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Latest revision as of 02:41, 23 December 2020

A Different Perspective
Date of Scene: 22 December 2020
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: T'Challa and Shuri discuss the ongoing prospect of revealing the truth of Wakanda to the world before heading to a shelter to help feed those in need.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Shuri

T'Challa has posed:
Mid-afternoon at the Wakandan Embassy in New York City. The interior of the brownstone is, as always, pristine. A few visitors have come and gone, looking at the holographic displays of information about the small African nation and the seemingly basic history. How is it that a nation known to the general public for farming and other generic resources could afford an embassy with this kind of splendor? Surely their King was all about appearances. Undoubtedly he lived the life of luxury while those beneath him toiled in poverty.

Nothing could be further from the truth, but the ways to show this to the world still gnawed at T'Challa constantly. Once that door was opened, there would be no closing it, no going back.

That decision could wait for another time. Today, here and now, he was awaiting the arrival of someone he'd summoned. When she got there, entering the main office area of the embassy, she would find T'Challa dressed unlike she's used to, for while he still wore all black, it was what any average person in the city might be spotted in: a hooded sweatshirt beneath a leather jacket, jeans, sneakers, and a baseball cap with the logo of the New York Knicks featured. Naturally, it was all sized to look perfect on him.

Okoye stood by, behind and off to one side, dressed similarly while watching him with a skeptical look on her face.

Shuri has posed:
Walking in to the area, Shuri is dressed as casually as she comes. The shirt is basically a t-shirt, so that part is accurate. She has a jacket over it with a few bits of flare on it, one of which is a hawk. Her leggings go under a skirt that is a bit more Wakandan than normal casual and she has on a pair of nice black sneakers. It is casual-ish, especially with the beads and earrings.

"This had better be important, brother. I was just minutes from my next amazing break through and you have interrupted it. Obviously you will owe me for this." She nods sagely, "But I did come right away, as asked."

T'Challa has posed:
There is a bright smile on the bearded face of Wakanda's King, as he offers her the traditional arms-crossed greeting before adding in a more personalized slapping of hands, then he moves to allow Shuri her space as his hands stuff into the pockets of his jacket. "Ah, so nice to see you again, little sister. How are you this fine day, big brother? I am doing well, thank you for asking, and yourself?" T'Challa chides in a teasing tone in response to her launching right into things in her own way.

A shake of the head to one side indicates no need to actually play the 'hello, what's going on?' game. "I am sure what you are working on will be very useful, but I have been sitting here thinking about a few things, and I have decided we will spend a few hours at a soup kitchen today. Okoye will be driving us." He waits, with full expectation, to see how cheerful this will leave her.

While, of course, knowing full well that she is just as liable to complain about it instead. The question is which response she will give him.

Shuri has posed:
A smirk and she nods, "I should hire you to do all my unnecessary conversations. You are very good at it." Shuri responds with her own smirk before she smiles more brightly and nods, "An excellent idea!" She claps her hands and nods, "Helping others is a wonderful thing and you shall likely learn much from doing such a humble thing. I hope you and Okeye will have a wonderful time."

T'Challa has posed:
The trick is to tell whether Shuri is being sincere or not. She is known to tease T'Challa mercilessly, but she gets away with it because of their bond. They are siblings, even if they are from different mothers. "There are times where it seems most of the conversations I find myself in are unnecessary, or weighed down by others who feel the need to hide their wishes behind flowery words when they would save everyone the time by getting to the point," he laments, though there remains a lightness to the complaint. It could always be worse.

A hand comes back out to rest upon one of Shuri's shoulders, helping to guide her into walking with him. "You know how I feel about helping those in need. I thought it would be good for us, brother and sister, to spend some time showing others that there are people who are thinking of them. I have already paid for the shelter's next three months of food and supplies. The winter months here are not as pleasant as they are back home, and I am not about to suggest going to Jabari lands for a bit of snow."

He decides, "I wish to better understand what some of the people here need, and reflect on it later."

This is a man who rules a nation that could put a serious dent in poverty in many places, but there have been reasons to avoid doing so. Are they good ones? It is something he has still not found the right answer to.

Shuri has posed:
A sigh and Shuri rolls her eyes, "And I imagine you want to help these people in the old fashioned way where we hand out food and the like, right?" She eyes him and then she nods, "I guess but you do realize I could solve hunger in this whole city inside of a day, right?" She asks and then sighs, "I imagine you also don't wish to do that." She then turns to go grab a jacket.

"Don't reveal our secrets to the world, Shuri. Don't plan coups against violent dictators and corporate rulers, Shuri." She looks back, "See, I can do it, too." She then moves to grab a jacket out of a closet and slide it over her others.

T'Challa has posed:
"Is that what you would have us do, Shuri? Solve the world's problems for them simply because we can?" T'Challa asks, looking less like royalty in his streetwear, but still sounding the part. "This is what I have been wrestling with for months, for years, sister. You know everything I do, I do for the protection of Wakanda and our people. You know we have avoided the rest of the world's problems and its conflicts by keeping our secrets hidden."

They remain within the office space for this conversation, away from the eyes and ears of any visitors. There is a greater presence of guards in the embassy, namely the Dora Milaje, because /he/ is here.

"I also know we cannot remain that way forever. With each day that passes, others come that much closer to realizing the technologies we possess. We have already pulled back the curtain for a few of our closest allies, because there has been a need to." Here, he hesitates, then gestures around him, not so much at the interior of the embassy but beyond. "We may provide those in need with a warm bed, new clothing, and a full stomach, but how far does that go? Some, not all, must also possess the desire to earn their own successes in life. I do not enjoy seeing any man, woman, or child suffer, Shuri. Understand that. But we are not the world's saviors. I have seen much of how the American politicians act in their own interests first, forgetting who gave them the power they hold. Does not that change need to come from the people they supposedly represent? I must also think of what is best for our people. Every decision comes with a cost that we do not always see immediately."

Shuri has posed:
A sigh and then Shuri shakes her head, "I am just saying, Brother. We could overthrow a government or two and things would be better." She nods her head and then shrugs, "And besides, our people are industrious and hard working. All thanks to technology." She nods again before walking with him toward the exit and waving him along, "I know that we cannot just do what we want but I do believe that fixing these things cannot be done from darkness. We have to show people there is a better way...and be prepared to kick the butts of those who will try to abuse such things."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa smiles, and at least a portion of it is forced. "And I am just saying, sister, that doing a thing like that would be very dangerous for the world, not just ourselves. Think for a moment about any other nation in the world. America. Russia. China. Japan. England. As they know Wakanda now, imagine the difference if we, out of nowhere, did a thing such as that. I have no doubt we would be able to defend ourselves from any attackers, but at what cost to lives, ours or theirs? Would their fears be justified if they suddenly discovered we were wealthier and more advanced than any other nation in the world?"

He leads the way toward the main room of the embassy, en route to the car Okoye is already moving ahead to take the driver's seat of. "There are some amongst the tribes who would enjoy seeing those reactions, and there are some who fear it. All I am saying is when the world learns the truth about Wakanda, we must be very careful to ensure it is the way we want it to be revealed. I do not wish to be known as a King who seeks war. I wish to be known as a King who seeks peace. Now let us see what we can do to make a few lives better, and hopefully inspire something in someone. While we are there, I will be Luke. Okoye will be Grace. Shall I call you by another name?"

Shuri has posed:
A look to the man and then up at Okeye before she sighs and shakes her head, "You are very strange, at times, brother." She states simply, "I will go by Alice." She smirks and nods her head, "I do like that name." She then looks ahead and considers his previous words, "Also, there will always be fearful and stupid people, T'Challa." She looks at him and nods her head, "No matter what you do, eventually people will figure something is up and they will also want to attack." Her eyes look then out the window beside herself and she shrugs.

"You can either let it happen slowly and let others come to their own conclusions or get ahead of it, reveal things in your way and control the narrative."

T'Challa has posed:
"Only at times? I will have to try harder, 'Alice.'" T'Challa holds the door to the car open for her as they both settle into the back seat, letting Okoye and another guard, who will wait outside the destination, to sit up front. The vehicle is a black Lincoln Town Car, roomy with an all-leather interior, comfortable enough.

To finish his thoughts on the topic at hand, he says, "If it is inevitable, I do not wish it to come from a place of war. It just means I will need to find the right time and place."

The drive from the embassy is a few blocks, which can take minutes in New York City traffic if things aren't going their way. This time around, the lights happen to be green all the way. A casual glance might catch T'Challa doing something with the Kimoyo Beads around his left wrist, before tucking them back under the sleeve of his jacket.

When you can cause the lights to work in your favor, why not do it?

Shuri has posed:
It's hard for Shuri to not be aware of what T'Challa is doing and then she looks out the window shaking her head, "I'm sure altering the lights so you can get somewhere more quickly really shows the level of in touch with the common man you are." She smirks and glances at him briefly before looking ahead to the place they are arriving at, "Either way, we are here." She states and then looks to him, "Luke." She rolls her eyes and then opens the door and steps out without waiting on anyone to get it for her.

T'Challa has posed:
Rolling his eyes, T'Challa counters, "Am I to believe you have /never/ used any of our inventions for your personal benefit? What is it they like to say? 'If you've got it, flaunt it?'" Though he attended Oxford and has spent time around 'the common man,' he is used to certain comforts. Some habits can be difficult to shake.

Once they've parked and he's spoken with Okoye and the other guard, he leads the way toward a side door and calls a number on a cell phone. Shortly after a few words are shared, one of the volunteers at the shelter opens a door that has no handle from the outside in, granting them entry. "Welcome, welcome! Thank you for coming down to help out. It's been a really busy day. It's always like that around the holidays."

'Luke' answers, putting on more of an American accent, "It's no problem. We're just happy to help." Small talk is made, but each of them is given an apron to wear over their clothing. There's already a line of people waiting to get food and a few other necessities, with cafeteria trays and small bags of sanitary items and such set up near the entrance. The main room is lined with tables and chairs.

For the next few hours, the three of them dish out food for those who come by, whether it's the homeless or simply people who are downtrodden. 'Luke' in particular pays as much attention as he can to whatever they are willing to share of themselves, offering many of them a few encouraging words while taking note of any that might need a little something more to help nudge them along the right path. It may not be much, but it is one thing he can offer while still keeping secrets protected.