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A Tale Of Treasure
Date of Scene: 22 March 2021
Location: 8A - Viola's Loft Apt
Synopsis: Jovian shares tales of the treasure hunt he's on with Viola over fish tacos
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Jovian Anderson

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola hadn't seen Jovian since he escorted her into Mutant Town to see what she thought was going to be a groundbreaking of a luxury hotel. But instead turned out to be mutants putting up the hotel with their powers. Even though that took a week, still. A -week-. To build a major facility. Viola still hasn't stopped back, but saw pictures of the most finished structure.

Today she's working from home, just spending some time doing research. Updating her lists of goods and prices, decorations that she likes and might make use of, and checking on the usage of different venues. It's a slow day, with grey skies and rain outside.

She gets a thoughtful look and then picks up her phone. She types out a text and sends it off to Jovian.

> I'm working from home today. Just kind of a blah day out there. If you're not busy and want to stop by, I was thinking of making fish tacos.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson needs someone to talk to, given all the craziness that has happened, so he definitely takes her up on the invitation. He takes the long way around and heads to her place, texting back "otw, I have craziness going on, would love to vet w someone else, sounds great, sorry your day was bleh

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore checks her phone and sees the reply. "Uh oh. Sounds like we're going to need margaritas with the fish tacos," she says aloud to herself. The young woman begins making a pitcher, while the ingredients for the tacos are sitting out, just needing to cook the fish.

When Jovian arrives, Viola goes over to the door to greet him. She's dressed casual, a pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt from a festival two years ago. "Craziness, hrm?" she asks Jovian as she looks him over to see how he looks. "Come on in. I've got margaritas ready," she tells him, moving to the side so he can come in. There's two glasses already poured there at the kitchen counter, which has stools along one side like a bar.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is in a white tshirt, tight jeans, and a leather jacket since still kinda cold in New York. He knocks on the door and smiles, "I wont disapprove of margaritas." He comes in and raises one to toast, "To cute and awesome you" he winks and sips. "Its...beyond beyond crazy

Viola Fiore has posed:
After Viola closes the door, if he lets her, Viola greets Jovian with a hug and a quick peck on his cheek. She picks up her glass and taps it against his. "And to you being sweet," she tells him with a smile as she takes a sip and then walks around the counter into the main part of the kitchen.

"Do tell?" she offers as she starts heating up a little indoor electric grill. She dusts the fish with some seasoning while it heats up, and then grates some cheese. As she does the kitchen work, she's look up and over a lot though, so when Jovian tells his tale she's obviously listening to him even while getting the food ready.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson winks, "Thats it," sweet. He nods, "Well it seems that some south american organized crime cartel is associated with some billion dollar (allegedly) treasure and gave me a gold medal to find the next clue...a long witha lot of other people so all hell has broken loose. WAND is involved and Bane and a whole raft of crazy characters. I've been mugged twice and only my powers kept me safe.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola moves the fish over to the grill, closing the top and letting the fish sizzle inside, cooking on both sides at once. She turns back towards Jovian, leaning back against the counter and taking a sip of her drink. "So, the cartel hired you to find it for them? It sounds pretty dangerous if those groups are involved. Is it all, you know, legal? Or are you having to keep it undercover. I mean if WAND is involved," she says slowly.

The young woman looks back to the grill, opening it to check on the fish, but thinking they need a little longer. She starts putting things together on a plate so they can add their own fixings to the tacos when the fish are ready.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods and sips his drink thinking, "No, the cartel is either protecting the treasure or some how taking advantage of it. They seem to know things before they happen, its a bit crazy. I am trying to keep undercover but I am already on a dark web international treasure hunt tracker as Bolo. Its INSANE." He enjoys the smell of the tacos

Viola Fiore has posed:
The fish are checked again and look done to Viola, as she grabs some tongs and begins moving them over to a plate. She cuts them up just a bit further so they are easier to put in the tacos. Then she brings the fish and the plate of other fixings over to set on the counter where Jovian sits on the stool.

She returns to get the tacos. Soft shells which she brings over and sets out, and then some utensils for spooning things onto them. "Alright, food is served," she tells him. Viola walks around the counter again to take a seat next to the man, but lets him make his own taco first. "So what is it that you're after? Or do you know exactly?" she asks.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods and noms the food. He sits down and relaxes, considering her question. "Me? Well, I am not taking money tied to organized crime but if it is smoe other fortune...maybe? Either way we need to figure out what the hell is going on. I mean, being rich is not bad, unto itself. The hellfire club is...nice" unspoken is that it is nicer that she works there

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola starts spooning things into her taco. Fish, obviously, which has a nice spicy aroma to it. And then some lettuce and cheese and sour cream. She adds a little bit of a hot sauce but not too much, and then pico de gallo. After, it gets rolled up and one end folded over to keep the innards from falling out that way.

"Hmm," Viola says as she listens. "So, you have clues that are leading to it, but you don't know what quite what it is? When you say treasure hunt, is someone actually supplying you with clues? Or just, that you're having to track it down and find leads on your own?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson loves having real, homecooked hot food which is a luxury he rarely gets given his erratic lifestyle. He nods, "Yes, some clues investigating them with WAND and some other allies. And yeah, the clues arent the Nazca cartel, they were set up by another guy but the cartel is...intertwined. I'm unsure if there is a direct link but I am tracking down leads on my own

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola sits and looks at her taco for a moment before taking the first bite of it. "Just seems like a lot of danger. Bane, that's the villain from Gotham, the really big one? I can't even imagine wanting to be anywhere around someone like that," she says. "I'd probably run the other way soon as I saw him!"

She finally takes a bite of her taco. The notion of being a hero is tumbling around in her head. As it has many times before. Thinking about facing a supervillain though tends to have a way of slowing those tumbling thoughts.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Well, yes, danger for sure, for being dead my dopple sure seems to be messing around with me still. And Bane definitely is dangerous. His guys are tracking ALL of the people who got tagged by the cartel to follow this thing as near as Ic an tell. Running away is a reasonable idea but sometimes you cant run"

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola lets out a breath. "Which is why I'd be better off, just, not being involved in the first place," she says with a slow nod. She gives a little shake of her head as if shaking out some thought, and then focuses on her food for a bit.

"Mmmm," she murmurs after taking the first bite. "I get the spice from this Mexican place over in Hell's Kitchen. Haven't ever seen it anywhere else," she says of the spice on the fish. She chews slowly, looking thoughtful. "Well I hope you'll be careful. It's good you mentioned that you had allies for it. If you end up finding it and become a billionaire I'll be able to say, 'I knew him when'," she says with a smile.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I like it. It's unique." He smiles eyes twinkling, no subtext at all there. "Careful is the only option I have. I can't be stupid, cant be relaxed and can't just ignore it and hope it goes away." He chuckles,"Billionares don't just HAPPEN except maybe the lottery and powerball and those are just plain bad luck. I'm not counting the money until I have it in hand and am not going to die for holding it and its not covered in blood. I mean, sure, being rich would be NICE, but..." he shrugs, "Fame is not a thing I want, and its very VERY hard to be rich and not famous, you know what I mean?""

Viola Fiore has posed:
A soft chuckle with a wry sound to it is given by Viola. "Yes, it is. Especially with social media and the internet and everything. I don't know if it's worth it to have the money of a Bruce Wayne. He must be so worried about kidnappings, himself and family and those he loves. I suppose you can hire enough security. But still, I imagine there is a lot of downside to a life like that which a lot of us don't think about when we dream of that kind of wealth," she agrees.

She finishes off the first taco and makes another for herself. Viola notices the state of their glasses too, getting the pitcher of margaritas and topping off both of their glasses. "Well, good luck with it. I just hope you're safe," she says, unable to keep from her voice that she's a little worried.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I AM security...speaking of which" he sighs, "I want to clarify something. I'm not secret service, I was a marshal. But I have...memories, not my own, I think they were his. It's REALLY freaking weird. Still, I FEEL like Security, not the other way around. The good news is if I did have to hire security I'd know exactly who that would be; or how to tell if they sucked. There are ways to hide money but not a lot of it. And yes, I've seen, and to a greater extent my other self saw..." he shudders and shakes his head finishing one drink and drinking more, relaxing and having another taco. "I am safe so far, but its nice to know someone cares about me not getting a lead allergy"