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A Passion for Pizza
Date of Scene: 12 April 2021
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: Roland, the new guy in town, meets Albert and Morrigan and finds himself with the possibility of employment rather unexpectedly.
Cast of Characters: Roland Livingston, Albert Rothstein, Morrigan MacIntyre

Roland Livingston has posed:
An authentic Brooklyn pizza joint. What better place to get a taste of the authentic New York delicacy? At least that's what Roland thinks as he rides his Ducati up to a parking spot in front of Angelo's Pizza, lowers the kickstand and kills the engine. He steps smoothly off of the bike and heads for the front door, pulling it open and stepping inside before taking a long look around, scanning the restaurant's occupants and layout before approaching the counter.

The place seems pretty packed right now, not a lot of seating available, though there is a table near the counter that's just come open. Even most of the arcade machines are currently occupied. That does not seem to deter Roland, rather, it may fuel his desire to try the pie here. As he waits in line he pulls his smartphone from his pocket and starts tapping away on it, checking out what's going on in the world.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein comes walking in the door not long after Roland. The huge man's hair is pulled back into the pony tail, with the sides shaved. His hair looks slightly damp. He he looks around the place and ponders for a moment going somewhere else, but he was thinking about this the whole time he was working out, so he moves to get in line begins Roland, waiting his turn.

Roland Livingston has posed:
As the large fellow gets in line behind him, Roland turns and looks him over for a moment before grinning and speaking in a crisp, upper class English accent, "If the food here can fill up a bloke as big as yourself I know I'm in the right place." There's a little chuckle at his own remark, "This is my first time in Brooklyn. I thought I'd treat myself to some authentic pizza and Angelo's is extremely well reviewed. Is there anything here that you'd recommend I don't miss out on?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks down to the guy, and says "Most everything here is good, I hit it, about half the time after I finish working out at the gym. Would probably all the time, but then I would have to work out even more."I usually go with a beef lovers, with some added mushrooms, and onions." He admits. "If you aint had it before I would say get you a couple pieces of different types, and make sure one is pepperoni

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Excellent. Thank you," Roland replies to the other fellow with a nod. Then it's his turn to address the server behind the counter. "One of each slice, please. And a Coke." He seems to think for a moment before he adds, "And I'll pay for the big fellow behind me, as well." As he gets ready he pulls a sleek, fancy looking wallet from his pocket and produces a black credit card to pay for the food. As he waits to pay he looks over to Albert again, "One of the nice things about the States as opposed to European countries is one doesn't need to carry much cash and if you do need it you can find a cash machine nearly everywhere."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks to the man, and says "I appreciate it, but you may want to rethink that a bit." He looks over to the server, and says "My regular." He tells them, and the server. will look over to Roland, and offers him a price for his food, and tells them with Albert's order it would be about 3 times that.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"That's fine," Roland doesn't bat an eye at the cost, just taps his card against the reader when it's time to pay. Once that's done he looks to Albert and says, "Glad I asked your recommendation. You're definitely a regular here. My name is Roland, by the by. Just moved to Manhattan recently. Still learning the lay of the land, so to speak."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Albert, but you can call me Al. The gym down the street is one of my regular work out spots, when I am in the city." He admits. "I live across the river, but come into town a lot."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Good to know you, Albert," Roland smiles. "I've been visiting a chain gym while my home gym is being assembled. I need to find a climbing gym and a martial arts studio, though, preferably historical European martial arts. That or hire a private instructor." There's a shrug of his shoulders. "I imagine you spend quite a lot of time in the gym."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, a bit and says "A decent amount, got a bit of a set up at home, but it is not quite the same." He admits. "Plus good to put a bit of time in the ring, keep skills my grand father taught me sharp."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"You're a fighter, too?" Roland asks, eyes widening slightly. He gestures towards the empty table and moves to sit down. "It's good to know how to take care of yourself. Too many big guys rely on their size and strength, but without skill to back it up a trained fighter can often take them apart. I recall once engaging a couple of blokes, each at least four inches taller than myself, outside of a club in Istanbul. They were poorly trained and didn't know how to work together so I was able to render the both of them senseless in short order."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smiles and will set down across from the other man and says "Boxing, my grand father was golden gloves, and when I his puberty and started growing, he set me to an regiment, to help me deal with it, and boxing was part of it."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Excellent. Your grandfather sounds like a wise man," Roland comments with a nod. "My family made sure I started training a little younger than that, though I study a variety of disciplines. My family trained extensively in close combat and archery. Being from the UK we didn't have as much access to firearms so we had to make do with older technology." There's a chuckle, "I'm actually probably the best swordsman you'll ever meet, especially with a bastard sword."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Perhaps, I might have put my other grand father up against you, but he does not do much in the public eye any more." He admits. "Justin was the best I have ever seen with a sword."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Really?" Roland sounds intrigued as his head turns slightly to the side and his eyes widen. "I would like to meet the man. I'm always interested in pitting my skills against others. You never know when you'll get the opportunity to learn more." Then he lets out a chuckle, "I'm quite glad we met, Al. You're an interesting person. I was afraid this meal would be focused entirely on the food, but good company improves things immensely."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit to this and says "Well, it is good to meet folks. So, you said your new to the city, what brings you here to the city and even this side of the ocean in general?

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I lost my family quite recently," Roland says with a little bit of a frown. "Our ancestral home was destroyed in the attack. Not having anywhere to live I decided to try the States. I'd been to Manhattan before, found it a good place to visit, and thought I'd buy an apartment there." There's a shoulder shrug. "So far I'm enjoying city living. Lots of good food. Everything is quite easy to find. All sorts of people to meet. I just need to get back to the family business, the study of the arcane."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein 's brow raises a bit to this and says "Your a wizard?" He asks the man as he studies him, trying to remember if the man resembles any of the magicians his grandfather had told him of. The way he says Wizard maybe different than most he says it as if he believes it is possible.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Not a wizard myself, I just study and catalog the supernatural," Roland explains. "We didn't have any practitioners in the family, but we were extensively educated about magic and monsters and all that business. I'm well versed in how magic works and its history on Earth. We'd also collect enchanted items, though ours were all stolen or destroyed. I've taken care of a few supernatural creatures and evil wizards, however. You'd be surprised how often they horde useful texts or mystical treasures."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hmms, and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well in all the stories they are trying to get power, and getting all the cool toys is one way to get the power I guess." He offers in explanation "So anyone in your family a famous hero type?

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Lots of power to be had in magical artifacts and knowledge," Roland confirms. "Generally if you can get the drop on a monster or an evil wizard you can take them out before they do much damage, however." Then he shakes his head, "I doubt there's anyone famous in my family. We tended to keep our adventures quiet for fear of drawing attention to ourselves. Turns out that didn't work, unfortunately."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit to this and says "Sorry to hear it, the heroic business can be dangerous, thats why most of them wear the masks, to protect their family and loved ones.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Too true, too true," Roland says with a nod. "Should I get a mask and all that, then? Hide my identity as I go on globe trotting adventures and hunt down monsters and whatnot? Not that there's anyone left to protect but myself at this point."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shrugs a bit and says "Maybe a bit different with the magical types, but it might not hurt, if you do would need to find yourself a name and such

Roland Livingston has posed:
Nodding his head Roland speaks, "I'm sure I could come up with something, if given the time. I just don't want to make the investigative part of the hunt for more knowledge any more difficult by hiding who I am." There's a shrug, "I don't have anyone to protect any more, so I can take my time coming up with a new identity."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein says, "Well coming to America may help you find some others to work with as well, lots of hero types in America."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I hadn't considered that, but it's a good point you bring up," Roland nods to Al. "I could try to bring in outsiders to assist with my cataloging and collecting. Run things more like a business than my family used to. I suppose I could start headhunting potential employees or allies. Just not used to working with people outside of my family on things like this."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Well to be honest, a lot of stuff like that once you have been working on it for a while, it ends up feeling like your working with family even if not they are blood

Roland Livingston has posed:
"That would be nice," Roland lets out a little bit of a sigh. "I'll need to do some research, see if I can't track down some folks I think would be a good fit to help me out."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein says, "I may know a few folks, you ever thought about teaching about magical stuff?"

Roland Livingston has posed:
At that suggestion Roland's mouth opens. He thinks for a second and then lets out a chuckle, "I'd never thought about it, to be honest. I'm quite well educated on magical theory and history, however. That might be a good way to meet people while doing something good with the knowledge my family's gained over the years."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein says, "I may know someone who might want to talk to you, if you got a name and number, I can give it to her and let her give you a call, and see if you would work for her school."

Roland Livingston has posed:
Roland Livingston grins, then nods his head, "Excellent. I think I could be a decent teacher." He reaches a hand inside of his leather jacket and pulls out a slim metal box, flipping it open to reveal some shiny black business cards. He hands one over to Albert. On it is written: 'Roland Livingston', as well as an email and a phone number.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "Let me step away, and see if I can get ahold of her." He will step over to a quiet corner, to call Morrigan. He tells her he has a guy here at Angelo's Pizza place she might want to meet for a possible teaching or advisor position. The guy says he and his family tracked evil magic users and such. Guy is new in the area, and did not know if we might need someone who can teach about that stuff if need be, or maybe even a history teacher."

Roland Livingston has posed:
As Albert talks on the phone Roland remains quiet, simply enjoying some of the food he'd ordered and studying the folks inside the restaurant. He takes a sip from his drink as he people watches and relaxes.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's thankfully close to the vacinity or she'd have to take a raincheck...or have them come to the school. The redhead parked somewhere down the way and made her way up towards the pizza shop, she stops outside to give an amused look, "Hmmm, hopefully there's not a lot of garlic." she mutters to herself before she opens the door and steps inside. It's not hard to spot Albert as tall and as red haired as he is, so she heads that way, "Mister Rothstein." she greets him.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is walking back to the table, and tells Roland "she is nearby can actually join us here in a moment." He tells the man. He sits and seeing Morrigan he will wave her over to join them, making sure she has a seat and plenty of room to join them. "Dr. MacIntyre, this is Roland, the gentleman, I was telling you about. Care for something to eat? If so I can get it for you."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Excellent," Roland says when informed that the person he'll be meeting is already nearby. When she arrives at the table and Al introduces her Roland gets to his feet and nods to the woman, "Pleasure to meet you, Doctor. I'm Roland Livingston. Scholar and adventurer, at your service." The corners of his mouth curl up in the faintest smile as he says that.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to them as she places a hand on the back of the chair, "Nice to meet you, Mister Livingston." the Irishwoman offers. She then takes the time to settle into a seat and gives a sigh. She ran around too much these days. "No, I'm not hungry and I'm...rather allergic to garlic so I don't want to risk it in a pizza place." she grins at Albert. Then she looks back to Roland, "Mister Rothstein was stating that you were interested in or might be a good fit for our school?" she asks.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "I figured might be a bit of an interesting add, even if not full time, with the new policy, having a few teachers in less common subjects could be useful as sure we will be having a few more out there elective requests.

Roland Livingston has posed:
As Roland continues speaking his upper class English accent rises to the surface, "I may be able to share some of the knowledge I've accrued on the subject of the supernatural. I've been studying it since childhood and have practical experience dealing with it. Though I'm not a practitioner of magic myself I'm extremely knowledgeable about it from a historical and academic standpoint." There's a soft chuckle, "My family collected magical data and artifacts for several hundred years and what wasn't destroyed or stolen rather recently is contained up here." He taps the side of his head with a forefinger.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks at Albert and there's a nod to his words, but the woman wearing sunglasses looks back to Roland curiously. There's a bit of an eyebrow quirk at what he tells her. "We don't have a lot of students at the school that are magically inclinded, but that doesn't mean that there aren't children interested in learning the history of such things." she admits. "Sounds like it might be something good for a special engagement class or something along those lines." she offers. "Do you have any teaching experience Mister Livingston?" she asks him.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"No prior teaching experience," Livingston tells the doctor. "However, I have hands on experience dealing with the likes of monsters and evil wizards. They tend to horde knowledge and artifacts my family used to prefer to study. Now that they're gone I feel it might be a good time to share what I know of the mystical side of the world with people interested in learning about it." He lifts his chin and asks, "What sort of school do you run, may I ask?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan watches Roland as he speaks, the older woman giving a soft nod as he lists off things. "We have a few that started off as TA's, so that would probably make the most sense in things I'm guessing." she tells him. "And yes, I am aware that Sorcerors tend to collect knowledge." she muses. "It tends to lose the mystical part if people are told about it, but, that is not of my concern." she chuckles. "The school that I run is called Happy Harbor High School, we're are based in Happy Harbor. Our goal is too teach Human, Mutant, Meta and Alien or other children that come to our school. To give them normalcy that others might not have gotten." she admits. "We don't teach powers or anything like that. Power usage on campus is allowed, but only if it doesn't interrupt everyday life." she smiles.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over, and says "I thought with all the other types we got there, we were sure to get some magical beings of some sort or another, and someone who understood them might help." He offers in his thoughts.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Happy Harbor High School?" The Englishman asks rhetorically. "Sounds like a good place though I must admit I'm actually not too familiar with school environments. I was privately tutored back home." With a smile on his lips he looks at Al and nods, "There are many supernatural beings that get a bad rap. If I could help them adjust to a more normal life that would please me."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's hidden gaze flicks over to Albert and there's a smile, "The children are well equipped if they'd need a magical mentor. But, having help is never bad." she nods to this. "We've had one come through that was magically inclined, I think they wandered off again though." she frowns. "I try not to out children or teachers unless they want their powers spoken on. A lot of them don't have powers. It just makes it less of a weird situation if someone else brings it up." she admits. Then she looks back to Roland, "Aye, we try to keep the kids protected as much as we can. "I didn't see a school until I was heading into college. So I understand that." she nods. "But I think we'd be happy to have someone on staff that can assist in those cases, maybe we can do a magical history class or something on those lines." she offers.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "We do? Cool, I really should find out what all we have set up." He admits "I came in as a sub for shop classes, and now teach shop, and some of the Physical ed classes." He offers up.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"If you'd like to put me to use I'd be happy to share my knowledge," Roland says with a bright smile. "It would give me something to do when I'm not trying to track down artifacts or knowledge on my own." When Albert gives a run down of what he does at the school the Englishman perks slightly, "That's quite good. I could help with physical education as well. Anything from climbing to martial arts, though I don't know if that's the sort of thing taught in schools."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod as Albert talks, "I mean, I'm not fighting Johnny for his teaching position in shop." she chuckles. "I think he's off doing...whatever he does." she waves her hand a little towards the doors. "And yes, I just don't disclose the children's identities to folks unless they want it to be known." she tells them. "Miss Wing is our self defense teacher. I figured that with us going public that the kids, whether they are powered or not, might see harassment and we can't be with some of them at every hour. So it's good to be able to defend yourself." she tells them. "But you could ask if she needs any help." she points out. "I'm thinking that we could bring you in for a History Teaching Assistant for the moment, if that is alright? We can go from there with things if you'd like." she explains to Roland.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit and says "Well, figure when you have teachers with powers good to have a back up, never know when one will be off saving another galaxy or dimension.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"That sounds like a good plan to me," Roland tells Doctor MacIntyre with a smile. "I'm sure I'll prove to be a good teacher." He looks towards Al and watches him some consideration. "Is there a helipad at the school or should I drive in?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Back up is always good." Morrigan states to that. Then she gives a smile to the two of them, "Well, if you'd like to come in tomorrow for paperwork and a walk through I'll make sure that everything will be in order." she states. "I need to get going sadly, but it was nice to meet you, Mister Livingston. And I'll see you both tomorrow." she smiles to that as she rises.