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Dinner Without Notice...
Date of Scene: 31 January 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: While not fond of crowds, Banner and Wanda managed to have a good conversation and just enjoy the other's company for a while. She helped him with his tracker issue as well.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff

Bruce Banner has posed:
There isn't a great deal of noice in the mansion. That's good. Banner tries to avoid too much time with people. It's not that he's anti social or anything, he just doesn't want to be around social situations lately. He slips into the kitchen, glancing around and then moving towards the refrigerator. Maybe he can get food and get back to his room. The tracker on his leg blinks, everyone knows he's at the mansion at least. There's nothing like being under house arrest to make a person feel caged and tense. Good idea right?

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda missed the ice cream social of the other night; she just couldn't find it in herself to be around so many people, even if they are her team. So much noise, so much distraction, and with the //feeling// of something near that she simply can't shake, she wouldn't have been good company regardless.

Instead, Wanda saves the ice cream moment when everyone else might have moved on from the idea. As a result, the redhead steals down the stairs in a pair of flats, casual jeans and a sweater finishes the 'dressed down' air. Padding down the corridor towards the kitchen, she slows her path as she catches the movement before her. She doesn't stop, however, and as she approaches the threshold, her soft, Eastern European lilting voice can be heard,

"Save some ice cream for me, or there will be words, Dr. Banner." They're weighed with a distinct touch of humor, meant as lighthearted.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Opening the refrigerator he leans in to see what there is. There is just a hint of a twitch at the sound of a voice he wasn't expecting. For a moment he remains in the refrigerator and then he slowly stands to look over the door. The light hearted tone makes him a little more at ease. It helps she is alone at least.

Closing the large door, he opens the freezer and takes out three different cartons and sets them on the counter nearby,"Had my fill of ice cream for the time being Ms. Maximoff. I was considering that last bit of roast beef. Enough for two if you'd like some before the ice cream." Disheveled and probably more words than have escaped him in a long time, he's just awkward no matter what he does.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
When Bruce turns to look, Wanda is leaning against the doorframe that separates the hall from the kitchen, her hands low, fingers entwined. A ghost of a smile seems to grace her features if only for a moment; she's alone. No one behind her, no one beside her.

Pushing up from her light lean, Wanda takes the few steps into the room, shaking her head in response before adding, "I ate dinner, thank you. Just ice cream." She passes and gives the good doctor a little bit of space for his food preparations, stepping around to the table. At the same time, the cabinet door opens seemingly on its own, and a bowl flies out to land on the counter. With the bowl, a plate for the good doctor also flies from its spot to come to settle before him.

"There is never too much ice cream." There is a pause before, "And, please.." her words are warm as she adds, "Wanda."

Bruce Banner has posed:
While he's not exactly timid or taken by surprise too much, there is something a little unsettling about the plate and bowl finding their way to the counter. He raises a brow and tesnses briefly. He relaxes when he realizes what is happening. For a guy that can become...well that, he's edgy.

He finally manages to force a hint of a smile and gets the roast beef from the refrigerator. Once he has that he sets it on the counter again,"Ok Wanda. Bruce is good too. Doctor Banner is off duty about 8pm unless pressed into service against his will." He's almost managing charm. Almost.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda nods her head once, her lips pressed together, "Deal. 'Doctor' when working, 'Bruce' over ice cream."

Now that the bowl is there, the rest of the fixings as well as silverware needs to be gained. It didn't look like it spooked him terribly to see the bowl and plate flying, so the rest of the utensils are pulled from their spots by that touch of magic in the next few seconds, settling appropriately. "It is good to see you have returned to us, though.." She lets her words trail off, her green eyes moving down to the little red light on the ankle.

"Does that bother you? I could remove it for you...?" From the tremor in her voice at those words, the chances are better than even that it bothers her a great deal, and perhaps more than him... who knows? Either way, she tries not to focus on it, even as the ice cream is being scooped.

"Did they tell you of things in mansion?" How conversational can she be about dimension-hopping creatures?

Bruce Banner has posed:
Placing the beef onto the plate, he contemplates the microwave, but instead just takes the bowl to the sink to soak and then goes back to the plate,"You're not wrong though. Too much ice cream is impossible. I just try for polite occasionally." He's a lot more relaxed when it's just one or two people around.

Looking down at the tracking device he admits,"It does bother me and I'd like nothing better, but I wouldn't want anyone to come back on you about it." He studies her eyes for a moment, maybe getting she doesn't like it either. He shakes his head and admits,"Not a great deal. Just more or less don't leave it."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda pauses in her scooping, her green eyes focusing on the good doctor before her, staring at him, or rather, through him for a brief moment before she returns from that middle distance.


"No one will." She smiles tightly as if to convey the fact that she's not too terribly worried about the ramifications on her before licking a finger that dipped into the frozen dairy.


Wanda's tones are perhaps deceptively calm; there may be churning waters beneath, given her words. "Any who would use that is not friend. Or ally." She searches out his face, eyes to eyes, and her brows rise in silent inquiry. All he needs to do is ask her.

As for the mansion?


Wanda shakes her head before setting the ice cream scoop aside and closing up the container. "No.. there is creature that lurks. I only see him in corner of eye. Stark says that it is interdimensional."

Bruce Banner has posed:
He listens to her words thoughtfully, considering what she is suggesting. His eyes meet her for a moment. He's not good at holding gazes though so he doesn't stare too long, but he does get the idea that she is looking through him,"You are a curious lady Wanda. I can't quite understand your world, but I do understand what you are offering."

It takes him a few moments to consider, but not really. He finally nods and replies,"You are right when you say there's no ally that would do that and I'd appreciate it if I wasn't walking around with someone constantly monitoring my every move. I haven't decided how to diarm it myself short of..." he pauses and shrugs,"...well, the other guy. Not too much stays where he goes."

He pauses though, at the mention of the creature that lurks in the mansion. His right brow rises slowly,"An interdimensional create in the mansion that even you can barely see? Why is it that we aren't trying to find this more actively?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
There are times when things are so cut and dry, black and white in her world, and this is one of those times. Collars, restraints, and ankle alarms are unacceptable in her eyes; not to be done to monitor, to control one such as themselves. To hear his words, they echo through her head, settling there after a few heartbeats of thought. Green eyes narrow, and she nods, a gentle hand reaching out to simply touch the good doctor's arm. "Then they will come for him," is murmured, "and that is unacceptable."

Retrieving her hand once more from the attempted contact, Wanda takes a step back to look at the ankle bracelet once more. She truly studies it for what may seem an eternity, her features darkening with every passing heartbeat. In that, warm balls of red begin to glow from her hands, and she lifts them to play with the seeming malleable red cloud. In the seconds that pass, there's the crimson bolt that is thrust in the direction of Banner's ankle, and it envelops the shackle. Perhaps there's a touch of warmth there in the wispy contact, and when it fades away, it looks as if nothing has changed. The red light continues to blink.

And, to whomever sits on the 'other side' of that connection? Nothing changes; the blip remains, acting exactly as it should. Seemingly marking every movement... only, it's not.

As her hands drop to her side, green eyes lift to the doctor's once more, and a tentative smile appears upon her face once more. "There," she says simply.

"As for creature?" Wanda's settling back to her ice cream, as if the reality bending hadn't happened at all, or as if it was as easy as putting a bandaid on a cut. "No one can truly see it. JARVIS is working to study it, so he does not answer unless urgent."

Bruce Banner has posed:
His attention moves between Wanda and the ankle monitor, then back again. The scientist will never understand the magic side of things, but he does believe her that she is changing things. She has a reputation and he doesn't question what she is capable of. While she works he takes a bite of the roast beef because it distracts his mind to things that aren't within his ability to understand.

When she finishes, he looks at it again and then back to her,"Thank you Wanda. I'd say I owe you one, but I'm not sure what I could do to repay you. You don't strike me as the sort to need a scientist or the other guy for that matter." He takes another bite of the roast beef and chew thougtfully.

"So this thing is here, but it can't be seen? Not directly anyway?" he muses thoughtfully. He frowns and he considers the problem for a long moment,"Is there any idea what spectrum of light it might be viewed on?" He's starting to work a new problem.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"There is no need for repayment. It is enough that I could do for you." The ice cream has had its lid on, and with a flick of a finger, it floats back to the freezer, and back into the cold. When the door closes, now she can add her chocolate syrup, nuts.. and enjoy. Settling into a chair, the spoon is wielded and the first bite is taken. Once that's accomplished, Wanda sits back a touch and looks back to her kitchen companion. Her head quirks to the side, allowing red hair to fall lightly to that side, "Scientists are important. The problem in mansion may be fixed by both magic and science. There is much to learn for both."

Wanda possesses a tacit understanding that everyone has a gift, everyone has an importance. Her brother is a speedster, not magic at all, and yet she relies upon his ability. Clint, too.. an archer. And again, she relies upon him. And the others. "I am certain there will be a time when I will need you."

Now, the thought of the creature, and another spoonful of ice cream disappears. "Yes," and she nods even as the utensile is put down once more. "I can feel it. There are times when I know it is near, but cannot be seen." Wanda's lilting voice drops to something just above a whisper. If it weren't for the fact that there //is// an interdimensional creature lurking in the Mansion, she almost sounds, well, crazy. Deluded. "I can only see wisp. There. Gone." Hands are pulled from the table to settle in her lap, fingers entwined once more. "It makes sleep difficult."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Unsure of magic or not, it's interesting to watch how it plays out in the world of science around him. It is almost fascinating in its way,"I wish I could find a way to quantify what you do." he admits. Taking another bite of his roast beef and chews enough to arrange his thoughts. Another frown and he comments,"I have heard stories of the would be ghost hunters using mechanisms to measure electro magnetic fields, thermal cameras, and even recording devices to hunt for supernatural manifestations." He is able to speak in long bites when it is more akin to his world it seems.

"When the time comes you need, just ask." he replies as he manages to pull his thoughts away from the more scientific parts of the super natural. He frowns a littlle more in thought and asks,"Have you noticed it in your peripheral in any one place more than another? Some place you either rarely see it or not at all?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Science speak is what it is.. and Wanda's been around enough to know that scientists, genius scientists, have a tendency to talk out their issues, their theories, and such. In that, it's easy to sit and wait as that train of thought comes into the station once more, and Bruce alights to the platform. "It is thought, yes." Not her area of expertise at all. "You should speak to Stark."

When the time comes, Wanda will need any friend she has, no doubt. She's collected good acquaintences that don't seem to be afraid of her, so that's good!

"No," and she shakes her head to underscore it. Continuing, "It worries me, if I am honest. I try not to look."