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Cats Crossing, or a Feline Fracas
Date of Scene: 23 February 2020
Location: Ryker Heights - Founders Island
Synopsis: Catwoman and Black Panther cross paths and get into a fight over some stolen goods, but not with each other.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Selina Kyle

T'Challa has posed:
Gotham City is usually the home for vigilantes that wear the cape and cowl with flight based theme names. And the cats involved in the city are usually on the wrong side of the law. That is not exactly the case tonight. After getting a tip from a reliable source, there is a figure moving along the buildings of the financial district towards a building owned by a shell company of Daggett Construction and Industires.

The figure, in all black with silver trim, is very much a male figure in a cat-themed suit as the Black Panther arrives at a building adjacent to the warehouse, and he frowns. His holographic bracelet goes off, and he pulls up the information of the warehouse. "You are sure this is where the crate was taken?" he asks, and a female voice answers. "Positive, Your Majesty. The tracker on it is pinging approximately 75 yards from your location and is stationary."

There's a firm nod from the Panther as he frowns beneath his mask. "Then I will move in to intercept. I will let you know how it goes."

Selina Kyle has posed:
When one is connected to Gotham's underworld, one often hears things that are not intended for the average person.

Catwoman is far from the average person.

With a long history of successful jobs in Gotham City and beyond, she has built up a reputation as one of the most skilled cat burglars and thieves around. It is an image she has cultivated and, if being honest, savored.

Yet, she has not always been spotted doing that sort of thing. Occasionally, she has helped the Batman, helped those in need. It might raise questions about where her true intentions lie at times, or if she simply acts according to her own set of rules.

The night has her around the same building Black Panther is closing in on. She caught some chatter through the grapevine, those Underworld connections coming into play again, and while whatever the purpose of the place is tonight is not yet known by her, it raised enough curiosity that she took up a spot overlooking the warehouse, giving her as much of a view as she could possibly get. A subtle touch to the side of her goggles, and a night-vision mode activates.

"What game is afoot tonight, I wonder..." she muses to herself, expression alert.

T'Challa has posed:
While the Panther habit has all of that built into the his costume, T'Challa is not relying on it tonight. He can smell something. His senses haven't pinged on the fact that he is not alone in this mission tonight, and that she may have eyes on him as the Panther moves to the building and with a leap, his claws dig into the brick and he climbs his way to the roof to make his way to the rooftop.

Moving to look down through the skylight, he finally gets his eyes on what he had been sent out for. Among the containers and gear that has been stacked neatly, a group of goons are gathered around a crate. The markings of the Wakandan nation flag are emblozened on the wooden crate, but it has not been opened yet as the armed men, carrying assault style rifles mingle, waiting for someone by all appearance.

And thus, the Panther waits as well, his attention locked on what is below him that he may not realize that he has fellow feline company.

Selina Kyle has posed:
There are moments that go by, moments that lead to motion spotted along the rooftop as Black Panther scales a side opposite from Catwoman's point of view, then comes around to the skylight in question. Her angle doesn't allow her the ability to see what he does, but as much as he stares at what he's spotted, the same can be said for him in her case.

Within about a minute, she is there beside him, hands at her hips, expression curious, head tilted in his direction. "And what are we scouting out tonight? Black Panther, was it? Don't think I've ever seen you around here before."

She was as silent as can be, a testament to the feline visage she claims, and he is receiving quite the appraising look up and down.

T'Challa has posed:
To his credit, there is no jump from T'Challa as the Panther turns to face the woman on the rooftop that wears similar rainments to his own. She cannot see the frown beneath his mask as his eyes travel over her, and to the whip at her side. If she were to want to attack him though, she would have done so before announcing her presence.

At least that's what he has decided to bank upon as he gives a slight snort. "Stolen merchandise from Wakanda." he responds to her. "I am waiting for the arrival of the buyer before I make a move. Unless you are here to dissuade me from that?" comes the question as he looks from her to the skylight as his ears pick up on the grinding and squeak of chain and metal as the warehouse door starts to open to let a vehicle in. "And I will assume you are the infamous Catwoman of Gotham?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman maintains a low enough profile against the backdrop of the roof. They can't be seen from street level, at least not from anyone keeping watch around the perimeter or at the entries and exits. She did not detect any rooftop surveillance nearby. Perhaps the deal set to go down is not expected to hit any snags.

While the color of her eyes is hidden by the tint of the goggles, and the cowl masks hair and other details, Catwoman's expression can still be easily read and it's a rather amused one, contrary to the lack of any detail for her counterpart, save perhaps the angle of the eyes and brows.

"Interesting," she replies, letting the single word hang there for a few more moments, as if it might be all she has to say before casting a glance toward the container now that she can also see it. "No, I don't think I will. Watching you in action sounds more entertaining than going home early and curling up in front of the TV. I always did enjoy a live show more."

She raises a finger, tipped with a claw of course. "Famous, infamous, it's all the same to me. And before you ask, I had nothing to do with this. I did hear something was going down tonight, thanks to a little mouse. I can't say I'm not curious."

T'Challa has posed:
At this distance, Catwoman can see the weave of silver threads in the black mesh armor. It almost glows with the richness of the metal, and matches the claws that are matching. "I will have to make sure to charge you for admission, then." he responds dryly as he realizes that she's being just a little bit playful. But he does trust her at her word as he turns his attention from her to the skylight.

Down below, the buyer steps out of the vehicle that she arrived in as she moves towards the crate, and gestures for it to be opened. When it does, Selina can see what's within. Tribal weapons. Which may have cultural value, but it is the fact that the spears and shields are also made with that same metal that is woven into the Panther's armor.

"Yes." the woman says, as she pulls back the hood of her coat. And like T'Challa, she carries the same hallmarks of Wakandian birth. T'Challa's frame tenses, something that Selina can make out in his costume as his muscles tighten. "Nakia." he growls softly.

Selina Kyle has posed:
The way the metal seems to catch what light is around, showing up that much more in the Wakandan's costume, it keeps Catwoman studying the lines and patterns a second or two extra, on down to the claws themselves. "Usually I'm focused on a certain Bat, but...let's just say you're very easy on the eyes right now, Panther." A lean, then she muses with a knowing smirk, "And no cape to hide certain assets, either."

If admission comes in the form of open appreciation of what she sees, she's already paying up.

However, that particular focus ends as swiftly as it began, for as the crate's contents are revealed, a brow shifts upward. "Let me guess. Someone smuggled these things out, and you're here to make sure they don't end up in the wrong hands." A flick of a thumb follows toward Nakia, once named. She may not be familiar with any Wakandan appearances, but his reaction is enough. "Friend of yours?"

T'Challa has posed:
Unlike a certain Bat who may have just ignored Selina's playful remark, the Panther chuckles. "You did want to stick around for the show." he responds to her, a glance towards Catwoman as he turns his attention back to below. His mask prevents her from seeing his expression, but he explains. "She was a member of the Dora Milaje. She wanted to be Queen, but I spurned her advance. And she murdered someone I cared about in retaliation."

And with that, T'challa makes his move, dropping through the skylight and there's no cape to break his fall, he just lands on the concrete below, taking no damage.

Nakia had just taken out the spear to look it over when she sees the drop of the Panther. "Hello, beloved. I had hoped you would find me!"

"You were never such, Nakia. And you dishonor those weapons by touching them."

She waves the spear around and growls, "I am no longer Nakia. You killed her when you turned your heart from me! She is dead. I am Malice!" she declares, before gesturing to the men, "Kill the Panther!" she calls out, and they raise their weapons to fire at T'Challa as he leaps into action, lunging at the nearest man to flip over him, grabbing him by the shoulders to throw him into a pile of crates. One down, four to go.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman listens to this, and her response is to make a 'tsking' sound along with a slow shake of the head. "Something tells me it wouldn't have worked out anyway, but that's taking it to an extreme." It's not total sympathy, but it's an acknowledgement if nothing else.

Just then, he sends himself into the middle of the deal about to go down, now that he's confirmed what he probably already knew in the case of the items in the crate. The brief exchange between Black Panther and Nakia, or rather Malice, results in Catwoman shaking her head. "Definitely crazy."

However, she does not yet leap down to join in. This is, after all, not her fight. Will it remain that way? He had no trouble dealing with one would-be shooter. Crouching near the opening he created just before, she watches, waits.

T'Challa has posed:
"Not everyone is capable of being Queen." That may have been a tease towards Selina, after all, she does have a certain... look about her, as T'Challa starts his attack. As the first man goes down, T'Challa is already preparing to move on towards the second as they are opening fire on him. Bullets are striking boxes and around the Panther - and she may note him taking a hit or two in the process. But is he bulletproof?

As he pounces on the second man, taking him down, he kicks the gun towards the third to strike him and buy him a few moments of time to get his bearings and try to locate Malice.

Who is currently using the confusion sewn by the henchmen as she starts to move back to her car carrying the vibranium laced spear and shield -- trying to get away with the goods without paying for them! In truth, she never planned to pay, the Panther is just sparing her having to kill the crooks herself!

Selina Kyle has posed:
Whoever could he have been talking to, about being Queen? So what if her own costume, at least at a glance, is not /that/ different from Panther's own? Just ignore the deeper details that set them apart from each other.

Gunfire draws Catwoman's attention toward the shooters, an instinctual grimace following as a couple bullets appear to hit him. But are they even slowing him down? Do they cause blood to flow? The way he continues to fight, she might question them having any effect on him.

Something leads her to act, angling herself to fall through the opening before executing a turn in midair to land in the midst of a roll, at which point the bullwhip lashes out one of Nakia's arms. Or Malice's, whatever she wants to call herself. "Leaving so soon?" she practically purrs. "Party's just getting started, I need someone to dance with, and he's busy." A nod of the head in the direction of the Wakandan warrior.

T'Challa has posed:
The whip snags Nakia's arm, turning her around and she slashes her spear towards Selina as she settles into a combat stance. "Are you his new harlot?" she growls at Catwoman as she probes her defenses with the Wakandian blade, looking to get at Catwoman. "American women. Weak. Uselss. Killing the last one was doing our King a favor!" she declares. "He deserves someone worthy of his strength!" Yeah. She might be a little crazy-go-nuts.

In the meantime, T'Challa is still on the move. As he leaps onto the boxes, bullets dance behind him and he leaps upwards, grabbing the chain of the support crane, pulling it down with a superhuman tug as he wraps it around the legs of one of the bruisers and sends him flying upwards, his gun falling away from him.

One of the last men strikes T'Challa in the back with his rifle butt, sending him sprawling onto the ground for the briefest of moments before he's rolling over and springing to his feet with a hard punch.

Selina Kyle has posed:
The spear jabs at where Catwoman was, but in that moment of expected retaliation, the feline fatale has released the whip with a deft flick of the wrist, keeping it uncoiled and at the ready. "Harlot? I've been called worse. No, we just met. Like, moments before he came in to bust up your little deal."

As the business end of the spear is thrust her way again, she ducks under and past it, probing with a sweeping kick. To get in closer, it will need her to move inside the range the spear provides, but it would also more neutralize the whip itself. The kick is more to create some room to work with again, and concentration can be tough with bullets firing around them, going in who knows what direction.

Occupied as he is, Black Panther may realize he is not alone in this fight now.

T'Challa has posed:
"You emulate him. You don't deserve such!" Malice snarls as she brings the shield around to block the kick, but it leaves her side momentarily open. However, that is a trap to get Selina to move in so she can stab her with a dagger.

From where T'Challa is moving to take down the last of the gunmen, he notices Catwoman in the close quarters combat and realizes what is about to happen. His bracelet flashes, and T'Challa goes from where he was and vanishes, only to reappear between Selina and Nakia as he is stabbed in the side with the dagger and twists away, holding the wound with a gasping grunt.

Nakia had not expected T'Challa to do this, and she's enraged. "Again, you protect these weak women!" she screams at him as she prepares to turn at Selina... but Panther's sacrifice has the intended effect - she is wide open to Selina's attack.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"I've been doing this for ten years, little girl," Catwoman bites back with a figurative hiss as she shows 'fang,' and the opportunity to deal a stronger blow is too good to pass up.

She did not see the dagger, and whatever it might have done to her? Instead it is taken by the Panther, who is suddenly right in between them, somehow. Her only reaction is a sharp intake of breath, a more literal hiss.

But, the wound he takes leaves her an opportunity, another moment. She does not miss it. Without a word, she directs a pinpoint roundhouse kick right at Nakia's jaw, full force behind it. "I didn't ask him to do that, but I didn't need his protection," she then says. She's not going to turn it away in this case, though.

T'Challa has posed:
The kick is hard, solid, enough to send Nakia back against the car she came in and she slumps to the ground, apparently stunned as she did not expect the American woman to hit her so hard. "I'll kill you..." she spits.

T'Challa was about to move to help Selina, but she says that she's got this handled and doesn't need protection. Instead, he pulls the dagger from his side so he can start healing and is prepared to act if she does indeed need help.

But not his fight, apparently, as Nakia starts to try to push herself back up, using her shield to attempt to knock Selina away.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"You can try," Catwoman taunts, advancing after flicking the whip back into a more coiled position. It won't be useful from here, not unless they're separated further again.

When Nakia begins to rise and make use of the shield, Catwoman stomps down on it in an attempt to keep her from gaining an advantage with it. "Let me tell you something about me. The streets of Gotham helped raise me. Do you think you scare me?" She aims a knee forward, toward Nakia's head with the vehicle behind it.

T'Challa has posed:
That was a mistake, because Nakia has Selina's midsection open to her, and she drives a hard punch towards the woman's stomach. "You talk too much." she spits, moving to take a glancing blow from the return knee as she releases the shield, her weapons lost as she rolls to push herself to her feet, holding her hands apart as she waits to find a place to strike on the street vigilante. "I was trained from birth to deal with trash like you."

"That is enough, Nakia!" T'Challa commands, but it is for naught. "I told you my name is Malice, and this piece of trash will die for her insults!"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman's knee doesn't hit what it was meant to, at least not squarely, but it does leave a nice dent in the side of the vehicle after scraping its intended target. Might also leave a bruise later on, and it causes a grimace. "Just letting you know what you're getting into," she retorts, turning away as she drops the whip behind her.

"Haven't you ever seen a catfight before?" She directs the words toward Black Panther, but her eyes remain on Nakia. The punch has connected in the scuffle and separation, but although there's a tightening of the jaw she doesn't give the woman the satisfaction of seeing her reach for that area. Her stance shifts to one similar to that which Nakia takes up, then she comes in with a low feint at the back of the knee with a leg, only to flash claws across the upper area of the body, whether connecting or not.

T'Challa has posed:
"You made it certain you had it handled, Catwoman." T'challa responds. She wanted this fight, he's not going to deny her unless she is in real trouble. Nakia turns as Selina swipes at her, the claws cutting across her arm because she has to correct after nearly falling for the feint, and she knows she could be in trouble. That's when she notices the discarded assault rifle nearby.

And with the seperation made again, Nakia moves in what looks to be an attack, only to force herself to turn at the last second to make a diving motion for the rifle, willing to go for it to try to swing it around, knowing that Selina is nowhere near as armored as the Panther.

T'Challa's foot slips under the shield. "Catwoman!" he calls out and kicks the shield towards her to catch, assured that it can handle at least a few bullet rounds.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Later," is all Catwoman has to say to Black Panther right now. She needs her focus, as the fight is becoming more intense, but that might not be the only reason she grows more quiet.

She leaps and flips over the incoming attack that is, again, a distraction toward the real target, namely the gun. While her suit does have protection in places to keep her safer, to call it bulletproof would not exactly cover it. So, there's a spot where after Catwoman lands, she's left unprotected.

That changes as the shield is sent her way, and by the time a burst of gunfire is directed at her she's shaped her body to fit behind it, making herself as small as she can while holding tightly to the grip.

T'Challa has posed:
"Cower, bitch!" Nakia snarls, firing at the woman hiding behind the shield as she empties the clip. She used that time to close the distance, and attempts to batter the shield to knock Catwoman down on the ground and pin her beneath the shield that she's using.

"You may dress like a disciple of Bast, but you are not worthy of her." Nakia snarls as she pushes her weight against the shield, trying to brute strength Catwoman to the ground.

Selina Kyle has posed:
The sound of bullets bouncing off the shield will leave Catwoman's ears ringing for a bit. A hiss to one side reveals one having gone through a tire of the vehicle Nakia tried to leave with.

Still, there is silence from the other side of the shield, a hint of motion before Nakia is upon it, and her. It seems to have swung the fight away from Catwoman, but smoke begins to pour from beneath the shield, enough of a gap all around that it easily curls upward. Visibility degrades rapidly, making it difficult to tell who's where in the immediate area. It may also cause someone without proper protection to start coughing.

T'Challa has posed:
As Catwoman uses one of Batman's tricks, T'Challa's brow raises. Of course, he's protected against such an attack, but Nakia is coughing and reaching to rub at her eyes as the smoke irritates and causes her to push off the shield and stumble backwards, trying to remain in a combat stance, but Selina has the definite advantage for the next several seconds.

"Are you done?" T'Challa asks -- though it's not sure if he's addressing Catwoman, Malice -- or both of them.

Selina Kyle has posed:
The surprise has the intended result. No, Batman is not the only one with his toys, even if his is a much greater arsenal. As soon as Catwoman feels Nakia's weight off the shield, she springs out from under it and leaps through the cloud to drive Nakia down to the ground, sharp claws pressed at the side of the woman's neck as she pins her.

"Tell him. Are we done?" she demands of the woman, her voice distorted a bit by the rebreather mask she's wearing over her nose and mouth, now leaving just her eyes visible. No wonder she wasn't coughing.

T'Challa has posed:
Nakia is too busy coughing and sputtering, but clearly, Selina has the victory. Frowning, T'Challa makes his way over to secure Nakia first before glancing towards the stolen items. "I will turn her over to the Gotham PD until I can extradite her return to Wakanda for this theft and attack." he says lowly, a tone of anger, and disappointment in his voice. "Are you alright?" he asks Selina.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Thought so. Bitch," Catwoman spits out the last word with a little more feeling, letting up so Black Panther can go about ensuring Nakia won't be giving them the slip or ruining their night.

Away from the effects of the smoke, the cloud fairly localized as it begins to dissipate, she flexes the leg where the knee impacted the vehicle, then she finally allows herself a moment to probe at the impact she took in the side. "I've faced worse," she says, passing the apparent concern off with a slight wave. "And you?" She's eyeing the dagger wound, then looking up toward his 'face.'

T'Challa has posed:
"I am sadden at the decline of one of my former guards." T'Challa doesn't speak on his injury as he makes a connection to alert the police to clean up the area as he turns to Catwoman. "Though you are owed a debt. If I may assist you at sometime, let me know." he offers to her with a polite bow of his head as he puts the shield and spear back in the crate.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman gives Panther a few seconds of silence as he laments the situation with a one-time guard. "Some people are just nuts," she tells him. "Batman and his suit. All the sidekicks going by Robin. You and I taking after cats, maybe for different reasons, but."

Again, she waves it off as he tends to the things he came to retrieve. "I'd be careful offering a favor to a known criminal," she says, a gentle reminder of how she is normally seen. "Maybe I just felt like a fight."

T'Challa has posed:
"I believe that you would understand to keep it within the bounds of legality. As I have seen you commit no crime tonight, I will not try to hold you here until the police arrive." T'Challa offers to her politely as he finishes securing the others. "As far as having a King's boon, that is something that can be discussed when you know what you wish to ask for."

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Good, because I like to keep my secrets. Not everyone is as public about who they are as you," Catwoman tells Black Panther, T'Challa. "Some of us can't afford to be known. That's just the way it is." He might know Batman is very secretive about this sort of thing as well.

Still, she inclines her head toward him. "The shield helped, so..thanks for that." It's as if she doesn't want to have to admit it, eyes shifting elsewhere for a spell.

T'Challa has posed:
"You are welcome. And secrets are important." T'Challa has a country full of them. In the distance, the sound of sirens announces the approaching police department as T'Challa reaches up to pull off his mask, letting Selina see his face fully. "I believe that the siren is your cue?" he asks her curiously. She admitted that she's a criminal, after all. He would not want her to get arrested because she stayred around.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman takes a good look at the man's face, her own as visible as it can be in this getup with the rebreather tucked away again. She gives a single, slow nod before steps begin to take her away from him while still facing him. "I might have to ask you about Bast sometime, but sirens mean it's time for me to be elsewhere. You handled yourself very well, Black Panther."

By the time he may finish a response, she's ducking behind some equipment in the warehouse, en route to the nearest exit and beyond, sure to be absent by the time the boys in blue arrive to tend to the mess.

T'Challa has posed:
"We will talk then." T'Challa starts to offer, and when he turns to face her, she's gone. He purposefully didn't see where she went. He did not want to have to lie to the police after all. He waits for them to arrive to finish their cleanup before he is helping to transport the artifacts back to the embassy.