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Latest revision as of 06:13, 4 February 2021

Owl vs. Raccoon .... FIGHT!
Date of Scene: 04 February 2021
Location: Warehouses - Chinatown
Synopsis: Irina challenges Strix to a fight to the pain, which Strix accepts. Things don't go so well for Irina, but in the end, Strix brings home a new companion.
Cast of Characters: Strix, Irina-As17

Strix has posed:
Ah, the rooftops of Gotham. Always a good place to find vigilantes skulking about. Not that Strix is one, yet. She's out here getting some fresh air (if you could call it that) after being cooped up in the safehouse for too long. Sure it's safe, but it's also boring, and Strix found herself pacing the apartment, until she finally suited up, slipped out the window and went for a run across the rooftops.

Currently she's perched on the edge of one of the warehouses, watching curiously as two gangs clash in the streets. It's an all out brawl, but fortunately nobody's pulled out a gun yet.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 had been watching the exact same brawl, she didn't stop it for one reason, trouble attracted heroes and villains alike. And those were the ones she really needed. After a while she notices the movement on the rooftops, which was expected as she saw few supers who walked the streets normally. She climbs over the edge of a building and there's a surprisingly soft landing sound next to Strix, on the other end of the rooftop, for the amount of armor she was wearing. IT was truly like someone from the bat family, black kevlar all over the body and a simple rounded helmet, plus the raccoon tail poking out the end. "Hello. I would like to make a request." She says very formally, standing up.

Strix has posed:
In a flash, Strix's swords are out, and facing the raccoon, having been surprised by her. She manages to catch herself in time, fighting the reflex to just chop this person in half, and instead waits to see what this person is going to do. The last thing she expected, however, was being asked for help. She straightens head cocking to the side in a silent question as she sheathes her swords and points to herself. Me?

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 grins at the sight of the swords, she seemed satisfied with this finding. "Yes. In order to keep a promise I must ask for permission first, but I would like for you to fight me." She takes a step forwards, staying tense and firm, seeming very, very determined. "It has to be a *fight*, you see, not a spar, not a light training. No holding back, as long as you don't chop my head off." She explains, her bushy tail swinging slowly back and forth behind her. She then, abruptly takes a stiff bow and raises again. "Please fulfill this request. What do you say?"

Strix has posed:
One can almost see the question marks popping up over Strix's head in confusion. But, still. She's not one to turn down a fight. She shrugs, her answer being four throwing knives thrown at Irina, a quick twist to the side, and her swords flashing out of their sheathes to strike at the raccoon.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 exposed a brief rundown of her abilities within those few moments of first contact. She's, without a doubt, inhumanly fast. Above what could be considered even the absolute most agile human on earth. This affects her ability to move her body in short distances quite fast, then faster than that is her ability to move her limbs and general dexterity. Chief, among all of those things, however, is her ability to swipe things, thanks to her particular genetic heritage. The thrown weapons almost disappear from the air, though Strix would certainly be able to see the raccoon girl catching them all in a single wildly curving movement.

That's when things get tricky. Everything else falls short, she's only about half of a Captain America in every other physical aspect, which means that when the swords come in she starts struggling. She isn't massively faster than Strix as was the usual case in her fights, and her combat skills are quite poor. So she has to rely on her kevlar vambraces to clash with the sword attacks, gradually chipping through them.

It is fairly obvious that without the exceeding agility she would have lost the fight already, but with her reaction time and limb coordination she's able to just barely guard against these initial attacks, which somehow, seems to please her. Through the slashes she attempts a quick movement, wiggling her arm through whatever open spot she could find around the arcs of the swords and chop the woman in the neck.

Strix has posed:
Strix has been trained by some of the best in the world, and has proven herself to be a worthy opponent for even Batman. Her fighting style is quick and brutal, relentless in her attacks, and almost reckless at times. She snaps her head back, just in time to dodge the chop to the throat, and uses that momentum to do a backflip, bringing up a foot to catch Irina under the chin. She lands on her feet and ducks around to slash at that unprotected tail. She figures that if she cuts that off, it'll keep her opponent off balance.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 had, at the veyr least, over the fights and training she's had, developed her defensive abilities way above her offensive ones. It was in general, the way of her fighting style, to slip and avoid and get little attacks in where she could. It also matched the almost animalistic way she had to fight due to her reliance on her mutation over martial skill.

When that foot comes up the raccoon takes flight, not that she was launched per se, she leaps in the same direction of the attack to decrease the impact to something manageable for her lighter physique. Before landing she does a very fancy spin, closing in her limbs, and lands on her fours like an animal.

The incoming attack needs to be botched, she can only flip herself sideways to protect her tail, instead raising a leg to catch the slash with the shin guard, the sword digging deep into it and drawing a flow of blood. At that moment she truly measures her hand agility against Strix's own. With the sword paused for just a moment an arm flashes forwards, a very smooth swipe attempting to hit Strix's wrist joint to make the sword drop and then catch it, an almost simultaneous movement that depended entirely on speed.

Strix has posed:
Strix is caught off guard by her little opponent. She's just not used to fighting somebody so small and agile. The strike hits true and draws blood, though her blood is thick and black, and should Irina look, the wounds are already closing.

The attack, however, doesn't seem to slow the Talon down at all. Again she uses the momentum of her dropped arm to whirl around to slash at Irina's midsection, and around again, to bring her taloned hands to rake at her face.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 lets out a sharp chitter, her leg was hurting but she had to move it to stay alive. Her body flexibly bends backwards and shifts a bit, causing the blade to only leave a cut across the surface of the armor. She then follows with a more panicked dodge, since the next attack was way more dangerous.

This one she has to calculate very carefully, her body sinks backwards and down, in a diagonal, crouching slightly, just in time for those talons to slice through her skin without eviscerating her entire face. This was on purpose, as both her arms were already raised below, to try and catch Strix' attacking arm above the wrist. Should they succeed she'd follow by attempting to swiftly remove the talon if it wasn't somehow connected to her suit. In order to get it to come off she attempts a forwards kick straight into Strix's stomach while blinkong off blood from her eyes.

Strix has posed:
The last thing Strix expected was for Irina to *cling* to her arm to try to get the talons off her gloves. She waves her arms in a panic, trying to shake off the tenacious little creature and gets kicked in the belly for her troubles. She lets out a silent breath and staggers backward. She lets go of her other sword and grabs Irina with her other hand, pivoting to slam her down with a piledriver, trying to get her to let go of her arm.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 lets out a mixture of a wheeze and a chitter when she slams into the ground, it was not going well, but now she couldn't let go of the arm because it had sharp pointy things ready to mess her up. Therefore she wraps her legs around it as well and tries to push onto Strix' shoulder to remove the weapon as quickly as she could.

She had no idea if that would work, however, and she figured there was another pair ready, but she could only hope. If things really got bad her last resort was still an option, which seemed like a necessity by now, considering she was getting slammed with an amount of strength that way exceeded her own.

Strix has posed:
Strix is about to tear into the little pest until her glove is managed to be removed. She still has her talons in her other hand, and rakes them across Irina's back for her trouble. Once her hand is finally free, she grabs her sword from off the ground and bounds backward to face her opponent.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 growls with a high-pitch, the slices appearing across sections of her back where the the joints of the kevlar armor were located and were less protective. She pants heavily, fighting over her weight class was something that put a lot of stress on her body, but this was just what she needed. For the body to evolve and adapt it must recognize a direct threat to its continued existence.

This phrase echoed in Irina's mind and drove her forward. She presses on the offensive despite being outmatched and hurt, sliding with a bit of a limp from her injured leg, she drops nearly horizontal to the ground then comes upwards with an attempt to elbow the woman in the stomach, one arm being held out and bent over her head, using the kevlar like some type of shield.

Strix has posed:
Strix is starting to get a feel of the Raccoon's fighting style. She watches as Irina crouches low, and then steps back to avoid the elbow in the gut. She, then steps past her, slashing upwards along the way, and takes a few steps to where her other sword has landed. Without giving pause she pirouettes, tossing more knives at Irina, to give her time to pick the sword up.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 lets out a groan of frustration as her strike misses, then locks her teeth, blood spilling down. That was a full force blow, not just a normal slash, that kind of movement carried the body's weight, and the force of someone that was close to inhuman. The lower end of her kevlar armor turns red with flow blood and she heaves. Yet she thinks, is this a defeat? How much, is, to be defeated? How hard must it be? When would it be considered enough?

She has little time to consider this as her hands dart all over the place, catching most of the projectiles, but a few of them crashing into the sides of her hands and bouncing off, leaving small cuts. This time she has no choice, no way to get there in time in this condition, the only thing she could do was prepare for the next strike to make sure she could survive. To do this, she coils herself backwards and gets into a very low stance, almost like a snake.

Strix has posed:
Strix just doesn't let up on her assault. As soon as she has the second sword in hand, she leaps at Irina, twisting in the air, swords spinning like propellers. When she lands she doesn't keep moving and twists again, this time low for a leg sweep, only to follow up with an upward thrust from both swords. It seems that Strix is wanting to end this fight.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 was waiting for this exact moment, due to her crouched position. There's an almost unnoticeable movement from her hand that gets her fingers around a button on her waist. There's a tiny delay, just as Strix lands a visor comes out from Irina's helmet that shields her eyes. A small disk is thrown towards the woman while the raccooness jumps to avoid the first strike. It detonates, creating only an extremely strong blast of light, she didn't know if that would affect Strix though. It was in hopes of softening the second attack, by closing her arms in and swinging them upwards she tries to push the thrust of the blades towards her sides and let them cut through them instead of impaling her right through the center.

Strix has posed:
A flashbang is a neat trick, but it's not necessarily an unexpected one, since they're something of a staple when fighting against Batman and his associates. Strix is able to close her eyes in time to keep herself from being blinded, although it's not enough to block out the light completely. It's enough so that her strike's aim is off, which lets it be deflected.

While her head clears the spots in her eyes, she steps forward and spins, aiming a back kick to Irina's head, only to keep spinning and slash again with her swords.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 held the two swords to her sides for a bit, they bled heavily from where they penetrated the kevlar, she was on her last legs, and she knew it. She had to push her body, make every cell in her feel the need to survive, make her spliced genes desperate to evolve and preserve their life. She cries out furiously, the kick impacts her head and makes her stumble, her hands lash out but her strength fails. Her forearms hit the blades as they come in but her arms were already much weaker than they were at first, so the blades just smash into her chest and cause more cuts, digging deep into her arms in the process as well. Thankfully the armor was there to mitigate most of the damage. At that point she simply blinks slowly and goes limp, crumpling in place.

Strix has posed:
Strix whirls around again, sword coming down for the killing blow, the decades of training coming naturally for her. It's only at the last minute she remembers the stipulation of the fight: No decapitation. So the sword rests, right on the neck, drawing a thin line of blood from a shallow cut but that's all.

She looks down at the raccoon, waiting for Irina to stir, wondering if she should get going. When it doesn't look like it, she sheathes her swords, and crouches down, resting on the balls of her feet, curiously poking Irina with her one ungloved hand, making sure that she's still alive.

Irina-As17 has posed:
Irina-AS17 is incredibly warm, absurdly, much more than a normal person should be. Her metabolism was massively faster than a human's, and so, that was the result. Her blood was clotting rapidly and it was good to make her wake up fast, but it was not exactly a healing factor or regeneration. So, after losing so much blood she was going to be out for a while. She does lightly twitch her eyelid when poked though.

Strix has posed:
Strix is at a loss as to what to do. Surely she can't just leave this raccoon out here, unconscious. There could be squirrels around! Squirrels eat raccoons, right? She thinks she remembers he father saying something about that a long, long time ago. She gets up to retrieve her glove and slips it back on before coming back to Irina.

Not knowing what else to do, she picks up the creature and tucks her under an arm, to disappear into the night. She probably shouldn't bring Irina home, since she's hiding from the Court of Owls, but what else can she do?