she wonders next, still frowning. Not happy about this- obviously.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I know they need to learn how to live with us. Not everyone is going to be run of the mill human." Morrigan nods to that. "And yes, you can look like whoever you want to. You don't have to change your name or anything else. And if you get close to some of the kids at school I'm sure you can let them see what you really look like once there is trust build." she explains. "I can't break out my fangs and glowing eyes on students for example." she muses.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Well, I choose to look like I already look." Crush grumps, "I don't see why I gotta change hows I look for other peoples to be comfortable. Ain't my fault I looks like this." she notes.

    "Just like if you took them black kids from the 60s and made'em all white so the white peoples wouldn't be uncomfortable or somethin'. Ain't far to me or anyone else who looks different."

    "I ain't sayin' I won't use it- but.. seems like a real bad choice to me." Crush states simply.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Sadly most kids aren't really going to care, but, if word got out that there was an alien or meta at the school and openly showing themselves we'd have a witch hunt on our hands. And none of you deserve that." she admits quietly. "And I wanted to go ahead and let you know about the image inducer because I didn't want it to be an ugly suprise down the line. We have a few people that have to use them." she admits.

"And this is all really new, so if it's a bad idea then we'll figure that out really quickly or you'll get tired of it and we'll have to change it." she admits with a frown.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Still." Crush notes, "Like I said, I'd use it. I said I'd do it- so I mean, guess that means I'll follow them rules until they get too bad- but it's the same thing as what I said. It ain't up to me to make other people comfortable with how I look. That ain't my problem- that's their problem." Under-educated, perhaps, but not an idiot at least.

    "But I get what yer sayin'. I understand what you mean and I get that this is comin' from a place of concern fer kids who maybe can't take care of themselves like I can."

    Crush shrugs quietly, "It is what it is, I guess. Ain't nothin' to do but muddle through for now."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that, "You're wise for your age." she tells her with a bit of a smile. "I think those that have to go through things on their own wisen up much much faster than others." she admits.

"We'll muddle through together." she points out. "For now...I'm going to head back to the school and finish set up for tomorrow." she tells her. "If you need anything between now and tomorrow evening, just send me a text." she offers.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "I ain't got a phone." Crush states simply. "Ain't like I got a place to get a contract or whatever. Guess I could get a burner or whatever." she shrugs, "Guess I'll do that, too." she says, "Thanks."