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Latest revision as of 16:19, 1 January 2021

Demon hunts Banshee
Date of Scene: 08 October 2020
Location: Avenue of Tomorrow - New Troy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Siobhan Smythe, Levian

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
There was a coffee shop here that Siobhan liked to hit up from time to time. She loves a particular drink and it isn't far from the tower. This afternoon, she was just stepping out of the place and took a long sip. She closed her eyes with a long, happy sigh. As she opened her eyes, she headed off toward the tower again, sipping her drink as she goes.

Levian has posed:
Not one to move too far away from New York, Levian has at least been curious enough to visit nearby cities. So he managed to make his way to Metropolis, mostly by doing his best impression of the imp from Twilight Zone, latching onto vehicles.

He was hanging onto the back of a truck when he caught a familiar scent, and hopped off, running onto the sidewalk.

He's rather distracted, as Metropolis is an impressive city. He's seen impressive things in Hell, but there's just... a certain flare about things on Earth.

Either way, he starts following the scent again. It's one of the scents from the SHIELD people, or, at least he thinks it is.

He walks for a while, at least thirty minutes, until suddenly he drops to all fours and goes running up to her feet, sitting almost like a dog directly in front of her, staring up. "You're the person who ate the soul I was going to eat."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she stops sipping her coffee and looks down at the... imp? She blinks several times as she sips her coffee again and looks around. The fact that she turns into a monster kinda takes a lot of the surprise out of seeing weird things. She sips again before glaring, "I'd rather prefer a change of subject an explanation to who or what you are."

Levian has posed:
"I'm the demon who helped with the necromancer. But I also don't know who or what you are." Levian sniffs in her direction, but he's learned to respect personal space somewhat, so he remains sitting where he is as he does his sniffing.

"I didn't expect to find you. I've been trying to find SHIELD people from that day, to ask questions." he explains, suddenly scratching his head as a leaf falls out.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Blinking at the man thing, Siobhan still takes a step back at the sniff despite the respect of personal space. She sips her coffee again before saying, "Ah see." She nods her head slowly and then adds, "Well, I am not wearin' the face I had dat day and I really prefer it if ya didn't speak about de activities of me alter ego out in public." She then looks around at the people that are also being somewhat curious as they pass, "And perhaps act a wee bit more normal?"

Levian has posed:
Levian looks from left to right, then down at himself, and finally stands up. "Sorry, I forget that humans prefer to stand uncomfortably straight sometimes." he admits, before offering his hand to her, another human gesture. "I'm only asking because I need a job, and money, and I don't really know the strange things that you all know how to do. Like bake a cake."

He finally wrinkles his nose as people pass by, and asks, "Should we go somewhere private and talk?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"I am not tinkin' everyone knows how ta bake a cake but I am sure we can work on dat for ye." Siobhan than sighs and nods her head, "But, yah, I'd like ta go somewhere else more private." She then turns and gestures for him to follow, "Dere is a park up dis way where we can find a nice spot." She then starts off toward a small park nearby with a few fountains.

Levian has posed:
Levian cautiously follows, still taking in the sights of such a new location as they walk. "Human jobs are kind of boring, even if I could do them." he explains as he gets to the crux of the matter. "Someone said I should join SHIELD, but I'm not entirely sure what SHIELD //is//. I just know they were there with the necromancer. Are you in SHIELD?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"I am not." Siobhan shakes her head, sipping lightly at the drink as she approaches a bench near a fountain and takes a seat. She let's out a quiet sigh as she idly helps the sound of the fountain flow around them, "Dere we go."

Levian has posed:
"Who are they? Are they Lucifer's Earth knights, or perhaps they work for Earth's royalty to do tasks?" Levian takes a seat on the bench, and pulls his feet up in a rather unnatural way to sit in a more crouched way again.

Maybe it's more acceptable on a bench!

But, there's another pressing question, and he asks again, "What are you? Are you a type of demon?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A sigh and she shakes her head, "You folks are a few centuries out a touch, aren't ya?" Siobhan sighs, "Dey are a world police organization dat helps keep a sort o' human hand upon tings Dat happen around da world." She then looks at him and shakes her head, "And Lucifer has naught ta do wit it." She then looks more directly at him, "As fir me?" She then shrugs, "I am the Silver Banshee."

Levian has posed:
"Hell is very large, and old, so thinking of time like a human can be difficult. Earth is very strange." Levian explains, sniffing in the direction of the fountain. "World police. I understand. That sounds like something I can do."

Looking over at her, he tilts his head. "I've heard of banshees... I've never met one, except you. We hear of Earth mythology sometimes. It might even be Hell mythology. It can be difficult to tell the difference."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look out at the people passing by and she sighs as she sips her coffee, "I don't know fir sure what ye can do but I can tell ya dat whatever ya have 'eard about banshees is probably wrong." She shakes her head before looking over at him and then looks ahead, "I am not exactly a demon dough." She sighs and shrugs, "I don't like ta talk about it."

Levian has posed:
"There are lots of types of demons, so I'm used to people having differences." Levian finally looks to her and says, "I'm Levian, 999th son of a demon lord I never met and don't know the name of. I don't really know what banshees do everyday, but since you helped me, I think we're even for you eating the soul I wanted to eat."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at him and she blinks, "Even?" She titlts her head and there is a swirl of something glowing behind her eyes, "Ah don't know what we'd 'Ave ta be even about but whatever helps ya sleep at night." She then looks forward and sighs as she sips her coffee, "Be careful who ya speak to and how, boyo."

Levian has posed:
"Eating a necromancer would have given me lots of power, so I was disappointed when you ate it." Levian holds up a dismissive hand. "We're not in Hell, so I don't want to fight over it. I was there to help Nessa. I was simply going to eat the necromancer's soul as my payment."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Well, if we're bein' honest, I hardly wanted to eat it but your boss suggested it and my utter half pushed for it." She then glares at him briefly, "And I sometimes I can't fully control 'er so ye better off not pissin' her off." She states and nods her head, "I don't know ye all dat well nor have I run into demons but I can tell ye, she ain't scared...if anythin' she finds ye amusin' and dat isn't sometin' ya want to be."

Levian has posed:
"Fighting is thrilling, it feels good, but I'm trying to learn about Earth life, and so I don't want to fight every new creature I meet." Levian offers his hand, palm up, as something of a peaceful gesture. "I like to meet things that are similar to myself, too. They remind me of home. I wonder if the thing inside of you is similar to me... when I saw it, it seemed like something I would see in Hell. Very powerful."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look at his hand and then she takes it and shakes it with a blink, "I suppose." She states simply enough and then she looks more directly at him and nods her head, "I suppose it is very powerful. More and more I learn about it." She shrugs, "But lets just say I am not a fan of it gettin' loose and doin' what it wants. I have ta control it." She then nods her head and looks over at the park in general, "Ah also don't like talkin' about her." She sighs and shakes her head.

Levian has posed:
"It sounds like you're possessed. I never learned to possess, being inside of someone else's body seems uncomfortable." Levian admits, but then politely nods. "This city seems more advanced than New York. Do you have a job? I don't really understand what people with powers do everyday on Earth, but they seem to just do normal things."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Ah am an entertainer and it's far more complicated dan possession." She states simply enough, "Me family is cursed to carry dis within us. We are as much da banshee as she is us." She nods her head and shrugs, "So, it has been fir generations." She then shrugs again and finishes off her coffee, "Now, ya got anymore weird questions?"

Levian has posed:
"I don't really understand curses very well. They're very powerful. I suppose someone was very angry with your family." Levian rubs his chin at her latter question, then holds up a finger. "How did you meet those people you were with? I want to meet them so I can ask for a job."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at him and she shrugs, "Dey just kinda showed up. Dey tend to show up where tings are weird." She nods her head, "And everting about dat was weird even by my standards." She then sighs, "And as for me family curse? I don't know fer sure how it started."

Levian has posed:
"Well, it seems to be working well, now you can eat souls. They taste good." Levian tries to look on the bright side, and then stands up. "I mostly stay in New York. Nessa can summon me if you need me. And as for SHIELD, I suppose I can try to make something strange happen to make them show up..."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A sigh and she shakes her head, "Not a fan but you do you." She stands up and throws the coffee into a trash. Siobhan lets out a sigh as she looks over at the man demon...thing before shrugging and nodding to him, "Good luck either way." And she starts away, "See you around maybe."