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Latest revision as of 10:06, 31 January 2021

A Maze for Tails
Date of Scene: 28 December 2020
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Frank Castle, Cecily Winters

Frank Castle has posed:
It's the appointed time for the meetup. Supposedly, the Punisher is somewhere in the subway tunnels; a maintenance tunnel, specifically. He's picked a time a bit later in the day to help clear out traffic, and the tunnel in question has minimal security to spot her, at least.

At least the Punisher knows what he's doing with potential complications.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily is no stranger to getting around quietly. She has time enough for lunch and to check the subway schedule. When the appointed time is near, she's already skulking about. West tunnels. First maintenance door. She checks her phone for the time, nods to herself, and then opens the door. The fox isn't being tailed, aside from her normal trio, but she IS armed. The shoulder holster she always wears is carrying her usual piece, and she's got her bookbag over her shoulder.

Frank Castle has posed:
As Cecily enters, she can easily see a deactivated device to her left, against the wall. It's barely out of sight behind the door, and as soon as she walks by it, there's a telltale flicker of light as it activates. A sensor? Punisher seems to have eyes on her at least... which is confirmed as she looks down the tunnel to see him peeking around the corner a ways down the tunnel, to the left.

As soon as she sees him, he disappears around that corner. An obvious invitation.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Her ears twitch, as do her tails, and she notes the device before seeing movement down the tunnel. Cecily knows the rules for this, too. She doesn't make sudden moves, she doesn't call out, and she makes no motions whatsoever to go for her weapons. She's not here to fight, or capture, or anything. If anyone did follow her, well, it's their funeral. As far as Frank? She takes that invitation, and heads deeper into the maintenance tunnel.

Frank Castle has posed:
As she rounds the corner, a dozen feet away is the Punisher himself, in full body armor with skull vest, trenchcoat, and a lightly equipped gear web underneath.

The thing that catches most people in their tracks though... is the eyes. Those eyes of frozen ice. At a glance, one can easily mistake him for having dead eyes. A dead man walking... but a close inspection makes it clear that the Punisher has a tranquil fury underneath that ice.

It's very easy to understand why most people are terrified of him, with his known skill with guns. If someone ever managed to push him right over the edge into rampaging out of control...

"We have a ways to go." Punisher grates out, a hand reaching for a revolver at a waist holster and pulling it out. "Not too long."

He starts walking down the tunnel, surprisingly silent for a man with the outfit he's wearing.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily pauses, seeing the man standing still. She'd heard the rumors. The legends. The whispers, And seen the reports of frustrated department heads and crooked cops. But this was really him, Frank Castle, dead man walking, in the flesh. She looks him over, taking a moment, until he begins to move again. She keeps that respectable distance unless he calls her closer, and falls into step. "Lead the way," is all she says, simple.

Frank Castle has posed:
"No tails. Good. Honest enough so far." The device does seem to be a sensor, then. "What's your interest in helping in my war?" Punisher asks, as he rounds a corner to the right. Pipes and discarded equipment fill this length of tunnel, along with orange lights. None flickering; this section is well maintained.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Something reflexive in Cecily makes her tails fluff and twitch at the words. It's just ingrained in her and she feels it, smiling just a hint. She lifts a brow, following a little closer now as not to have to shout or raise her voice. "Because I'm sick of seeing rapists and murderers walk free... When I was still a cop, I saw too many good badges get crushed by department politics, corrupt politicians, and bad cops. Hell, even now a bad lead lands in my lap from someone on the force who still wants to serve my head to some suit via silver platter... I'm just a hell of a lot harder to kill now..." she growls. "If you want me to put it more succinctly, shit's fucked."

Frank Castle has posed:
"Organized crime has been a problem globally for ages, but it's gotten worse since the 'superheroes' started coming out of the woodwork." Punisher grunted, as if he was making an offhand comment. "I'm not going to turn away competent help, but if you're going to do this, you do what /I/ say. If you want to do this, you work /for/ me when in the field. I won't have wildcards in my war. I can and will treat you like the rest of the trash I clean up if you cross the line."

His matter of fact tone makes it clear he's being deadly serious. It's not really an intimidation attempt. Not really. This is an explanation. "I can have Microchip contact you after this and setup something in a VPN to keep in touch."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "We're both professionals," Cecily says, arms folded. She stays out of arm's reach by two or threefold as she listens. She nods, though, "I agree to the terms. Think of this as a sort of contract, that's all. I take your orders, we do your work. You get all of the credit. Does that sound like a fair assessment?" she asks, tails slowly waving behind her.