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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2020/05/06 |Location=Amusement Mile |Synopsis=No description |Cast of Characters=1365,681 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1365|Robbie Reye...")
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Latest revision as of 16:31, 16 December 2020

Date of Scene: 06 May 2020
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Zatanna Zatara

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gotham City. Around 10pm.

Gotham was certainly among the few cities in the world that truly never sleep. The theme parks were still going, the streets were still busy as ever as the night shifters rolled in. However, the shows that were going on this particular evening were starting to draw to a close.

Curiously enough, Robbie Reyes had just finished taking out a demon that had been taking people captive for possessions. An envy demon, more specifically. Face-stealers who are never satisfied. Needless to say, it stole its last face.

So, Robbie was parked outside the theater, texting his little brother Gabe who was being babysat by his cousin.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Normally, it might be one of Zatanna's own shows letting out. However, tonight she was actually out seeing another magician's set. Someone she might select as an opener for her own act. Plus, it's always good to support the others in the industry. Even just getting the word out on social media that she was seeing someone else's show boosted the kid's ticket sales considerably.

It's also why she slipped out early to pick up a ride home. Sure, she could portal out, but equivalent exchange being what it is: Zee tries not to use her magic for too many pointless things in a day. There may come a matter of necessity and then where's she at? With a black trench coat on, she's just another woman on the street in tailored jeans and a white blouse... albeit a recognizable one up close. She steps out to the curb, pulling out her phone to start checking the ride share apps.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Well, Zatanna might be in luck.

Robbie looks up just in time to see Zatanna and, despite her impossible beauty, Robbie feels largely compelled to help her out a little bit. Plus, his '69 dodge charger beats out any ride share app taxi cab car any day of the week.

So, Robbie tries to be as smooth as humanly possible as he pulls his car alongside the road and he peeks his head out the window to look at Zatanna. "Hey! Need a lift?" he offers with a friendly smile.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
In a city like this, random rides from strangers are something to be taken with a grain of salt. Perhaps a whole teaspoon of salt. Zatanna lowers her phone and looks at Robbie for a long beat. Then she lifts her phone and considers the screen.

Twenty minutes for the next ride and it's a shared one. Which means risking some 'well-meaning' fan (in addition to the driver) asking her to share her secrets the whole way.

Why didn't she just portal home again?

The raven-haired woman lets out a breath, puts on a smile, and nods to Robbie. Worse comes to worse, she can take care of herself. That's something she always has at least. "Yeah, I think so."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Thankfully, Robbie isn't a megafan. He likes having the mystery of magic remain...well, a mystery. He unlocks his car door, before he steps out of it and opens the passenger door for Zatanna. "After you, M'lady." He says in some measure of silliness in attempting to be a gentleman. Chivalry isn't dead yet!

If Zatanna approaches and acceptst he offer, he'll ask. "So, you have a name or do I get to be a dick and make one up for you?" its said in humor, not to be taken too seriously, but he asks her name all the same as he slides himself into the drivers seat after making sure Zatanna is squared away.

granted, she can probably portal out whenever she wants too.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The opening of the passenger door for her gives Zatanna pause. It's certainly unexpected. It's certainly not normal; not these days. She blinks at Robbie a few times, but passes it off as someone trying to get themselves a good tip. Her phone is tucked into her pocket and she slides into the seat.

When he asks her name, she almost does a double-take. Either she's not used to telling drivers her name (it does show on their app!) or she's just used to people knowing who she is. Probably the latter. Definitely the latter.

"Zatanna Zatara," she says finally, with that hint of 'other' accent that someone who grew up on the world stage, traveling all over, might have obtained.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Most probably the latter.

But, Robbie was unorthodox, and MAN was Zatanna probably going to be upset when Robbie tells her he doesn't work for that app thing, he's just being a nice guy and he finds her really attractive. All the same, Robbie nods when he hears her name. "Zatanna, huh? Think I saw the name on a billboard once or twice. Take it your famous." he chuckles. "But, the name's Robbie. Robbie Reyes. Guess I'll be your driver for today. So, whats the address?"

He'll wait until his destination is given before he puts his foot on the gas to get them rolling.

"So, where ya from, Zatanna?" small talk is a good thing, right?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
While the address is in Gotham -- outside the city limits -- it's nowhere near anything. There's swamp there, but that's about it. Not the kind of place someone would expect anyone -- let alone a woman like her -- to go. Especially at night.

"Just a little," Zatanna answers with some mild amusement regarding her fame. "Nice to meet you, Mister Reyes."

She pulls out her phone, scrolling through some app or another. Twitter, TikTok, maybe Snapchat. Got to keep up with the socials. "Technically, Gotham. But my father and I traveled all over for his work."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie takes note of the address but doesn't seem bothered by it at face value. Instead, he just starts driving as he talks with Zatanna. "Yeah, I kinda feel you there. My parents moved around too, though I was usually not brought along. Business trips and stuff like that." he shrugs. "But, its nice to meet you too, Zatanna."

He notices that she's on a few different social media pages. Could friend her or something if this goes well.

"So, since you happen to be 'just a little' famous, what do you do for a living?" He seriously doesn't know? Zatanna might be annoyed or amused by his lack of celebrity knowledge.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Crossing one leg over the other, Zatanna settles in for the ride. If the muscle car and the speeds it can go bother her, it doesn't show. If anything, she may as well be in a town car. She has an air of someone who can make just about any situation look comfortable: at least on the outside.

"It was just me and my father. We had to stick by each other." There's a bit of... sadness in her voice. She may not even be wholly aware of it, for all that she's watching her phone.

There is a glance up and over when Robbie asks what she does, brow arching. She seems amused, yes, but also a touch surprised. "I'm a stage magician. You know, like David Copperfield. Penn and Teller."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie tries to keep his eyes on the road.

But he does note that tone of sadness that touches her voice. "If its a touch subject, we definitely don't have to talk about it." he speaks of her father, clearly, and he seems true to his word that he doesn't ask anymore questions about it. All the same, he does seem to smile a bit when she mentions she's a stage magician.

"For real? Gotta have some serious talent to do that stuff. Could never figure it out." no, he doesn't ask her how she does it. "You pull in big crowds?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hmm?" Zatanna doesn't even seem to realize he's picked up on it at first. Or that it came through in her voice. She makes a thoughtful sound and then looks back to her phone. After a moment, she takes in a breath and tucks the device into her pocket. Out of sight, out of mind. For now, at least.

"I was raised in it. My father was a great magician, too. Been doing it since I was a kid." There is a brief smile. "I'd say I pull in decent crowds, yes."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Well, atl east he'll be able to have a conversation with her now, something that Robbie most certainly approves of. All the same, he keeps his attention on the road as Zatanna starts to talk. "Family business then? Nice. In a way, those are the best ones. Feel like they really matter, in their own way."

He shrugs.

"I'm just a mechanic, really. Fix up cars and the like. Give rides to attractive strangers on Wednesdays too sometimes." a bit of a joke.

"Heh, nice. I imagine you put a lot of smiles on people's faces. Good on you."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Hesitation, there. Zatanna looks over at Robbie and really gets a good look at him. As if you can tell an axe murderer by giving them a good look.

Who knows, maybe you can.

"You're not one of those Uber drivers," she says. It's more statement than question.

There's a slight shift in her seat as she glances out the window, as if ensuring they -are- going the right way. She doesn't need to work out an exit strategy, does she? "Uh, yeah. I do. Or I try to, at least."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie kind of smirks a little bit when Zatanna suggests he's not an Uber driver. "You are correct. Hope you don?t hate me for making sure a lady gets home alright?" Robbie looks briefly at Zatanna with a smile.

Then his eyes are back on the road. He is indeed going the right way from Zatanna's memory of how to get home without teleporting.

"Nice." Robbie tells Zatanna. He can tell she is not exactly pleased. "You don't have to pay me by the way, since I'm not an Uber."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There's a slow intake of breath followed by an equally slow exhale as Zatanna processes this information. Hmm. -Hmm.-

"It's fine," she says finally, though it seems to come with some difficulty. At least a dash of uncertainty. She glances sidelong at Robbie. "Not smart, but fine. You really shouldn't pick people up at random." She pats her phone, where it rests in her pocket. "But at the same time, I shouldn't accept a random ride without confirming it."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie seems worried a moment as Zatanna takes a deep breath. Robbie was prepared for wrath and was surprised when he found nothing but calmness out of her.

he grins though. "How about we call it a fifty-fifty lack of wisdom?" Robbie says with a smile for her, an actual laugh leaves his lips as well. "To be fair, my reasons were entirely selfish. I think you are very easy on the eyes. Plus I didn't want you to get scammed. Guys like that are all over the place."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Fifty-fifty it is," Zatanna says with a small smile. Not as much as Robbie's, but then: she's probably still feeling more than a bit awkward. "But just promise me you'll be a little more up front when picking up random women in the future?"

The phone is pulled out again and given a little wiggle. "This generally keeps me from being scammed. Tells me who the driver is and their car. I think I was just distracted."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"I'd offer you a handshake, but-" Robbie gestures to the road with a smile and a small chuckle before his attention is indeed back on the road. "Well, I can't refuse such a nice offer, so alright, chica. I promise I will be up front about picking up ladies off the sidewalk."

He chuckles lightly.

"Was meaning by price not by car type and driver. Though I guess you could always just give him a bad review. But...out of curiosity, don't you have like an entourage or a somewhat fancy car to drive around? Just feel like you don't have to wait for guys like me to try." he teases her lightly as they press onwards to her destination.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I didn't mean by car type, either," Zatanna points out as she puts her phone away again... well, after typing out another reply to something or another.

"No entourage. Ugh, perish the thought." She leans up against the car door, hugging herself as she looks out into the night. "And sure, I have a car." Cars, possibly. And could summon more if she really wanted. "But have you seen the parking situation downtown? It's easier to commute in for shows."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie shrugs a moment. "Well, you make a pretty valid point where thats concerned."

He starts to pull up to the swamplands that contain Zatanna's home. "Huh. You live in a weird part of town, don't you?" he asks her curiously with a raised brow. "But I gets its easier to hitch a ride."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie shrugs a moment. "Well, you make a pretty valid point where thats concerned."

He starts to pull up to the swamplands that contain Zatanna's home. "Huh. You live in a weird part of town, don't you?" he asks her curiously with a raised brow. "But I gets its easier to hitch a ride."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Just a little outside of town." Way outside of town. Maybe not so far as Wayne Manor might be considered, but it's the sticks in its own weird way. "But it's family land, so hard to give up, y'know? Plus, why get a place in the city when I have this? It's not very financially prudent."

Zatanna digs around in her pockets and surfaces with some cash. She holds out a fifty towards Robbie. "I know you said I didn't have to pay, but it is quite a drive."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie nods softly to Zatanna as she claims these marshlands is, in fact, family land. He understands how hard it is to give up any item that is connected to family in such a way. But then she's trying to offer him money. He turns his head to look at her for a moment before he chuckles and shakes his head.

"Think of it as being on the house. Wouldn't refuse a kiss, however." he says with a bit of a cheeky grin, before he shakes his head, implying that he's only teasing. "But seriously, keep your money. I like driving, regardless of 'where' I'm driving, if that makes sense."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When he refuses the money, Zatanna shrugs and tucks it back in her pocket. However, she does pause when he mentions a kiss. As if she's not quite sure at first whether he's joking or not. Once it's clear, she relaxes and gives a small nod.

"I think I understand. I enjoy magic whether or not I'm performing, myself." She leans forward, reaching for the door. "Thank you, Mister Reyes. I hope you have a good night."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie smiles softly for a moment when Zatanna seems to visibly hesitate, and he questions internally if she would actually do it.But, when she gives him a small nod as he pulls into a good spot for her to get out. He does smile a little bit to Zatanna, giving her a nod.

"Likewise, Zatanna. I hope we see each other again soon." He'll wait until she's out of the car, before he'll begin to make his way home.