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Things Go from Bad to 'Verse
Date of Scene: 24 December 2020
Location: Stately Pym Manor: Cresskill New Jersey
Synopsis: Sushi and pizza are shared and Hank reveals more of his plans for a retreat.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Saeko, Michael Hannigan

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is very good at hosting small affairs. Especially for someone so introverted. When you have few people you feel comfortable around you want them to be comfortable and well fed. Case in point, sushi. A quick online class and he's busily slicing apart tuna rolls and plating them with a number of sauces and pickled ginger. True he bought the sauces and ginger. He looks at his work and the several other rolls he placed on a wooden serving platter. Then he checks on the steeping tea. Perfect.

"Mike should be here soonish... all right my little fanciful equation. Let's see if we can do some magic. She did kind of leave it open if I could use it again and there are no wards here to screw up." Hank concentrates on the equation: Saeko Dynamics. Kitsun E=mc squared. All you do is stare until blood sweats from your forehead. Right?

Saeko has posed:
Sushi, tea, it was downright traditional really. Except...well, for the whole being in a lab rather than a temple and being summoned by complex mathmatics and theoretical metaphysics rather than offerings and prayer. Loosening the 'rules' about what she could hear had blurred things enough that the equation had worked the first time...and it seemed that she hadn't 'blocked the number'. Across town, that 'pull' at her conciousness had reached Saeko, leading her to blink for a moment before the world around her flared and blurred in a few dancing lights.

Good science has repeatable results, and brief flare of 'corner of the eye' lights announcing Saeko's arrival suggested he'd managed the 'scientific summoning' well enough.

Of course, when she appeared, the tails and ears? They seemed to be lacking for the moment. No traditional yukata or flashes of skin...the woman looked normal if not still eerily beautiful, even if her current skirt and button-up shirt made her look more like an accountant than a messanger of a god.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It's become a thing for Mike, popping by to hang out. Fortunately the Christmas themed events he's been booked for have either already occurred or they land on tomorrow or the next day. The 23rd. Absolutely free. Which is perfect for a Wednesday invite over to a friend's home

In the musician's hands he carries a mostly rectangular present wrapped in red paper and white ribbon. A store wrapping if ever was one.

He's not dressed up. His attire is reasonablly presentable. Pretty much what he normally wears when off the clock. Secondhand clothes and a knitcap to hide the rock star locks.

Of course he shows up after the *ahem* foxy lady. But then again, dreams are fickle things and he's not about to risk losing his current charge in one of them. So, there he is, coming up to the front door, knocking.

Hank Pym has posed:
Faithful Baudalaire is there, flicking Mike gently with his antennae before taking the musician by the wrist in mandibles that could bend steel. The door opens for the ant. Another stands inside and this one also runs antennae over Mike, a hello. Baudalaire tugs Mike inside to the kitchen area.

Teleportation. Hank has problems dealing with it and creating the effect. "Nya-a-a-a-a-ah! Sorry! You startled me. I... wanted to thank you... I made some sushi and tea and bought pastry if that's okay? You said something about offerings. I have extra for your goddess. Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous. I hope I didn't get you at a bad time."

Saeko has posed:
A laugh, Saeko's hand comes to her mouth at the startled greeting and immediate rambling. Endearing, and not exactly uncommon. At least Hank had actually kinda expected her to show up even if it wasn't quite as obviously supernatural to anyone who walked in this time. "You have outdone yourself," she comments, leaning herself against the nearby wall and gesturing with her hand. "The tea was fine and fitting last time...but this is certainly appreciated."

Sushi was certainly a nice touch. "You are in need of aid Hank Pym, or is this simply an invitation for tea?"

Still apparently looking decidedly human, a slight twitch of her features might just give hint to the truth, a twitch of unseen ears and a light sniff of the air. "You have another visitor of the mystic variety..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances down to the ant. "Hey Bo." He greets, giving the ant a smile before being led through the residence. His free arm is tasked with holding on to the present as the other is currently occupied in the mandibles of a pet ant.

Upon reaching the kitchen, he glances over to where he first sees Hank, and then a rather nice looking accountant. "Oh. If I'd have known there would be others I'd have brought something extra."

He gives Saeko a nod and a smile. "Afternoon." He looks over to Hank once more, nodding to the present. "Figured this might be the last time I see you before Christmas so I brought it over."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym gestures to Saeko. "This is Saeko, Mike. This is Mike Hannigan, the person I told you about who listens to me. I was hoping you two would meet and I made lunch to thank you Saeko for your help Saeko. You both made a difference n my life. I hope the sushi is to your liking. I just took an online class. So... oh,I didn't realize we were doing presents Mike. You shouldn't have. I uh... yours is on order? First thing tomorrow? Or I could build something..." He accepts the present with a bro hug and indicates the table, already set.

Saeko has posed:
"A pleasure," Saeko greets from her position, nodding her head before gifts and hugs are exchanged. Clearly, the fact she'd come from somewhere public and remained 'concealed' was a good thing, after all the vixen had no idea if Hank had included the whole story on their tea and chat to Mike when he'd spoken of her. "It is alright, it seems Hank had prepared more than enough food for several people."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike chuckles, "You're fine Hank. It's not a one for one thing. Besides, time is a gift and you gave us the time it took for you to learn and prep sushi." Hand freed from the mandible, he accepts said hug and looks over to Saeko. "Hello Saeko." He looks to Hank. "The equation?" He asks, getting confirmation without being blatantly obvious should he have remembered the conversation details wrong.

The indicated table does not escape notice as he eventually edges over towards it once Hank gestures over to the table. "I haven't had sushi in a while." He admits.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym points to a roll, "I did sweet potato and that one is avocado in case anyone doesn't like fish. Saeko. I... told Mike about meeting you. He's the person I told you about who listened to me." Hank goes to the table and holds a chair out for Saeko. "Other than him, I wiped all the footage of you from the security system. Except for a picture I used to do some research on my phone. I'll erase that too if you want. I am sorry I thought you were a cat person at first. But you have similar features to a friend who is a cat person and you were the first fox person I ever met."

Saeko has posed:
Well...that answers that. Saeko actually laughs aloud, a soft chuckle and her hand to her lips before she nods. "There are stranger things in this world, do with it what you will." As for the Sushi? She finally pushes forward to claim a piece for herself and take a small bit with a little delighted sigh. "There is actually a kind of sushi named for Inari, with tofu and fried...but sometimes variety is wonderful. The first time I tried pizza? There are artisans in that craft too and..."

She pauses, apparently the kitsune herself isn't above a little ramble herself when she's relaxed.

"And you Mike? Clearly there is more to you than first glance suggests. What did you make of what he told you?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
At the mention of stranger things in the world followed with a question to his thoughts, Mike gives a slight smile. "Hank's pretty upfront. Doesn't really sugarcoat or make up things. So, when he is considering the possibility he might have accidentally done magic, I'm going to listen. When he mentioned an equation, that just added even more legitimacy to what he was saying. Mind you, my understanding magic is mostly an independent study type of thing and I was more looking for answers to something else. But from what I've come across. Faith and emotion is a strong influencer to magic. Be it the power or the focus."

He looks over to Hank, "Generally, I view you as the type whose faith is strongest in the STEM field. So it would stand to reason that the equation would be your focus."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sits down and pours tea. "Most people would have said I was nuts. I thought I was nuts. Then she touched my cheek and... I didn't care. If that was magic, it was a kick indeed. Anyway, I've seen a few things. I've been hit with spells, I know gods... I play poker with gods. I just didn't think I would ever do it. Anyway... I'm happy and honored to call you friends. I uh won't trouble you for... frivolous reasons. I know you have your job to do, but it is nice to see you and have a little tea. I often feel alone and overwhelmed but I feel like that is passing. I'm coming to realize, no one ever broke me, except me. I will not make that mistake again." He tries the tekka maki with some wasabe. "I couldn't get the authentic wasabe. Apologies."

Saeko has posed:
What response could Saeko really give at that beyond a smile, a nod of her head as she reaches for one of the pieces of Sushi, bringing it to her lips and taking a small bite. Apparently, even 'divine messangers' could have job satisfaction and knowing she'd helped was pretty rewarding. Although, truth be told, most of those who had summoned her in the past over her rather long life hadn't invited her back for tea and snacks. That was certainly a bonus!

Still looking relatively normal and human for the time being, Mike's comments on magic and apparent casual acceptance of what she is keeps that smile present and there's a nod of the unnaturally beautiful woman's head. "Magic is science, art and nature. Sometimes all at once, sometimes only one of those things to another. The most complex study some could undertake, as natural as breathing for another person and so very varied."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike listens to Hank's response, smiling. "Thanks for inviting us. It's a good time to have a relaxing meal. Enjoy each other's company before life does its thing." He looks to the amount of food. "I'm happy to have you call me friend."

He reaches down, picking up the paper sleeve containing the sticks as he listens to Saeko's description of magic. "I'm not quite sure how to describe what mine is made of. Primarily my imagination, I suppose. There's really not much actual documentation on my source except for what information I woke up with. Strange suggested there might be more of an oral history but hell if I know where Leo is."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym ponders this talk and then says, "For me, magic is a feeling like wonder. It's seeing something you never knew existed or seeing it a different way and just being in tune. I've not felt that way in a while. Could you please excuse me for a minute? I need to make a phone call. Pardon me." He gives Saeko an especially big smile and leaves the kitchen.

Emboldened by Hank leaving two ants enter the ktchen. One winged ant immediately makes his way to Mike and rubs his hand with an antenna. The other, a wingless female watches Saeko curiously then looks at the food.

Saeko has posed:
The ants were...something odd, and to someone who'd walked among members of the Amatsu-kami? That was saying something. Saeko tilts her head to the side, regarding the creature a moment as she finishes her own piece of Sushi and already seeks the next with the deft chopstick handling of someone with -far- too many years of practice. "Imagination? Curious..." she muses before shrugging her shoulders. "I am growing accustomed to this world again, moving among humans and experiencing what they have done. Certainly, there are many wonderous new inventions and activities....and the food..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Feeling the brush against his hand, Mike looks blank down to the ant and then to the food. Realization forms upon his face before he looks to the ant. "Oh no, Bo. Not unless Hank says so."

Mike glances back to Saeko as she repeats his assessment, "Well, Imagination, personal perception, how I view myself, energy, emotional state, my religion to an extent, memories..."

He breaks apart the sticks, taking the time to arrange them in his hand properly before he grabs at a piece of sushi. Not a lifer with the chopsticks but,reminiscent of one who may have had multiple exposures to it. "A lot of small things that just combine together to make the final product. But I guess Imagination's the big one."

He pauses to eat the piece of sushi, head tilting in assessment of it, before giving a nod. "I haven't had Sushi in a long while." He admits, "This is a treat for me." Mike flashes Saeko a curious look, "So what food have you found to be surprisingly good?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Saeko's answer is preempted by Hank returning.

"Sorry ab... Bo! Cozy! OUT! Beat it or I will tie your antennae together! Go! Baaaaad!"

The two skitter away, Cozette pausing to clack her mandibles together at Hank. "Oh not and live! Out! I'm sorry. You didn't give them anything did you? You don't want to know what happens to a giant ant with a sick belly." Hank shudders. Then he sits back down helping himself to sweet potato.

"I believe Mike just asked what modern food you enjoyed?" He listens politely.

Saeko has posed:
Saeko's lips part to answer and she's about to speak when Hank enters to scold the errant insects, earning a little quirk of her lips in amusement. The disguised vixen couldn't help but muse that the ants themselves seemed as much a product of 'magic' as she did, even if it was under the label of 'science'.

Back to the question, she lifts a hand to rest against her chin, musing for a moment. "I am a fan of the 'cheeseburger'," she muses before chuckling, "but...I suppose most humans do not count anything over a century as modern. Icecream, crembrule....poptarts..." she trails off, shaking her head. "I do enjoy sushi, but travelling to this country has made me realise I had missed out on things this century."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
They didn't get anything from us." Mike assures Hank when concern over the welfare of the ant tummies are expressed, voice betraying a bit of amusement to the reaction.

He looks back over to Saeko, "Cheeseburgers are good." He agrees, "Maybe we can do this again and do Cheeseburgers next."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sips some tea. "The diner we went to had good cheeseburgers, Mike. Lousy lime rickeys though. Here, wait... I'll show you what a lime rickey should taste like. Oh and save a little room you too. I have a surprise." The scientists busies himself with several bottles and cutting limes, mixing all in a cocktail shaker with ice. He pours out three reddish drinks as the doorbell rings. He hurries from the kitchen and returns a minute later with a pizza!

"It's half meat lovers' pizza. Saeko mentioned she considered it an art form practically." He sets it on the table then fetches the drinks before sitting down.

Saeko has posed:
A laugh, a smile, even a light clap of her hands together at the reveal. She might have no idea of what a 'Lime Rickey' was, but the pizza made her smile as she looked back to Mike. "So many places in this city claim to have the 'World's best'. I swear you would need to be immortal just to have the time to find out the truth."

Stories might speak of Kitsune appearing and appreciating swordsmiths and poets, but 'artistry' really could be almost anything one poured their passion into after all.

This was...nice. Different. After all, divine messengers and servants didn't tend to get invited to a lot of casual social gathering and nights out. All work and no play makes for a dull Tenko!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks to the alcohol, the pizza, and then back to the sushi. Eyes widening. This is a LOT of food. But Saeko's laugh and clap draws his attention back to her. "The thing about the 'World's best' title is that there's no standard way in which they come up with the determination. One place may be called "World's best by some guy named Charlie and only because it's the only place he's eaten pizza at."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods, chewing on a crust. "Alternate reality versions of yourself are like that too. You think you're the best you there is and then you... you see someone of... you who's happy and got it all..." His resigned tone suggests he indeed did see exactly that. The Microverse has a lot of odd sights.

Saeko has posed:
"Alternate reality versions?" Welp, even the supernatural 'demigod' was confused there. Blinking, the woman takes a piece for herself and then shrugs her shoulders at his words. She hadn't been summoned for the same purpose this time, but the vixen offers a light smile. "You are though, the best version of yourself. If only you has walked through the same experiences, seen the things you have seen and chose what you chose, isn't that the only 'you' that is you?" A shrug, but contemplating the complexities of alternate dimensions wasn't her intention for the evening. With a nod to Mike's explaination, Saeko set about deciding if this was the 'World's Best' pizza she'd ever eaten.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Pale eyes glance over to Hank curiously. "Alternate reality versions of yourself?" Mike repeats. He frowns as he lifts the drink, "That does not sound pleasant. I'm not sure I'd want to meet any of mine. Better or worse off." He pauses, "Besides, the time meeting them may not be enough to get a complete picture anyways. You might just get the highlights."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym ponders a moment. "You definitely want to dwell in the now. It may suck but... you make it better. You do things differently. Doing things the same and expecting them to change is insanity. You experiment. Funny it took me so long to do it with my life. Anyway, here's to us!" He lifts his drink in a toast and hopes they will do this again soon.