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Latest revision as of 16:20, 1 January 2021

Unscheduled Connection
Date of Scene: 29 September 2020
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ariah Olivie, Blake Riviere, Peggy Carter

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The subways and sewers of NYC go on seemingly forever, layers and layers of tunnels built upon tunnels. People and things that slip through the cracks of society make their way down here, whether by accident, or by design. Many such places offer the perfect venue for clandestine meetings, no matter what color one's hat ends up being. The hats present at one such meeting are likely more in shades of grey--and maybe red.

    It's in a forgotten sub-level, a long-unused storage room, where a trio of cable spools with some roadsigns layed across them form a makeshift table. Jury-rigged work lights attached to active wiring provide power to worklamps that half-light the room that's full of old steel shelves and decades of detritus.

    On the 'table', maps and pictures, almost like a pinboard without the pins, and a short woman with white hair stands on a makeshift stool to see the map clearly with her height being some impediment. There's only a couple of doors into this room, one a semi-rusted metal service door, the other a hole in some bricks barricaded with wood planks and toppled shelving. The rumble of trains on higher levels can still be felt even down here.

    "There is movement of a weapons shipment?" asks the girl, lips pursed in thought.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake was here, herself as much professional as she tended to look. Slacks, a business jacket worn over her usual corset. With her long black hair tied behind her head in a deep red ribbon, her hands are folded in her lap and she was left lounging across the 'stool' she'd been offered. Eyes looking over the photographs, the older vampiress exhaled a small breath and leans forward once more. "Always another one, no?" she questions, her own accent retaining the 'Queen's English' she preferred in public rather than her more native tones. After all, with the exception of a certain intelligence agency, she'd done a damn good job of keeping herself hidden for quite a few centuries.

"Are there particular dangerous parties or 'objects' that draws our attention rather than the usual teams? Not that we are against a little...recreation for the sake of it now and then..."

Peggy Carter has posed:
It was an honor to be invited to this safe, hidden place. Peggy knew that. It was a show of absolute trust. Getting there, however, was an adventure. So, it's a bit later than the meeting's start that Peggy Carter finally makes her way into the strange, hidden area, her boots a quiet weight on the old floor. "Sorry I'm late... It's always a bit of a challenge finding this place. Suppose that's part of the point." She's only half teasing there.

She's dressed for work, dark, high waisted pants, a wide collared shirt tucked into it, her old leather bomber jacket, a duffle across her shoulder. Even her normally curling, soft hair has been tucked into twists down the side of her head and is secured at the nape of her neck in a small tie, more of a casual pony tail style than her normal, careful curls. She turns curious, dark eyes across the work on the table.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Even Ariah is dressed more professionally than her usual casual college or nightlife attire. A black tank top hugs her torso and some modern military grey cargos are tucked into combat boots. Her shock of white hair, however, remains as stark as ever as does her pale skin. She does, also, remain unarmed. No sense in carrying a gun through New York. She glances up as another train rumbles through, and then Peggy enters.

    "It is a trace from old contacts... You know that I am a better shock trooper than reconnaissance..." she says quietly to Blake. "The thread weaves through two brokers and a shell company..." she glances up at Peggy, casting a gentle smile at her. "...we are to be wary after our last debacle... we found not weapons or Hydra but a truck full of human cattle--and an ambush... If lightning strikes us twice, then we can follow this to whom may be pulling the strings for this cell, non?" she marks a red X over a site on the map, the place she and Peggy had... issues... recently.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"It would not be much of a safehouse if it was easily found I suppose," Blake muses, offering Peggy a light nod, the dark-haired vampiress grins to Ariah's words and shrugs her shoulders.

"I would say you are multi-talented Chaton," she muses, turning back towards the table and nodding her head. "But I am happy to be invited, human trafficing for any excuse is destible, but Hydra...well, we are all familier with their nature."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slight chuckle comes to Blake about the safe house, "Yes, a good point and...effective." She deadpans, returning the smile and a brief, respectful nod. Then her dark eyes go to the information laid out. "Ahh, so we've got something about that mess of an operation? I know they went into deeper hiding, or suspected, after the set up. Good job." Peggy echoes to the comment about the trace that Ariah's found. She steps a bit closer, hoisting her heavy duffle (probably lined with a few weapons and some body armor, just in case they had to go in), onto a near by chair that she doesn't take for herself. Instead, she steps closer to Ariah and Blake's sides to look over the documents.

"I'd still suspect them of being loyal to HYDRA. They just... knew we were coming. Which means someone got ahold of the mission brief before we went. Or was expecting interference already." Peggy frowns, not liking either prospect, but there's a reason she's come here to talk it out and did not invite both women back to SHIELD>

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    There's another train rumble above, dust shaking loose from the ceiling. Ariah bows her head politely towards Blake at the compliment, then looks back to Peggy. "How many other enemies do we have?" the little witch asks softly, though it's likely a rhetorical one. She's had her personal troubles lately, too. "There is no doubt someone has a target on us, we are too close to the sun, as it would be with Icarus, non?" She purses her lips, exhaling a sigh. Truly a human reflex, as she has no need for breath.

    Blake would hear it first. Heartbeats. Four of them. Steady but quickened, as if in haste. Ariah eventually picks up on them too, and her neutral, icy expression turns into a deep fron. <<Defensive positions, we have visitors,>> she hisses in French.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Following vampires wasn't the easiest thing, but it was far from impossible. Given her years of espionage? Blake doubted Peggy was any easier, but it mattered little.

"I imagine they are less than friendly," the older vampiress speaks up, standing from her position and stretching out her arms before glancing back towards their human 'handler'. "It appears your caution is warranted, someone either seeks us, or knew you would come to us."

Eyes shift, blues melting to a mort luminescent red. "We should ask them directly..."

Peggy Carter has posed:
So much for studying information. Peggy jerks her eyes up, looking towards the tunnels she just came from. She was certain she hadn't been followed, had taken so much care, but no one is perfect. She clearly still speaks fluent french, because there's no question from her of what Ariah said. She simply draws back against the wall, body pressing to the edge that, hopefully, means she is unseen from the tunnel beyond.

She responds in quiet, whispered French, practically subvocalized so the two vampires could hear but no human ears would be able to pick up the muttering. <<I've got a gun on me and an ICER. I can probably render them unconscious if they start a fight. Going to keep out of sight and follow your leads. This is your safe house, after all.>> So, Peggy does her best to become the shadows as she waits for her other allies to react.