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Its just a party infiltration, what can go wrong
Date of Scene: 27 February 2020
Location: One of Roxxon's buildings
Synopsis: Turns out a lot of things can go wrong. And just enough that go right.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Matthew Murdock

Elektra Natchios has posed:
After their warehouse shenanigans and she sending the picture of the old scroll to Matt there was radio silence from Elektra for a few days. No sms, sudden appearances on office or his home, nothing. Bu then a voice message was sent. 'Tomorrow night, 8pm, get your tux ready."

And true to her message Elektra is by Matt's appartment door close to 8pm. Or rather, a limousine is because if there's a party there is no better way to arrive than in one of those. All part of her socialite guise... Ah, the sacrifices one must do...

Tonight she chose to come in a midnight black dress, long and fit to her lean body, open in those right places to give her an ampleness of movements and also giving her the opportunity to give some tools of her trade hidden..., just in case. High heels (unfortunately not her favorite ones since she ditched those while running from the Hand) and jewelry in the way of earrings and a bracelet finish her ensemble.

And then the call comes to Matt's phone, but it's not as if she waits for him to pick it up. "I know you can most likely hear me down here, so feel free to come down whenever you are ready, dear."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The phone call comes as Matt is making assurances to Foggy, "Yes, I will absolutely have the Diaz arguements ready for tomorrow, yes," he says before breaking into a chuckle. "No, why would you think I'm seeing someone? Sorry, I've got another call, see you at the courthouse buddy."

He clicks off the phone hearing Elektra's words from up in his appartment, smirking a little as he does, then he collects is cane and shades before heading down to the waiting car and letting the driver help him into it. True to his word he's not wearing his graduation tux but a something clearly tailored for him within the last year or so, neither too baggy, or too tight, it fit him just so. Of course it might have looked better if he'd shaved before the big night, but then this is Matt and he can rock stubble and make it look dashing rather than unkempt.

"Hey," he greets as he gets settled offering Elektra a smile. "I see were going for the subtle approach," he says waving around at their massive black automobile.

OOC: Visual https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/74/c3/9074c366c60b04acf54010b4ef4a2f94.gif

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Someone is getting ready for a few more demerits from Foggy. Not that Elektra would mind. She never liked him anyway! Well, maybe just a little ... But don't tell Foggy that! She folds one leg over the other while waiting, sliding over to one side of the limo so as to give him enough space to come in, eyes idling upon Matt's building front. When she notices him a brow does arch just so though, "Mmmm, unshaved. Just as I like it.." she says in appreciation, smirking.

"Trust me. This is subtle. I have standards to uphold you know? Elektra Natchios does -not- arrive on a taxi to a formal party." And yes, she seems serious about that. Reaching over she picks something up and rumbles it over to one side of the limo. "Guess we won't be needing a spare tux for you. Yours should suffice."

And then they are off to the party, the limo starting to bring them across town towards the Roxxon building where it will be held.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's senses sweep the car, taking the measure of the other tux, "Aww, you brought me a tux, I'm not sure if that's sweet or insulting," he says wryly with an easy grin, "It's a nice tux though."

"I'll take your word for it," he says about the car, but then Matt was always uncomfortable with flashy shows of wealth. "So this is the Roxxon building at 235 Park ave right?" he says. "If so I've got a pretty good idea of the layout for some of the middle floors, but were likely going to want to get somewhere near the top. Wollington seems like a top floor kind of guy."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Knowing me, you already know the answer to that." Elektra replies with a slight shake of her head, but then smirks as she adds, "Or perhaps I was just wanting to see you change, mmm?" the smirk then shifting to an easy grin as well.

She gets comfortable on the car, leaning back on the leather seats and mmmms when Matthew starts going about the Roxxon building. "235 Park Avenue. Top floors. In this case the 40th floor. It will be riddled with security, both in the party and up there. But I do love a good challenge." she almost seeming to anticipate it, looking forward to what is to come.

"To access his office we will need both his key and prints."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The banter is hard to resist, "You always have," Matt says, meaning more than his clothes, though the smile he still wears takes the bite from the comment. "Besides, it's all stuff you've seen before, with maybe a couple more scars."

The smile turns wry at the last bit, indicating it may be more than just a few.

Matt laughs, a dry chuckle that suggests he knows just how much Elektra does love a challenge, and she knows he loves them too even as much as he complains. The last part gets brows raising above his red shades. "Figured keys but prints," he lets out a breath. "We got some way of collecting those that we can use?"

He considers it, "We might get a shot at him when he goes out to smoke, this is New York, even executives in the employ of evil ninja cults don't smoke inside anymore, and most people do it alone to try and downplay their habit."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"My, such wit." Elektra says with a laugh that shows some appreciation to it. "But are you so sure you haven't changed already?" she muses, yet leaves little time for a reply as she continues on speaking, "Maybe we should compare scars one day, Matthew. Oh, it could certainly be fun." again a brief chuckle leaving her lips and she turning a touch to look at Matthew more fully.

"I will make Wollington an offer he cannot refuse." Elektra says, elegantly extending back to fetch her purse and carefully retrieve a pack of cigarettes out of it. He will have his hands all over this when I offer him a cigarette. "As for the key...." she nods briefly at the suggestion from Matthew. "That might work. I could try to palm it as well, but we will need to see. Easier if he comes out, that's for sure."

The limo starts to near the Roxxon building, already the lights seen ahead.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The words slip out before Matt can give them thought, it's all been so much like before, "Well if you play your cards right..." he says about comparing scars sometime. He catches the flirt but doesn't take it back at least.

"Clever," Matt says of the cigarettes, and it was, Wollingsly wouldn't suspect a thing. "Then we just need to lift his keys and all we have to worry about is about 39 floors of guards and security measures," he says in a way that while he recognizes the difficulty, it was going to be fun too.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I always play to win." Elektra retorts in a brief whisper. It's indeed hard for her also to not go back to how it was before. Specially as they are getting into what could be a rather difficult infiltration. But at least they will be going in more relaxed than nervous.

About the cigarette pack she explains. "It has a layer around it that will make his prints stick. Then I will work a bit of my magic." whatever that may be! But it doesn't seem it's first time (or last) that she's doing an infiltration of this type. Ten years is a long time to have been involved in mischief.

"Shall we get the dance going, dear?" Elektra says when the limo comes to a stop near the entrance. She picks up her purse before sliding across Matthew to open the door and step outside. One hand then extends in offer for him to take it. She knows Matthew could very well do what she was doing. But appearances must be kept afterall.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Oh, I already know," Matt says of how Elektra plays. It was one of the things he found attractive about her when they met.

"Definitely not your first time doing this," he says with a nod to the pack. "You'll have to tell me what you're life has been like these last ten years. Sounds a lot more exciting than mine." Says the secret vigilante lawyer...

"Let's," he says stepping out of the car and taking her hand. It was harder to play the part of Matt Murdock when Elektra was around to fully slip into the act of being fully blind, she was one of few people who got to see all of him, both sides of the coin, and it was had to stuff that all away again. However he does it, getting her help out of the car and then extending his cane to walk behind as the party's security comes to collect their invitations and show them inside.

The building is lit up splendedly for the night's event and even before arriving at the ballroom on the 2nd floor they can hear the sound of light jazz music and the chatter of the guests. They can also see (or sense the security) pairs of men in blazers, with watchful eyes and suspicious expressions. Even at a distance he Matt can feel their sidearms under their coats.

Matt leans in towards Elektra as the enter the ballroom, "Definitely not rent-a-cops," he whispers as though he was saying something all together more endearing to her, at the same time taking note as pulses quickened and heads turned. Which prompts an additional comment, "That must be some dress you're wearing, half the guys around us turned and looked."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"This isn't your life, Matthew." Simple, effective. And most likely not what Elektra should had said at this particular moment. But she always has that knack to go a step further than would be advisable, yet never with regrets. That's why she is Elektra afterall.

But then they are stepping out of the car and she squeezes the lawyer's hand before turning to face the entrance, one arm wrapping about Matthew's to lead him in. She smiles towards the guards, invitations shown and then off they go..

While Matthew uses his senses to note the guards Elektra uses her experience, the ones with that suspicious expression, or just out of place. She knows how to read latent aggression.

"Upgraded security. I wasn't expecting it to be this tight." she murmurs, her heels heard on the floorboard while they begin going up the stairs to the second floor, the jazz music now louder.

A light chuckle at those last words and she leans in as well, "I told you Elektra Natchios always impresses in these parties. But I thought you could .., feel .., my dress. Or are we being puritan tonight?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Yeah, that was a very her. "Ouch," Matt says with a little touch of a frown. Though she made a fair point.

Inside the frowning continues this time about the increased security, "Guess the other night must have made them nervous," he says. "Keep an eye out for any familiar faces," he says as the come up the stairs and into the party.

"Puritans are Protestant," Matt smiles, being intentionally pendantic, "And I never really 'see' what you're wearing until I feel other people react to it," he explians. It was true in a sense, he could tell it was high quality silk, feel what parts of her it covered, and make assumptions what it would look like from that, but for the full ascetic impact, Matt needed what he got from other people's reactions.

"Well, I smell his brand of cigarettes already, Wollingsly is here, shall we grab a drink? Fit in while we look around?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You will probably smell him before I see him ..." Elektra murmurs, but she is already looking around the ballroom when they get onto it. Many people going back and forth, already a few dancing ahead. Crossed conversations, laughter. If only this wasn't a mission they could had actually enjoyed themselves here. She continues to lead them elegantly throughout the party, a smile given here and there, a greeting. She certainly knows how to mingle. The true daughter of an ambassador.

"Only other people?" She asks with a deliberate naive tone to her voice. "Oh, I am certain it isn't the same than using your own hands to explore."

Yet when Matthew mentions their target as being here she sobers up a bit and begins leading them towards the bar. Here the smell of alcohol is quite more intense. When the bartender approaches she says. "A bloody mary for me."

Wollingsly isn't far, his wheezing laughter heard while he talks with another top ranking Roxxon man. And that lingering aura of smoke about him.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"You're probably right," Matt agrees about their target. Parties were a layer after layer of sensation stacked on top of each other, the smell of women's purfume and men's cologne, the feel of fine glassware, the sound of conversation with the constant undertone of whatever the bad was playing, the taste of champagne... He didn't need a drink to feel intoxicated, it was all a bit overwhelming at times to force all of it into a consistent mental image.

Of course the flirting didn't help any either, not that it stopped Matt from smiling and replying, "No comment," which was Matt for yes.

When they reach the bar Matt says, "Macallan, neat," for his drink order, that hasn't changed in ten years at least, still a scotch man. "Wollingsly's behind us about fifty feet back talking to a guy with a heart problem and three too many scotches."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Apparently all these years becoming a lawyer made you learn to insert those no comments all the time, mmm? No fun." There is still that amused tone to her voice yet her eyes tell a different story, Elektra's gaze now focused on their prey. It follows slowly towards where the man is right now and she takes a sip out of her drink, elegant fingertips tapping over the rim of her glass. "Still with the Macallans. I thought you would had shifted to a different drink by now. But then again you were the type to knew very well what they wanted even at that age." she says in way of conversation before reaching into her purse, sliding the pack of cigarettes out a little.

I will go offer him a cigarette and then we can palm the key out of him. Shouldn't be hard. He is so easy to distract." she seems rather eager, but also not exactly paying enough attention to the security guards that seem -extremely- focused on Wollingsly. Seems he merited extra protection tonight.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs, there's only one good response to her remarks about all the 'no comments' he's dropped tonight and that's? "No comment," he gives Elektra his cheekiest smile. Yep. Just like old times.

Before Elektra can leave the bar puts a hand on her arm. "The security's all over him. Give me a sec, I'll get you an opening," he says letting his senses roam over the room. "Head on over to Wollingsly when you're there I'll draw the guards attention elsewhere."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is no hesitation from Elektra when Matt offers the distraction, a nod and her hand reaching to tap his. In a show that she trusts the man, at least in this. As a team they are nearly unbeatable afterall. And then she places the half-drank bloody mary on the table and begins her slow walk toward Wollingsly. She makes sure to sway her hips just so their target is distracted, meanwhile drawing out the small pack of cigarettes.

She waits a couple of seconds, as if to tell she is in position and then steps forward. "Mr. Wollingsly. Good evening. It is great to see you here." her best smile upon her face.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
When Matt hears Elektra say hello to Wollingsly, that's when Matt springs into action. With a murmured 'sorry' to his unwitting dupe, he wanders into the way of a waiter with a full tray of drinks, letting his cane get tangled in the man's feet. "Oh my god, sorry, are you okay?" he asks after the man falls spilling drinks and breaking stemware and drawing the eye of every guard in the place.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Mmmm, nice going Matthew. Elektra simply smiles, stepping in front of Woolingsly and drawing out that tempting pack of cigarettes. "Thought I might offer you one. I found this brand to be specially unique. Have you tried these?" she extends the pack to the man, making sure to hold it carefully so he will grab it where she wants it.

Meanwhile she also gets closer, one hand slipping about, seeking. She can be light-handed when she wants to afterall, touch like a feather! "And how have you been doing?"

The waiter seems confused and appears to be going to start cursing out when he notes that Matthew is a blind man. He pauses himself. "Oh, I am sorry. Yes, I am. Don't worry..."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Wollingsly smiles as Elektra approaches and that smile grows even broader as she produces the smokes, "Those happen to be my brand," he says and takes them from her to knock one loose before handing it back. "I'm doing better now thanks," he says leaning in close. "Was dying for one of these." he nods to the cigarette in his hand. "Would you care to join me, Miss?" he prompts for a name.

When the crash sounds from across the room Wollsingly turns and gives Elektra a perfect moment to slip her hand into his pocket and remove his key card.

Across the room Matt, holds up his hand, "Sure? You can have your company send me the bill..." The man waves him off, and soon, the situation deescalates one of the security people taking Matt to the bar and leaving him there. He smiles across the room to Elektra jerking his head towards the door.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra Natchios can't help but smile when the pack is taken, right where she wanted him to grasp it. Of course there is the side effect of having his scent affecting her heavily. Ugh. But she did say it was a price worth paying for what they have to do. "Ms. Natchios." she says with a soft voice, hand then slipping into that pocket. Success! She slides it into her purse in one smooth motion.

The waiter seems quite apologetic. "No, no. It's fine sir." he looks around, not wanting to call attention more to himself. Security guards are scary! But then he eventually walks off when the situation scales down.

"But oh, if you will excuse me for a moment. I will return in a blink." She offers in a tone of promise to Wollingsly. A promise she certainly doesn't intend to keep! She walks back to rejoin Matthew.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt does the apology thing a little while longer and then when the attention is off of him he slips off his bar stool and heads off into the party, making his way if by accident to Elektra's side.

"Nicely done," he says with a small smile on his lips. "We've got an opening right now, the guards by the elevator just wandered off somewhere," he nods to the doors out to those elevators. "Probably got only a couple of minutes."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Meeting halfway across the party it's all too easy for Elektra to slip one arm about Matthew's again when he begins talking about their opening. She doesn't bother looking that way to confirm if that's true, pretty much already trusting those damn good senses that Matthew has. Such a perfect crime partner! "Let us not delay then. But not too hurried, just enough so." her heels click on the floor while she begins making way to the doors leading to the elevators.

"How do you feel about being an accomplice to theft?" Her tone casual, but there is no mistaking the faster beating of her heart, clearly she thrilled with the latent danger of this infiltration.

But then they are reaching those doors. She clicks on the button to call the elevator but seems attentive to Matt, as if waiting just in case any guards get alerted to their presence.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Offering his arm to Elektra he slides into step with her so it didn't look like they were hurrying anywhere, indeed he leans in and smiles when he's replying back to her. "You take the lead," making it look like they were simply slipping out of the party for a little alone time.

Matt can definitely hear that little uptick in Elektra's heartbeat as he chuckles, "Not the first time I've done something like this," he says before giving things some thought. "It's not like Wollingsly is an innocent victim in all of this."

Matt can hear the guards coming back, it's hard to miss, heavy boots on marble, though the elevator is coming too. It'll be close.

Matt turns to Elektra, "Guards are coming, kiss me, if they beat the elevator they find a couple making out.. If not well... it's not like we haven't before..." he doesn't make the first move though.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That dark gaze of Elektra seems to flash when Matthew says it's not his first time, the corner of her mouth turning up into an amused smirk and she replying to him in a whisper, "Oh, we were proper rascals back then, that's for sure." she says, then letting out a very light chuckle. Perhaps to sell the ruse that they are indeed a couple going off to be alone. "Or are we talking about you having fun without me? You will have to let me know."

Yet even as she makes conversation her attention is on her surroundings. She may not have Matt's senses, but she can be well aware of what's going on. And that the elevator is taking it's damn time getting to their floor. But those next words catch her by surprise. Not an easy thing to do. And then there is that sharp shift on her heartbeat. Hesitation? Want? Surprise? Perhaps all of them, but there is no time to process it.

She hooks one finger just under Matthew's bow tie to bring herself closer to him, warm breath felt just before their lips join in a kiss. A ten-years apart kiss, with all her fierceness behind it.

The elevator doors open, giving them just enough time to slip inside.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Both actually," Matt admits as they pass through the doors into the elevator corridor, the music of the party drifting in behind them. "My night job's not all punching bad guys in alleys sometimes there's theft." Though not with the same sort of compay.

Matt barely has time to register Elektra's visceral reaction to his suggestion before she's grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss. He recovers quickly, leaning into it, giving back as good as he gets as the feel of her up close like this reminds him of the what he'd been missing these past ten years...

The elevator's ding comes as a surprise. Right. The mission...

Matt breaks away, "C'mon," he says still a little breathless as he straightens his tie and steps inside. Once Elektra joins him, the guards find only an empty corridor as they round the corner.

"Need the card for the 40th," he reports having tried the top most button and gotten no response. All business after that kiss.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
If there's one thing about Elektra is that she isn't an easy one to read. The same way that she gives into that kiss does she also break apart as if it had been nothing, even if her heart does take a moment to go back to it's normal. But just like Matthew she is all business once they are into that elevator. A brief adjustment on her dress but her eyes linger on Matthew just a moment too long before she is sliding the card out of her purse.

There is that telling 'beep' when the card is read and accepted by the elevator and when the top button is pressed again it starts to ascend. 40 floors. And that pleasant elevator music to boot.

She doesn't let their silence turn awkward and says, "There are always guards on those top floors. Perhaps even reinforced patrols. I will trust your keen ear to have us avoid them." just a brief moment of breathlessness on her. That damn Stick was right, perhaps she should had stayed away.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
For all Matt's outward calm, his own heart takes a little bit to settle, and though he's turned towards the elevator panel his senses linger on Elektra. Maybe the kiss wasn't the smartest plan after all.

Matt's glad of the business talk as the elevator rises saving them from 40 floors of awkward on the way up. "I can do that," he says. "But if we have to fight, we ambush from behind, neither of us are wearing masks right now."

Though as they near the 40th floor, Matt falls quiet, focusing on what he can sense on the topmost floor, difficult in the echoing elevator shaft above the sound of motors and moving metal... though he has some success. "Nobody by the elevators, roving patrol near them though, going to be tight getting out of here before they see us," he says still focusing. "Should be coming from the left," he says indicating the side with his cane. "You know take point, I follow?" he asks about their evasion plan.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"We have both been wearing masks for ten years, Matthew." Whatever she means with that! But it's clear that it will be a conversation which will have to be resumed at another time for the 40th floor approaches rapidly. Elektra's body visibly shifts, getting into that warrior trance of hers, her heartbeat lowering further and she letting out an exhale. It takes her longer than would be her norm, too much conflict inside her, and something that Matthew can note but eventually, just as that 'ding's is heard that means they reached their destination she is ready.

"I will. I have studied the floor. Sharp right after the doors open to avoid the patrol. Stay close. There are rooms we can use to wait their passage too. Many shouldn't be locked." not that she knows which though. It might be a gamble.

And then they are out. She has time just to step out of her high heels so begin padding bare-footed across the floor. Maybe she should stop walking around in rather expensive shoes. But at least she brings them with her this time.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's brows raise above the red lenses of his shades, "Elektra," he begins but they're getting close to the 40th floor and there's no time to talk. Later. Definitely later.

As they reach the 40th, Matt gets ready as well, keeping his senses fixed on the guards, he brings the cane more fully into his hand ready to use it as a weapon if it comes to that.

When the doors ding opens he moves, with Elektra, silent as shadow, smirking faintly feeling the shoes in her hand. No comments though the guards are getting close, they can both hear them talking quietly. No sign they've heard anything, just random chatter to pass the time.

Slipping out the far end of the elevator corridor Matt and Elektra leave them behind as the guards stop and resume their watch on the elevators.

"Guess we're taking the stairs," he says of their egress. He concentrates. "Another four man patrol on the far side of the floor, can we make it to Wolligsly's office?" he asks Elektra.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The way in which Elektra's gaze stays on Matthew when he smirks means she noticed it, a brow raising. What, she likes her shoes! But she won't break their silence for it. Time to move, be shadows. And for that she is more than enough pratice. Her steps are feather-light across the floorboard as they advance, barely a trace of her movement. Those years were productive for those ninja activities of hers.

They take a turn, then another. Indeed she does seem aware of this floor's layout but when Matthew mentions another patrol she lets out a frown. Clearly reinforced. But to be expected. "Lets wait them out here. The office should be after them." four is perhaps too many to risk them calling out reinforcements. She tries one office door. Locked.

Steps are coming closer and she dashes forward, testing another door which opens up. She gestures for Matt to join her and walks into the room, hoping to close it just before they turn the corner.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt catches the turn of her head and the cant of her posture and can infer the smirk and brow raise from both. He grins at her, as if to say, 'uh-huh', but carries on quietly behind her..

"Agreed," Matt says about waiting for them out but frowns when the first door doesn't open.

He tries one and finds the same, hearing the men get closer.

"Anyhow, so I was telling my girl?" one guys blathers on reeking of cologne, Matt fixes on him to mark the distance of the patrol. They were /close/.

Thankfully that third door opens and they slip inside before the patrol enters the hallway and starts walking past.

They go buy, checking doors, until... one of them opens the door to the office they're in. "Damn it, this guy always leaves this open," the guard says as Matt flattens himself behind a desk, as the guard turns a flashlight across the room looking for anything amiss. He feels fit and well built, not an everyday rent a cop, so does his three buddies behind him. So far though nobody has seen Matt or Elektra.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Of course they had to open their door. Curse these competent guards! They don't make 'em like before..., old and fat, just cashing in. But no time to think. Elektra is fast, real fast when she slides across that table to find a spot behind it as well, lying next to Matthew.

She looks about her, purse with her, shoe accounted for.... Shoe?! She spots the other on the ground just out of reach. But perhaps not out of reach for a certain cane if it's fast enough. The shoe would had been heard hitting the floor by Matthew, a muffled one that most likely the guards didn't notice.

Yet that flashlight is getting closer.... Elektra gives Matthew a slight nudge with her elbow. One of urgency. Will they discover them?

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's thinking it's going to be fine before he gets the nudge from Elektra. Shit, the shoe. Lashing out with his cane, he's able to slide it out of sight before the flashlight got there.

The guard steps a little closer sensing something is amiss, but after a long look he relents. "Okay, let's go," he says turning the little fob on the door and letting it close and lock behind him.

Matt listens for them to leave until he hears them link up with the other patrol and start chatting.

He breathes out a sigh and hands Elektra her shoe with a look of silent judgement that edges on a grin. "C'mon, we better get this done before they stop chatting."

He unlocks the door and holds it open for Elektra to lead the way.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When the shoe is given to her Elektra can't help but smirk in return at that judgemental look. "I feel like a proper Cinderella now." well, at least she knows a few classics! But the moment is short lived. She is already moving to the door, sliding out and continuing their way past the offices.

It's just another corridor left and then they arrive on one last office. Of course Woolingsly would had chosen the best, the one with the view. She is quick on taking out the pack of cigarettes from her purse, then a small case that looks as if it would hold a beauty mirror inside. Instead it's filled with a dark material to which she presses the pack of cigarettes in the area Woolingsly grabbed it.

A moment later and she slides the case on the fingerprint lock. A click and it opens, giving way to the office.

"Gentlemen first." she offers for Matthew to go in. Inside the office is dark, not that it affects Matthew, but to her it might.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt 'hehs' "A regular riches to riches story," he teases her handing back the shoes. Then they're out in the hall, moving quietly Matt listening to the men while Elektra works her magic with the fingerprints... and the door clicks open.

Matt smiles, "Wish I could see what you did there," he says, he got the gist though as he slips through the door and once Elektra's through he takes off his jacket rolling it up and stuffing it at the bottom of the door. "To block the light," he explains as he flicks the lights on for Elektra, giving them both a chance to search.

"So, Wollingsly said he had a manifest for all the shipments, any idea where he'd hide it?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Smart man. I knew there was a reason to have brought you." Elektra says when Matthew covers the bottom of the door, in that casual manner as if Matthew hadn't been leading them through most of the floor so far. But right now their chemistry and banter seems to have returned, the moment on the elevator apparently forgotten while the mission goes.

And then she is sliding out across to a table, starting to open drawers to look for anything that may resemble shipments, or anything related to the Hand. She frowns. "He is arrogant enough to leave things out here but ...., after last night. He must have a safe somewhere..."

There is a computer in the room as well, now in snooze mode, just a light current moving through. The lights are giving a signal too but then there is this intermitent signal. How odd..

Meanwhile she is continuing to move around the room, glancing behind a few pictures on the wall for a safe.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grins as he gets up from the floor, "Well, Columbia didn't let me in for my looks," he says as he surveys the room with his senses, nothing stood out as a hidden safe to a casual examination so he'd have to get closer.

As he prowls the office, hand touching the wall, he says, "If he's got it on his computer, gonna need your help with that one," Matt and screens did not mix.

Though as he gets closer to the desk he begins to feel that signal, a weird pulsing electrical current behind a bookshelf. "Think I've got something," he says as follows the current to a little copper bust of someone on one of the shelves, he turns it, and the bookshelf, turned door, clicks open. "Old school, I like it," he remarks with a grin to Elektra. "Let's see what we've got" he slides the bookshelf aside.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's like Matthew just delivers the right set-ups for her come backs so it comes with (perhaps) no surprise when Elektra replies all too casually about his looks comment, "I did." but that's all she says about that. She moves towards the computer, the screen lighting up but she screws up her nose.

"Don't think he's the type for--" And then she listens to that click and the bookshelf moves aside. She gets up, surprised. "Yes, that's more like him. Always so dramatic with the secret rooms." but she appears to be pleased, making her way to the other room.

It's mostly a small cubicle really, serving as both a safe and also a retreat. Incidentally it also reeks of cigarette smell. Intensely now that the door is open.

"Papers, ledgers... Oh, I think we hit the jackpot." she begins looking around, opening and closing the various books. "Lots of mentions of ins and outs ..., People, drugs. They are digging in deeply into the criminal world."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I don't doubt it," Matt replies, keeping up their back and forth quips. Not that he believed it, Elektra was smart enough to get in the regular way as well.

When the little cubicle is opened, Matt follows, his senses roaming all the little treasures store in there, even as he wrinkles his nose at the cigarette smoke. "Take pictures of what you find, we don't want them to figure out we're here and..." he begins before he hears the door handle rattle.

Damn it. In the cubicle he couldn't hear the outside as well as before.

"New plan, grab what we need," Matt says as there's a beep by the door and Matt grabs a heavy orb off one of the shelves in the cubicle and hurls it at the light switch. The lights go out just before the door opens and Wollingsly and a bodyguard step into the room, "What the hell," the man says about the jacket on the floor.

That's when Matt strikes rushing across the room, he grabs Wollingsly and yanks him inside, then punches the guard in the throat and does the same for him, letting the door close behind him, leaving the light through the partially opened door of the cubicle the only light in the room. Hard to see faces in that light but skilled fighter like Elektra should be able to make due.

Matt throws Wollingsly onto the floor as the guard straightens up to face him, back to the cubicle and Elektra.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Matthew's response makes Elektra pause on her reading and look at him, her head canting to the side, "Mmmm, you missed my meaning, catholic boy." but that seems to amuse her a lot more than she perhaps had any right to be. At least she doesn't laugh. She is starting to get her phone out when that door begins to open and Matthew's reaction makes her frown. Specially when he rushes out and throws the orb. But she is quick enough to figure things out. She grabs the ledger, along with a few more papers that she finds that catch her attention and moves to stride out.

She more listens than sees Wollingsly's thud on the floor but lashes out almost like a serpent. A strike to the kidneys with one knee that brings a wince from the guard, along with the sound of a slight rip on the side of her dress. Great. One more to toss into the trash. But it doesn't stop her, instead she wrapping one arm around the man's throat to get him to sleep. Hopefully just to get him to sleep.

It also leaves the man vulnerable to a frontal assault.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt does look puzzled when she tells him he guessed wrong, though there isn't time to dwell on that as the door opens and Matt springs into action.

The guard though skilled is out of his league, still recovering from Matt's strike Elektra's knee slams into his kidney then she wraps an arm around his neck to bring him to the floor.

Matt saves on time by giving the man a knockout blow to the jaw like his father would have done, careful not to snap his neck against Elektra's chokehold, or hit Elektra in the face with the man's head.

"Guess it's time to go," Matt says stomping backwards to put out Wollingsly.

He ducks down to drag the man back to his own little safe room, nodding for Elektra to do the same with the guard.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That's a lot of people she has skipped on killing. At least it's only Matthew seeing her so hopefully her reputation isn't dropping, something Elektra certainly wouldn't enjoy. But she finds herself not caring too much, or perhaps caring more about Matthew's opinion of her. Yes, it was clearly a mistake.

She drags the man in, grabbing the papers and ledger but just before going out she takes out the key card, wiping it of prints and sliding it inside one of Wollingsly's pockets. "He will be mad in the morning. Hopefully we are still safe to get out without the guards being alerted."

She steps out of the room, towards the door and opens it very slowly to peek out.

"Don't forget your jacket." she whispers, trying to listen or notice any movement in the corridors. But she mostly trusts Matthew for that now.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt has definitely noticed the lack of killing, but doesn't comment it, bringing that sort of thing never ends well for them. So when Wollsingly and the guard are dragged into the little room and locked in, he pulls on his jacket, smiling, "Thanks, that would have been awkward. As it was though it was terribly rumpled and what with Elektra's torn dress, the people downstairs might have certain ideas of what they were up to. Though likely theft wasn't the first thing they'd think of.

No sign of the guards in the corridor, and with the door open Matt can hear the men still chatting by the elevators. "Looks like we've got a window, right to the stairs and down, if anyone catches us coming out of the stairwell. He gestures at their clothing, "I think we've got a ready made excuse." he says as he waits for her to lead the way.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Right to the stairs. Elektra can do that indeed. And without hesitation. She strides out of the room, leading them first to a right and then to the service door that leads to the stairs. The comment about the excuse makes her smirk over her shoulder. "I will confirm you were downright naughty." and then they are on the long stairwell that leads down through the building. And that's a lot of floors...

And no way that she is getting into her shoes just yet, so she continues bare foot, beginning to circle around and down.

"We should be able to get through the main party room with just the tiny amount of scandal and out. We will have the limo waiting." Elektra notes. She keeps alert though, careful if any guards come their way. Her heartbeat is high-up though, riding the thrill.

Steps are heard coming up the stairs though, at least to someone's more enhanced senses. Guards most likely.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
A grin from Matt. "Me? Are you sure that's believable?" he asks Elektra as they wind their way down the stairs together. "Actually, don't answer that," he says.

That's when the sound of the footsteps reach Matt's ears. Damn it, too much to hope for an easy escape.

"People coming," he hisses. "Four, boots, probably guards."

He tries the handle to the nearest door and finds it locked with a card reader beside the door. No luck there. The guards were coming.

Smashing the light directly above the landing to cast it in dim light, Matt lays face down on the floor. "Get up around the corner, when they come to check me out, we'll take them." Then he sprawls like he's passed out on the floor, letting Elektra get into position before the guards arrive.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Of course that Elektra was going to answer that. Doing what she is told not to do. But Matthew is saved by the 'bell', or in this case by four burly guards coming up the stairs. Too bad!

And just like that she is all business again. She springs up like a cat to get into position around the corner, just a bit above the area and peeking out from her concealed position.

The guards begin to flock up, one saying. "What happened to the light ...." looking up. But another notices Matthew on the floor. He approaches, placing one knee on the ground next to him and reaching out with one hand, nearing Matthew's shoulder. "Hey bud, you ok?" he appears to think it's just another passed-out drunk.

Two others roll their eyes, shaking their heads with a snicker but the fourth one, the one who noticed the light, continues to look up at the light and then at Matthew, perhaps suspecting something. "I am going to report this..." he starts reaching into his radio.

Tension is in the air, Elektra's muscles noticeably tensing and her body just about ready to spring into action.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Not doing what she's told is part of Elektra's charm. The part of her that had woken up Matthew from his attempt to be an everyday person, study, follow the rules. In essence that part of her set him on the course to becoming Daredevil, not that he'd ever admit it.

Matt keeps himself still as the guards approach, but when the hand reaches him, he strikes, twisting, grabbing the arm, and punching for the throat before cocking his legs under the man's gut and kicking him backwards into his friend sending both towards where Elektra was waiting.

He springs to his feet then, throwing himself at the two other guards, trying to keep them off balance to avoid being seen and recognized.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Elektra jumps up from high ground she lands right atop one of the men, or at least her legs do. She locks them about the man's head and uses the momentum of her fall to twist and send him headfirst against the wall. That's gonna hurt. But not a mortal strike. The other guard on her way is startled, but these are trained men. He is quick to recover and delivers a kick to Elektra's midsection that she barely blocks, though is tossed up.

She lets out a ufff but has little time to think on the pain, instead rolling back and up to her feet, using the shadows of the stairwell to attempt to keep herself unrecognizeable.

She lashes out then, a leg sweep, followed by a punch. One of Stick's favorites. But she likes going back to the basics when things are tough.

"Shit, I knew it...!" The man that was going to the radio wasn't expecting Matthew's speed so the radio gets thrown away when they get into a fight, attempting to get their footing even as Matthew seems to not let them throw out any strikes just yet with the speed of the attack.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The radio bounces down the stairs and the man who held it follows a few seconds later, as Matt leaps and puts a basket kick into the guard's chest sending him sprawling backwards. Matt hits the landing and pushes back up, taking the next man down with a flurry of punches that would have done his old man proud. He lets the man slide down the wall to the ground after the combo.

Checking the man he'd sent down the stairs with his senses, he breathes easier finding he's alive and his attention goes to Elektra.

"Alright?" he asks her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The 'Alright?' question is just when Elektra is getting finished with the second guard. She lets out a breath and frowns at the kick she received. This is why she uses weapons. Effective and less prone to getting kicked around.

"Let's go fast. Shouldn't take long for these guys to be found." And then off they go down the stairs. It's just when they are getting right to the door that leads towards the party that she remembers. Put your shoes on. And she does. No more losing expensive shoes while out with Matthew, or maybe just not this time.

Hair is a bit disheveled, her clothing the same which she composes a little but then she offers her arm to Matthew. "Shall we, dear?"

And through the party they move like a pair, off to the fresh New York air outside and to their waiting limo..