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Latest revision as of 14:59, 23 February 2021

The day after...
Date of Scene: 23 February 2021
Location: The mountains.
Synopsis: Wanda found Bruce in the mountains after the Hulk escaped his cage.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff

Bruce Banner has posed:
     There are bad things that happen in the city no matter how hard you try to avoid it. Maybe Banner shouldn't have been in the museum to look at the irradiated gem that they had on display, but curiosity is strong in a scientist. Given that the mountain side hears the roar of the Hulk a moment before the impact tremors shudder the ground under him on arrival, the worst must have happened.

     He looks around the area, one more roar into the air to let things and people know to leave him alone. He finally looks at ease and his shoulders slump a little,"Quiet..." his voice rumbles softly.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Snow has fallen in the NorthEast. Mountains are covered with the cold and wet 'no longer powder' white-stuff, clinging to the sides of the rockfaces in rivulets of ice of the process of melt and freeze. Deer catch the sounds of the roars, at first standing stock still as they assess the danger to them, and then in the next second, scampering off and away from the sounds of warning.

Museum offer refused, and kindly, smiling reasons given as 'Pietro and I have plans', though in all honesty, Wanda is not the social butterfly either. Crowds, magic, dark shadows and wisps of visions of side dimensions out of the corner of her eye has made her less than eager to join the human race, as it were. And museums? Most, okay, almost all the population would never notice a magical artefact placed within a series of bronze age, iron age items, but to her, it lights up as if in neon. That too, disturbs her as really nothing (legal) could be done to free it. To bring it to its proper place.

So, Wanda avoids it.

There are some things that cannot be avoided, however. One is her teammate, and someone with whom she's held only a few conversations, but has felt something of a kinship? Or perhaps it's just her need to help.

Which finds her in a search for the green version of the good doctor. In a way, this is really her 'fault' in that the SHIELD applied tracker doesn't work, nor should it. But, if they catch some strange readings, well... Wanda has some work ahead of her! (And Steve will probably sit her down to have a 'friendly chat'.)

Into the mountains, then, she goes. She's tracked him that far, anyway, and after teleporting into the general vicinity, Wanda is on foot. She's dressed warmly; coat to her knees over warm, winter clothing, ending in boots. Her auburn hair is down, blown around by the wind. There is something of a sereness to her, even as green eyes search the location.

Mountains. She knows mountains.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The tracker is likely a memory now as the legs of the Hulk are far larger than anyone would expect something to hold. Ever it the change didn't break it, the impacts from miles long jumps would have done it in. Far from the rest of the world he at last slows to a halt, the critters in the mountains wisely doing the one thing Hulk always wants,"Alone...." he comments softly and kneels to the ground.

The sounds of nature might start to come back soon, but for now all is quiet. Cold doesn't phase the Hulk as he lies down on the ground finally,"Hulk tired..." he rumbles deeply and closes his eyes. The massive lungs still taking in deep gulps of air. While still the beast, he starts to calm down and likely as not the good doctor will be back soon. At least he's oblivious to Wanda's presence thus far.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Green eyes search the hills, listening for both sounds and the absence of sounds to track. Sensing directions, Wanda doesn't bother going on foot; instead, with a push of her hands to her sides, and the red wisps emenating, or perhaps simply surrounding them as her magic is called, she gains some elevation, rising into the air, and then forward.

As the large green 'creature' begins to lie down in the snow, ready for slumber, and ready to give the human side something akin to hyperthermia, Wanda searches. Tracks are located, fallen branches of passage catches her attention first. It's not that hard after that, and once the trail is followed, Wanda has feet back upon the ground, and she approaches the site carefully. She's not hiding, not looking to silence the crunch of snow and ice beneath her boots. To underscore the lack of stealth, she calls out, even at her approach, her Eastern European accent lilting, "Doctor Banner!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
The breathing begins to slow more. The deep breaths starting to be more shallow as well. The muscles ripple as he settles. Hearing her approach, the green eyes snap open to meet her own. He starts to push himself up again, but the poor brute has a weakness for pretty faces. Instead his head rises for a moment and then lowers again. He watches her for a long time, maybe gauging if she might be up to something.

Finally, his eyes close again and she can see it begin. The massive form begins to shrink and the green skin to fades to the good doctor's normal state. Of course he has no shirt on as the upper body shreds it every time. His pants aren't in real good shape, but at least they are still there and he is covered. In less than half a minute the transformation is complete and once more Bruce Banner is and the Hulk is no more. How long this time?

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda isn't afraid of anything 'mortal', not really. She has spells of shields, at the very least, and in a one-on-one fight? She's pretty sure she'd come out the victor, though against a friend isn't something she'd do. Stepping forward, her head tilts to the side, and her words come through the chill of the air, "Is me. No one else." Just in case.

Coming to his side, Wanda crouches to put a hand out just as the great beast of 'other' closes his eyes. The transformation, however, causes her to pull her hand away as the more human form appears, still lying on the cold, ice and snow hardened ground.

A sharp exhalation exudes from the witch, and she looks up exhasperated, "Was not good time to change. Too cold!" is given into the aether. "You could not have waited until in warm room?"


"Doctor Banner?" is asked after a couple of long heartbeats pass. A hand, again, is extended to rest on his shoulder, "Doctor Banner?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
The thing about the other guy. He shows up unannounced and goes away just as suddenly. Her touch and voice start to draw Banner to conciousness. That and the sudden cold. His eyes snap open not from fear, but from cold. He looks towards her and meets her gaze,"Wanda?" he manages finally and tries to push himself up from the ground.

Looking around he takes a moment to gather his thoughts and sighs deeply. Shaking his head he goes up to his hands and knees,"How long was he here this time?" he asks and absently starts to shiver...a lot. He draws his arms to his core to protect himself from the cold of the mountain air,"Apparently long enough to find the mountains."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda takes a deep breath, relief forming upon her face as he opens his eyes and both knowledge and understanding filling them clearly. A murmured word of what is undoubtedly thanks exits the woman, spoken in Sokovian, as she pulls back to give the good doctor a little bit of room.

"Hours?" Wanda shrugs her shoulders and looks behind her before her attention falls front once again. "We need to get you back.. somewhere."

There is a pause before, "There is hotel room. Pietro and I share.. I will take you." Reaching out now, she's offering a hand up. "Mountains are quiet. Was good he came here."

Bruce Banner has posed:
He listens to her for a time and finally nods,"Well, at least I'll know if he killed anyone by tomorrow." A sigh and he starts to sit up, but seeing the offered hand he takes it and stands,"Thank you." he comments softly. Once on his feet he looks around and admits,"He can cover ground when he wants to."

Another shiver and he finally nods,"He also knows how to get left alone." A pause and he looks at her with a hint of a smile,"Well, mostly alone. Thank you for coming for me." The offer of a room is a fast yes as he's getting cold quickly in his current state of dress,"Sounds perfect. Peitro won't mind?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda takes a deep breath and exhales, the plume of moisture from her lips in the air. It's cold, and getting colder. "You are welcome. Now, we go. We will learn what has happened later."

Reaching for his hand now, she's looking to capture it in her own in order to lead him. "I will make portal, then." She looks to the side, an encouraging smile offered, "Pietro minds everything," she reminds. "But will he kill you? No." She says that as a joke, complete with a touch of laugh.

In the next moment, with one hand, there's that soft red-hued glow that surrounds her hand, and before them, a break in the fabric of 'reality' opens, edged with that same crimson glow. "One step, hotel." With that bit of encouragement, Wanda is taking said step, ready to emerge on the other side, back in New York City, in a large hotel room's 'common' living area with bedroom suites attached. (When Tony does things, it's not half-done!) Candles are lit, the flames dancing, lending something of a cozy, hominess to the place.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Taking the offered hand he replies,"Lead the way." His attention passes over the area and manages a slight smile at the comment about killing him,"There have been times I would have entertained the notion of letting him try." The smile doesn't have much joy in it, none really.

One moment he is freezing, the next it is warm. That is a neat trick and the scientist in him is impressed. A deep breath again to take in the less frigid air. A slow exhale and he moves on,"Thank you for coming to get me Wanda. If I'd been too cold for too long he would have emerged again and there is no telling where I'd end up next. If he remained in the mountains...he'd probably remained. I'd be trying to get out, but solidly trapped where stress keeps him forward."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Once through, Wanda lets go of his hand, freeing him, and closes the portal from which they emerged. It is warmer here, and little touches of home, her home, are dotted around the room. Little bursts of color in the form of fabrics, a guitar that is on a stand in the corner. A kettle is on the burner in the little kitchenette, though not turned on.

Turning to face the genius scientist, her smile is warm and genuine, "He could not. He is not murderer."

Now, she's back 'home', and pulls off her winter coat only to lay it upon the back of a couch, and she looks to Bruce. "I will get you clothes from Pietro, and will put kettle on for tea."

Bruce Banner has posed:
He takes a moment to really gather his surroundings. A smile touches his features again and he replies,"Remind me some time and I'll tell you a story about trying to stop the other guy once and for all." he offers softly. He seems at ease, at ease as he ever gets anyway.

Finally he looks towards her and the smile gets a little more real this time,"Clothes sound good. Tea sounds almost better. Thank you." He sure doesn't look like a living weapon of mass destruction, not even close.