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The warehouse and the Hand
Date of Scene: 23 February 2020
Location: Warehouses
Synopsis: Daredevil and Elektra explore a warehouse, infiltrate it and retrieve a Hand artifact. But they still have more questions than answers now.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Matthew Murdock

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Friends in low places.

That's how Elektra rolls these days, and nights. Having been a part of the underworld for so long means she has access to bits and pieces of info about crime, or knowing where to look for it. In this case it's been following what Matthew had told her about the connection between the Hand and the Kingpin. Breadcrumbs but it has lead her to this particular warehouse. One where she hears a shipment has arrived and is waiting retrieval by some Hand members.

She sent a voice message to Matthew earlier, speaking of a meeting place and requesting for him to be present. The dress code was 'As devilish as possible'. And of course, since we are talking about Elektra, she sent it just one hour ago. There goes other night plans!

But she does have reason to worry, she knows the pick-up will be soon.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Yeah, other plans... this time Matt actually had them, a date with Sarah a paralegal down at the DA's office, mostly because she was friends with a girl that Foggy really liked and she wanted to double date (lot of creeps out there you know?). So Matt had sighed and said yes and was dutifully getting dressed for a night on the town when the text came in, rea out by his phone's text to speech function.

Matt made his decision in seconds, tapping the contacts and hitting Foggy's contact by memory, easy to do he was always the top of Matt's list except for the year Matt had dated Elektra...

He got voice mail. Thank god. "Hey buddy, really sorry to do this, but I think that Thai we had for lunch isn't agreeing with me gonna have to stay in tonight..."


Daredevil drops down from the rooftops behind Elektra, his footsteps making familiar sounds as he approaches, low and quiet to join her at her vantage point. "When you said you'd call I didn't think you meant something like this," he comments, it's most definitely not a complaint. "What's going on?"

He's in his suit of course, the real one, all fancy red new tech cloth and ceramic plates capped off with the horned helmet. Not as sleek as some heroe's suits but it cut down on the amount of stitches he had to get every night and that was a definite bonus.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Oh, poor Sarah... But who can resist some proper ninja fighting? Luckily Foggy's bowel troubles means friend points haven't been lost with him. Always a good thing since Matthew appears to be running on credit already with him!

Elektra has been down on her haunches by a balcony just one story below the rooftop. A good vantage point to the warehouse that seems to be hertarget tonight. There is a ..., difference to her tonight. Maybe it's the suit she wears? The lightly-armored black and red suit. The one she wears for most of her kills. It gives her a feeling of lethality, of deadliness. As if the impulsive girl of years ago had been sharpened into a deadly blade. The large sash about her belly harbors the twin sais on her back, her sleeves holding a few tools of her trade and her mask is up, covering the lower half of her face.

The voice comes out muffled when she speaks. "Did you expect dinner by candlelights maybe?" then her eyes turning up to watch Daredevil, a brow arching slowly.

"You will have to introduce me to your tailor someday." A compliment at least but then she turns her eyes back to the warehouse. "I have been following some leads. It seems the Hand is still using some remnants of Kingpin's men that were left. Drugs, guns.., they are starting to go back to business as usual. But tonight they are sending a team to pick up something here. They never do so. Unless it's important."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Daredevil offers a wry smile and mimes glancing down at his suit, "Don't think I'd have met the dress code," he says before considering Elektra for a moment taking in what his senses give him of the new outfit and new weapons. He can smell the blood of past kills on both and it sobers him to their purpose tonight.

"Sure thing," he says of his tailor. "Seems like yours knows what they're doing too." He nods to her report. "Sounds important whatever it is," he agrees. "What's the plan then, go in and get it first, or wait for the team and take it off them on the move?" his tone is businesslike but there's a thread of anticipation there that likely isn't missed by Elektra. Whatever drives Matt's mission, at least some of it is the excitement of it.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Maybe not, but it'd be good protection in case things got heated and I tried to stab you." Elektra quips about the dress code part, bringing herself up from her haunches and to her full height. Balance seems impeccable, she standing there on the tip of the balcony with nary a sense of fear to her. Much like Matthew it is excitement instead that propels her, the feeling of adrenaline. And she certainly can recognize it on another, with it being such a constant in her life.

Again that half-smile that curls her lips up under the mask, "Go in. And locate it if we can. Whatever it is should be enough to give us a lead..." but again there is that sense she is hiding something. Perhaps she isn't exactly wanting to be fighting the Hand openly. It could deteriorate her position with them even further. But at this point, does she even care anymore?

But then she is on the move, the sound of a hook grappled on the balcony and then she is starting to slide down to the ground at high speed with the use of a rope, "Try to keep up, devil." and there she goes!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Pretty much why I had it made," Matt quips dryly, as if he'd been planning on being stabbed by her sometime. Like calls to like and he can literally smell Elektra's visceral excitment of the prospect of a fight. One that only made him crave that fight all the more.

Damn it this is why she was dangerous, they put each other in an endless loop of escalation. The display of balance is noted and nodded to, and he considers the angles of the plan. Hitting the warehouse meant facing people prepared to defend known ground...

But she's already going and Matt just laughs, grabbing his baton and flinging out it's line to allow him to swing forward towards the warehouse his senses already reaching out to sense what they were in for.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's not exactly a small warehouse, but one of the few with lights inside tonight. Two stories high and long. Voices are muffled and distant but not much a problem for one with the senses of Daredevil.

"When are they comin'?" "Dunno. Shouldn't take long." "Those guys gimme the creeps." "But their pay is good .." This is a pair of thugs that are strolling inside the warehouse. Outside there are a few more, two on the back, then four more on the front. One over to one side pee'ing and cursing all those beers before coming here tonight...

Elektra hits the ground running, slightly crouched and moving to find cover on a nearby warehouse so she can look towards the entrance. There are windows up high on the second story. Some with light, others totally dark. "Go through the windows? Or front door and let some blood flow?" she asks of the Devil when they are on the approach. Adrenaline levels are high up now, so close they are to danger, or perhaps it is finally doing reckless things with Matthew once again. It does bring memories back to a time in which she felt happy.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt lands in much the same fashion, his shoulder hitting the roof first letting him roll up into a crouch beside Elektra as he takes in his surroundings.

"Guess these guys aren't a big fan of the Hand," he says commenting on the conversation inside. "Two guys griping about them on the inside, only roving patrol, otherwise we've got two at the back, four up front," which Elektra can likely see for herself. "And one guy taking a leek over there," he points to the side of the warehouse. "Figure we take him out and the two in the back then go inside through the windows." A little mix of both plans. "Figure worst that happens is the four up front find their friends knocked out and we have to deal with four guys at once." Which for either of them on their own should be no problem.

"Sound good?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Two of them have AKs, the others handguns from what I can see." Elektra notes, down on one knee while she observes. She has yet to figure out if he can 'see' what weaponry they carry, it was never much of a topic back when they were together back then. The limits on his powers, even if many they did test back then .. Her eyes then roam to the one pee'ing, or the direction at least. She hadn't seen that one.

"I am good with that plan. I will take the one here." Her voice a deadly whisper under her mask. She begins to pad across the warehouse to where their first target is. Beer-drinking can indeed be a deadly thing, poor guy.

But she couldn't help but get this feeling of amusement when Matthew mentioned 'knocked out'. If worse comes to happen they will be a lot more than knocked out. But for now she leaves the sais where they are. For how long though, who can tell? But like Matthew she is all business now. She jumps up from the warehouse with the hope of landing atop him with a kick on the back.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Weapons were hard to pick out sometimes, if they were held close or on the other side of the person from Matt's radar sense, so in this case sight had a definite advantage. "Well that makes it a bit more interesting. We should see about blocking the door once we're inside. " They had enough bullets sent their way the other night.

"I'll get the other two," Matt agrees with a nod and begins his journey around to the back of the warehouse before he stops and turns, "And Elektra? No killing," he adds as a final thought before slipping off to deal with the other two. Crossing to the warehouse they were protecting and like Elektra dropping down from above.

As for pee guy? He doesn't see Elektra coming. One moment he's maligning Budweiser and all it's evils, the next he's face down in his own pee. There's no sound to suggest the take down was noticed.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I thought you enjoyed bullets flying your away, considering how eager you were for them the other night." Yes, Elektra likes to repeat things from time to time. Specially those she finds to be nonsensical actions. But then she is already flying through the air. Did she hear the 'No killing' part? At least she made no sound or gesture of acknowledgement. Yet a slight tightening of her shoulders shows she most likely did. A conflict rising within her.

The foot locks with the thug who falls on the ground, on his pee.... That seems punishment enough so no killing for this one. Reaching down she pulls the man over to one side quietly so as for him to be out of sight if they come looking out for him.

Meanwhile one of them is caught fully by surprise from Matthew's drop, falling down to the ground with barely a sound made. The other is briefly surprised but starts reaching for the gun he keeps on his belt, turning fully towards Daredevil. Fear is coursing through him, clearly not one of those highly-paid thugs or with a lot of skill. Many of those have been washed away when Kingpin was taken out a while back.

Meanwhile Elektra is done with her target, beginning to pad towards the back of the warehouse to meet Daredevil, sticking to the shadows.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Heh," is all Matt says about enjoying bullets, but it's more amused than annoyed. As for the no killing request is recieved, he senses it but doesn't comment they don't have time for /that/ fight tonight.

Daredevil can feel the man's fear coursing through him and when he fumbles reaching for his own gun, Matt just reaches out rips it from the guy's belt and smacks him in the head with it, leaving him sprawled out beside his friend. Matt yanks the slide clear off the gun and tosses the weapon aside by the time Elektra arrives.

She gets a nod, as Matt examines the warehouse windows with his senses, he picks one and shoots a line up to it from his baton, a baton he offers to Elektra, "Ladies first," he says with a bit of a wry grin, now that they were in the thick of things his good mood was returning.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is a resignation to Elektra though. She knows this will be a fight they will have to go through one day. Perhaps sooner than expected. Does she fear that, though? Perhaps. When things are too personal she has the tendency to be too impulsive, say the wrong kind of things. Story of her life.

Elektra comes up right on time to see the failed thug fall down with a thud on the ground. Clearly he is due for a career change. He won't make it in this business.

"Not bad, you might make me sweat one day if we fought." Elektra whispers, approaching at a pace and glancing up at the window. She can't help but let out a muffled chuckle at the 'ladies first', "Such a gentleman.." but she takes the baton and then up she goes, silently reaching the top. The sound of her entering is heard, then she skipping to one side. It's dark up here so she waits for Daredevil before proceeding.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There was an inevitability to that fight, and perhaps that's why they needed danger to get past all of that, it distracted them from the truth that as much fun as they have together there would always be that gulf between them.

Matt snorts, "That could be interesting," he remarks with a wry tilt of his head at the idea of them sparring. Though that was dangerous ground for all sorts of reasons.

Mission. Think about the mission.

"Always," he says of his being a gentleman then when Elektra's up, he scales on up after her. It may be dark in this corner of the warehouse but it makes difference to Matt's senses, he can feel the two men moving, still bitching about their jobs like they were working some 9-5 job not picking up the pieces of the Kingpin's empire of crime. "Two guys about a hundred meters straight ahead, there's some boxes about ten feet down, feel sturdy enough to support our weight," he yanks a bit of broke glass from the window, a big piece the size of a dinner plate. "Why don't you circle around to the right, when you're ready I'll chuck this, draw them into me and we can take em out." He turns his head, "Sound good?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Mmmm, am I making you sweat already?" Is Elektra's reply just before she zips up to be up on the window. Waiting. Handy batons these. She -definitely- needs to find this tailor of Daredevil's one day. But a thought for another occasion. Like so many others she runs through when they are out here facing danger.

Elektra curls one eyebrow up when Matt describes what is going on downstairs. Clearly impressed with it. She knew he was good, that he had powers. But he clearly stepped up his game from all those years ago. Maybe she would be the one on the losing side of a fight. Interesting enough. But she had never lost so far in her life.

"Very well. Just try not to call the attention of the ones outside." She begins to circle over to the side, barely a noise to her, it just barely registering on Matthew's senses. Ninja indeed. She adjusts her sais on her back but doesn't draw them, instead getting in position near the crates ten feet below.

Outside business is as usual, the others not having yet detected that their pee'ing companion hasn't returned. It was a lot of Budweiser ...

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt makes a swat at her intended to miss as she zips away. Revenge for the sweating comment. As for the batons? They're top of the line stuff, custom work, which means either Matthew has been dipping into mob funds or whoever his tailor is really, really likes him.

"I'll do my best," Matt says dryly about alerting the guys outside. The last thing they needed was four guys with guns spoiling their carefully laid plans. When Matt senses Elektra moving into position he lobs the glass out over the floor where it falls and shatters into pieces.

"What's that?" one of the guys says, and Matt can feel both men moving slowly, carefully towards the broken glass.

Reaching up he grabs one of the girders that criss cross the roof and pulls himself on top of it, then runs as easily as he would on street a long it's length to get above the two guards.

When they're in place, he drops down, taking the one furthest from Elektra's position knowing she have the other one down is moments.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Yea, Elektra will go with a poor sucker that Matthew charmed to work for him. Those white knights and their way of getting into people's good side... How can anyone fall for that?! Well.., she won't dwell further on that since she is known to have suffered of the same malady. The baton was given back before she moved on to her position though. But she then tenses up, ready, prepared for violence. Her adrenaline rising, almost like a wild animal ready to pounce such is the aggression running through her.

She waits, eager yet patient, and then off she goes. First down to the crate. Just the barest of thuds. The thug is looking around with a frown, murmuring to himself repeatedly. "I don't like this..." and for good reason. In moments she is on him. A kick to a knee to drop him down and then a vicious elbow to the side of the face.

The one Matt takes also falls and then Elektra moves to meet Matthew halfway on the warehouse. "This is a big place, but I am betting they won't have whatever it is far from the main entrance if they are as scared as you said of the Hand." she then nodding towards where the light is coming from. "Let's go block the entrance and search."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Once the men are down, he makes sure to kick their guns under loaded pallets to keep them out of reach, before turning his attention to Elektra and nodding. "Yeah, probably want to get them and whatevere they're here for out as quick as possible."

He stretches, rolling his shoulder, down side of it being near the front meant it increased their chances of having to fight the four guys by the door, he wanted to make sure he was ready before he leads the way, letting his senses reach out and search ahead for whatever it was they were looking for.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Following close behind Elektra seemed to sense that growing sense of impending battle. The weapons could prove a touch problematic if any of them was a good shot. But she trusted the two of them would handle it easily if it came to that. There are no other men that can be sensed inside, but the ones outside are a bit restless.

"Hey, where's Mickey..?" "Well, I told him --" "Don't care what you told him! Go find him and bring him here!" Then the sound of someone hitting another on the back of the head to make them go faster.

There are many crates on the room, some with drugs, others with guns. Clearly a stash for either the Hand or these criminals. Maybe both. Closer to the entrance is a smaller crate, this one with what seems like a .., vase? Something old. It certainly smells of old, a lot older than anything else in the warehouse.

Elektra takes a turn to one side, finding a chain atop a crate and then moving to the front door. Her intent evident. To block the sliding doors from opening.

But Matthew will also detect the arrival of an SUV.

"Shit, they are here.." the man that was speaking earlier says.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
As soon as the men outside start talking about their missing man, Matt's shoulders tense and he whispers, "They've realized one of their guys is missing," he quickens his pace even as he intensifys his search....until finally he hits on the small crate and whatever ancient thing was inside. "This is the one," he says as he bends down to try and lift it as Elektra moves to block the door.

"We have to hurry, they're here," Matt reports as he can hear doors opening on the SUV outside. He focuses trying to guage how many men they were going to have to deal with if they didn't get out of here right away.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Four men step out of the car, three of them barely making a sound when they walk, very much like Elektra. The other is a contrast, overweight perhaps and speaking in a clearly american tone to one of them. "Here we are. The item will be inside.." he sounds nervous. The response comes in a rather accented english. Chinese perhaps? Asian at least. "Mr. Wollington. We are paying good money for this. I am hoping there is no crack to the vase." "No no, all should be fine."

Elektra quietly slips the chain around the loops of the door. With all the commotion outside means she isn't detected by the guards or the approaching men. She can hear some muffled sounds but unable to process yet what is going on.

The crate opens up with a slight creak and inside is indeed a vase wrapped in cloth. Old. Writings on the outside. Of another era.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt listens as he opens the box, "They're very nervous out there," he reports about the thugs' conversation as he opens the crate and lets his senses feel about inside. "Not sure what this thing is, but it's definitely old. We should take it out of here, figure out what it is with fewer guns around."

Outside the conversation continues. "And our other delivers?" asks the man with the Asian accent.

...Matt closes up the box and hefts it gently...

"I've checked the manifests personally, and all my facilities are standing by, we won't disapoint," Wollington promises.

...It lifts but it's awkward it'll slow their escape...

"We should go," Matt hisses, the chain would slow these guys down but it wouldn't hold forever.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Moving the crate means the vase moves just so. There seems to be something inside it, the soft rustle heard. But something for later.

Elektra returns closer to Matthew, refraining from making yet -another- comment about guns. But it lingers just at the tip of her tongue. She just nods and says. "Up the window again? I will help carry it when we are moving it upstairs."

But will they have time for it? Already paces are heard going to the door and then the sound of someone trying to open the door.

"Seems stuck...." then a stronger push. "What the hell..."

There is clear impatience from the Hand man. "Our patience runs thin. Open it, Horyu." one of the men that was moving rather silently goes near the door and yanks at it. A lot more strongly than the others were but it still holds for now.

"Let's move faster." Elektra hisses, now leading the way back the way they came. She hops up to a crate and then another, then looks back to Matthew, then to the door. There is apprehension to her. She was hoping to not be seen tonight by other Hand members.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's no argument from Matt about moving faster, he keeps pace with Elektra careful not to disturb the vase and whatever is in too much in getting away. The crate is passed up to Elektra after she climbs, and then Matt follows her one ear fixed on the front door. The badguys were going to be getting through soon....

BOOM. The door flies open like it'd been kicked by the Hulk.

"There, I've opened it," the asian voice says.

"We're going to have company in a sec. c'mon let's go," he says bounding up the crates, to get to the window. "You got the box or should I take it?" he asks as they draw close to the window and men start coming in the front door.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Why was there a chain on the door...?" Wollington asks of the goons, a bit confused. A confusion that doesn't show on the Hand. These aren't the common thugs that they were taking out easier before. No, these are trained assassins. They move fast, the chain rattling with their passage and they spread beginning to move through the corridors of the warehouse at a fast pace. The one that was speaking earlier remains with Wollington.

"You are lucky we still need you, Mr. Wollington. Such incompetence.." the man's tone is deadly. "I don't know what's going on, Sir. But we will find out. Spread out, you idiots." this said to the other thugs still about.

Elektra swiftly picks the box up and then she is jogging across the crates and up to the second floor so they get to the window they came in originally. "I will take it. Go go." she says with urgency. Not normal for her to want to leave a fight like that.

A voice in japanese and then someone is pointing up to the second floor. They may have been spotted by the two Hand assassins.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Definitely not Elektra's style to leave a fight like that, but tfhen Matt wasn't in a position to complain right now, they've been spotted. "Alright," he hands her the box and then goes out the window without any excess chivalry compelling him to stick around and suck up bullets sent their way.

He hits the ground in another roll, then moves close to the building to wait for Elektra to drop down.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Hand assassins are much more elegant than that. No guns. They like to get up close and personal as it should be. But sometimes it's just as fine to throw. A couple of daggers thud against her box to signal it's really time to go. She places a hook on the edge of the window and then uncoils a thin rope so she just doesn't fall down on the ground and smashes the box completely. It does mean the Hand does get closer though. She can hear them approaching just before she is out and down, sliding to the floor.

"Come on." She urges Matthew, beginning to run down in an hope that they aren't pursued, trying to reach one of the other warehouses.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The daggers certainly make a point and when Elektra joins Matt on the ground with the assassins closing in, he runs along with her, senses roaming over the blades getting a sense of them.

When one of the assassins appear at the window, Matt sees his chance, he grabs a throwning blade out of the side of the box and hurls it back at the man, he can hear it thud softly into flesh and the man biting down on a groan of pain. It wasn't a killing throw but the wound would slow the man down and by them time.

They reach the next warehouse, and Matt searches behind him, he can hear footsteps but little other sign of he man's approach, closing in on the pair of them.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Yes, Matthew could definitely make her sweat in a fight. Elektra listens as the dagger is thrown up at the assassin and hits. She doesn't need to look that way, hearing the blade-meeting-flesh. "You haven't lost your throwing arm." she murmurs. Perhaps a callback to when they went around recklessly, breaking into a few houses.

The remaining assassin seems closer. A lot closer than anyone should have any right to be, above them but still out of sight. "We may have to fight." Elektra says, even as she continues through the row of warehouses in an attempt to keep them away.

The other thugs are still on alert around but there are no sounds of cars yet. Or anyone else in pursuit for now.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt flashes Elektra a grin over the crack about his throwing arm. His mind had gone to the same place as hers with it, their youthful break-ins.

Drawing his batons, Matt nods, "Yeah, and he's good," he could tell by how controlled the assassins body was, that only came after a lot of practice, and Matt figured if he'd put that kind of work into body control then it followed his fighting skills were going to be on that level too...

They were about to find out, the assassin, leaps from the darkness two short blades clutched in his fists aimed for Elektra's back. "Down!" Matt shouts seemingly throwing a kick at Elektra but if she ducks it should hit the assasin in the chest.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I know." The way Elektra says it.., could be because she knows who it is? Or perhaps she considers every Hand assassins to be good at what they do. Clearly not to be taken lightly. And she knows that handling that crate, running through the warehouses they are exposed.

But an assassin can predict what another will do. The target is clearly the crate, and the one carrying it so when the call comes from Matt she is ready, trusting him without hesitation as she spins over to one side and down, the crate up and against her so she protects what's inside. Not that it doesn't rattle within though.

The assassin receives the kick on his chest and gets launched back against a large metal crate, a moment to recover and then he's advancing. This one isn't masked but instead in a business suit, features asian but rather young. That youngness is noticeable with the anger that leaps up to the fore at the failed assassination, charging towards Matthew with his blades flashing.

Elektra rolls on the floor to then stand up to her feet, the sound of her sais being drawn.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Back when they dated Elektra and Matt never went dancing, hard to explain how he could do it with the whole blind thing, but they had the instincts of a killer dance duo there were no need for words, their minds just synched fighting like one fighter with two bodies rather than a pair of individuals.

Elektra ducks, Matt kicks, the assasin goes back against the crate, full of youthful wrath, rushing at Matt as Elektra gets to her feet and draws her weapons. As the assassin comes on Matt plays matador to his bull, skillfully twisting out of the way the blades, before he delivers a back kick to the small of the assassin's back sending him stumbling towards Elektra.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Close to being unstoppable when together. No need for words or cues. Just let the aggression flow and move in unison. So are Stick's 'children'.

Compared to the young assassin's wrath Elektra's own wrath is tempered with her experience, she moving to one side first at the dodge, then the exchange of blows between Matt and the assassin, she bidding her time, patient. But just before the kick is delivered on the assassin she is already moving, a knee skidding across the floor and her other leg extending to meet the men's legs when he comes in her direction.

The assassin tumbles and falls on his face just before Elektra pounces on him, a knee pressed to his back and she raising one of her sais high. There is murderous intent to her, adrenaline rushing through her visibly to Matt's senses.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Totally in synch, even when they dissagree. Elektra's sia barely has time to rise before Matt is there grabbing her list. "Knock him out and let's get out of here, nobody has to die to night?" he says calmly, softly.

Though if the assassin thought he was getting off without further injury he was sorely mistaken, Matt delivers a swift kick to the back of the man's head bouncing his brain off his skull and sending him into unconciousness and likely at least a couple of weeks of rehab getting his coordination back.

"Let it go," he says to her, then steps back releasing his grip on her arm.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra tenses up when her wrist is caught and her kill prevented, a tightening of her hand about the sai she is holding and her eyes up on Matthew for a long moment. Silent. Considering. After the kick she digs her knee a little on the assassin's back but then she suddenly steps up and away from him when her wrist is released. The sais are placed back on her sash.

"If it was the other way around they wouldn't have the same mercy." She notes, stepping over to catch the crate. A glance about and is time to continue.

The other assassin can be sensed having just neared the group to call for a pursuit but the duo seems far enough already, most likely able to lose them once they get to the streets more properly.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's eyes meet hers, he can't see but the meaning, the focus is still there.

"That's on him," Matt says about what sort of mercy who would give him. "We don't have to sink to their level."

Yeah, the other assassin is close but not close enough, especially with the knife in his leg. "This is our window," he says. "Let's get out of here."

He leads the way to the street as the Hand and the criminals working for them struggle to catch up. They don't manage it, Elektra and Matt slipping away into the night with their prize.

Stopped on a rooftop several blocks away, Matt nods at the crate, "Any idea what that thing is?" he asks her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"This isn't about getting to anyone's level, but about survival." Elektra replies, unable to not be baited into some discussion when adrenaline is running high. But mercifully she doesn't really go back to that topic on their trek away and they finally get a moment's respite. She is breathing hard, hands on her hips and looking down at the crate.

"I don't know, but they wanted it badly.." she says, squatting down to pop open the crate. With the rattling there are cracks on the vase now, barely holding up. "There are writings on the outside. A japanese kanji." seems like she knows japanese. "Mmmm, dark. Black Sky? Again that word." she frowns, reaching to pick up the vase.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Shaking his head, Matt says, calmly carringly, "There's more to life than survival, Elektra," but there wasn't time for more right now, so they ran.

On the roof as they considers the vase. "They're a mystic cult, maybe this Black Sky is a ritual, and this and the other stuff their bringing is part of it?" Matt suggests with a nod to the vase, frowning as he detects the cracks. "Either way we should find out what else is coming in, sounded like the guy running the show, Wollington, knew the details. Any idea who he is? Seems like an easier mark than the guy he was talking to."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With the vase up on her hands Elektra turns it here and there, careful as she inspects it for further markings. Inside, and very softly, there is something rustling about which Elektra doesn't seem to have detected. The name Wollington does make her perk up, "Wollington.." she echoes firstly, then nods briefly. "Might be Stan Wollington? High executive officer on Roxxon. Talks with a bit of a wheeze?"

Her eyes turn up to look at Daredevil, "Always knew he must be a weasel. But he is a top name on the company, very hard to reach."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Cocking his head and frowning Matt says "There's something inside of that," he tells her coming closer to try to get a fix on it with his senses.

"That's him, sounds like a two pack a day man," Matt remarks. "Could smell it on him too." Yeah, Matt's senses were that good. "How about his office though? I've been to the Roxxon building, security heavy but still just security," and not ninja assassins. "We just need a way to get in."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra rolls her eyes with distaste. "Definitely Stan then. I have seen him once or twice at a party... Had to hold my breath when shaking his hand." and that seems to get her brain gears moving. Party. She did hear of one that might be happening at the Roxxon building. She could get an invitation in, maybe even bring a guest. "Well, do you keep a tuxedo? Perhaps I can get us a way in..."

But then she flips the vase over and reaches up with her hand, catching a small scroll satchel that falls out of the vase. "Well, well..." she opens it carefully, old parchment but still holding up. She frowns. "There are kanjis here I don't recognize. Prophecy perhaps? I don't know, I will have to study this."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles a little, "That sounds like our guy then," he says before he tilts his head at the question about the tux. "Guessing you're planning on holding your breath at another of those Roxxon parties?" he says. "And yeah, I've got a tux." It came with doing a lot of charity work, glad handing rich donors and things like that.

Matt nods, "If you want, send me a picture of the text, I have a couple people who might know what it means," Matt says frowning in thought.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A brief moment of hesitation but then Elektra dips her head, "I will. Left my phone on my other pants though." a bit of a smirk under her mask and she rolls the parchment over. But she will make sure to have a picture of it sent Matt's way for examination.

"And yes, you know how it is. The sacrifices I must do..." A brief sigh, though it's not as if she doesn't enjoy the socialite bit of her life. "I also hope it's not your graduation tux. I don't want to be shamed and stopped at the entrance." but now she is just throwing jabs at Matthew, light-heartedly, just coming down from the rush of the adventure they went through.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's head tilts towards the lower parts of Elektra's costume. "I can tell," he says about the phone. "Send it when you can."

As for the tux? Matt clears his throat. "Maybe," he says about it being his graduation tux. "Guessing I am going to need to get a new one, huh?" he asks her smiling, enjoying the bit of post-battle banter.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh really..." Elektra replies, a brow shooting up with some amusement, "And what more can you tell, mmm?" she places the satchel back inside the vase before turning her attention back to Matt, folding her arms loosely about her waist.

Yet the mention of the possibility of it being his graduation tux makes her laugh in a very close way to the past, "For some reason I don't believe you, Matthew. You do realize I know when you are lying, right?" though in reality is more often the other way around.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I'm declining to answer on advice of my council," Matt answers in a deadpan tone touched with just the hint of laughter when Elektra asks what else he can tell.

"So that's what that's like," Matt says about Elektra telling when he's lying and she's right. He is. "Yeah, Foggy and I got some tuxes in trade for a thing we did for Mr. Rosenthal," a local Hell's Kitchen tailor. "Figured we'd need them when made it big." Or Foggy did, getting rich was never on Matt's list of goals when he went into law.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Lawyering up on me now, are you?" Elektra replies in that same amused manner but shakes her head a bit to herself, tsking but then approaching Daredevil, pacing around him briefly, watching, then finally speaks up. "Making it big never really seemed your goal back then. And it still isn't. Because trust me, I have been to your office." and may even have been guilty of having it trashed around a bit. But ah well, at least she did promise she will pay for the damages.

"You have barely changed, Matthew." Is that a good thing? Her tone and posture makes it seem she is on the fence about that one.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"You're right, I'm not in the law for money," Matt says serious at first before he breaks into a bit of a smile. "So, I'm definitely succeeding there." A light joke at his expense.

"You haven't either, Elektra, not really," he doesn't seem sure if that's good or bad either. He lets that linger in silence a moment before he says, "Anyhow, I've got a long day of apologizing to Foggy to do tomoorrow, stood him up for a double date," he explains. "I should get going, call me about the party?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"We have always been too stubborn about our ways, haven't we?" Elektra muses when Matthew mentions she hasn't really changed either. Though that seems to remind her of the gulf between them, making her sober up a touch and run her hands up through her hair. About Foggy she comments. "He will forgive you, he always does." but the mention of a double date does leave her wondering, a slight shift on her heartbeat, but it only lasts for a few moments.

"I will call. And let me know what you find on the parchment too." Elektra says. A brief hesitation and then she calls out just before he goes. "Thank you for being there tonight." Improvement! She can say thank you sometimes!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"It's sort of our thing," Matt says about their stubborness. It was part of their spark, someone who bent would be boring, they only really worked when they were the unstoppable force and the immovable object.

"Yeah, until the day he doesn't," Matt says revealing a bit of worry about how his double life has made him treat his friend, "Though it won't be over this date, even though he really wanted to date this girl," he shakes his head, that could basically describe most of Foggy's college career. "Was going to help him out, oh well, I'll make it up to him, somehow."

There's a smile for that thank you and for a moment Matt was about to joke, 'Sure you're okay?' or something similar, but instead he just says, "You're welcome. See you soon." Then he's gone, leaping across the rooftops.