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Latest revision as of 02:53, 7 March 2020

Presidents and Mini-Mes
Date of Scene: 23 February 2020
Location: Katz's Deli
Synopsis: Clint and Wanda go to Katz's Diner and sit at /that/ table. Things are realized and Tony is discussed.
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff

Clint Barton has posed:
Turns out the tip about Clint's gender-swapped mini-me was a bust, and by the time he'd finished following up that lead and realized it was a dead end it was well past supper and Clint had skipped lunch. Fortunately there was an oasis nearby: Katz's Deli.

Heading that way with his hands in his pockets against the cold February air considers the deli and pauses outside for a moment letting a nice elderly couple in ahead of him.

"Screw it," he says as he pulls a hand from his pocket and fires off a text.

Clint >> Hungry? At Katz's on the east side, want to eat awsome food and try to comprehend what happened today?

Smiling at the message, Clint stuffs his phone in his pocket and steps inside.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is back in her room. Trying to make sense of what happened today. She's sitting in a chair by the fireplace though hasn't lit the stack of wood she'd left prepared there. Just sitting in the near dark, the room lit only by the television over the fireplace, tuned to the news. Muted, but showing clips of Tony Stark's press conference, and the studio's talking heads discussing it.

The buzz of her phone is ignored for a good two dozen seconds before finally Wanda lets it become a distraction to take her thoughts from the day's events. She checks the message and it brings a soft smile to her face. She taps back a message:

Wanda >> I'll be right there.

Wanda slips the phone into her back pocket and starts to gather chaos magic about herself, but then stops. She strides quickly over to a full length mirror. Glancing at herself and what she wore to the press conference. She hesitates a moment and then her magic gathers around her, but it's to change clothes. A seafoam green blouse that has a pleasing, snug fit that shows herself off more than Wanda normally does. A matching skirt of white and seafoam, and then red boots that only peek out of the bottom for contrast.

Wanda's magic gathers around her again then and she appears in alley around the corner from Katz's. She steps out onto the sidewalk and walks around to the front door, opening it to slip gently inside and look for Clint.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's still in line when Wanda arrives, and catching sight of her he excuses himself from his place in it to circle around to the back to greet her.

"Hey, wondered if I'd make it through the line before you got here," he says. Of course all the TVs in the place are showing the press conference. Either that or a bunch of talking heads discussing it. Thankfully no pictures of Clint though!

He spares a glance at the screens then back to Wanda heaving an amused sort of sigh. "Welcome to the world we live in. Tonyland." Then getting down to the serious business of food he says, "Been here before? They're very particular about their system."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
When Wanda sees Clint, her face lights up with the kind of warm smile that might leave someone else feeling special. "You called at the perfect time," she says as she moves over to meet Clint halfway. "I was sitting with the TV on but I couldn't listen to the sound any more," she says, glancing to one of the screens. But it isn't enough to remove that smile as she looks back to Clint.

Wanda finally does look away though to take in the rest of the place. "No I have not. I think... have I heard of it though? Katz's sounds familiar to me at the least. But I don't believe I've been here," she says.

She glances towards the lines that go around the outside where orders are placed. "It smells delicious though," she says as the various fragrances of the cooked meats and sides wafts towards them. "You'll have guide me on what's worth trying," she suggests.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is stopped in his tracks by that smile. This may have been a horrible mistake. Still he's smiling as he picks up his pace and meets her mid-restaurant, his eyes doing a quick take of her outfit. "Hey, glad to help," he says as his eyes lift to hers. "I hear you," he says taking the turn of the conversation to look at the screens again. "I'm glad I was busy dealing with the second weirdest thing going on in my life this afternoon, gave me time away from number one," he gestures at the screens.

As for how things work, "Sure, been here a bunch of times, I'd can definitely be your-" he stops mid-sentence and practically leaps across the dining room to put his hand on a table being vacated by some diners, one that with a round sign overhead reading: Where Harry Met Sally... Hope You Have What She Had!

"Ha!" Clint crows like a madman. "Got it!" he turns back to Wanda and beckons it over. If she's seen 'When Harry Met Sally' she might be getting a sense of where she's seen this place before.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The sudden leap catches Wanda off guard, though she quickly realizes Clint is going after a table rather than dealing with something nefarious. She follows him over to it at a more measured pace. "Your favorite table I gather?" Wanda asks with a curious smile. A good guess she hasn't seen the movie then.

She glances about the diner and asks, "Do you want me to guard it while you go and get food? I'll trust your judgment," she tells him. she glances over at the sign. "I guess I'd like whatever she had too," Wanda says with her eyes showing a curiosity and suggesting she has no idea the implications of the statement. A pair of older women sitting nearby apparently do though, as one of them leans over to tell Wanda, "You really couldn't go wrong with that." She looks over towards Clint, her expression just slightly appreciative to give meaning to words before she sits back up straight, she and her friend both cackling softly, and leaving Wanda confused, but smiling at them.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Better than favourite, famous," Clint says with a nod up at the sign, like it explained it all. Though when there's no real reaction, he smiles gathering she hasn't seen the film. "I'll explain it when I get back, definitely keep watch and I'll get us something good."

Then Clint is off leaving Wanda sitting under the sign until he worked his way around the line and paid at the till. A short time later saw him arriving at the table again with a tray of food and a couple of drinks, he sets it down, "Got you orange juice, no idea if it's the pulp kind or not," then there is the food, a pair of sandwiches made with dark rye bread. "Pastrami on rye," he says. "The place is famous for them."

He takes as seat and glancing up at the sign asks, "You've never seen 'When Harry Met Sally'?" he asks her as he grabs his bottle of coke and cracks off the cap.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda sits, people watching the crowds while Clint is away getting food. The mix of New Yorkers and tourists makes for an interesting sight, though the city is visited by so many that can be true on many a New York sidewalk as well.

She looks back to Clint, smiling as he arrives with the food. "Oh, thank you," she says warmly, taking the orange juice and the sandwich. "It smells delicious," she says, complimentary of Clint's choices.

Wanda glances back up at the sign as Clint asks her about the movie. "I do not think that I have, no. It is what, a movie, or TV show? And I gather it has something to do with this table then? Did they film it here?" she asks, putting pieces together, even if still lacking the more interesting context.

Clint Barton has posed:
Even at this hour of the evening there are plenty of people for Wanda to watch, tourists and native New Yorkers. There's plenty to see on the walls as well, pictures of various celebrities and New York views dominate things, though there are a few signs with slogans like 'Send a salami to your boy in the army' which sounds right out of Cap's time, and of course those damned TVs.

"No problem," Clint says plopping down into his seat. "They do these sandwiches right here," he says as he takes a big bite of his, chewing before he talks further.

He glances up at the sign, which is of course right over Wanda's head. "It's a movie, from the late 80's I think? Anyhow it's about this couple..." he's about to say more before he realizes he might be heading into spoiler territory if he goes on with the plot. "Annnyhow," he says trying to figure out how to explain the joke without sounding like a weirdo for wanting the table. "There's this scene they filmed here when the guy and the girl are talking about if the guy can tell if a girl is faking an orgasm and so she fakes one right there," he points at the seat she's in. "Loud enough for everyone to hear, anyhow these woman next to them, well obviously they hear it, and one of them says to the waiter, 'I'll have what she's having'," he says with a little laugh. "So this table is famous and hard to get most times this was the first time I've seen it free."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda begins eating her sandwich, taking her time with it as she often does. "Mmmm..." she says between bites. "This, is very good, Clint." She takes a sip of orange juice to wash it down and then continues to eat as Clint explains, giving little nods and then.

Her mouth falls open just a bit, thankfully not in the middle of a bite at hearing what the woman in the movie did. "Oh. Oh my," she says, laughing softly. And a little color comes to her cheeks as Clint mentions she's sitting in the same seat.

Wanda glances over towards the two women at the nearby table who had commented to them earlier. One of them winks at Wanda, and suddenly the earlier meaning of her words and the implications, become clear. And Wanda's cheeks color even further. "So this is where you take me to?" she asks, but she's laughing. "Tell me, how many times have you gotten this table before?" she asks Clint, grinning over towards him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Seeing Wanda sitting there with her mouth open and saying 'oh. oh my' Clint can't help himself, he snappoints, "Yeah, like that but louder and dirtier," he teases before picking up their tray to shield himself from a potential blasting.

"Sorry, saw the shot and couldn't help myself," he says, lowering the tray a little.

"And this is the first time. What do you think, that I make a fool of myself in the middle of the restaurants all the time?" he asks giving her a clear opening for a little non blasting payback as he chuckles.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
No blasting, just a piece of garnish thrown Clint's way to bounce off the tray, to the soft cackling of the two spectating women. Wanda looks over at them and motions towards Clint with an expression that seems to suggest, what am I going to do about him?

She smiles as she looks back to the archer though. A slightly mischievous grin forms on Wanda's face. "Well, I really didn't expect that Clint. That I would be your first time," she tells him. She tries really hard to deliver the line with the kind of panache he had with his own joke. Though it probably ends up adding more color to her cheeks than it ever would his.

"So you do realize, you will have to show me this movie now," she says in her gently accented English. Wanda takes another bite of her sandwich. "Thank you for bringing me here," she says more gently.

Clint Barton has posed:
Garnish is way better than a blasting and he laughs as she mugs for the two older ladies at the next table over. Judging by their expressions they have some ideas about what Wanda should do with someone like Clint and it didn't look like they'd belong even in an R rated rom-com 'Like When Harry Met Sally'.

Now it's Clint's turn for his cheeks to burn a bit until the tension and embrassment is released by Wanda's joke. "Ha. Well, I wanted it to be special," he says rolling with her gag, then promptly busying himself with sandwhich.

"Yeah I figured," Clint says of the movie. "It's good though, great dialogue, I wish I could be that witty." As fo the thanks? Clint smiles, "Hey no problem I figured after the weird day today we could both use some company. How are you feeling?" he asks her. With the chaos of the prep for the announcement and Clint's search for his mini-me this was is first real chance to check in.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's light flush is slowly fading away. She takes a sip of her drink then tells Clint after his stated desire to be as witty as the movie, "Well, I think you do better than you give yourself credit for," she tells him. Wanda smiles softly and then takes another bite of her pastrami on rye.

She finishing swallowing it, touching a napkin to her lips. "A little stunned. Not quite sure what this will mean with the team," she says. "Also thinking of all the different things he has done and wondering what it would mean for the country if he did the same as President," she says with a soft chuckle.

Wanda's green eyes lift to gaze over at one of the television sets, which is showing Iron Man landing on the stage. She gives a little shake of her head at the entrance. "How about you? You had a week of strangeness, and now this. How are /you/ handling it?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint grins but can't help but turn the compliment on its head because he's Clint Barton and the man just cannot take praise with any sort of seriousness. "Well, I guess if you grow up with clowns a little bit of funny is bound to wear off on ya," he says with a shrug.

"Oh, yeah today," he says of her answer. "Meant last night, was worried about you for a bit," he says of her sudden feeling the night before.

As for President Tony... "Well, I can't see him being any worse the Kennedy when it comes to presidential shenanagans," Clint says after a bite of his long neglected sandwich. "And if he's really serious about the changes he wants to make, he might end up doing some good in the long run, but I have no idea what it means for the team other than we're going to have cameras in our faces a whole lot more."

He makes a face, "So if you want to teleport us to Antartica until November, I am 100% game."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's expression softens and warms a bit more. "Thank you for staying with me. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother," she says to him. "And thank you for getting me over to the bed," she says, the words spoken a little quietly as she's still not 100% sure he did that, or if she just doesn't remember going over to the bed herself when she'd intended to just sleep by the fire.

Though Wanda speaks quietly, the two women seem to pick up on it. One of them looks over to Wanda to wink and smile. Which makes Wanda have to fight that flush coming back to her cheeks.

"I think... it is the table," she says with a soft chuckle and shake of her head at the innuendo. Wanda clears her throat. "You know, I can teleport to Tahiti as easily as Antarctica. Unless you were wanting to do some skiing."

Clint Barton has posed:
"What bother?" Clint says firmly. "Wanda, you looked like you were having a hard time so I stuck around, basic friend 101, you would have done the same for me," he says as though that is all there is to say on the issue. "And yeah, it was me, just couldn't leave you on the floor, even with the pillows, anyhow, I hope it was okay."

"We could grab another one if it helps," he means the table, then gives the women a light hearted but narrowed eye look, "One without troublemakers."

"Teleporting to Tahiti could be fun, I've always heard from Coulson it was a magical place."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles and gives a wave of her hand at the talk of changing tables. "And cut your first time short? Oh no Clint. You deserve the whole experience," she tells him in a slowly delivered, matter of fact tone. "Besides, what kind of... members of our team, would be if we got chased off a table?" she says, not naming the team given no one has recognized either of them yet.

"Phil Coulson. I have not seen him in sometime," she says. "I hadn't realized he'd been to Tahiti before. I actually haven't ever been out to that part of the world," Wanda says.

She is slowly but steadily making her way through the sandwich, reaching the end of it. She picks up the last small bite between thumb and forefinger. It goes into her mouth and then she dusts her hands and wipes them with her napkin. "Mmm. Thank you. You've been here when I needed you, two nights in a row now. You always really do hit your mark, don't you?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Laughing, Clint says, "Well glad you're making it special for me," he says amusedly. "And fair point, if we can deal with y'know," he means frost giants, "We can't exactly run away here can we?"

"He keeps busy," Clint says of Phil in that vauge sort of way he talks about everything SHIELD. "And me neither, not much of a beach vacation kind of guy usually, but with how things have been lately, I think I could do with just lazing on a beach somewhere for a couple of days."

Clint finishes his own sandwhich too, though not so nealy as Wanda, he eats like he's afraid someone is going to come by and steal it from him.

"Hey didn't you hear Tony, that's my superpower," okay he said with arrows, but it still sorta worked damn it! Though he follows up the joke with a look of earnest care, "It's not a problem. Glad to help you out," he says then to cut the tension of that bit of honesty, he adds, "Figure you'll owe me when I'm having a hard time."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's hand shifts on the table, moving forward before turning to pick up her orange juice glass. "Anytime that you need me," she tells him, keeping her tone simple. "Well, I thought we keep busy, but you all," she says, seeming to mean SHIELD, "take it to a new level sometimes, I think."

Wanda takes another sip of her juice. "Tony," she says, shaking her head. "Tony, Tony, Tony. I wonder what Steve's reaction was to it all," she says slowly. "Not to mention... well, he already has a lot of help running his company. But doesn't a President have to be sort of hands off in such things? Because they can't a conflict of interest?" she asks.

Wanda glances up at one of the televisions. "So when are we going to watch..." she looks from the screen to the sign. "Harry and Sally?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Big world, lots of problems," Clint says of what keeps SHIELD so busy. "It's so busy that Fury had hair when he started the job," he jokes lightly taking a pull from his coke and sloshes the dark liquid around a little in the bottle.

"Tony," Clint says with a sigh. "Oh I saw Cap's reaction he showed up just at the end, I'd say cautious optimsm, they're going to talk about things later," he says with a certain weight. "I expect whatever Steve thinks about it will be said in that talk and only in that talk." Cap was good at the whole voicing objections in private thing. It was a skill Clint had very much yet to master.

"Yeah, I think he would have to hand the company and all of that over to someone, probably Pepper," he says, "Not sure who ends up managing the financial stuff for the team, probably Pepper or Jan, I don't really see Steve crunching numbers on one of those newfangled adding machines."

"Hm, I've got a copy at my place I could bring it by the mansion some night and we can check it out," he offers.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles softly and says, "Knowing Tony he will probably make a hologram of himself to stand there and run everything. JARVIS could probably do it, just he'll give him Tony's voice." She gives a warm chuckle, then glances out towards the evening outside of the front doors.

"Fancy a walk back in the cool night air?" she asks him. "Or if not I could, you know," she says, giving a little slow movement of her fingers, likely indicating teleportation. As fast as she got there, she either had to be down the street, or have teleported after all.

Wanda glances over to the two ladies nearby. "I'm going to have to see this movie now," she tells them. The ladies smile to her and say, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a classic."

Clint Barton has posed:
"God no, we don't need an omnipresent Tony voice in the mansion... that would give me issues," Clint says with a roll of his eyes. "Never mention that to him."

"Tickle me?" Clint asks with amusement as he intentionally misreads her gestures before nodding, "A walk sounds great." He finishes his coke with a single swallow then stands turning to the ladies. "And this has been our two person show tonight, thanks for being a wonderful audience, we hope to see you all again when we take the show on tour later this season." Then he gives them a big theatre bow, before rising and offering Wanda his arm.

"Shall we?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda rises as well, grinning to Clint and sliding her hands around his arm. "We shall," she agrees, letting him lead the way over to the door. As they near it, a man and woman in their late twenties walk in. Wanda stops them with a gesture and points over to the table that she and Clint just vacated. "You should take that table. It has the orgasm chair." She then lets Clint proceed with leading them outside, to the confused looks of the young couple.

Wanda takes a deep breath once they get outside. It's New York air, but it's brisk. Wanda had a jacket she brought with her, having donned it again after rising from the table. "I think those two women thought..." she says, but then trails off rather than complete the thought aloud.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint keeps a straight face until they've passed the couple and then he bursts out laughing, "Orgasm chair," he says looking at Wanda and shaking his head. "We totally need to steal that for the mansion.'

Clint pauses as Wanda gets on her jacket enjoying the night air, sticking his hands into his own pockets to keep them warm. "...We were together?" Clint finishes for her, there was no doubt in his mind that was what they thought. "Gotta figure it happens a guy and a girl getting something to eat and getting along like we do, right? People are going to think that."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gets her jacket situation handled, and then slips her hands back around Clint's arm that he'd offered. "Hrm. I suppose we do get along... fairly well," Wanda says, giving the words a slow delivery as if deliberating them as she says them. She shakes her head and tsks softly. "One of us must be slipping then. I'm guessing it is you," she says, looking over to flash a little grin towards Clint.

The snow has started falling while they were inside, and the wet pavement has started to freeze, leaving places it crunches lightly underfoot. Other places a sheen of fresh white snow is temporarily covering up the pavement to give the city an especially wholesome look. "Pietro will probably want to hit you. Or Natasha hit me," Wanda says with a small grin, one that she does a good job hiding if any element of it had to be forced.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint doesn't argue when his arm is taken again, which of course is part of their problem of being mistaken for a couple. They sure did act couplish. "You sure?" he asks when Wanda takes the blame. "Things are usually my fault as a rule," he says smiling as she flashes him that grin.

The snow brings out the city's beauty, and Clint lets his gaze linger there rather than on Wanda, he misses any hint of things being forced, he just smiles and says, "Wait until Pietro finds out you slept with me," he says, okay it was against him more than with but it made the joke. "Though Pietro always wants to hit me so not losing much there."

He doesn't comment on Nat.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's head tilts back a little bit as she laughs. "Oh yes, tell him that and he definitely would hit you," she agrees. Wanda's hand gently pats Clint's arm. "You are very sweet though. You try to be grumbly, I think. But it shows through eventually," she tells him.

She looks away as well, from him and towards the city. Though there are brief thoughts of finding a landmine planted in her room which she doesn't voice. "I can't imagine Tony walking the long way like this, can you?" she says with a chuckle. "And now he'll have Secret Service around him. At least he is at the Tower more than the Mansion, so we probably won't need as many of them around."

They come to a street crossing, waiting for the light and crossing over to the other sidewalk. Two steps along the sidewalk, Wanda hits an icy patch, her feet starting to fly out from beneath her.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah, probably while going mach 7 too," Clint says with a laugh. "Think I'll pass on that. But man, dating must be hell for you with big..." he pauses. "Which one of you is older?" back on track, "Your brother watching out ready to punch your would be beaus."

Clint nods, "True, Tony's not the midnight stroll type. And yeah, wonder when he'll get his detail, I know candidates usually don't until they become the official nominee after their conventions, but with Tony starting his own party I think there isn't going to be a lot of competition there. Either way, I wouldn't wish that job on Strucker or Loki, looking after Tony. They'll need to draft Pepper and Rhodes to have a chance in hell of any of that working."

Even with his mind on President Tony, Clint's reaction to Wanda's slip is lightning quick, no sooner than she begins to fall as he's got her in his arms. "Hey, I've got you," he says looking down at her.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda replies about her brother with a laugh. "He's the older. Or, so it's claimed. How do I really know, right?" she tells Clint as they were crossing the street. "And, I actually have not dated a lot. But he has mostly just been begrudging about it and finally mumbled something about 'if he makes me happy' followed by many coarse threats should I get hurt," she says. And it gives her a bit of a smile.

They step up on the sidewalk and Wanda's slipping is rescued by Clint. She gets her footing back, ending up looking at Clint as he has his arms around her. "Thank you," she says, her green eyes lifting to look up into Clint's, held by his gaze. A few moments pass. Several heartbeats. Then Wanda finally clears her throat a little. "You're handy to have around, I'm finding," she tells him, making her smile more of the amiable sort as she looks away.

Clint Barton has posed:
"True, and it sounds like something he'd say no matter which of you was first," Clint smiles of Pietro. As much as they got on like cats and dogs, he did sort of like the guy. "Probably did the mutant speedster version of cleaning the family shotgun when the guys came to pick you up too, right"

Clint would feel compelled to hit himself if he started using phrases like getting lost in someone's eyes, but at the end of the day that's what happened, he just met her eyes and stayed fixed there until her cough brought him back to reality. "Right, here," he says helping her get her feet again before letting go. "I try," he says suddenly finding a patch of snow off to one side of the very interesting, eventually he looks back to Wanda. "Sorry about that," he says. "Been a long day, sort of zoned out for a second there, what do you say we do the rest of the way Tony style and take the short way home?" he says doing a fair impression of her finger waggle from earlier.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles up at Clint, the kind of smile that would leave someone feeling like anything that might have transpired was perfectly find, that she found not fault in it at all. "I have you to thank that I don't have a bruised bottom right now. So if the short trip seems the better idea," she says, nodding towards Clint.

Wanda lifts her hand but then looks to Clint instead. "I had a nice time. I'm glad that you asked me to go," she tells him quietly, and then gives Clint a small, warm smile. She focuses back on the task of moving them back to the Mansion then, drawing on whatever that red aura is. She's never explained to him how it connects to her power.

But it gathers around them, forming a red cylinder that seems to block out the sight of the city for a moment. And then it's dissipating and they are back at the mansion, standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor, where the hallway runs in each direction to the team's different rooms.

Wanda unzips her jacket and turns towards Clint. "Have to see that movie, sometime," she says to him.

Clint Barton has posed:
That smile gets one of mild relief from Clint, "You're welcome," he grins as he untangles from her and brushes off his jacket as much to do something with his hands than any need to clean it.

"Me too," Clint anwers in that same quiet earnest tone, before the red energy engulf them and they find themselves standing in the mansion. Clint chuckles as he always does when they travel like that casually, there wasn't time to find amusement in it in the more life or death circumstances. "Don't think I'll ever get used to that," he says but with no sign of distress, just amusement that apparently his life now involves casual teleporting.

"Wild," he says with another head shake before he nods, "We do, lemme dig out my DVD this week and we'll figure something out and you can check out the origins of the orgasm chair," he says with a smile.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives Clint a soft smile and nods about the DVD. She knows JARVIS can probably pull up a high definition copy of it just by them asking. But she doesn't mention that to him, wanting to let Clint be the one to show her the movie. "That would be wonderful," she says, giving a soft chuckle as she says, "That one will have to be our little inside joke, won't it?" she says of the chair.

"Well," Wanda says, glancing down the hallway towards her room. "I guess I'll go to my room then. Thank you again. Dinner was nice. And so was the company," she tells him, before she takes a few slow steps away, heading for her room, but looking back towards him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint... totally didn't think about JARVIS but even if he had he would have found an excuse to beg off tonight, too much had happened, he needed to get himself on solid ground again.

"Great, we'll figure out a time then," he says before smiling about the chair. "Definitely, " he says.

"Yeah, me too," he says glancing down the hall behind him, the one headed the opposite direction to Wanda. "Need to get some sleep if I am going to live in Tonyland tomorrow," he jokes putting the bulk of the blame on Stark's announcemnt. "Yeah, for me too," he tells her before saying, "Night," and heading back to his room making an effort not to look back.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles to Clint. "Night," she returns to him, before turning back to walk down the hallway and into her room. She closes the door behind her and then leans back against it. She gently thuds her head against the door in a moment of gentle self-flagellation. "What are you doing Wanda? Natasha's going to blow you up. Worse, might actually cause him problems," she says to herself before pushing off the door and going over to hang up her coat.

It's going to be a long night tonight.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Night," Clint calls back waving over his shoulder.

Once inside Clint sighs and rubs his hands over his face, before going to the bathroom and doing it all again this time with water. As the water runs down his face he looks at himself in the mirror. Yes, he had the mother of all crushes on Wanda but she was Magneto's daughter, not like anything could ever happen there. Or at least that's what he told himself.

Meanwhile, Clint study's his reflection and shakes his head.

"Idiot," he says before he turns off the bathroom light and made his way to bed.