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Latest revision as of 16:31, 16 December 2020

Title later, RP now!
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: Hole-In One Donuts
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Jinny Hex

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's been a pretty... hectic time for Marie of late, with graduation and her own fears surrounding it having taken up a majority time, not to mention the time that she spent as a dinosaur. However, with everything mostly settled and in a good situation once again, aside from the psychotic televangelist who's more or less been declaring war against all of mutantkind. So going out into the city was definite nope, and she made sure to secure one of the trackers from the school before leaving... but still she wanted to try and catch up on some of the things that she had meant to while time wasn't on her side. One of those things? To call the equally-accented redhead from not long ago. She had a promise to keep, afterall!

The suggestion was made to meet at Hole-In-One Donuts -- it wasn't too far from the school, wasn't (that) close to any large cities, and, frankly, donuts are a most delicious treat in any circumstance. The redhead is sitting at a table, her cards laid out in front her, a box with a variety of donuts a bit closer to the center of the table. Right now, she waits for the other girl to arrive... fully expecting her to at some point.

Jinny Hex has posed:
And she does!

    The old red truck pulls up outside, and the driver pulls into a stall. The tarp is still covering the back of it. A moment later, Jinny comes walking into the donut shop. She's been busy as well, but at the same time it has been pretty uneventful for her. She actually looks a little frustrated as she steps inside and plucks her cowboy hat from her pretty head. She's wearing the same X-Menish jumpsuit from before, and her vest. As soon as she spots Marie-Ange, however, the frustration mostly fades, and she ends up grinning.

    "Hey, you look good," she says, as she slides in across from her.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
When Jinny arrives, Marie rises up to greet her properly, standing and waving, and in fact, waiting until the other teen reaches the table before moving to retake her seat. "Mademoiselle Jinny! It is good to see you again." she greets -- Marie herself is dressed in her usual fair, a dress that's fairly conservative, although her hair is tied back with a light blue ribbon as well. The compliment? It draws the slightest of blushes to pale cheeks and a meek "Merci beaucoup." afterwards.

"I apologize I did not call sooner... with graduation season in full swing, my free time was, how you say... non-existant?" she offers, before moving to open the box. "Would you care for some donuts?"

Jinny Hex has posed:
She grins a bit. "I know that just means 'Miss' or whatever, but it sounds so fancy. Please, just Jinny." She sets her hat down on the seat beside her and brushes her fingers back through her red hair. She shrugs at the apology. "Eh, no rush. It's fine, really." Jinny grins and nods, opening the box to peek in. She bites her lip and ends up snatching up a chocolate.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The request draws a moment of pause from Marie, and a turn of a card -- there's a further darkening of her cheeks, and a nod. "Very well then, Ma-- Jinny." she corrects herself. The card said to go with it, so she goes with it! "...on the plus side, it seems as though time is going to be in my favor once again from here forth, aside, perhaps, from some apartment hunting..." ...although given things, do she and Jenny want to go into the city? She's not a hundred percent sure on that. She'll have to check with her BFF later. "Enough about me, though! How have you been? Have you found a nice place to stay?" Yes, she's assuming that Jinny's expedition isn't taking her /past/ the state. Though, obviously, she might be wrong about that!

Jinny Hex has posed:
She arches an eyebrow at the expression Marie-Ange shows when she flips that card, and she leans in a bit. She takes a bite of her donut as she considers it. "What's that one mean?," she asks curiously. The Texan glances up at the waitress and smiles, ordering a cup of coffee. She turns back. "I'm alright. Staying at a motel still. Burning up my savings," she says with a lopsided grin.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I asked the cards if I should honor your request... the rules of etiquette suggest that I continue to use the title, but..." A shrug, "...you requested otherwise, the cards concurred, because the Six came up inverse. Had it come up like this," she turns it to face herself, rather than Jinny. "The cards would have told me to continue being polite." A cheery little wink there.

Reaching into the box, she plucks out a glazed donut and takes a bite. Proper etiquette again; chew, chew, swallow. "I would... how you say... offer a couch? But the couch is not mine to offer." A sad smile to that, "...have you at least found the aide that you came for?"

Jinny Hex has posed:
She blinks at that and peers curiously at the card as it is explained. "Huh, alright." She smiles as her coffee arrives. She picks it up after adding a few creamers, but no sugar. She takes a bite of her donut, then sips the coffee.

"Mn. Not yet. And it's fine, really. I appreciate the thought."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Well, I would just hate for you to use up all of your savings, tu sais?" Marie replies, smile on her lips. Another bite is taken, chew, chew, swallow. "New York is a city most fascinating, though, so at least you have not likely been short on entertainment! Have you done anything exciting in your time here so far?" ...if Jinny went and did the tourist thing rather than what she came out here for, Marie couldn't blame her too much. The French girl's done the tourist thing more than once herself!