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Latest revision as of 01:30, 7 March 2020

Monsters in the Midway
Date of Scene: 02 March 2020
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: After a mis-shipment of a dangerous box, Iron Fist and Mockingbird help Zatanna round up some dangerous imps!
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Bobbi Morse, Danny Rand

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It had been an interdimensional mixup in deliveries, really. Zatanna had been expecting a box at Shadowcrest Manor, and when the UPS driver delivered it, she immediately knew something was wrong when she saw the Chinese writing on the side of it. Opening the box, she tore through it and her eyes went wide with worry.

For inside were several dozen stuffed animals that were supposed to have been delivered to Coney Island for the various carnival games.

So what arrived in Coney Island was supposed to be Zatanna's package... and in that package?

A scream comes from the ride booth as a young woman comes running out of the carnie area. "Monsters!" she screams in a panic, turning around and pointing back at the game section... where currently there are a dozen foot high creatures of molted green and black colors with yellow eyes and and sharp claws that are currently stealing every electronic that they can get their hands on and sabotages it. And as one of them notice the ferris wheel, it whistleclicks at it's friends, and the five of them go running for the large contraption while another few are heading to the food court, causing a panic amongst the crowd.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Well that's not normal. Bobbi's got her phone, shades and earbuds in listening to music on her phone. Staves are strapped to her thighs cause she's in jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt that says...I love cotton candy.

Soooooo original, Bobs. She grins and iss munching on it with a happy chomping sound. yes. Chomps can convey emotions really, mostly since, om nom nom is so descriptive. So's the twirling of the cotton candy that's as big as her head. She won't sleep after this, sheesh. The monsters don't get her attention yet. This is Coney friggin' Island, after all. probably some folks in costume, hey what happened to the LED board? Wha? Oh no. The cotton candy machine died! Looks like Bobbi got the last cotton candy!

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny Rand had been at the scene of the crime as it were, intending to just enjoy being low-key and out of sight while at a Carnival. He wore a thick jacket with baggy-ish pants and running shoes. But when he hears the cry of monsters, he immediately drops the ice cream he was eating (and vanilla is so good too! :(  ) And starts heading to the scene.

He hasn't starting making his fists glow yet, which is probably a good sign. He's noticed that the common man's opinion of a 'monster' is pretty much anything that exhibits an inhuman quality...which could be iterally anything.

Danny does end up moving past Bobbi and taking a glance at her cotton candy. Mna, that looks delicious! How dare she use the last of the cotton candy though ;__;

Regardless, Danny sees the monsters and he seems to whistle. "Whooa. That can't be good." Danny, however, moves to intercept the ones going for the Ferris Wheel. "Hey! Stop!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The little creatures are definetly too small to be cosplaying humans. Maybe angry rats on revolt? The rattling at the cotton candy booth suddenly ceases, before the owner of it comes running out. And hot on his heels, bursting through the side of the booth is a ten foot tall spun sugar monstrosity. It gives a loud roar of sweetness as it lumbers and slams his hand down on a Bobbi. It doesn't hurt yet, but it will leave her covered in sweet, sticky sugar in every possible cravase, including some she may wish that it couldn't get to.

The creatures that Danny noticed turn as they are called out by the Kung-Fu master, and they snicker, pointing and clicking at each other, before two of them run to start to climb the Ferris Wheel, while another remains behind. That creature takes a stand in the middle of the fairway, and it strikes a kung-fu pose. At a foot tall. Clearly, Danny is facing a MASTER of TV KUNG FU. Clearly a Static Belt level fighter!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks over to Danny as he goes past, watching him with a nod. Watching....wait what?

Sugar monsters? Oh no. Is this the manifesting of her sweet tooth? Oh no this isn't....

Fine. Beat it up with staves. Spring loaded, she pulls the staves and takes a fighting stance. If in doubt, pummel the sugar monster...thing. Or, ya know, eat ten feet of cotton candy. Who needs dentists anyway?

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny seems to screech to a halt as he otices one of these monsters stop to target him. It strikes a kung fu pose and Danny kind a quirks a brow. "Okay...gotta say, that one's kinda new." Nonetheless, Danny enters a Shaolin stance himself and is the first to strike, attempting to hit this monster in its sugary chest with a spinning roundhouse kick.

He even does a Bruce Lee shout. "wwooooooAAAAHHH!"

Of course, he needs to get through this guy if he wants to get to the other two monsters going straight for the Ferris Wheel! So he needs to end this fight quick, even if he's never faced a true master of Static Kung Tele

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
If one has ever read the story of the Tar Baby and Breir Rabbit, they would be keenly aware of the situation that Bobbi is in. The more she fights and struggles, the stickier and more the spun sugar is coating her, slowly turning her into candy-dipped human. Probably some alien's favorite treat. The cotton candy monster continues to fight and wrap around the woman, spinning her in a coccoon of sticky wetness that is not the good kind. But when it steps into a puddle, it recoils in horror as part of it melts away.

When Danny gets into his fighting pose, the little creature screeches out his own "WOOOOOOOOOO-AH!" As Danny launches himself to fight the creature, it jumps up and tries to latch itself to the kung-fu masters face to go for the eyes as it claws away. That is totally not a sanctioned karate move!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi glares, watching the sugary monster.....thing. She glares and wriggles, then gives up. Totally not working. Totally and utterly....nope, nope, not working. She glares and groans, shaking her head and stays still, watching, and grimacing and shaking her head again. Well then.

She's wanting to play dead and it to slip off. Well that's the theory.

Danny Rand has posed:
"Hey! NOT FAIR!"

Danny screams out when the monster seems to latch itself onto Danny's face, though it can't claw him nearly as effectively because there is a hand preventing it from actually getting to his face. So....it is now time for Danny to use what people like to call 'excessive force'.

His hand starts to glow.

"This is why we play FAIR." Danny tries to literally Iron Fist punch this thing right in the face. Maybe the shockwave from the blow will knock down the other monsters heading for the wheel too. Danny is irritated, even if he did something stupid like use a ton of Chi.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The little monstrosity that totally cheated on Danny pays the price. As he punches the imp with the force of a thousand Iron Fists, it explodes -- into sparkles and dust. Oh gods, they're magic creatures! The other two are still making their way towards the Ferris wheel, climbing up the sides of it while looking for bolts to loosen and things to sabotage.

The cotton candy golem finally gets tired of Bobbi as it starts to lumber after Danny, apparently moving to support the things that created it. It gives a sweet roar before stomping on a hot dog cart.

And in the middle of all of this? A new figure arrives. And boy, is she dressed the part. Chest hugging corset, waist coat, long sleeved men's coat with swallow tail, leotard and fishnets with calf-high boots with kitten heels. Zatanna is cute when she smiles. She's not smiling. She's frowning. And that might be downright sexy according to some.

"Find the box they came in!" she calls over to Bobbi as she lifts her hands, "Pmis eht dnif!" she calls out, and suddenly the imps start to show up, the remaining eleven, glowing brightly to make it easier to spot them. And when they hear those words, there's a scream from them as they start to get away. Only one woman talks back... wards. And they don't want to be anywhere near her.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head. "If I was going to put a box. Where would I put it?" she asks, nodding to Z. "Sure thing. What type of box, big, small, or...?" she asks looking entirely too serious. It's a box, Bobbi. Not like it's the nuclear launch codes. It's.... a box. That she's looking for. She begins methodically, logcally, combing the area for it. Logic. It's a thing she's good at. Very, very good at.

So she's going in neat little lines to find this friggin' box!

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny is now free of the facehugger! Though he looks at his fist and seems to frown for a moment. "Crap, that was a waste of chi. But, if they are poofing into glitter, chances are they are magical. In which case...my chi can help take them down."

But then there's a creation called Zatanna.

In fact, Danny doesn't even realize that another monster is starting to head towards him because his brain just broke from Zatanna's appearance. TOO SEXY!


But eventually Danny gets back in the thick of it, using his chi to enhance his strikes now as he charges at the lumbering monsterosity coming for him. "HI-YA!" a punch intended for it.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then keep hitting them with your chi, or cha-cha with them!" Zatanna calls out to Danny as she grabs her wand. Waving it around, she sees a rope from one of the tents on the ground, and she calls out in that weird language of hers, "Nilmerg eht dnib ot sepor eht esu!" The rope leaps to wrap around one of the imps, hogtieing it to a nearby pole.

And then Danny goes and blows up the cotton candy golem with his chi, sending spun sugar everywhere, and the young woman finds herself draped. She licks some of the cotton candy from her mouth and frowns. "Raspberry." she mutters. She was hopeful for cotton candy flavored cotton candy!

As Bobbi's search goes, it takes a couple of minutes, but in one of the carnival game tents, Bobbi will find a box that is marked with what some may confuse with Chinese symbols, but is actually something much more anctient.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi emerges with the box. "This what you want?" she asks with a grin. "Found a box. So what'd you want done with this box?" she asks with a suspicious look to said box. Looking over the area, Bobbi is quietly dismayed at the chaos and carnag...really.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny looks over at Zatanna as she calls out to him. "I don't even know -how- to cha-cha!" Danny calls back to Zatanna with a returning jab, as it were. Though he does notice the cotton candy go all over Zee and Danny looks a little embarassed.

"Ohh....uh...sorry." Is that hurting his chances? Probably big time. Woops. But then he looks back to the Ferris Wheel. "Two of 'em are on the Ferris Wheel. I'm gonna go handle it, call me if ya need me." and with that, Danny is running off to the races!

It'll probably take him some time to get there...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Whoa." Zatanna did not expect Danny to //blow up// up a demon. She's distracted for a moment, before Bobbi's call out gets the magician's attention. "Give it to me, please." She asks, taking the box. Setting it on the ground, she holds it open, and then her body gets a blue glow around it, as her eyes flash into the same color and the ground around her reverbs as she speaks.

"SPMI! Evael ton od dna tnemniatnoc ruoy ot nruter!"

The chest starts to rattle and glow, and a nearby imp screams as a tendril from the box and drags in back in kicking and screaming. Several other tendrils reach out towards the other Imps to grab them to yank them back to the box that they were transported in. The young woman holds her spell as she adds a second. "Ria sa thgil sgniw mih evig!" Because Danny needs a little lift, right? If the spell works, he'll suddenly find himself running twice as fast.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"You want to explain what's going on" Bobbi asks, looking....just a bit confused. "So what exactly is going on?" she asks with a look over the box and...things. Yes, those imp, goolem things, huh, okay that's definitely odd.

Danny Rand has posed:
As Danny ran(d) across the carnival area as he made his way to the Ferris wheel, imagine his surprise when suddenly he's running twice as fast! Danny could already probably go to the Olympics for running, but HOLY DAMN.

"Hah, this is awesome!" Danny calls out as he's moving, he even notices some of the imps getting yanked back to whence they came.

Fortunately, now it doesn't take Danny long at all to get to the Ferris Wheel, managing it in just a few moments instead of long minutes. "HEY! GET OFF THE FERRIS WHEEL!" he calls up to the monsters, perhaps hoping to get their attention as his hands glowed with chi energy. He was ready to destroy them..but were they ready to try and destroy Danny?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The carnival goers are quickly accepting of Danny's advice as they start to clear away from the ferris wheel... ever wonder if it's any relation to Carol Ferris? That's a thought for another time as Zatanna explains. "So these are imps. They're bound to this box. If an untrained person opens the box, they escape and wreak mischief. As you can tell." Blowing out her breath, she's unaware of the imp that is trying to sneak up behind her.

In the meantime, on the wheel, one of the imps stops its destruction and tries to leap at Danny to get all up in that perfect blonde hair and muss it all up... by clawing and biting. The other imp squawks as one of the trendrils finds it and it screams as it's dragged back to the box, but not before grabbing some corn dogs from the ground to drag with it. Ick.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi has her staves in hand and sighs. "Somebody opened the box? Ah" she says and prods it with a staff. Looking over said box, Bobbi nods and grits her teeth. "So. So, who opened the box?" she asks simply. Time to cut to the chase then...because why not?

Danny Rand has posed:
"Now that I think about it, isn't there a lady who's name is Ferris? Coulda sworn she was in the news a lot.." Danny says off-topic despite the people that are literally running away from the scene per his instructions, but then he notices one of the imps coming right for him! "Oh right." Danny's biggest flaw is his lack of focus, perhaps in dangerous situations. So, he reels back his hand...

and lets it rip.

A chi-focused punch aimed to knock the Imp right out of the sky! Of course, thats assuming he can actually -hit- the imp in all of its impish ways.

Unfortunatley, because of how far away he is, Danny has no idea about the imp sneaking up on Zatanna. Sorry!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'd assume whoever was in that tent and didn't know better. I ended up with a box of plush animals, which is how I knew to come he---AH!" Zatanna lets out a sharp cry as the imp that was behind he slashs through her coat and digs into her flesh. It chitters in angry delight, sure that if it takes down Zatanna, they'all be free. The magician drops to her knees for a moment, but doesn't break her spell.

The leaping imp on the wheel is caught in mid-jump by Danny's blast. It lets out a massive yelp before --POOF!-- the Imp is destroyed in a hail of chi magic. The box snags one of the last imps, but that one remains latched to Zatanna's back and trying to climb it's way up.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks worried, staves in each hand, she steps around the magiciann and whistles. "Hold still!" shee calls.....and swings the staves at the imp, well, both staves too. Mostly since, hey, hy, batter up. Or golf club, or, or, something. Yeesh. Bobbi's lethal, too. Mostly since she's been doing this a while. And the whole staves too. Staves. Meet imp!

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny punches that imp right between the eyes! Or at least, if they even have multiple eyes? No clue. Point is! This imp got K-K-K-KO'ed!

He looks around then. "Hmm I should head back. I thiiink that was the last one." Because Zatanna's spell is super effective!

So he starts running back to Zatanna and Bobbi.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Bobbi's staves slam into the last of the visible imps. And while she may not kill it, it does knock the imp away from Zatanna where a tendril snags it out of mid-air and //yanks// it back into the box, which slams shut and locks. That was the last of them.

Wincing slightly as she pushes herself back to her feet and dismisses the spell, she hisses in a breath. "Perfectly good jacket, I'll have to knit that back up."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods, "Sorry about your jacket" she says with a smile while watching it all. Looking to Zatanna, Bobbi nods. "That all of them?" she asks gently.

Danny Rand has posed:
Returning to the group proper, Danny pauses at the sight of Zatanna and Bobbi, waving a bit.

"Hey! Sorry I?m late to the party. oh, my name is Danny by the way. is anybody hurt or scratched up?" He looks between the ladies, concern on his face. "And uh...is that the last of them or should I be on lookout?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Taking off her jacket, Zatanna exposes her arms and shoulders. She gives the jacket a couple of shakes, and murmurs.


And the slash marks on the back of the jacket, just like that, are gone. But there's still three long gashes down her backbone. Her left shoulder has a tattoo of magician flowers around a tophat, wand, and folded gloves.

"Should be all of them!" she offers optimistically enough.

"Thank you for your help, Danny. I'm Zatanna." she offers in way of greeting. Which is pretty much a rare to find name.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods, "I'm Bobbi" she nods with a relieved look. "So" she says looking from Zatanna and Danny. "You two alright?" she asks carefully, checking on things, looking around. Great. SHIELD will wanna hear about this...

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny fist pumps. "Alright! Great work team." Even though he has no clue who either of them are. At least until Zatanna says her name.

"Oh! like the big time magician?" Danny asks curiously. "Nice to meet you, Zatanna." He offers her his hand for a handshake.

Same for Bobbi! though he doesn?t put a name to fame. "Nice to meet you too, Bobbi. I?m doing just fine! not a scratch, thankfully. So I?m thinking I could take you both to a celebratory meal or brunch? Only if interested. We could all restore our chi."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I cosplay as her sometimes." Zatanna offers with a laugh and a wink at Danny, before she shakes her head. "It sounds like a great idea, but... I should get this crate back to Shadowcrast and make sure it's locked away where noone can get to it." she admits as she moves to stand next to the crate. "But don't let me keep you two, you look adorable together!" she offers with a genuine smile as she slips her jacket back on. "Thank you both for your help!" And with that, she puts her hand on the box and murmurs.


And she and the box disappear in a flash of magician's Magic.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head to Danny. "Thanks for your help, but I can't stay for food" she nods. "I need to get back to work though" she explains and heads off, slowly and finally. With her comm unit to her mouth, she's speaking into it.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny does not seem offended that both women have declined his invitation, though Zatanna's comment does make Danny open his mouth to talk but then she is gone! magicians, right?

He looks over at Bobbi, Who seems to be a little busy, so he waves. "So long and great work!" and with that....the day is saved!