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Latest revision as of 04:29, 18 December 2020

In Service
Date of Scene: 15 December 2020
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Cole Cash makes aquaintence with Gotham's 'Balm' -- and saves her from some goons looking to make a quick buck.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Cole Cash

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Narrows at night was really no place for a teenager to be. Especially this deep into it. Especially without her armor on.

    There were a precious few among the homeless of Gotham who knew Phoebe's burner phone number. She could be summoned, guided through, and hey -- tales of some kid coming through and performing minor miracles, healing the sick, the wounded, dismissing staph infections from dubious needles? News can travel.

    And not everyone in Gotham is as altruistic as the Bats.

Cole Cash has posed:
Like Cole Cash, a.k.a. Grifter. He is not as altruistic as Batman. But that is okay, because he is not super-rich. He is slightly more altruistic than the typical Gothamite, but the bar was low. He would say it is because he is from Chicago, which is not half as bad as Gotham. Not that anyone has asked him.

In fact, Cole supplements his dubious mercenary career with a bit of legit work and a lot of con-man schemes. Which the Narrows is a good place to conduct, since there are few cops, even fewer honest cops, and plenty of assholes to swindle. This keeps him around at odd times, which in December is unpleasant. Gotham December nights are about as nice as Chicago's. So he is hurrying back to the Grifter-Cave when he spots Phoebe. Not in a place she should be.

His good deed of the week is going to be following this silly teenage girl and try to make sure she leaves the Narrows alive. Because he is a dumbass.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is a little bundled up. She has a hood and a gray jacket that's seen better days -- it looks like someone's stabbed it a couple times, then someone else carefully repaired it with bright threads. The wind blows in off the river, off the ocean, making it cold and worse -- making it damp.

    Great way to set up for pneumonia.

    The teenager approaches a homeless guy, holding an 'Anything Helps -- Godbless' sign.

    He seems to recognize her, and there is a short exchange before she looks about, and then ducks into the alleyway.

    There's some movement on the rooftop overhead. Too clunky to be the Bats.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole sticks to the shadows. He is good trailing people, thanks to some spy training decades ago and a lot of street experience. He combats the cold with a flask of Whiskey, quite safe from the common cold thanks to Uncle Sam's experiments to try to turn him into a patriotic Super-Soldier (they failed).

Surprised to find a bum alive in the street this place, this cold. But Gotham is full of surprises. Maybe he found a place close to a warm industrial power line or something. Not a threat, anyway. He almost relaxes, then hears something upwards.

Sighing, he pockets the flask of liquor and pulls out a red mask, covering his face. A second later the night vision goggles kick in. Let see.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The homeless guy had a good place, out of the wind, beneath the old awning of what used to be a butcher shop. Doubled as a black market drug den for a short while. Things change.

    Two figures are following the girl, wearing winter jackets and face masks against the cold. One is carrying what looks like an empty duffle bag over his shoulder. The other has a cheap handgun. They're trailing a bit behind the teenager as she moves in deeper into the alleyway, pausing and drawing down to the side.

Cole Cash has posed:
That setup doesn't look like a random mugging, which makes Cole curious. Gangers he expected, because sometimes they hare too drunk or doped to notice the cold. Two guys with a duffle bag? That is weird. But since it is Gotham, the masked man just shakes his head and follows the thugs. Much more stealthy than them despite his size and his boots.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    No, it's not a random mugging. The thugs on the rooftop are communicating through simple sign language, like they've seen one army movie too many. The girl is still in the alley, bowed down, talking to someone. Quiet words exchanged, and then Cole might see a bit of light. It pools in the teenager's hand, and gently she brings her hand to the homeless man's face. There is notiable reduction in swelling, and the man with the gun overhead raises it to take aim at the girl in the alleyway.

Cole Cash has posed:
Or a non-random murder. Although that handgun looks too cheap for a pro job. Not to mention the killer hardly at an optimal range given it is night. Still, murder is murder.

So Cole shoots first. His handgun is not cheap, and it is not small calibre either. It is a .50AE round aimed for the other gunner's wrist. Likely will put a huge hole there, or even take out the whole hand, leaving the thug maimed for life.

It is not quiet either. The Narrows nights are full of gunshot, but this one is particularly loud.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    A gunshot rings through the night, followed by a scream of pain and bloodspatter against the tar rooftop and the cement alleyway below.

    The girl actually moves to shield the man she was helping, who gives a surprised cry of alarm.

    The man with the duffle turns, and pulls out a not-quite-as-cheap gun and opens fire towards the Grifter as the gray-clad girl draws the old man up and tries to get him to cover behind a handy dumpster.

    "Stay down!" she can be heard calling over the ringing of gunshots that split the night.

    "MY HAND!" the first man wails "MY GODDAMN HAND!"

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole smirks under the mask. Looks like the pro was the one with the bag. Odd that. But he appreciates good reflexes and the ability to pinpoint a shooter after a single gunshoot. Maybe he should have attached a muzzle suppressor, but he had not expected a gunfight tonight.

He moves behind cover, pulling a second handgun, then twirls into open, firing quickly both guns at the same time. It is a lot of thunder.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    A lot of thunder, and the girl is hanging back, though Cole would be able to see her peering around the corner of the rash can, a dark domino over her face as she narrows her eyes at him, then glancing up to the others she shields the man she was helping again, and they run for the back of the alley.

    The two men above Cole decide they're probably not going to win this fight, and the one with the bag turns, leaving his bleeding friend behind as he makes like a tree in a hurry!

Cole Cash has posed:
They are unlikely to win. Cole is better armed, and armored, and he can see in the dark. He also happens to be one of the greatest marksmen in the world. Second perhaps only to Deadshot.

But when the killers run, he stops shooting. This is the Narrows, so catching thugs is pointless unless he has a Batmobile to drag them all the way to the main police station downtown. He was walking.

As he walks towards Phoebe, he is reloading the handguns. But they vanish under the coat by the time he gets to the girl. "Hey. Good night for a murder, isn't it?" He grunts. Still masked.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Gothamite braces herself as Cole makes his approach, putting herself in front of the now healed man who looks like he's not ready to be in a world of pain again, and lets the teenager stand in front of him. She has her hood pulled a little further over her face, her lips pursed, and she looks like she's trying to judge if she can take Cole in a fist fight.

    Probably not, but hey. Heroes aren't known for their good strategy sometimes.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole pauses, studying Phoebe for a few seconds. Then snorts, cracking his neck in slow motions. "I mean them, kid. They were going to shot you and bag you. What the hell, you didn't even see them. Why are you even wearing a mask?"

Cole's hand vanishes under his coat again, this time pulling a packet of smokes. "I don't usually protect people for free, y'know? You are lucky a have a soft spot for fools."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... some of us aren't meant for fighting." Phoebe replies, her voice quiet. But she eyeballs Cole as he smokes, her nose wrinkling slightly.

    "I owe you one then, I guess." she states, hesitantly. It's not like she wouldn't have been found. Eventually.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole produces a matchstick and manages to lit it despite the wind and the cold. It only takes him three attempts to lit the cigarette. "Anyone can fight," he points out. "But if you don't wanna, just don't come to the Narrows at night. "Or else," he glances at the rooftop. "Don't make enemies. I have the impression they were looking for you. It was not a random mugging, they were going to shot you in the back."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I don't usually make enemies." the girl replies, and she pulls her hood a bit further over her head. She narrows her eyes a moment as a footfall carries through the alleyway.

    The bagger was back, and he had a couple more thugs with him. They all had decent firearms on them, this time.

    "Hand over the girl, nice and quiet. All our boss wants is to *talk*." one states, apparently better mannered than the earlier guys.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole heard them, and even before they talked, he was already slipping into the shadows; the cigarette flicked away the other direction. His handguns are back in his hands so quickly it almost looks magic. "Send an email," he suggests with a snort.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Would try, but do you know how hard we had to work to try and get a hold of her? I'd have an easier time getting a hold of the Batman." the thug states as he steps forward. He's got a wiry build, beneath some slap-dash armor and a bulletproof vest. His head is shaved, and he's got a variety of little roses with blood dripping from the blossoms tattooed there. His arms cross as he regards Cole.

    "I've got five grand in cash in it if you walk away, man."

    Phoebe, on the other hand, doesn't hide. She does, however, produce one of those extending staffs. Pretty handy, but she's bringing a stick to a gunfight.

    "Or better idea--" she adds in a chipper voice, and then her tone turns frosty: "Get lost."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Five grand? Not bad," Cole seems to seriously consider the offer. "Why are you worth so much cash, girl? Did you hit the Penguin in the balls with that stick? Do you know Batman's real name?"

He is aiming a gun to the talking thug, but the other one goes back to its shoulder holster? Then taps pockets, as if he was looking for his pack of smokes again. In fact, that is what it looks like he is pulling from the coat pocket.

But sharp-eyed people would notice it is actually a hand grenade.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl in the cheap domino mask doesn't answer, but it does look like she's ready for a fight.

    "Nah, if she knew the Batman's real name? Bet you no one in the city could touch her. 'Cept maybe The Clown." the thug gives a grin. His teeth are entirely too white, he takes pride in his appearance.

    He's walking forward, slowly.

    "Nah, man, she's a regular Holy Grail. Can you feel it? All your sore muscles knitting back together sucking up--" and he makes a gross slurping sound "-- all those proteins to fix themselves? Just a general feeling of Good? I've seen it, man. The girl walks like a ghost through the city. Our boss just wants to talk to her. Job opportunity. No one wants to hurt her bad."

    He gives a falsely sweet smile. "Well. 'Cept for me. But hey, I can behave myself for a while for a payout."

Cole Cash has posed:
"And your boss needs healing? That would make sense..." comments Cole. "Except you tried to shot her first," he adds, as if digging for an explanation. He waits until all the thugs are looking at Phoebe and her staff. Then tosses the grenade at the side of the talky guy.

It is a flashbang, so for a second the alleyway is brighter than at mid-day. Also, the bang makes a gunshot feel sound like a child's toy gun.

His mask includes polarized vision, so he is moving quickly the instant the grenade explodes. Run, jump, and delivers a devastating side-kick to the talky gangster, while shooting at the other two in quick succession, aiming for the shoulders of their weapon hands.

Pretty amazing moves, shame everyone else is probably blind for a few minutes.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There's the sound of the staff whipping around, to clear the area in front of her before the girl moves in. As Cole goes for the talky guy, she's blindly going for one of the other gangsters, keeping them with distance as she swings, and recognizes the soft blow of striking above a hip. Then she wheels her staff about and takes his feet from underneath him.

    The gang gives yells of confusion and pain at the flashbang, some of them dazed and confused as they turn and one punches another in the shoulder in their confusion.

    The chatty guy folds pretty much in half, the ill-fitting armor not helping him out much as the weight of the unfamiliar gear pulls him down, his breath leaving him.

    The two other gangsters do get shots to their shoulders, the third on the ground and blindly scrambling away.

    Cash would be able to see the girl, in a ready stance, feeling about with the tip of her staff slowly. Smart girl is taking advantage of his attack!

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole kicks away a couple of the handguns, pocketing the third one (it looked nice). The guy Phoebe smacked is the only one that could escape, and since last time he left one go he brought reinforcements, he runs to pistol-whip him into sleepland. "Alright, can you heal yourself or something? Grab the old man, head for Robinson Park. There is a homeless shelter at the corner with Hobbes Street." Something Phobe doubtless already knows. It is not a very good place, as shelters are usually crappy and overcrowded in Gotham.

He goes back to the talky gangster, checking first for broken neck or broken jaw. If neither has happened, he will drag the man with him for some questioning halfway to the Park.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Ordinarily, Phoebe would have questioned someone with a bunch of guns....

    ... but she's met someone with even more guns and a worse disposition. Death will do that to a person. She makes herself scarce, running towards the back of the alleyway and then, like a ghost is gone!

    Chatty Charlie, on the other hand, has a broken nose from bashing his face into the wall. It'll be a hell of a headache.

    Chatty fights against Cash, curisng him out more than once as he tries to wriggle free!

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole sighs. Kids never listen nowadays, not like when he was young then he... okay, lets not tell tall tales. Instead of complaining outloud, he pushes Charlie against a wall and searches his pockets for id cars, more weapons and maybe five grand. Not likely he really had five grand, but it -would- pay the rent a few months.

"Who is your boss?" He asks, twisting the gangster's arm. "C'mon, tell me and I won't break your arms. I am not even going to go after him. I just want to know for future business."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "GGAAH!" Charlie cries out, writhing a little against the wall as Cole searches pockets. He finds a worn leather wallet with apotleaf on it and a Punisher skull on the other side. It has a bunch of twenties and fifties (and a few REALLY scuzzy looking singles), but not the 5k in the jeans. His jacket pocket has about 2k in hundreds, a nice thick stack.

    And Charlie begins laughing. "Oh man, if I'd known I was going to get killed, I woulda asked for more for the job and paid everyone out! Night on the town!" he laughs. "The Bats... they beat you up and jail you, but you're sure as hell not a Bat... otherwise you'd know no one comes with their names to the table unless they WANNA visit from the big bad Batman! It's Gotham, man."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Right. Not a bat," admits Cole. "Just a pissed off armed citizen. I don't usually murder people," he points out, "well, unless I am paid a lot. But you guys have pissed me off. So, tell me what I wanna know and you can go home and try to forget tonight. Otherwise you are going to go to the hospital for a while."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The man gives a small laugh at that, wheezing through his broken nose.

    "Didn't give a name. Just flashed cash. Said she frequents homeless camps. If we brought her in, there'd be cash in it for us. You don't get it man, you think if she gets picked up by the good guys that they're just gonna let her walk around healing the sick? No way! They're gonna lock her in an ivory tower for her own good."

    He gives a sick, phlegmy laugh "Shoulda just turned her over to me. Would be nice to have a toy that doesn't up and die all of the sudden." he laughs, motionig to the collection of bleeding roses on his skull.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole grunts. That all sounds reasonable, in a slimy Gotham way. "Dumbass," he states, pushing Charlie away. "Rule one for minions that want to go anywhere: Know who you work for. You won't make it to thirty being so stupid."

He stares at the man for a few seconds, to make sure he doesn't try anything stupid. Then he turns away and ninja-vanishes. (Yes, he knows space ninja martial arts). He will check the shelter before going back to his hideout, just in case the mysterious healing girl did listen.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    And lo and behold, the girl did listen. She's tending to the old man she was helping earlier, putting a blanket over his shoulders while staying at the edge of the grouping. She knew it was a pretty rough shelter, and she didn't want to be recognized here.

    So, still wearing the domino, she pulls her hood over her head, takes a deep breath, and she begins to make her way towards the door -- not inclined to sign up to stay the night. She had a bed elsewhere.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole just waits at the door. Spending a minute or three to enjoy his nicotine addiction. While freezing his ass off. But there are no-smoking signs all over inside the shelter (the fiends!).

"There you are," he tells Phoebe, not quite 'stepping off the shadows' due to the glow of the cigarette. "Looks like one of the major gangs wants you in the payroll. And by payroll I mean in a cage, or worse. What's your deal anyway?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, joke's on them. I'm *allowed* to freelance." she states quietly, her shoulders drawing up. She shoulders a pack, but looks up to Cole Cash. "What's your deal? Just wandering around with all that oridnance. You a friend of the Red Hood or something?" she inquires quietly, out of conversation of the residents as they move outside -- where there are no 'no smoking' signs.

Cole Cash has posed:
"No, I am Batman, this is my Wednesday outfit," grumbles the red-masked man. Not the first time someone has confused him with Red Hood. The hell? He doesn't have a bucket in his head!

"I am just a guy that earns a living with his guns," he offers. "Sometimes I work for Uncle Sam, other times I do a bit of bodyguarding or bounty hunting. "Anyway, if you are hellbent to commit suicide, I can't stop you. But consider what is going to happen if some assholes grab you, put you in a cage and only let you heal people that pay a lot for it. All those you are helping plus all the people you could help with those fancy healing super-powers are going to miss it."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I realize that. I just... didn't think it would get around so soon." she admits. "... in any case, thanks for the head's up. It would have sucked to have to heel up in a duffle bag." she states with a wry note in her voice. Gothamites are an odd bunch.

    "This means I have to change up my routes again. Mmm. Was the Seventh Streeet camp Wednesdays or Thursdays?"

Cole Cash has posed:
"There are some hospitals in Gotham that could use you, y'know?" Points out Cole. But he can see this is a lost cause. "Anyway, I better go to back to my cave before I fully freeze my ears." He walks away, back to the Narrow. "Get something better than a stick for self-defence, sheesh." He offers a final word of advice.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, until some anti-meta decides to have an issue with me." the girl gives another wry smile. "Well, get outta the cold, Ears, before they fall off."