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Latest revision as of 22:52, 6 March 2021

Being stood up sucks.
Date of Scene: 20 February 2021
Location: Balcony - Second Floor
Synopsis: Megan arrives late to the dance, but a make up dance is had.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Drake Riley

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Soooo the dance was supposed to be tonight. Megan had asked Drake out and after several hours of practice and some potential sparks flying, it seemed that things might actually work alright.

However, as the night of the dance approached, Megan did not show, no one had seen her anywhere. An hour had passed and some people were starting to leave. Was she late? Had she forgotten? or had something else happened?

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley had to get a suit. He had to sink a fair amount of money into it. He hasn't worn a suit in... well, years. He's pretty sure a funeral was the last thing he wore a suit for, and it wasn't exactly something he packed when he planned on fleeing the west coast. So he had to find something nice. A white button-up, a black suit, slacks, some nicer shoes... he thought that'd be appropriate. He even labored over learning how to tie a double windsor!

And his date never arrived. It was so weird. He couldn't reach her. No one knew where she was. A part of him thought it was an awful prank. Another part of him was worried something had happened to her. All he knew was she wasn't on the grounds. He'd bugged a mutant with clairsentience to check for her. So he was just an awkward non-student lingering on the edges of the event.

At last, he's come out to the balcony of the second floor. Leaning forward, his forearms rest over the banister, letting the chilly air play through his hair and tie.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
More minutes pass and more people go home. The party won't be much of a party soon as the food and drink wanes. Heck, the live band has finished their last song and packed up and nearly another hour passes score he will feel a movement of wind behind him.
r"Omigosh! I can't believe how late it is!" she steps out onto the balcony, breathless, ruffled, her face bruised a bit, her lip cut. Her dress is cute, a short yellow number with a tulle skirt and gold crown shaped rhinestone bodice. It'd be pretty if it didn't look slightly torn, a bit mud splashed in places.

The music has completely died down now and the place is empty, save fir the two of them.."Drake, I'm sooo sorrry...."

Drake Riley has posed:
The increase in the wind registers, but it's the voice that immediately sees Drake spinning around. "Megan- oh god," he balks, eyes widening.

Immediately, he rushes forward to gently set his hands to her jaw, framing her face and trying to hold her still to examine her face. Concern is clearly written behind his eyes, the tardiness, making him wonder if he'd been stood up, all of that instantly forgiven and forgotten. The only thing that matters is that she's alright.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles faintly, "Heh, do I look that bad? I tried to get here as quickly as possible. But you know, had to work double shift then rush to the mall to buy the dress on lays away, heck, I would have made it if I hadn't run into those mutant hating punks..." she sighs, reachimg up to touch his hand. "Really, I'm okay, just a little tired.."

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley gently caresses her cheek with his thumb, shifting his gaze to her eyes. Her words process. The concern gives way to a soft smile. "Yeah," he says. "Your hair's a mess." He glances briefly to her hair, which looks more or less fine. But it nicely distracts from the bruising on her face and the condition of her dress.

His hands lower to her shoulders, and he exhales a soft sigh. "You're okay, though?," he asks for confirmation. "If you're hurt, I can go with you to the infirmary. We can, like, make a date of it. I hold your hand, the doctor bops your knee with the little hammer thing..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, shivering g at his touch, "Really, I'm okay...I'm an Xman, or at least, an Xman in training." she smirks, "Heck, I wouldn't have got this far if I couldn't take care of myself, right? It's just a little scratch, but it's sweet that your so concerned." she giggles, "Sooo...What do we do now? Party's over..". Megan sighs, saddened by this, hanging her head, "I just wanted the night to be perfect..."

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley moves his right hand from her shoulder to the side of her neck, gently petting her nape. Another sigh escapes him, quieter this time, relieved. "You're here. You're safe. You're not hurt. Tonight /is/ perfect," he assures.

His head tilts a little, close enough to gently, affectionately bump his forehead to hers. "I'm just relieved you're okay," he admits more under his breath. "..But what would make this night better for ya?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn draws a deep breath, having calmed down now after all that running and fighting and trying to fix her dress, "Well...I mean we spent all that time practicing, may as well get in at least one formal dance tonight, don't ya think? Even if there's no music or people to meet, or food...And it's past twelve." she draws a deep breath, closes her eyes, "Still up for that? I mean, tomorrow's the weekend sooo, I don't have to get up early or anything.."

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley moves his hand from her neck to her waist. He briefly grazes a cut section of her dress, briefly frowning, but continuing along until settling. His other hand reaches for hers to elevate to shoulder height. "Not gonna run away, are ya? Leave glass slippers behind?," he teases. "Because I'm pretty sure the faeries were a free pass on those rules..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and shrugs, "Well you never know, I mean, I'm a faerie..lWell, half-faerie, isn't that the stuff of faerie tales?" she sighs, grasping his hand, squeezing it a little as if for reassurance. "To be honest, I've been a bit stressed the last few days. I really want to become a fully fledged Xman, but I already screwed up by sending that possessed girl to limbo..When Illyana found out, she was furious, would have killed me if Roberto hadn't intervened.." she shivers, "I guess life is no fairytale, but at least one can hope..Just for tonight at least?"

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley blinks, finding himself wanting to inquire about all of that again. But seeing her marred face, her roughed-up condition, and holding her at the ready to dance - he just can't. He returns the squeeze to her hand.

"Hey," he says. "Shh. It's just us tonight. You're just Megan. A really pretty girl with an accent that makes me melt just a smidge. And I'm just Drake. A guy who happened to be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to get someone else's invitation."

He offers her a small smile. "Ready?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn licks her lips and nods, "Right, I should stop worrying and ficus in the now, right?" she smiles, "Well then, I guess it's your turn to lead the dance, ready when you are!" Megan steps in a little nearer, glad for his presence and maybe just a little chilly out on the balcony without her jacket, but eager all the same to dance..

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley moves in just a hint closer to her as well - not yet at risk for stepping on her feet, but certainly quite close. He begins guiding her into a smooth dance, more confident now than before. His gaze remains contently rested on hers, keeping a rhythm despite the lack of music. The hand at her waist is certainly being careful about her wings, but not really stressing. If he brushes it and has a trip, that's fine! The girl in question is the most important part of the evening.

"So, uh..," he begins with a sheepish smile. "..I'm not awesome at small-talk. What do you do for fun? I don't think I ever asked yo uthat..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles as she glides gracefully across the now empty ballroom, faint music playing from a radio that someone must have accidently left there - or did Megan bring it? Anyways, there is a slow ballad playing as Megan twirls in and out, shadowing his moves effortlessly, her dress lit up by the myriad of rainbow colours from the LED disco ball on the stage..

"Hmm, well, I have a few interests, I enjoy dancing, singing, cosplay..I'm not a great seamstress but maybe one day I can make costumes.." she sighs wistfully, "It's always been my dream to be like Dazzler, she's amazing and awesome and I hope one day I can be a famous singer sing writer and actress too one day!" she giggles, "I think it'd be fun! But, I dunno if I'll ever be that goood...How about you?"

Drake Riley has posed:
"Oh. Dancing, you don't say?," Drake teases.

He elevates her hand to lead her into a gentle pirouette before guiding her back in.

Arm settling further around her waist, Drake continues to move with her. ...When did a radio get there? Huh. It doesn't matter. "Me? Gaming. Used to do some surfing, too. But ever since my powers made an appearance, it's all I've really focused on. Controlling it, making it safe..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, floating around the floor twirling out then spinning in, glancing up at him thoughtfully, "Ooh video games, huh. Are you like, one of those super smart computer hackers too? And surfing too? That sounds fun..But even as a mutant, you can still do those things, can't you?"

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley laughs briefly, but genuinely, and shakes his head. "Yeah, no. I can use a computer, but I never learned how to hack or anything. No Matrix trenchcoat for me. I'm just a guy who picked up some bad skills, and wound up putting it all aside for training..."

However, Drake concludes the thought with a nod. "I can still do those things, yeah. I haven't in like a year, though."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Well you shouldn't forget about them, whenever it gets warm again, we should head to the beach! Might be fun, hmm? Just cuz we're mutants doesn't mean we can't have fun and live normal lives right?" she grins, tipping back for a moment, perhaps a risky move, but she doesn't fall or clutz out,twirling away then spinning back in. "Sooo think you'll become an Xman one day? Heck w3 hold work together!"