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Latest revision as of 02:40, 7 March 2020

Taking The Fall
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Good Room Club, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Nicole meets J'onn
Cast of Characters: Nicole Adams, J'onn J'onzz

Nicole Adams has posed:
     In a trendy nightclub down on Meserole Avenue in Brooklyn, things were starting to wind down for the night. Or rather, for the morning, as it was nearing 4 a.m. A very few patrons remained either for drinks, dancing, or some music The stage is large and spacious, the dance floor equally so with a large mirrored ball hanging high above the partygoers. The bar was surprisingly old-fashioned, yet trendy in its almost antique look by contrast. It was a large wraparound affair, with dark wooden sides fitting for a byegone era, a polished wood top, a low brass kick rail around the bottom--and no stools for seating. Glasses and bottles hung safely enclosed in a glass case suspended above the bar, following the countertop all the way around. There were, of course, in the center of the bar, all the accoutrements that a mixologist would need to create showstopping cocktails for thirsty patrons. A few lone souls lingered for their last drink of the night

     The barkeep herself was there in kind. She was dressed fairly casually, and yet smartly so, in slim-legged dark blue jeans, a snowy white cropped peasant blouse with short sleeves, and deceptively comfortable dun-colored wedge heels. Her hair was fairly long and a nice shade of mid honey-gold, with eyes like twin pieces of peridot set in her face. She's taking care to wipe down the counters and clean up a little for the night, not expecting any new patrons at this point.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz isn't always saving the world, really! Especially now that there are plenty of other heroes, he's taking his sweet time enjoying the planet that he now can call home, especially now that he is the full owner os his mind. This particular night, or morning, he is one of those few last souls lingering in the good Room club for their last drink. For obvious reasons he isn't in his martian manhunter form, instead choosing a more human one, and specifically that of a simple guy probably in his mid twenties, with no distinguishable features and dressed quite casually in a pair of jeans and a black shirt, just a regular person among other regular people! And right now the guy, that surprisingly enough introduced himself as John to whoever asked, not that he's been too talkative, is leaning on the bar counter, waiting for his mojito, with his blue eyes following the movements of the barkeep.

Nicole Adams has posed:
     Nicole smiles over at J'onn as she is plucking a few mint leaves from the bunch she keeps on hand for the purposes, and putting them in a nice, tall highball glass. To that, she adds a double shot of white rum, a shot of simple syrup, a shot of lime juice, and a healthy amount of ice, covering it all with some soda water. "Nice to meet you, John. I'm Nicole. Never seen you here before, this your first time in the area?" A long-handled bar spoon with a quirky, twisted handle is found and dipped into the drink, the metal clinking against the ice cubes and the glass as she stirs the drink together, making sure to pull up from the bottom and evenly distribute the flavor of the mint throughout.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz watches carefully the barkeep mix his drink, and it is with a smile that he nods affirmatively "indeed! I'm from Manhattan" he lies "but was in the area earlier to see a friend, so thought to try this place. Lots of people told me lots of good things about here, so..." he explains, giving a light shrug "and so far I can confirm their words!" he admits

Nicole Adams has posed:
     Smiling to J'onn, Nicole finishes making the mojito and sets it down in front of him. "Good, I'm glad. We get some pretty good music coming through here. And truthfully," she adds, her voice dropping a bit. "I'm still a bit new here myself. It's still sinking in how lucky I am to have a job here."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz accepts the drink with a thankful smile and brings the glass to his nose, at first, and then to his lips to taste it. Smiling even more he blurts out "it's marvelous! Truly wonderful, my congratulations. I see why you're working here, really, I mean your skills are truly amazing!" yes, he's definitely playing the part of someone who already had at least a couple other drinks, even if he's not feeling a single bit the alcohol. "at least it seems a nice place to be in, I mean, not here specifically. Even if it is, I mean the general area..."

Nicole Adams has posed:
Nicole Adams chuckles softly, flipping her cleaning cloth back over one shoulder, gathering up the implements for making the drink and turning away for a moment to wash them. "Bah. Not really. I mean, sure, I've got an appreciation of the classics, but there's always more to learn, you know?" On impulse, she holds out the tip of one finger, balancing the long bar spoon on the handle end of it, the spoon held vertically by some means. For a moment, it is almost as if time in her vicinity slows down, the spoon standing upright by its own will. Or was it simply very good balance? Laughing, she flips the spoon upwards and catches it, breaking the spell. "It's just something you've got to enjoy and have fun with."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz isn't fooled by what he sees, perceiving the balance of the spoon via his spatial awareness, identifying that what holds it vertically is an external source of power and probably tracing it to the owner, but he still smiles pretending it never happened "woa! Well at the very least you do have some impressive to see skills, that's sure..." he says, the obvious thing anyone seeing that would say perhaps!

Nicole Adams has posed:
Nicole Adams grins and winks at J'onn, putting everything away neatly. "Naah, that's not impressive. I've seen way better in places like Vegas. Maybe I'll be just that good someday, though, just you watch!" She, too, seems inclined to sort of sweep the spoon incident under the rug, as if it never happened. Had he seen it for what it was? Could he have guessed what she was? Or was he in the dark about it all?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"uuh Vegas, never been there myself! I will, maybe, one day..." J'onn lies, again, sipping his mojito again, the telekinesis incident already forgotten, or almost. After all it's not like he could really care that much considering the amount of people with powers in the world. "well, dunno about Vegas but still impressive, both that thing, and the mojito..." and that's also true! He may not be such a drinker, but he definitely recognizes a good drink when he tastes one.

Nicole Adams has posed:
     Nicole grins and bows with a theatrical little flourish. "Thank you, thank you. I mean, a mojito's a pretty basic drink, not a whole lot to it, really."

     Quiet, though, rarely remained so. As she reaches up to put the bottle of rum away in the glass cabinet just above J'onn's head, she loses her grip on the bottle. Once again, time seems to stand still as she reaches out to try and catch the falling vessel of spirits.

     But it never reaches her hands.

     Instead, it hovers just /above/ her hands for a few seconds, the rum inside sloshing about as the descent of the bottle is halted.


     Hoping nobody saw, Nicole lifts her hands to close the distance, effectively 'catching' the bottle. "Sorry about that! You okay?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Apparently, the person standing next to J'onn saw it, and the man in his thirties is definitely staring, mouth opened, alternating his eyes between the bottle and Nicole! J'onn himself though seems pretty calm about it, even as he turns to lock eyes with the man that just withnessed the accident. It is the briefest of moments, the time needed for J'onn to erase the memory of the last ten seconds from the human's mind, and as he turns to smile at Nicole he nods, seeming to be suddenly much less drunk than he was a moment before "I'm ok, no worries. I don't think anyone saw it falling, or anyways, noone will remember it..." he states with a little smile.

Nicole Adams has posed:
     Shaking a little bit, Nicole breathes a sigh of relief, flashing J'onn a grateful smile. "Remember what? Nothing happened, did it?" And that was that. If he would say no more, neither would she! Though... what did he mean, no-one would remember? Was this patron more than they seemed?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles some more "what indeed?" the man standing next to them just remembered it was time to go back home, apparently, since he pays and leaves quite suddenly, leaving the two surrounded by noone that could listen on the conversation "pull the bottle towards your hand, next time. People won't notice, it's difficult to fully understand the trajectory of a falling object if it happens suddenly. It's far less noticeable than a bottle stopping midair and being reached a moment later by your hand..." he calmly explains, still smiling at Nicole.

Nicole Adams has posed:
Nicole Adams peers at J'onn, one brow arched. "Guess I could try that, but you're right. When things happen fast, it's hard to control that... gift. I was more worried about you not getting hurt." Her voice was a mixture of disbelief, and oddly enough, relief. Almost as if she had been unable to even breathe a word of her gifts to few if any at all--even to herself.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods in understanding "it is exactly like training your reflexes, it reacts at the speed of your thoughts. Train it to act smartly and it will. But thanks for saving my head from an unneeded collision with expensive rum, anyways" he adds with a smile

Nicole Adams has posed:
     "Never mind the rum, it was the glass breaking on you that concerned me." The club was all but closed, with John being the last patron present. Nicole smiled tiredly at him, the night catching up with her a bit as it often did after a long shift. "Hey, I've got to close up here and go home, but... well, would it seem weird to keep in touch? I mean, especially after, you know..."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods affirmatively "absolutely" he states, getting a blank piece of paper from one of his pockets. A pen comes out from another and he writes his name and a phone number on the paper, number of one of his phones at least! Then, he neatly folds the paper, stores the pen away, and hands the written contact to Nicole "feel free to text or call whenever you want" he says, if he's doing something worst it can happen is he won't answer!