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New Daggers and Old Problems
Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Bethesda Terrace
Synopsis: Tandy Bowen runs afoul of some punks and meets a bargain-basement hero. Reese's and scarves are provided/
Cast of Characters: Tandy Bowen, Peter Parker

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Running down the street, Tandy Bown turns the corner into a dark alley, and anybody can tell that three young punks are chasing after, "Hey! Get back here!" they yell. They call her names and turn the corner into the alley after her.

Tandy is wearing some jeans and a jacket about ten years out of style. She looks pretty desperate, not wanting to mess with the punks chasing after her. The punks have assorted colored hair and leather jackets, the stereotypical street denizens who bully other people. Tandy reaches the end of the alley and stares at the brick wall with frown. Dead end. Immediately she frowns and turns around to see the three punks not stopping at anything.
Glancing around, Tandy finds the alley inescapable pretty much. There's two dumpsters and there's some snow on the ground. The area is deafly quiet besides the impeding footsteps of the punks, "Now we've got her! Grab her!" one of them yells.

Peter Parker has posed:
The voice is jovial, almost playful. It also comes from ten feet up.
The three guys look up, and they pale as they see Spider-Man, sitting comfortably in a web-hammock, putting a book in his backpack.
"Spuh...spuh...spuh..." the ringleader says.
"SPIDER-MAN. Say it LOUD and say it PROUD." He peers down at them. "Okay, boys. We can do the whole threats, then I kick your butts and web you to the wall in funny positions, take pictures for the cops to laugh at...OR, you can do the SMART thing, turn around, leg it out of here, and MAYBE you'll get a pass tonight. But ONLY for tonight."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen is surrounded by the punks just as Spider-Man jumps in behind them. She doesn't seem anywhere else to run but it's a mystery what she would have done if the punks attacked her. "C'mon! Butt out, Spider-man!" one of the punks whines, while the other takes out his stereotypical switchblade.

"I say rush him, he can't take both of us," the other guy says. The ringleader is still petrified and eyes Tandy over his shoulder out of annoyance. He turns back to her and she frowns. The two punks rush Spider-Man with their knives!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. No respect. No respect at all. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of heroing.
He opens with the guy on the right, the blast of webbing catching him amidships and planting him against the wall.

That does give the other guy time to get close with the knife. He holds it loosely in his hand, which reveals some skill. However, Spidey tends to move out of range, seeming to know where the knife will go before the wielder himself. Spider-Man then grabs his head, pushes the guy against the wall, and sticks him there with another splat of webbing.

He turns to the ringleader, and he sounds like he is smiling under the mask. "You're next, Chuckles."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
The two punks are web-stuck against the brick walls of the alley. One of them struggles but the other is kinda out of it from the head bashing delivered by the quick and agile Spider-Man. They don't seem to be getting free anytime soon, not without assistance anyway.

The ringleader grabs a handfull of Tandy's jacket and says, "Don't come any closer, Spider-Man!" she says threateningly, taking out his gang switchblade too in order to make it clear he intends to use it on Tandy if he doesn't stop kicking everyone's ass. Tandy grabs at his arm as he wrenches her off the wall but then stomps on his foot suddenly with her boot. As he yelps and turns toward her to smack her or even stab her, Tandy kicks him in the balls. He doubles over.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man WINCES. That hurt just being a witness to it.

He walks over to the guy, grabbing him by the arm and placing him against the wall between his friends.Another jet of webbing, and he's become part of the Spider-Tryptych.
Spidey shakes his head. "Sad." He turns to look at Tandy, then approaches her. "You all right, miss?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
The ringleader is stuck to the wall and wiggles like a fish, "You're such a loser, Spider-Man!" he whines from his awkward position stuck there on the wall. Tandy smiles and chuckles, "Thanks Spider-Man," she says, flipping her hair back. She eyes the ringleader in his stuck position, maybe thinking about how much he deserves it because he's such a jerk. She fixes her dirty jacket, which seems to have lost some buttons in the tussle. It was used anyway. She looks at her jacket and pouts, "Aw man, look what he did..." she mutters.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks at the jacket, then at Tandy. "You're welcome, miss. I'm...sorry about the jacket. Hey, there's a Goodwill down the street. Want to get some fresh clothes? I have a little money and it can be better used for clothes than what I had in mind for it."
He points out of the alley, sighing wryly. "I think I know the location of every Goodwill in the five boroughs."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
SIRENS start to wail in the distance. Tandy sighs as she fingers her jacket, "That's where I got this one. I dont have any money for another one," she tells Spider-Man.

Tandy sighs, "It's fine, it's only two buttons missing." She looks up as the ringleader swears at her, "I don't think I like New York," she mutters.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "There's good and bad everywhere, but sometime's it ain't easy to find the good and you find yourself tripping over the bad." he looks around. "Let's...chat somewhere else. Me and the cops have issues, and I'd like to keep them from becoming subscriptions." He points to the roof of the nearby office building. "Want to chat up there? I'll give you a lift."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen nods to what he says and listens to the cops getting closer, "Chat? Okay," she tells him, "But can I borrow some money? You totally have a lot money right? Cause you're a superhero?" she asks him, "Aren't you working with Captain America or Superman?" she wonders. "I'll pay you back, Spider-Man. Really. My name's Tandy. You can take my fingerprints and everything," she suggests, making a little joke with a smile, even though she's out of money.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Let's get out of here first."
He steps close to slide one arm around Tandy's waist. Then he fires a webline to pull himself up to the wall, and from there, he just...climbs up the wall. No looking for handholds or anything.
Ten seconds later, he pulls them both up over the ledge and lets go of Tandy. "Better. Now...hand me that jacket." He reaches into the red-and-blue backpack on his back and takes out...a sewing kit. Becase of course a sewing kit.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen clings to Spider-Man as he hauls her up the wall, putting her arms around his neck. "Whoa!" she lets out as he climbs up and plants her on the roof.

"Oh thanks," she mutters as she looks over the edge of the roof, maybe wondering how he did that so easily. Tandy inclines her neck back to watch Spider-Man and looks surprised, "You have a sewing kit with you?" she wonders. She takes off her dirty jacket and hands it to her new tailor. She has a t-shirt on underneath. She point points to the buttons helpfully.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles, then lets Tandy get a closer look at the suit.
It's...been damaged and mended multiple times. Round holes, long slashes, grazes, all sewed shut again.
"My line of work doesn't exactly pay well. I'm not one of the heavy hitters like Superman or Captain America. I'm...more of a bargain-basement hero."
As he speaks, he is going to work sewing the buttons back on. He is quick from long hours of practice, but his fingers are very agile. Within a minute, he has re-attached one button and is working on the other.
"I did get some funds. I was going to treat myself...but it looks like you could put it to better use. You have socks? I understand you can never have too many pairs of socks, Tandy."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen smirks a bit and snickers, "Socks," she repeats and thinks about that, "I only have one pair but I'm okay, I don't need your socks, Spider-Man," she assures him. "Maybe you should call Captain America for a job. That'd be so cool right?" she asks him, "I heard he runs the Avengers and works for the government and everything, right?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "I dunno. The Avengers handle a lot of the big stuff. Alien invasions, AIM, Hydra...I'm not that guy. I'm down here on the street, helping John and Jane Public. I think there's a need for me here instead of up in Stark Tower..." He chuckles. "...helping people like you, Tandy."

He holds up the jacket, then hands it to Tandy. "Done. And I'll buy you a couple of flannel shirts, a few extra pairs of socks..." He ohs, and reaches into the backpack to pull out a ratty-looking scarf. He looks at it, then hands that to Tandy, too.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen smiles and grabs the jacket, "Thanks!" she lets out and hugs Spider-Man! She then steps back and slings on the jacket quickly, "I only need a couple bucks, Spider-man. Don't worry about me!" she tells him. She takes the scarf and looks at it, "A scarf? I don't think I have a winter scarf."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Well, you got one now." He puts the kit away, then takes out a five-dollar bill from the backpack. Suddenly Reese's peanut butter cups don't sound all that urgent.
Spidey hands the bill to Tandy, then says, "When's the last time you ate? I know of a good homeless shelter that serves some pretty good chili."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen thumbs in the other direction, "The priest downtown gives me a sandwich sometimes," she explains to Spider-Man. She takes one of the peanut butter cups, "I'll be okay, don't worry," she says as she gobbles down the candy, "You come say hello. I don't think they get a lot of superheroes down there."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods thoughtfully. "I will. I tend to cover the five boroughs as a matter of course, but I do like to focus on particular places. Any particular neighborhoods I should make impromptu appearances at?"
He zips the backpack closed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you have a place to stay, or something like that?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen nods to what Spider-Man says, "If I can get there before it locks up, I can stay at the church. Or the shelter but sometimes they're closed too," she explains to him, "Don't worry, Spider-Man," she comments and says, "Yeah, you have to investigate the docks gang. They ...took a couple people I know."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks around. "I'm a chronic worrier, Tandy. Look...if you really need a place and the other places are closed, take the subway to the Ingram Street station in Queens. The guy who designs my hardware can put you up. He owes me a few favors."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy Bowen nods and pauses, probably making a mental note of the directions, "Alright Spider-Man. What's his name?" she wonders. She glances around as the police come down the alley to investigate, "I think I better go, Spider-Man."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Peter Parker. Tell him the Webhead sent you." He looks over the ledge, then points to the side of the building away from the alley. "The fire escape's over there. You should be able to get clear before the cops spot you."