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Latest revision as of 20:31, 13 April 2021

Blob of Convenience
Date of Scene: 13 April 2021
Location: Uptown New York
Synopsis: Roland and Jovian stop a mental patient from blobbing a crowd of people.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Roland Livingston

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian is walking along, trying to keep as low key a profile as possible, and thus moving from safe house to safe house when he is spotted by a mob of treasure seekers; ducking into a convenient ally a large man in a flowing trenchcoat turns around and shouts, "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!"

Jovian blinks, "What....wait what? I just was trying to hide..."


The man in the trench voat tossed down a red and white plastic easter egg with hand painted black borders at right angles and a small 'button' on it that opened to a small formless animated gelatinous blob that actually looked cute...until it started to grow, larger and larger, eating up all the trash in the ally.

Jovian didnt like the look of this and backed away from the thing as it grew.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Out for a stroll, Roland finds himself exploring the city. It's as good a time as any to be out and about, after all.

That's when he hears someone yell about never being taken alive. Perhaps a superhero fight is about to happen? Curious, the young Englishman jogs ahead to check out what's happening down the alley, frowning when he sees the blob beginning to consume the alley's contents in order to grow larger. Roland looks towards the other fellow and says, "This thing looks dangerous, doesn't it?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian nods, "Yeah, its got 'bad' written all over it."

The blob is growing at an alarming rate, and people outside of the ally have begun to notice, pointing and looking nervously at the thing.

Jovian is a bit surprised at all this but tries to put a trashcan over it, inverted in hopes it might slow it down until someone else who can deal with it shows up.

Roland Livingston has posed:
In his upper class English accent, Roland asks, "Do you know where it came from? Was it conjured? Did it fall from the sky? Erupt from the sewer?" He's surprisingly calm as he starts to look around. He asks one of the onlookers, "Is there a food cart nearby? Or a gas station?"

"My initial thought is to try burning it, though one can never be certain if that will work on amorphous beings it's generally good practice to give it a try," Roland explains, trying to keep the blob at least in the corner of his eye, in the event it begins to move or grow more rapidly. "Is this a common problem around here?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian says, "That guy," he points to a flash of color as it leaps just out of sight and down the brick wall, "that random guy had it in a plastic easter egg and it came alive. As far as food," he sits on the plastic trashcan lid as it suddenly eats throuhgh the plastic while its not even there, and Jovian falls to the ground, while a pseudo pod 'eats' the sleeve of his shirt sending him scrambling back and the audience outside the alley gasps and gives even wider birth, "And 'common' is relative. This is my first blob monster."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"My family's dealt with blobs before," Roland says as he notes the fleeing flash of color and frowns faintly. "Usually the easiest thing to do is get the sorcerer who summoned the entity to return it to its origin, but the Easter egg thing could just as easily mean it's a science creature and may therefore require another means of dealing with it."

Stepping further from the blob the young guy looks up and down the street, "I believe I see a gyro cart." He scans the crowd before calling out to them, "May I have a cigarette lighter, a shoelace and a loaded gun?"

A glance is given to the fellow now missing a sleeve, "Can you obtain a full propane tank from the food cart? Tell the person working it that I'll give them five hundred dollars for it."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian blinks at the explanation but finally nods. It makes as much sense as anything else. The crowd provides quite a few of all three. The gun is dropped to the ground since apparently no one wants to admit owning it. Jovian himself has guns but doesnt carry them AROUND but the crowd is more than willing to let Jovian and Roland deal with him. "Wait you have DEALT with blobs? Nice to meet you, I'm Jovian. Sounds like a very interesting family."

"Dont worry about the 500, I'll get it." He goes and runs off, grabbing one, handing the guy a small wad of cash and heads back.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Roland Livingston, at your service," the English guy says with a smile as he moves to collect the items from the crowd. The gun is briefly examined, checked to make sure it's got a round in the chamber and the safety, if any, is engaged. Then he heads over to meet with Jovian and the propane tank, "The plan is to tie the lighter to the tank with the shoelace, open the gas to full and chuck the tank at the blob monster. I'll attempt to shoot the lighter, which should cause either an explosion or a rapidly burning flame and hopefully destroy the entity. Then I'm going to try to track down the son of a bitch who deployed it."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian nods, "Pleased to meet you." He nods and provides the tank, trying to avoid having the foodcart destroyed unto itself, "Its as good a plan as any..."

The blop at this point is super large, about half the size of a human. "And I dont mind helping you track...whoever the hell that was down

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Excellent," Roland says as he grabs the tank and starts tying the lighter to it. Once it's attached firmly he turns the nozzle to let the gas out at full steam. Turning to the crowd he yells, "Get to cover!"

In a display of impressive strength he hurls the propane tank directly at the monster and smoothly lifts the borrowed gun, smiling faintly and saying, "I love America."

As the tank gets close to the blob Roland takes careful aim and disengages the weapon's safety, pressing the trigger several times in rapid succession in an attempt to shoot the lighter!

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian turns around the corner and is a bit surprised as the explosion incinerates the glowing blob, now the size of a small car until charred bits of it go flying all over the ally, some of it covering the audience which shrieks in delight and disgust.

Roland Livingston has posed:
The explosion causes Roland to stumble backwards a bit, but he recovers smoothly, flips the safety on the gun back on and sets the weapon on the ground. He opens and closes his mouth a few times and cups his ears before frowning, "Tinnitus. I'll need to start carrying earplugs if I'm going to be blowing things up regularly." Then he looks towards Jovian and says, "Well then, lets see if we can't find the villain who's throwing blobs at people, shall we?"

He's definitely covered in monster goo, but doesn't seem to mind much. The bigger pieces on his face are wiped off with a finger and flicked to the ground. "Are you thinking supervillain of some sort? I've dealt with my share of monsters and wizards, but supervillains are new to me."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian moves down the ally, over the wall with relative atheticism and the shocked crowd which slowly resumes its normal activity, "To be frank, this guy wasnt DRESSED like a super villain, not unless wearing a trench coat constitites one." He looks around the street seeing no immediate clues but hears a shriek two blocks down, "That might be our guy

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Lets go get him!" Roland says when Jovian identifies the scream as likely having to do with their quarry. He hurries in that direction, being careful not to outpace his new acquaintance. "A trench coat? At least that should stand out somewhat on a nice day like today."

As he moves along he continues scanning his surroundings, wanting to make sure he's not running into an obvious trap of some sort. "Do you hunt down villains regularly?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian runs after, not quite as athletic but fast enough. "I'm...a bounty hunter though recently I've been doing more 'heroic' things, when not running for my life from organized crime or crazed treasure hunteres..." the two turn around and find the man Jovian ran into beating up a mannique with what looks to be a monofilment sword.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Treasure hunters? What are they after?" Roland asks curiously before they come across the guy fighting an inanimate object with a fancy science sword. The Englishman stops and studies the villain for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something, then just kind of stops for a moment. Turning his head slightly towards Jovian he says, "This is not what I was expecting." Then he calls out to the swordsman, "Pardon me, but I believe you threw a blob at this man. We can't let you get away with that, you should know."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian says, "A treasure left by someone a hundred years ago, that they think I am a lead candidate for...." He nods to Roland, "Yeah, nothing about this guy makes sense. I think he may literally be a mental patient...."

"5th Amendment! 5th Amendment!" He howls, cuts up the manniquen and applies the sword to a nearby fence cutting a hole in it like it was paper mache."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Magical treasure, by any chance? Because I'm quite knowledgeable on that subject and may be able to assist you in finding it," Roland says to Jovian as he watches the madman chop up the fence. "You should surrender, sir, lest I be forced to hurt you." He chuckles a little bit and says to his new companion, "You have cuffs on you? I'd rather not hurt this fellow too badly if he's truly mentally ill. I'm quite certain I can wrest the sword from his control in short order if you can put restraints on him."

Moving after the guy Roland calls to him again, "Please just come quietly. I may inadvertantly hurt you getting that weapon away."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian says, "I don't....think so? But the people who guard it seem to be magical. You're more than welcome to come down to Peru to help arrest them. I'll take all of t he help I can get, and I have a zip tie?" He hands it to Roland.

Jovian is still trying to get the general gist of all of this and trends before approaching though he also gives chase.

The patient howls, "From my COLD. DEAD. HANDS." He pulls out what looks like a pen and then uses it to shoot what might be a phaser or laser at Roland. He is a TERRIBLE shot.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Fine with me," Roland says, his expression growing darker when the bad guy whips out a laser weapon. The English adventurer ducks to the side, moving with superhuman alacrity. Moving as unpredictably as he can he approaches the crazy with the intent to disarm him, taking advantage of his superior physicality and martial arts training. "You really should had just surrendered, sir."

As he goes for the double disarms, each hand snaking out to try to grasp his opponent's wrists with crushing force, he says to Jovian, "I'll give you a hand. If they're magical I'd be quite interested in studying them and their workings."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The patient, lets be honest, is not exactly that good at fighting at all and ie ridiculously easily disarmed though the propeller beanie he takes out and puts on does look like he might be able to fly away if not caught quickly. Jovian takes out a card, still not sure what to MAKE of this guy.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"What a stupid hat," Roland says as he moves forward to try to snatch it off the guy's head after tossing the weapons on the ground behind him. "You need help, sir. I'm sure the constabulary will be here any moment to come collect you." Darting forward, Roland tries to grapple his opponent so that he can get the restraints on him.

Turning slightly towards Jovian Roland says, "This is the oddest occurrence in quite some time for me."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian tosses a single dark bolo that wraps around the guys wrists without the zip tie as he guy houdini's out of t hem and almost gets away. He then flips out his phone and contacts the nearest police. He shakes his head, "That makes both of us." He takes the hat, looking at it curiously but setting it aside

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Nice throw!" Roland compliments Jovian when the bolo wraps itself around the weirdo's wrists. "If you try to get away again I might have to render you unconscious, sir. I would not like to do that." He chuckles softly, "Hopefully this fellow will get the help he needs. It'd be a sin to let someone who can build a sword like that one rot in an institution forever."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian smiles, "I can throw a few things." The man struggles but is not getting out of that bolo. "I'll make sure he gets to a facility that can take care of his....condition." Jovian smiles, "And yes, hopefully someone can focus the mind of his on something useful

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Good. Good." Roland says as he looks around to try to get an idea of what's going to happen next. Eventually his gaze settles on Jovian, "It was good to work with you." Reaching into his leather jacket he extracts a small metal box, opens it up and produces a black business card with his name, number and email on it. The fancy card is held out towards his new acquaintance, "Shoot me a text or an email. I'd like to learn anything I can about these magical threats you'll be dealing with in Peru."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian smiles, "I will be happy to tell you all about it if I survive." He takes the card and salutes.