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Latest revision as of 03:28, 14 April 2021

Danger on the B-Route
Date of Scene: 13 April 2021
Location: Manhattan Subway System
Synopsis: A weird attack in the subway! Angelp Tampambulos and Phoebe Beacon halt the attack!
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Achilles

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Every couple of weeks, a certain Gothamite migrates out of her city and makes the journey forth to an ancient bastion of knowledge, conntected to all others around the world, whose lengendry has made it the focal points of endless myths, movies, and even its main purveyance.

    ... she was on her way to the Library to return some books and check out some others. She had her hair done up in braids again, pulled back. She wore a leather jacket over some athletic pants, a pair of older earbuds tucked into her ears, but not playing anything. She has her bookbag, and looks all the world like someone just on their way home from school. No one wou wouldn't recognize her would know the truth -- eh. Expulsion isn't THAT big of a deal, is it?

    The subway is decently crowded right now, people pressing closer as she swipes on her phone, watching everyone. Gotham makes you wary... knowing what hides in the shadows though? That can cause some concerns.

Achilles has posed:
    Not that anyone is watching over Phoebe's shoulder. Or anywhere else. Not at her specifically as much. Either way, it's just a food truck. Okay so it's a coffee truck. That's what has Angelo occupied today. Afternoon coffee after testifying before the state investigator's office. He was testifying on his links to SHIELD, and giving information to prove he is a good little citizen of the US of A. I mean they have no idea he's a three thousand year old demigod. Either way, he has been recently cleared and is celebrating with a cup of classic New York Black. That cup is carried to the subway. He needs to get out to Brooklyn to get home, and parking a car in Manhattan costs more than train tickets. So he strides down the stairs into the station without much worried or cares. But at least he isn't in disguise.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Subway fare: $2.50.

    Manhattan parking: $36 and up. Hourly.

    No brainer.

    The ride in the subway is smooth. THe coffee is strong and black. They have no idea that there is a three thousand year old demigod in their midst -- but if they did, it's New York City.

    They've seen weirder.

    The girl pauses, and looks up from her phone before she spots Angelo, and gives an extremely surprised look, and manuvers herself around until she's nearly back to back with the agent.

    "Well. Imagine seeing you here."

Achilles has posed:
    Voices stick with Angelo. As the girl speaks, he grins and sips his coffee. "Well. This -is- New York City. Who knows what you'll find here?" he asks with a low chuckle as he turns his head, green eyes flickering to peer at Phoebe at the edge of his vision.
    "Besides. I -live- in the area. What brings you here?" he asks before turning fully to face the girl passenger.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Returning some books on Sanskirt translation for a project. Didn't feel right to turn them into the Gotham branch of the Tri-City Library network." Phoebe replies. "-- my mom's just about ready to come home. Some of my friends have offered to help move in, but you're going to be invited for dinner, as a head's up. She doesn't take no for an answer."

Achilles has posed:
    "Trust me. If there is anyone who I would be afraid to turn down, it is your mother." offers Angelo. He grins and adjusts as the train shakes and shimmies. He chuckles then and sips his coffee. "But I am really happy to hear she is coming home. That is progress of the sort that we all hoped for. So, sanskrit?" he asks as he inclines his head.
    It has in fact been a while since he studied such things. "What is it that interests you about such an ancient dead language?" he asks

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh, you know, teenage fancy -- we get into weird stuff." Phoebe tries to pass it off rather than explain anything about her reasonings for wanting beginner's guide to translating an ancient lituragal tongue.

    The subway's path turns slight.y It shouldn't, but it does.

    "So... still doing stuff with... um... Them?" she asks, rubbing the back of her neck a moment.

Achilles has posed:
    "I'm something of a linguist myself. A polyglot who has been lots of places over the years. If I Can help with your linguistic studies, I'd be happy to." suggests Angelo. And then, there's the train's direction change.
    he shrugs his shoulders and adds, "With .. them? That's delightfully vague. But I am guessing that you are referrin' to the associated agency who I left before they went all evil."
    That said, he pulls his wallet out after tossing his empty cup into a trash can, and then opens the wallet to reveal his ID that reads: ARMOR. "Our group is actually under Homeland Security, and we focus on threats from the great beyond, believe it or not."
    And then he tilts his head to the left, "I've been on this train route a hundred times, and it's never turned here."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, you did introduce yourself as an agent of theirs at first. And then you're also the head of a company, so... I just wanted to make sure my mom wouldn't be getting into any trouble--" she pauses, and she looks at the ID. ARMOR.

    "... someone really likes their acronyms." Phoebe replies quietly with an air of amusement.

    The train turns again.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, we have been detoured to a different route. Please remain calm." the operator's voice comes over the overhead.

Achilles has posed:
    "I didn't name the organization. But yeah, I was transferred out before all this mess went down. In fact, I was actually cleared of any involvement with them by the state just in the last day or so." Angelo admits softly before he looks up at the sound of the intercom.
    "That's so strange." he adds before he starts moving forward along the train, "I should look into that and see what is going on."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe braces a moment against a grab pole, and she quietly weighs things before she turns her gaze up to him.

    "... need a hand?" she questions, looking to the crowd ahead of them, taking a step forward to follow behind him --

    And that's when the train eases itself to a stop.

    There's no lights outside the car, nor the cars in front of it.

    An automated voice comes up:

    "Attention, ladies and gentlemen -- we are experiencing some form of technical issue. Please remain calm and in your seats."

    The message repeats in Spanish, then French, Mandarin.

    The lights begin to flicker.

Achilles has posed:
    "Technical issue huh?" asks Angelo. "That sounds fishy as hell." he mutters.
    But he glances back and lifts a brow, "Stay close to me. If I let anything bad happen to you, your mother would never forgive me, and as I said, she terrifies me."
    That's when he turns forward once more and adds, "Whatever happens, stay behind me... please." What? He's a soldier, and she's a teenaged girl. Of course it's his job to protect her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    A teenage girl who *hangs out with Amazons*.

    But Phoebe doesn't argue. She stretches her hands again, and there is a little gray cloth pulled up at her neck as she narrows her eyes.

    "She should." she replies to Angelo in good natured tones, but her body language is alert, inquisitive as the lights continue to flicker and thenf inally fade.

    The emergency lights come up, casting everything in a sinister, electric red glow.

    Phoebe has moved. She's pulled a hood up out of her jacket, and already disobeyed the soldier by not only not staying behind him, but actively going in front of him, able to part through the people easier thanks to her stature.

    The train rattles.

Achilles has posed:
    "Hey. Wait a sec!" calls Angelo as he moves to pursue the girl for now. Not any of the evil stuff, the girl he's supposed to be protecting. Sigh. Why is it always difficult?
    Either way, he ends up with a Xiphos in his right hand. Not a gun or even an ICER. The SHIELD issue ICER's are something of a distinctive giveaway at this point. He's carrying a forty caliber handgun, sure... but right now he is loathe to even consider using it in such a crowded environment.
    "Federal agent." he says as he moves forward, "Please move towards the rear of the train." But he's really just trying to catch up with the scurrying teen.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe makes everything difficult. Ask the Outsiders.

    People hear 'Federal Agent', and are moving to the side to let him through (one or two reach out a foot to trip him -- New York, man). The girl manages a bit better --

    Until there's a crowd of people coming at her. There's some yelling, and Phoebe is forced to the side a bit as people rush past her with 'RUN!' and 'oh my god!' and curse words in at least six tongues running past the two!

    Angelo would be able to see that Phoebe's pulled up a scarf, hiding most of her face from view.

Achilles has posed:
    Face hioding time huh? Angelo is an officer. He doesn't really need to hide his... OH GODS. A crowd of terrified civilians makes him dismiss his sword so that he doesn't accidently stab or slice any of them. But once he presses himself to a wall to get out of the way, he lets them pass before pushing back out and moving forwards. Some people have the mindset to run from danger. Others are hardwired to run towards it. That's Angelo to a Tee..
    He's done calling out. And once the civilians are safe, the sword returns to his hand. It's no Witchblade, but Celestial Bronze forged and enchanted by Hephaestus himself... it's nothing to sneeze at. And he keeps moving forward, ready to gear up more if the need arises.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    When your face is as cute as Phoebe's, you gotta protect it, right?

    Phoebe was also the one moving a little more cautiously than a flat out run to the front of the train. The first car is still cast in angry red. There's an abandoned baby stroller, knocked to its side, and a young woman with her arms wrapped around its contents shuddering in a corner.

    There is nothing between the two heroes and the woman at the moment, but there are sounds, like a really, really big dog walking with its claws accross metal between the two groups.

Achilles has posed:
    Dog sounds. At first Angelo is guessing that there is some unauthorized underworld entrance being opened. But it may be less convoluted than that. It could just be a werewolf or some such. Either way he shakes his head and surges forward.... and he baseball slides in next to the woman and the baby, his large Greek style shield in his off hand and lifted to protect -them-, not himself.
    "Phoebe!" he calls out, not knowing her alias. "I need you to help me get these two out!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Sounds, but no dog! There's no dog smell. No visage of a dog between Angelo and the woman with the baby, just the sound of heavy claws tapping on metal, echoing around them.

    "Phoebe is satisifed that they didn't have the nickname for her right about now. She breathes out, and lifts her hand.

    Within it, there is a sudden burst of light, nad a long, glowing staff appears, as if made out of pure sunlight. It brightens the car to the light of day, and there, harranguing near the side of the shield, was a black shape. It was a quadreped, yes, but in lieu of a head, there was just a massive maw placed jutting out of its chest!

    "-- holy mother of--" Phoebe begins -- but now released from its hiding state, the creature turns and bounds at Phoebe, its maw opening, glistening saliva and acid that makes the carpet on the floor of the train begin to bubble!

Achilles has posed:
    Well, Angelo is no Steve Rogers. His shield is round, but heavy and not designed to be treated like a weaponized frisbee. His sword however... that is hurled with a strong arm. The weapon spinning end over end before the blade strikes the doglike shape. It's like he's done that before. But let's face it, there are very few maneuvers on a battlefield that he hasn't tried.
    But he is on his feet and muttering to the mother behind him. "Walk towards the exit. Do not run. Walk." And he positions himself to be between them and the beast... hoping his attack drew its attention at the very least.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The creature is struck by the blade, the xiphos sticking out of the creature's side... headside? Body side? It's all the same side. It gies a gibbering snarl as it crashes to one side, and then goes to stand up.

     Phoebe manuvers herself between Angelo and the beast now, her staff casting her back in shadow as she plays guard.

    The mother, her eyes wide and her arms wrapped around the bundle in her arms turns to walk behind Angelo, stiffly, trying not to run to the back of the car and to the exit.

    The car gives another shudder.

    The beast begins to utter phrases, its spade-like teeth clicking, acid-drenched tongue twisting about words. Magic? Something else? Attempts to communicate?!

Achilles has posed:
    Giving a harsh grin, Angelo flexes his right hand, closing his fingers into a fist. Well not quite. The handle of his blade happens to be there. It's not like some Viking god thrown mallet... it just is no longer over there. Now it's over here. Simple as that. His helmet materializes on his head too. Just in case... and he keeps that shield in the way. Just in case the staff doesn't work.
    But then... just before the mother reaches the door, he comes to a decision. "Wait." he says before he turns and moves to the door, "Let me make sure it's safe." he adds as he opens it. This means he is trusting Phoebe with his back, and with the young mom's back.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Who would trust some teenage girl with their back?!

    Terrible idea, really, but the mother isn't about to make the call -- though her wide eyes go to Angelo as she wraps her arms tighter around the baby, giving a wince as the words reach her ears.

    There is more acid that comes out of the creatures mouth, and it tries to hold a conversation before it stumbles upon Classical Greek -- <<Give me the flesh of the newborn and I shall make myself anew-->>

     -- but it's cut off suddenly from trying to flank Phoebe -- the girl snaps out with her staff and delivers a blow to its midsection, hard enough to lift it up and off the ground!

Achilles has posed:
    Peering through the door, Angelo nods, "Should be clear." he says as he opens it and gestures for the new mother to move through it. "And do yourself a favor, ignore the idiot monster. He's going to be realizing he's not the top dog here as soon as he gets sent to Hades. I'm sure Cerberus would love a new chew toy." That said, he turns to face the creature, sword dispersing back into the aether just before a long spear grows into his hand. Spear and shield... the best weapons for the battlefield really.
    So armed, he advances and delivers a thrust just after the staff strikes. Trying to capitalize on an opening it seems.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    For the ancient battlefield where Theseus first struck? Most certainly.

    Between the ancient solider and the young healer, the beast is broken down. It gives a small howl, and then fades into a lick of greasy black smoke, leaving a scorch mark and a grease stain on the carpet.

    There is a moment's pause, then the lights blink back to normal again, the lights outside the train turn on again, and the subway cars start moving on their merry way.

    The driver opens their door, and looks at the mostly empty car -- and then at Angelo and Phoebe.

    "If yous guys wanna play superhero -- jus' make sure you're not hittin' the seats. Awrigh'?" he asks, and then shuts the door again.

    ... as if nothing ever happened.

    Phoebe stands a moment, and she lets her staff fade.

    "... you're not going to tell my mom about this, right?"

Achilles has posed:
    "About what? That we took a typical subway ride in New York City?" asks Angelo as the young mother withdraws to safety. But then the bronze gear is gone and he shrugs, "I could ask you the same question." he adds as a grin, "By the way. Think I'll be allowed to bring a plus one to this dinner invite?" he asks non-chalantly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You might break my mother's heart. I think she was crushing on you, but she's the one you could ask." Phoebe states, and she purses her lips.

    "... Greek themed nanoarmor? How many people can pop a xiphos on the subway?"

Achilles has posed:
    Nanoarmor... hrm. Angelo shakes his head, "Oh. I did not mean to lead her on. I was just doing the right thing." he adds as he looks down at his hands. "Yes. Nano Gear." he lies. But then again, it might be. Who knows what technology Hephaestus has at his disposal? Plus, his magic evolves as tech evolves. Gods are weird that way. When people believe nano-gear is a thing, it might actually be. However, he does take a little pity on Phoebe as he adds...
    "For all I know, it is alien tech. This gear dates back to the Trojan War."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Why, you're a good looking rich guy with a good personality. Pretty sure the doctor was also crushing on you a bit." the girl replies, and she keeps her mask and hood up, waiting to get off at the next stop.

    "... does it? How do you know?" she asks in curiosity.

Achilles has posed:
    "Well..." begins Angelo. To tell the truth? Or not? Hrm. He shrugs, "I paid a great sum of money to find out." he states. "Carbon dating and such. Apparently, it is somewhere between three thousand and thirty four hundred years old. And not a scratch on it. Not bad, huh?" he asks.
    "But let's talk about you. What was that staff?" he asks as he reaches a hand for her shoulder.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There's a station coming up now.

    It's a cross-station. She'd be able to get on a different line and hop to the library from here, and she gives a wry smile as she looks up to Angelo.

    "What staff?" she questions, and goes to step off the subway train, tucking her hands into her pockets.

Achilles has posed:
    "Uh huh." Total deadpan, "Right. Well you stay safe. Don't feed the wild mouthdogs." he adds as he moves back towards the rest of the passengers. He's got a ways to go to get home.