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Latest revision as of 03:32, 6 March 2020

Make A Wish
Date of Scene: 05 March 2020
Location: St. Luke's Hospital
Synopsis: Mike comes to the hospital as Nick Drago for Make a Wish. Afterwards he runs into Doctor Strange. Flasks are exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Stephen Strange

Michael Hannigan has posed:
While St. Luke's tends to be a quiet place during the day, over in the wing typically reserved for children, they have experienced a little bit of music. This is all thanks to the request of one child's wish to have a certain musician make an appearance for her.

Unable to refuse such a simple request, Nick Drago has made an appearance, albeit with shorter hair and a bit of a beard. But the eyes still matched the one on the poster the child had, so she was perfectly fine with the change. It was a great day and she was smiling. Which made Nick smile too.

But good days do come to an end and soon visiting hours are nearly over. The guitar is packed and he says his goodbyes, backing out of the room so the last thing she gets from him is a smile.

"Thank you."

Mike turns his head, looking to a well dressed woman standing behind him and gives a smile. "It was my pleasure." Out of the sight of the little girl, the tired expression forms as he glances down the hallway.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Harder than you might have expected?" Asks a man, the voice likely to ring a bell but just as likely to not even be remembered in the slightest.

    Stephen Strange stands in the hall of the hospital wing, his attire decidedly not nurse scrubs or even surgeon scrubs as he wore for a long time in this very hospital a time or two. Strange stands with his arms crossed but that falls quickly as Mike's expression fades once obscured by the door. "This is a kind thing you've done, but it is exhausting."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The woman in the suit looks to the outfitted sorceror, eyes widening, "Oh my-" She ends up at a loss of words as she just stares.

Mike blinks, looking to the familiar looking man from Greenwich looking at him. "It's been a long week." He states simply, a brow arching slightly at the odd attire, glance fleeting as his attention shifts back down the hallway "And, I got a little extra on my plate at the mom-" He frowns, bringing a hand up to his forehead, eyes squinting closed.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Strange stands tall and looks into the room as the woman gasps at his attire and this causes a subtle roll of the wizard to motion the door fully closed with a wave of his fingers. Alone in the hallway for the moment Mike gets Strange's full attention as he squints at the musician and peers curiously at the musician for another moment. "What is on your plate?" The wizard asks rather flatly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Something's not right here."

Of course, they're in a wing comprised mostly of children's patients so that's probably not the most helpful of answers, "Just give me a few-"

Taking a breath, he opens his eyes, looking ahead as he starts to walk away from Strange in that general direction. A little ways down, his steps slow as he studies a door.

He moves down a few more steps, looking to another closed door.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen squints his eyes sharply and even turns his head to the side a bit as this is most odd. The wizard lowers his hands down fully to his sides and takes a step behind Mike but stops as he watches.

    The Sorcerer pushes his feelings and senses out, further than he thought he was already and is ... at a loss.

    "Mike." Stephen says, having done SOME homework on the man he encountered not long ago, trying to halt the man's sudden movements as most people tend to be surprised at hearing their name.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The musician's head turned to look towards a third door, hand starting to move towards the handle when his non-stage name is uttered. Not the one he's appearing at the hospital under.

The hand lowers as Mike looks over to Strange quickly. "What?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Maybe think before busting into a random room in a pediatric wing..." Stephen says, stepping up to Mike and pausing, his hand moving to press against the door and mystically sets up a touch based barrier to prevent Mike from opening it without speaking to Strange first. "What are you sensing at least?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Shit. "Ah. Sorry." He gives a grimace, glance shifting back to the door and then down the hallway to see if any of the hospital staff were nearby "Their nightmare." Mike answers, voice low, "It needs to stop."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen keeps his finger tips against the door, the spell remains active as he keeps his hand there. "You're going to awaken a kid because they have a nightmare?" The wizard asks, his eyes locking with Mike's and yet the wizard doesn't seem as if he's going to budge. "Nightmares are a part of life, why should you stop this one?" Stephen more wants to know than actually allow the kid to have a nightmare.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I am aware of that," Mike hisses, the general fatigue from before combined with the aggravation of the sorceror prevening him from getting in combining to a darkening expression, "If I stopped them all I'd NEVER get sleep. But this one's not right. He needs a break."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen's eyes flash for a brief moment and his free hand twitches as he look to Mike and seems to loosen the fingers he has on the door down to one before redoubling and pressing his whole palm against the wood. "How is this one 'not right'?" Stephen inquires, ever desiring to learn more.

Michael Hannigan has posed:

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen lets his hand off the door, breaking the spell that had sealed it and he allows Mike to enter the room, standing back and away and crossing his arms before his chest, watching the musician get to work helping the boy. Will he just wake him, or is there more? Possibilities flutter through Stephen's mind as he waits and watches.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After what seems like much longer than it should have taken, Mike makes it to one room where the patient sleeps but not of the variety that one can be woken from. An underlying cause, not really known, at least to Mike. He doesn't bother with any of the medical charts

Under the doctor's watchful eye, he sits quietly beside the child, studying the child quietly before bowing his head, closing his eyes, but still watchful in his own way. A frown deepens as he gains a glimpse into the fretful world the patient is plunged into. A nightmare of gargantuan proportions.

He holds his hands together, fingertips resting upon their mirror image treating the doctor to the visual of a rock star in quiet prayer. LONG long long long prayer.

Ok maybe not so much long as trying to get to the right mindset. Seems some jerk really screwed with the temprament needed.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen slowly takes a single step in, darkening the room again with his shadow, eating the light from behind in the hall. Words aren't needed by the sorcerer supreme, he has a good idea of what's going on, and the wizard will not interfere this night. He will stand silent sentinel to the secret sermon being spoken syllableless by the singer.

    Stephen reaches within the cloak and clutches tightly to the trinket he's carried for some time and brushes his thumb against the object through the cloak he wears, waiting.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The shoulders rise as he takes in a deep breath, before letting it out.

"One thing to ask," The voice starts, volume low and rhythmic,"a tone demure; Raphael's flask, give me a cure."

Eyes opening, Mike leans towards the child, moving a hand over to extend a solitary finger to the forehead. A tiny arc, reminscent of static electricity, completes the connection briefly before Mike sits back, looking to the child quietly.


Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen balks, he has to shake his head slightly and then reach into his cloak, a hidden pocket and pulls out an old silver flask.

    'Coincidences don't exist.'

    Stephen can hear his old teacher saying those words to him several times during his training in Tibet, and yet... Stephen simply takes the flask, sets it down on the table Next to the door, places a small enchantment on it that will draw Mike to it, and then without a word, Stephen backs out of the room and silently shuts the door.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After observing for a few moments and satisfied with the disturbing imagery being gone away for now, Mike gets up and starts to make his leave.

As he starts to reach for the handle, his eyes rest upon the flask.

His head tilts curiously before he finds himself sliding it into his pocket. The door opens and shuts, leaving the child to sleep away with pleasant dreams now.