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Trashpuppy Beatdown
Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Alleways
Synopsis: Blinkdog gets beset on by a group of punk thugs, two mysterious heroes come to his aid and save him from a serious thrashing!
Cast of Characters: Bobby McFadden, Leon O'Malley, Cole Cassidy

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog has been stuck in his coyote hybrid form for three weeks now. There's just no choice in the matter... he's gotta get something decent to eat. Checking his pockets he finds he still has that twenty he managed to beg for a few weeks back on the subway. The soup kitchens around here just wont take his kind. It "upsets" the other patrons they claim. So he has to take a risk... He pulls his hoody up and ducks into a corner Bodega and begins picking up a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter when someone spots him.

"Hey man whats with the hoodie... whats up with you man." "Leave me alone." Bobby growled. That was how it started.

Five minutes later he's gets a brick thrown at his head from behind sending him spilling onto the alleyway ground. There are five of them. All young and all of them sporting different kinds of weapons. The one that threw the brick has another. "Stay out of our neighborhood MUTIE!"

Dazed by the blow to his head, Blinkdog just cant concentrate hard enough to teleport. He flickers a bit but only moves ahead a few feet. "Hey man this one's got powers!" One exclaims. "Yeah but they aint for shit, get him!"

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Sitting on a roof overtop the alley, Leon sits with a fast food bag, crumpled so as to obscure the branding, his suit's mouth having retracted to allow the sustenance access to his face hole. The biggoted threats below snap his attention from the fry he just flicked in the air to catch, looking over to the roof's lip. As the fry drops, a tendril shoots out of the suit, grabbing the fry, and slapping it against his mouth, "Gah....Smartass..." Says with a grumble, opening up to allow the fry in and rolling up his bag as the suit closes up around his mouth.

    A moment later, as the second brick is thrown, a black web shoots down, catching the rock and pivoting it into the air away from Bobby, the rock swinging back and the web released, sending it flying back at the attackers, "If you're looking for a fight, we'd be happy to give it to you..." Comes a now horrific vocal overlay of a human voice and a strange eldritch growling gurgle as Leon hops down from the roof, landing hard with one hand and knee to the ground a few feet away from Bobby, putting him in-between him and his attackers.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
So yeah, New York City, Gotham, Metropolis. Seems that Cackler has been all over the place lately. The hyperloop makes crime in many cities fun and exciting. Naturally the hyena spends most of his time patrolling for criminals and then doing crimes to them. That doesn't make him a hero, just someone who likes to be very particular about his crime.

People throwing bricks and yelling gets his attention. He shows up at the end of the alleyway, hands on his hips, "Hey, jerkasses." He says, loud enough for the angry mob to hear him, "Why don't you back off before you wind up getting hurt." Well shit, looks like he's not alone, because something just came down off the roof with the same plan.

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog just wants to get out of there but the world is spinning too hard for him to get a fix on anywhere but the ground under him. One of their legs comes into view and Blinkdog reaches out and grabs it. The kid starts screaming as strange red and black smoke begins to drift from where he is gripping the kid's ankle. Already the bottom of the kid's pantleg is gone leaving raw red burnt-like flesh as the kid tries to get free. He begins kicking Blinkdog in the head and arm frantically and is let go. "Jeezus! Town is full of freaks!"

One of the other 'kids' turns and looks at his friend, "You okay man?" The burned one reaches into his waistband and pulls out a gun. "Fuck this shit, its the costume freaks! Another step closer and this Mutie gets it!" he says facing off at the new arrivals. The others don't seem to be packing heat just yet as they just raise their pipes, sticks, and bats defensively. One of them has to be in his mid-20's while the rest are definitely in their teens. Each of them is from a different ethnicity but definitely the 'punk' ethnicity unites them in the way they are dressed.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Blinkdog ruins a perfectly good pair of pants, Leon fires another line of black web into his back. As the line is moving, one of the thugs pulls a gun, prompting a second web to fire from Leon's other arm, snatching Blinkdog and yanking him away from the immediate danger, and then snagging the gun and jerking it to Leon's hand.

    "Real cute. You know what this can do? Have you ever been shot before?" He pauses for a moment, then whips the gun around fires a round into the trigger happy guy's leg, "...Well you have now." He says while rapidly disassembling and unloading the piece onto the ground as he walks forward, black wispy tendrils beginning to rise up menacingly out of his back.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"You little bastards give punk a bad name." Cackler says, running a hand through his mohawk, "Nazi punks fuck off." He starts to advance on them. Guns and pipes and everything else be damned. He can punch a hole in a brick wall and throw a car, so he's not too worried about some folks with pipes and sticks.

Of course all of them save the leader seem to be teenagers. So he'll probably try not to hurt them TOO bad. The closest one is going to get a big meaty hyena gut punch, however.

Bobby McFadden has posed:
The black smoke seems to drift around the gun toting one's leg clinging to it loosely as it swiftly begins to heal, even the pantleg is restoring itself. This goes largely unnoticed though as the rest of the scene plays out. Oddly enough the youngest one of them seems to be their leader as he continues to point the gun at Blinkdog's back... or rather where he was. Then the gun is freed from his grasp in the blink of an eye as another line catches the barrel and it is yanked free of his hand. The safety wasn't even off.

A moment later he's on the ground holding his bloodied leg. "SHITHEAD! YOu shot me! He shot me with my own gun! Get him!! Don't just stand there do somethin, Jackholes!" Two of them do something allright... they run! As fast as they can down the alleyway. Including the oldest one which was apparently not the leader. Leaving three of them. Two of them with a pipe and a bat, "Oh I know what to do with muties.... even ones with guns!" one says stepping up. "You think I'm afraid to die asshole! Come and get it!" he says with what is now obviously drug induced bravery as there is something wild about his eyes. The final one just stands silent uncertain as for what to do.

Meanwhile Blinkdog is starting to try to get to his feet where he has landed. But there are these strings on his back sticking to his hoody kind of tangling him up as he is still dizzy and half dazed from the blows to his head.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon dusts his hands off as the last gun parts hit the ground, "...Do we look like a mutant to you? We're just your average costumed freak. And you?...Heh...Scared shitless." The tendrils begin waggling back and forth, as if laughing at the doped up thug.

    Leon suddenly stops, his head snapping to look directly at the kid looking like he doesn't know what to do, "....You know this is wrong, dont you?....Go home, kid. You've still got the chance to turn your life around." He then turns his attention back to the druggy, and starts to charge.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Yeah I'm not a mutant!" Cackler roars out from his position down the alleyway. He moves up to the guy who is yelling to come and get it, and grabs him by the throat, slamming him into the wall of the alleyway and squeezing tight, "Does this look like the face of a mutant to you?" The hyena growls, licking his muzzle as he leans in close, "C'mon, you say you're not afraid to die? Prove it. Do something about it before I crush your wind pipe and watch you drown on your own blood."

Bobby McFadden has posed:
The kid that is just standing there with the baseball bat decides he's had enough and runs. He keeps his bat tho. "Fuck this shit!" he yells as he beats feet away from everyone. The kid with the gunshot wound in the leg reaches and grabs for one of the bricks he was holding a moment ago but his hand comes up short as a now hoodie-less blinkdog picks it up for him. "Here, you dropped this!" he says as the rush of attacks go on around him. Rearing his arm back to bash the kid in the head in a returned favor... and perhaps a little anathetic will help with that leg. "Fu..." is all the kid gets out before the brick slams home.

The roudy one with the mouth braces himself for Leon's charge when he is sidelined by the yeena and thrust up against the alley wall. "Fuck you man, you his daddy?" he spits towards the Cackler's face. He tries kicking and drops the pipe he was holding to try and punch his way free. But the blows are pretty feeble at his angle and leverage.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon ceases his charge as the Cackler prepares to kill the goon, grumbling a bit about the new problem. He raises is arms, one web line spitting out of his left wrist and smacking the thug in the mouth, clamping it shut, and the other catching Cackler in the back, Leon giving a short warning tug to get his attention, "Alright, that's enough. Put the dumb racist down, crack his jaw, and walk away...Let's not let this get any bloodier than it's already been."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
The hyena squeezes a bit tighter when the guy spits on him, but the punches feel like tickles. Then the webs come in and the big hybrid grunts, headbutting the guy in the bridge of his nose and letting him drop. He turns around and looks up at Leon, "You must be one of them spider guys I keep hearing about. You the one that old boomer that owns the newspaper is always yelling about?"

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog is already taking his belt off and wrapping it around the punk kid's leg creating a makeshift tourniquet. He grabs a nearby piece of alleyway trash to turn it, but he doesn't stop at just a few turns. The kid's leg will be saved as will his life, but the whole thing is going to HURT when the first aid has been undone. He glances up nervously at his two saviors though he's not sure what to make of them. His own head is trickling blood down the back of his shirt but it is slowly ebbing on its own as the wound starts closing itself as whisps of red smoke seem to pour into the wound from out of thin air.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon lets the web go as the Cackler drops the now injured goon, looking down at himself for a brief moment and examining his glossy black and white suit's sheen, "...Do we look red and blue to you?" Said almost incredulously, in that horrible overlaying voice. As Blinkdog goes about wrapping the douchebag up, Leon turns around and looks at him, "...You ok? That brick certainly couldn't've felt good..." He says as he walks towards him.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Fuck if I know I'm pretty sure hyenas are colorblind." Cackler replies, "Nah I'm kidding. But nah, seriously. You okay kid?" He asks Blinkdog as he moves over towards him as well, "You gotta stand up to those punk asses. It's the only way they learn."

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog shrugs, "It hurt like fuck... but I'll heal fast." He straighens up after he ties off the first aid so it doesn't unwind itself. "So... who do I thank?" he asks dusting himself off and now wishing he hadn't had to ditch the food in the store to get away from the punk trailing him. "I just didn't want trouble. I'd have been gone if it weren't for that smack to the head." he vanishes and appears a few feet over then back again as a way of demonstrating. "They call me Blinkdog."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon watches Bobby blink around, presumably staring blankly, as the suit's mask has no facial features, "....Cool....So, you good from here? If you are, we need to get back to lunch, as you see, stupid racists wont fight themselves." He says with a gesture to the assorted comatose assholes laying about the ground.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Well, Blinkdog. I guess I can see why they call you that." Cackler says, "I'm, uh. Well I mean my face would have been on the news the other day but of course any time Harley does ANYTHING it always dominates the news cycle." He grumbles a little bit, "It's 'cause she has tits, isn't it?"

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog 's mouth drops open in a doggy like grin but only after he bears his teet for a split second before he remembers that looks more meanacing than friendly. "That she does have... I think thats her on social media. She actually tagged my feed the other day." he says with a little juvinile pride. He then remembers that he isn't exactly comfortable around strangers and takes a step back reaching to the back of his head. "Well... I better pop this guy to the hospital." he says a little nonplussed.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon slowly turns back to look at the Cackler over his shoulder, ".....Wow. What an incredibly sexist statement....Maybe it has something to do with her being an incredibly high profile known criminal going about a course of actions in wild contrast to her previous known methodology, while you're a relative unknown who just happens to look weird..." He holds the stare for a few more moment before turning back to Bobby, "Yeah, you do that..." He then raises his arm again, a black whispy tendril shooting out and latching onto the lip of the roof he'd hopped down from and zipping him to and over it, back to lunch.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Hey her ex-boss is the one who made me look like this, so I have some personal issues with her that I need to work out, okay?" Cackler says, trying to defend himself but yeah, that probably was a bit sexist, he agrees. He looks back to Blinkdog, "I suppose that's better than leaving him in a filthy alley to bleed out...Even if he probably deserves that. Welp, good luck kid." He offers a quick salute with a pair of fingers on his right hand, before he turns and wanders back out of the alley the way he came.

Bobby McFadden has posed:
Blinkdog backs away and then bends down grabbing the kid by the shot leg giving it a nasty twist as he flips the guy a little off the ground before he vanishes off to the nearest hospital to drop him off. The next day there will be a newspaper article about a pack of mutants shooting an inncocent 16 year old boy in the leg in Harlem.