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Bustin Out - Above Ground
Date of Scene: 24 December 2020
Location: The Raft supervillain prison
Synopsis: Members of SHIELD respond to the Serpent Society trying to break Sidewinder out of The Raft. The serpents are defeated and the backup generators turned on.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Jovian Anderson, Janet van Dyne, Bobbi Morse, Doris Zuel

Steve Rogers has posed:
The Raft

A little background: the Raft is a prison on an island, surrounded by waters infested by manta rays, the wonders of a living breathing defense an obvious positive given the purpose of the facility. An extremely high security prison, this was built to take care of the prisoners that others can not.

On the top level it looks like any other prison. High walls with guards and barbed wire fences, a large building in the center with spotlights and guards, and more guards at all the guard points where guards are meant to be. There is a compound, and it is occupied by prisoners.

It is not the only aspect of the site though; that is the top level. Below are levels, buried far beneath. The deeper you go, the more dangerous the inmates. And this site goes very deep indeed.

So the group watching from afar, preparing to attack, are not on the invited guest list. Figures gathered in the dark, having left their presents of C4 in strategically chosen locations about the site. Exits, walls, guard posts, as expected. The most important ones are the generators though. Five backup generators must all go down at the same time, pulling power from the force fields.

Pulling power from the lower levels, and those kept deep within. The explosives are primed, people are gathering. And then there is no reason not to start the event.

"The green witch says it will work," says one. "Trust noone. It begins on three."

"Three," they whisper to each other. And then they all hit their buttons, beginning the chaos.

The power goes down, and the entire site goes dark. With convicted felons outside, ready to escape. And others, deep within, ready to do much, much worse.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The alarms went out immediately. Agencies like SHIELD and superheroes notified of explosions at The Raft. Furthering the notice was a TV crew which happened to be nearby gathering footage for a story. Images soon go out over TV of the columns of smoke and dust rising in the air above the supermax facility.

A quinjet scrambled from SHIELD touches down, and Captain America walks off. It had stopped to grab him and possibly others from a rooftop on the way there, and giving a few minutes for a situation report on the way.

Any heroes who showed up on their own will be pointed towards the quinjet and those emerging if they wish to help out. Steve Rogers is just giving a quick update on the information that was shared, when people arrive.

"Multiple explosions targeted the generators. We don't know who is responsible yet. But those generators are what keep the prisoners contained. Unless we can get the power restored, there is going to be a massive breakout of some of the worst villains there are. We cannot let that happen," Steve says to the group.

He points towards the facility. "We've got two main objectives. There are guards from the front gate buried in rubble who need rescuing. The secondary generators are our top priority though. According to reports from the prison staff, they are still getting readings from them that suggest they are still functioning. But they are also buried under concrete and rubble. So we need to dig them out and get them going. And I expect whoever is behind this probably won't let us have a free run at them, so we need to be on guard. Questions?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian is on the quinjet. He isn't the kind of fellow who normally hangs out with Shield but his experience with stopping the bomb has upped his street cred in federal agencies a little and given the 'all hands on deck' nature, it was enough to get him here and on location, which would have been a lot more efficient than approaching a maximum level facility in a jet ski of all things. Still, the instant he realizes he's hanging out with well... AVENGERS...he knows he is already out of his league but the favors he has pulled for a lot of investigations have been called and he is here...paying them off. He wears a silver suit with a black helmet and 5 bolos at his belt, holding on for all its owrth. When the task is 'getting people out of rubble' he isnt going to ignore Captain Freaking America, but moving rocks is hardly his very limited specialty, but he's worked with prison guards before, and knows how tough it is, so he's definitely trying to get them out, briefly wishing his uncontrolled rando phasing power would let him simply walk through the rocks and drag people out.

But it doesnt work that way. As it is, he tries the night vision mode on the helmet and is pleasantly surprised that it works. Granted, it works with "Gulf War" level resolution but he'll take it and heads to the rocks ready to move as much as it case.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I'm on recon, I guess," Janet says. The Wasp's wearing a full-body climate sleeve, inky black save for segmented gold plates covering her torso and wrists. She tugs at the fingertips to get it to settle properly into place. "I can see whether the generators are salvageable or not, and if there are any injured next to them. Do we have any word on who might have broken out?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It's not that often Bobbi gets to see Steve work his Avengers magic. Reading after action reports and watching security footage or news footage just isn't the same as experiencing his presence in person. It was a slightly quiet day for her, a quinjet flight out to see a contact in upstate New York. Then on her way back.. suddenly the quiet is broken.

    <This is Agent Morse in Quinjet #19 responding, you give me addresses and I'll pick them up on my way> -- <This is Triskelion OPs confirmed Field Leader Morse> -- Bobbi hates places like The Raft. Her ideal of prison involves reform, not simply locking them away and losing the key.

    Now set down on the landing pad at The Raft, she locks the quinjet controls but keeps the engines hot, then leaves the pilots seat and starts strapping on her cape and belt and thigh holster, staves, ICER, ear piece. She was done for the day, this extra mission is a bit of a surprise.

    Bobbi has taken a leaf out of May's book and mostly kept to herself, acting as the pilot for Captain America's group. She tests the charge on her staves and then slips them in to their thigh holsters, then checks her ICER is fully loaded and slips it in to the front of tummy holster. On go her tactical yellow sunglasses and she activates their HUD.

    She stands a bit back and to the side of the group and looks them over. This could get.. interesting. "Point us where you need us Steve, I'm ready. If we can get power to ops we might get internal security cameras running, which could be a huge help. If anyone needs backup, give me a wave."

Doris Zuel has posed:
Dr. Zuel has been to the raft before. She was a resident for a time until she was deemed useful enough to get a sort of reprieve. She isn't sure she likes the terms but now she is here with SHIELD at the moment. She steps out once the jet lands and looks at people scrambling about.

"Yeah, yeah." Doris states to Steve and rolls her shoulders," Just point at the morons dumb enough to pull this stunt." She laughs, "Without someone like me." She then glances around, "I haven't had a chance to hurt someone in a while." She then watches as. Janet flies off and then glances back to Steve.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers nods to Wasp. "Good, see if they can be run. They tell me we need to clear the rubble from their cooling vents or else they will burn up quickly. Report back when you know. Bolo, go with her as backup and make sure there isn't anyone responsible still around that area. The rest of us, let's get the guards at the gate out quick and then we'll meet them at the generator."

Captain America leads the group to the front of the complex, telling Jovian and Giganta along the way, "Glad to have you both with us."

Though it's on an island, there are still main gates to it that provide a barrier between the prison and the docks. And it is currently in rubble. C4 charges have taken out a a section of the wall, burying a guardhouse and taking out a watch tower. Steve heads for the rubble and begins pulling large pieces of concrete off of the pile.

"This is Captain Rogers. Anyone from the guardhouse that can hear me?" he says into his comms. After a moment there's a crackle and a voice replies, "Yes, this is Sargent Lazlo. We've got four alive down here but we're trapped. The rubble has been shifting, I think it might give way soon."

Steve begins working harder, pulling more pieces of concrete off, but many of the pieces are larger than he's going to be able to handle.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo changes his helmet comm to the frequency being used by the rest of the team. It definitely isnt SHIELD get but it can intercept wide spread comms meant for interagency communications, if you know the channel and settings which since he's oficial here he has. Body guarding he can do, since its what he's always done. He nods to the Captain, not wanting to talk to much since the voice scrambler makes him sound like a disco DJ and he hasnt gotten a better one yet. As it is, he runs after Janet keeping an eye out. He has a bolo in hand, lightly twirling and ready to spring in case there is anything that even remotely needs to be immobilized.

He's learned a lot, but he is, in fact out of his league since the helmet limits his peripheal vision as he is looking at Janet, amazed at how a person can be that tiny and turning his audio up to max to listen for cries for help under the rubble that he does not see the giant clawed snake man ambush him out of NOWHERE. Frankly, if he didnt have the ace up his sleeve unconciously fading out of existence for a moment as he flickers like a bad 1950's television for a moment as a rather surprised Bushmaster instantly recovers and bounds back acing for another attack with Bolo sending his bolo flying off into the night utterly missing the more experienced villain.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi checks her heart rate monitor, all good there. She smiles and moves with a swiftness to the rubble. "I think this is my first jail break," she says pondering her career. She starts to pick up large pieces of concrete and tossing them aside.

    For even slightly larger ones, her loose black cape suddenly snaps in to shape - wings, glowing purple, anti-grav. She glances side long at the heads up display interactive glance menus and turns the power up, to help her pull the large bits of rubble away. It's hard work and she keeps religiously glancing at her heart rate monitor. Nothing too stressful going on yet.

    "Yep. Definitely my first jail break from this side. From the other side, actually breaking out of captivity? done that a few times," she chit chats playfully trying to keep the mood of the situation as jolly as she can. "When I suggested we do some training together, weights was definitely on the agenda Steve - but not quite like this...."

Doris Zuel has posed:
Looking over to Steve as he speaks, she frowns a little and approaches the rubble before shaking her head with a sigh. She almost immediately grows to roughly twenty feet in height and shakes her head.

"How far down are they?" She casually grabs up a rather large piece, measuring it in her mind, growing a bit larger and then reaching across to grab the entire pile and with a grunt lifts the entire pile up.

"Out of the way, Cap." She calls out as she lifts up and then casually tosses the rubble off to the side, watching Bobbi fly by and she shakes her head, "You, too?" She laughs.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet yelps in surprise as Bushmaster springs forward to attack Bolo. "We've got a live one!" Janet shouts into her headset. "He's attacking Bolo!" The Wasp divebombs Bushmaster with a flare of coruscating green bioplasma that splatters his more vulnerable face, trying to distract him from Bolo.

"I think we've got it handled though," she adds, and vanishes from sight as one of those huge blades slashes through the air near where she was hovering. Janet reappears a moment later a yard away and flings more bioplasma at her target. "He's some kind of... snake guy, I think?" she hazards.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo says, "Handled?!" Bolo is incredulous at Janet's statement as Bushmaster....FREAKS him out. He throws a bolo at the super strong guy and while it gets contact, the villain instantly snaps it open and laughs, "Is THAT the best you can do?" He moves forward with blinding speed only to get hit in the face with the bioplasma and shrieks in rage.

Bolo tosses all three of his remaining bolos, trying to make up for the lack of strength on one by working together. At first it looks like it works, but the claw snaps them easily. He still can't see."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve hops back out of the way to let Giganta get in there at the debris. "Not too far I'd think from what I remember of the layout," he tells her. He looks over to Bobbi and says, "Well, we did need some bigger weights than what the gym has," he tells her.

Indeed, as the rubble is starting to come off large pieces at a time, they start to hear some yelling from beneath. "There they are," Cap says. He waits for Giganta to finish getting a big chunk of concrete out of the way and then lays down to reach into a void in the rubble. Soon he's pulling out one of the guards. Then a second.

Which is when the alert from Janet and Bolo comes in. "Watch yourselves," Cap says to Bobbi and Giganta, "There are probably-"

A hissing voice cuts off Cap. "More of usssss? Oh yessss... yesssss there are!" A number of figures rise up out of the debris from the explosions, surrounding Bobbi, Giganta and Cap. One is a very large blond woman in green whose arms start to grow larger. Anaconda. She moves towards Giganta.

Another attacker is slimmer with dark hair, and a black shadow seems to gather around behind her. "Black Mamba," Cap says as he sees her.

There's a warning sound, a high pitched rattle and then a sonic explosion hits a boulder next to Bobbi, as Rattler fires off a sonic shot from his rattle-snake tail. "Now we not only get our leader back, but we get pay back on SHIELD for locking him up!" he hisses.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet flickers past Bushmaster's face and this time gives him both barrels from her bioplasma, right in the kisser. It's bright enough that he'll probably have some retinal scarring and a flash-burn on his face. Bushmaster screams in pain and staggers around, flailing with his blades with wild and reckless slashes.

A few moments later he freezes. Twitches. His tail buzzes angrily-- and then he drops in place like marionette with his strings cut. All he can do is whimper and cry, apparently paralyzed.

Janet emerges from thin air next to Bolo, holding something that looks vaguely cybernetic in her hand. "This looks important. Guess I was right," she says. It's bounced in her palm one, then tossed in the air for Bolo to catch. "Let's get this generator online and get to the next one."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo nods to the Wasp. He is impressed at her take down. He takes the...whatsit and follows after. He definitely assumes she has infinitely more technical knowledge than he does about fixing the generator. THIS time, however, he spots the waiting opponent, the large serpentine humanoid doesnt freak him out quite as much but he is out of ammo. And yet, unconciously he reaches down to his belt, grabbing the sixth bolo, swininging it above his head back and forth and back and forth but instead of a regular bolo it is made of solid darkness, that spins out towards Death Adder, getting only one limb but sticking with much more strength as he grabs it instinctively trying to get it off while moving towards both heroes.

"How many of these guys are there?"

Doris Zuel has posed:
A blink as she spots the snakes. coming out and Giganta watches Anaconda come at her. Almost immediately she begins to laugh. She shakes her head and waves a hand, "Really?" She then let's out a sigh and stands up straight at 25 foot tall, letting the snakes move around her.

"Tell you what, I will start growing and when you can't handle it, I'll stop and beat you nearly to death." And with that, even as the snakes wrap around her, Giganta hits 30 foot tall and keeps growing. Her arms crossed as she watches the snake armed woman start to struggle.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The explosion right next to her makes Bobbi jump slightly and her eyes widen behind her yellow tinted glasses. The HUD scans his face and cross references to The Index. Rattler. Sonic weaponry fused to his spine. Bludgeoning, vibrations, sonic attacks, naussia, unconsciousness. Seven foot long appendage.

    "Really, overcompensating much?" she asks of Rattler and then notes he's mostly deaf in his file. She frowns and says, "I know you want out, but that isn't an option," she says to the Tunnel Snakes. "Not this way at least.

    Rattler is having none of this chit chat, he starts to rattle his tail again and directs a blast toward Bobbi. Lucky her, she trains with Quake who throws vibrational attacks at her all the time. She dive rolls out of the way and quick draws her ICER. A couple of shots are sent his way and he dodges, swinging off a piece of debris from his tail. Another rattle and another blast sent. Bobbi devices behind a chunk of concrete and says, "Well, nimble isn't he."

    The ICER goes away and she pulls out her staves. She waits, just enough time, for him to move in closer toward her thinking she's cowering. No, she was waiting to be in closer range. She swings around from behind the boulder and one stave blocks the expecting strike from the tail, the other stave strikes him in the arm. She ducks back as claws swipe through the air.

    A small twirl of her staves and a smirk on her face she backs off from him just a little bit. "This isn't your forte Mr. Gustav Krueger," she says loudly so hopefully he can hear. Heads up displays are great, "So I'm going to give you one more chance to surrender or things will get violent."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet vanishes into thin air the moment she senses danger. A fly-sized speck darts out of harm's way while Bolo uses his signature tools to tie up Death Adder. "Steve, I think this is your party," Janet says over the comms link. "Looks like the Serpent Society. Bolo, this one's Death Adder, I think. Watch out for the claws and tail, they're poisoned."

The Wasp casts around the generator room for an alternate course of attack and zips to the ceiling to hit the emergency sprinkler. She stays above the spray as the nozzles go off and start laying down a thick layer of water.

Full size, Janet emerges near Bolo, wiping water from her face and brow. "Hit that cable release, drop the live wire in the water!" she tells Bolo, and points at the generator that's touching the swift-growing puddle around Death Adder's ankles.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Captain America closes on Black Mamba who flashes him a wicked grin. "The Boy Scout himself. Oh, Sidewinder is going to love hearing how I ended a legend for him," she says to Cap. "Ma'am, the only thing you'll be discussing with him is the prison menu that you'll both be eating from," he replies.

Some of the dark energy around Black Mamba darts out at Cap, who swings his shield to knock it aside. He punches at Black Mamba but she blocks it dodges back, sending more Darkforce at him. Cap dodges aside and swings his shield down on it to sever the tentacle-like projection.

The two move back and forth across the ground, trading blows. Black Mamba is capable enough of a fighter, especially with her Darkforce powers in play leaving Cap to worry about more than just her punches and kicks.

Meanwhile, Anaconda lets out a deep, hoarse laugh. "Fine, if I can't choke you out," she says to Giganta, "Then I'll just bash your brains in!" Instead of going for a choke with those elongating arms, she starts grabbing chunks of debris, some as big as a motorcycle, and whips them one after another at Giganta in a steady stream of incoming missiles!

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo doesn't really have...like....telekinisis or anything and almost asks, "WITH WHAT?" but if you are going to play with the big bo...er....gir...little gi...girls who can be big when they want to...you wear the big boy pants and, while in the back of his mind realizing he just did something with his power that was essentially freaking impossible he decides to get a little reckless and CHARGES straight at Death Adder who grins ferally, poisoned tail flickering right at him he would have hit Bolo but for a second time he flickers into a shadow, going right THROUGH the guy just enough to leap into the air on a nearby chair and pull the cable.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Rattler considers his options - nope, he can't possibly give up in front of his team. He smirks back at Bobbi and cracks his knuckles. His tail begins to rattle again and he says, "IIii've leeearnt neeew triiicks." The ground below Bobbi explodes and then the air beneath her sending her tumbling up in to the air.

    Too bad for him, Bobbi has wings. She twists and turns as the air about her explodes until the anti-grav plates in the wings stabalise her. She turns back to stare down at him and then swoops down at him with her lips in a thin determined line.

    The swoop turned in to a kick to his torso which knocks him back. He rolls back up using his tail as a third leg and sweeps at her legs. Bobbi flips over the tail and thrusts a stave at his chest. He ducks back just enough and brings his tail around again.

    This time, though, Bobbi lets herself believe in her abilities. She tosses a stave up in the air and catches the tail with one arm. Her feet skid across the ground and she can feel her ribs groaning behind her skin. It was a hard hit, certainly enough to knock regular humans out.

    She takes her second stave and starts smashing in to the cybernetic appendage. As he struggles to get closer to her, she uses the articulation of the tail to force him back like he's on the end of a stick. After a few powerful smashes, the tail snaps in two and she tosses the rattler's rattle away.

    An aghast look upon her face. Bobbi catches the first stave that she threw up in to the air and thrusts it against his chest and hits the stun button. With a crackle of energy, Rattler twitches and drops to the ground unconscious.

    "Assho... ~~ as if," she says and glances over at Steve guiltily.

Doris Zuel has posed:
"No fun, Anaconda." Giganta replies and smirks even as she raises her arms to block and slap aside rubble. She oofs and shakes her head as she rushes forward, "Lets see who bashes who?" She then scoops up her own bit of rubble and puts it in front of her.

"So, are you as tough as your arms?" And Giganta suddenly throws the rubble forward right at Anaconda's body before following it in with a heavy haymaker of a fifty foot woman to follow it up.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet hits the power override just as Bolo looses the cable and the end result is Death Adder getting a rather serious electrical shock. It shorts out his bionic tail and knocks the Serpent Society member down. Janet leaves the juice going for just a few seconds longer then lets up.

She walks up to Death Adder and kicks him onto his back so he won't drown in the inch of water. It doesn't take much effort to hogtie him with cables so he can't easily claw or bite his way free.

"Steve, we've got two hooked up, honey," Janet says into her headset. She gives Bolo a thumbs up to re-attach the power cable and restart the generator. "How's it looking on your end?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo returns the thumbs up. He...actually used his powers effectively. How the hell did he make a bolo out of...what was that...darkness? Also he just visibly used his powers in front of someone that was going to file a report somewhere. Damn it. He is about to ask if that can be kept off the record when she starts talking to Captain America. He shuts up.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"We've got others of the Society here as well. They are trying to free Sidewinder," Captain America replies to Wasp over the comms. Black Mamba hisses. "Will free him!" She throws a punch at Cap which he dodges, then launches a kick into her stomach which knocks her off her feet and she crashes to the ground.

Anaconda dodges Giganta's thrown rock, but the punch connects! It hits the large woman in the jaw and sends her flying. Though Anaconda manages to wrap an elongated arm around Giganta's thick bicep. Anaconda is sent flying away by the punch, but then swings back in to try to crash into the much larger woman. Though either way, Anaconda is going to end up stunned after that hit.

Meanwhile, Captain America tells Black Mamba, "Give up, ma'am, this is over," as he stands over her fallen form. She rubs at her stomach where she was kicked and says slowly, "Only over for you."

Darkforce flows up the legs of Steve Rogers and begins wrapping about his body. He drops his shield to fight back against it, pushing on the thick tendrils that are trying to fold him up. And then he just stops fighting, those dark wrappings going around him and starting to squeeze tighter and tighter.

Cap's eyes glass over a bit as he stops struggling. He says, and his voice carrying over comms, "Janet... not now. There are people around. But they are SHIELD agents, I'd not have them thinking poorly of us..."

Black Mamba grins wickedly, still on the ground. Concentrating on the hypnotic vision that Steve is succumbing to as the Darkforce continues to constrict about him.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi slides her staves back in to their holsters and crouches down next to Rattler. "I'm sure a bit of welding will fix that right up," she says to no one in particular, since he's unconscious. She rolls him over and cuffs his hands behind his back. Standing back up she looks around the fray and notices Steve seems to be struggling.

    Facial recognition on Black Mamba, The Index brings up details of her abilities - Darkforce? whatever that is.. Illusions, telepathy? Well that's just great. Bobbi slips behind some rubble and draws her ICER. She moves quickly from debris to debris and then pops up unexpectedly and shoots Black Mamba in the side with the ICER.

    But, she immediately turns the gun and shoots behind her too. A place where there shouldn't be anyone. The index did say Illusions.. so she had to be sure. The thump of a body dropping on to the ground behind her tells her the paranoia was worth it. The visage of Black Mamba before Steve was never going to be real, not if she could sense Bobbi coming with that telepathy.

    Bobbi turns around and kneels down next to Black Mamba and pokes her in the arm to make sure she's real. "Got her," she calls over to Steve and then flips her over and cuffs her wrists behind her back too. "She's going to have a nice long nap thanks to that dendrotoxin."

Doris Zuel has posed:
The whole place likely shudders even as Giganta states, "Bored now." And suddenly Anaconda is not crashing back into a brick wall of a fifty foot woman. She is crashing into steel plating of a battleship in a 250 foot tall Giganta. The woman doesn't even notice the impact as she simply brushes a hand down to slap Anaconda into the ground. The force would be like a car going fifty miles per hour. Just a casual move for the giant. Giganta then looks down to Steve.

"Are there any real threats here?" She asks and then looks around the island prison as if searching for something else to do.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet comes up a little short, glancing once at Bolo then looking around the area. "Uh, roger that, Cap," she says with a little wary uncertainty. "We've got two up, the rest of them should be HOLY SHIT!"

Janet gapes at Giganta as the redheaded woman shoots up to the height of a skyscraper, her jaw slacking. "Fuck, why didn't we just lead with that?" she demands of the comm net. Janet beckons Bolo along and starts jogging towards the Quinjet. "Doris could have just bitch-slapped the whole Secret Society at once."

Doris Zuel has posed:
A blink as she hears Janet and looks in her direction. She shrugs casually and smirks, not even using the Com given she can be easily heard, "And what fun would that have been?" She chuckles and then looks down at the snake people, "At least they thought they had a chance." She casually pushes a foot against one of the fallen snakes and shakes her head.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo chuckles at Janet's non sequiter and helps move a few rocks symbolically to help clear the generator. He decides that, in addition to Janet, there are two villains and frankly, word will eventually leak out. Maybe they might think its technology or something? As it is he helps until the place is restored.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Cap's ribs are bruised and he wonders that they didn't break from how hard he was being constricted. He slowly gets back to his feet again after Bobbi takes down Black Mamba with an ICER round. And he's not too hurt to not reply to Janet, "Language, Janet," over the comms. Though one can hear the groan beneath the words just from talking.

"Alright, good job team. Let's get those generators cleared. And online," he says, picking up his SHIELD and starting that direction. He looks over to Bobbi. "Thanks for the assist. That woman is... disquieting what she can do," he says with a shake of his head.

When they reach the rubble at the generator sheds, he helps with clearing it, injuries or no. Though Giganta can probably clear most of it easily enough with her size.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's eyes widen a touch too as she watches Doris grow. She nods in Janet's direction in agreement, "Wasp, meet the famous, or possibly infamous Giganta, turning over a new leaf." She smiles up at the giant and nods, then looks back to Steve and holters her ICER once more.

    "You're not kidding Steve. I've only tangled with a telepath once before and it did not go well for me. So, I just assumed she'd take advantage of the situation to stab me in the back.. which she did. Worse case scenario, she wasn't there and I wasted a round," she says with a smile and then shakes her head.

    "There's a reason people end up in here. Of all the gifted humans I know who do good with their abilities.. I just don't understand why so many turn to crime. And not 'fight capitalism, save the villagers' kind of crime either, real mean nasty stuff.."

    Bobbi joins the group makes a motion to the pile, "Giganta would you like the honors?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo says, "Never under estimate the power of human stupidity in the face of human potential.""

Doris Zuel has posed:
A sigh as she walks over toward the pile of rubble and Giganta shakes her head, "I didn't come here to move rubble." She reaches down all the same and picks up a pile of rubble and idly tosses it over into the nearby water with an easy chuck, grabbing more as she goes. She then looks to Janet and smirks, "I came here cause I thought there'd be a good fight." She then shakes her head, "No such luck."

The woman then looks back down as she finishes with the rubble and without much effort she is shrinking back down to 'normal' size. At 6'6" tall, she's not what most might call normal.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
When Steve reprimands Janet's language, a steady stream of expletives goes across the comm net. It's widely variated, lively, and has a unique cadence to it. It lasts until Janet closes the last few steps on the way to Steve and moves in front of him. The Wasp reaches up to hook her hands behind Steve's neck and with a little toe-hop lifts herself up to kiss him soundly.

"Don't tell me what to do," she tells Steve, and flicks a fingernail against his armored chest in reproach. A winsome, teasing smile robs any possible real ire from her voice.

Janet steps away from Steve and shoots up to a (more modest) thirty-some feet tall. "This feels a lot less impressive with you along, Doc," Janet tells Doris. She helps with some of the smaller pieces of rubble until the generators are all accessible and there are no more places for injured guards to be potentially trapped.

Janet eyes the generator once she's at normal size again. A control is flicked up and down, then another one turned. The power coupling's undone and re-attached. Then she kicks it. Nothing happens.

"Well, I'm out of ideas," she announces. "Did we bring a nerd along to fix these or what?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve doesn't seem totally surprised by Janet's reaction to his comment, at least the swearing part. He starts to say something when she comes over to him, but the words are totally lost as she kisses him instead.

It takes him a moment or two after the kiss before he responds. "If that was another Black Mamba illusion, she's getting /much/ better," he says to Janet quietly. He turns back to the rest of the team then as they clear the generator, but struggle to get it going.

Steve stands looking at the modern contraption, hands on his hips. "I'm not sure which part of it to kick," he comments as if thinking about trying to manually recalibrate it. Instead he gets on comms. "We need someone from The Raft to walk us through starting the backup generator, it's not going," he says.

A man's voice calls, "I can help with that." One of the guards from the gate. He comes over and checks it out. "Everyone's trained up on this when posted here," he says as he checks a few things. He pulls out a panel and checks it, pushes it back in. Then toggles some lever to the side and tries it again.

The generator fires up. Lights flicker and illuminate the facility again. "Good job," Steve tells the man, before getting back on comms. "We've got the power on, how are the prisoners?" he asks the units down below.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi smirks a touch at Janet's response to Steve's language warning. She even laughs a little as it becomes evident none of them know how to restart the complex generators. "See this is why I usually bring Fitz along on my missions," she adds as she folds her arms and watches the machine fire back up.

    "Prisoners below, not a clue. Prisoners up here.. unconscious but okay." She glances at the one Giganta threw, "Probably."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo chuckles darkly at the final comment Bobbi makes. He would normally vanish into the night at this point but...he's on an island and he took a ride so he sort of stands there. He would loom but looming isnt his forte. He...exists.

Doris Zuel has posed:
"You think that's impressive, huh?" Giganta responds to Janet about her height before laughing and shaking her head even as she looks at the generators before looking over toward Cap, "I have no way of helping, glad we have a guard that knows what to do." Doris then shrugs and walks away from the group of a few steps, "now, let me know when we leave." She nods her head.