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Latest revision as of 18:59, 15 April 2021

Speak Easy and Enter
Date of Scene: 15 April 2021
Location: Lily Anne's Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: While telling stories Roland attracts the attention of Ms Natchios. The pair hit it off and trade business cards.
Cast of Characters: Roland Livingston, Elektra Natchios

Roland Livingston has posed:
The speakeasy is quite a popular place at the moment, folks of all sorts are here to enjoy the drinks and the live music coming from the stage. There are even some people on the dance floor cutting a rug. Some of the individuals in the establishment are dressed as though they were in the prohibition era, but Roland Livingston is not one of them. He's still dressed pretty sharply with a nice leather jacket, button up shirt and pressed slacks, but he left his pinstripe suit at home on this occasion.

He's currently seated at the bar with a smoked old fashioned in front of him. Chatting in a friendly manner with the bartender, his accent pointing him out as an upper class Englishman, the young fellow seems to be telling a story to a couple of people sitting a few stools away, "During my ascent there was an avalanche that nearly took me out, but I was able to hang on for dear life, just clinging to the face. The fact that a blizzard was blowing in at the time was the furthest thing from my mind as I climbed for my life. The north face of the Eiger is easily the most dangerous climb I've ever attempted, but after pushing through the snow I was able to reach the peak of the mountain."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra is one of those people dressed to resemble the prohibition era, or at least partially. She is in a cocktail dress of a black color framed with geometric shapes in gold filigree on the dress that resemble Egyptian hieroglyphs. On her feet are black heels, long gloved sleeves that go up her forearm and on one hand she carrying a quellazaire. It's not too usual for her to be here but with her new duties at the Hellfire Club it also meant keeping a more attentive eye on those that came to it.

And she has always been an hands-on kind of woman.

So tonight here she is, elegantly making her way past the tables and to the bar. Recognition crosses the bartender's features, wordlessly moving to start preparing a drink while Elektra settles down, not far from where Roland is telling his story. Her attention goes there, dark eyes fixing on the man, then on the couple as she listens.

"The Eiger? One has to be either adventurous or a fool to try climbing it during avalanche season." an easy grin coming to her expression. "Or maybe both.." her focus turning to now fully be on Roland.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"It's always avalanche season on the north face. I am an experienced adventurer, however," Roland replies to the woman with a smile of his own appearing on his face. After taking a sip from his drink he says, "I plan on climbing Everest at some point, but it's not a pressing need. I've been to the Himalayas before on family business, but I didn't have time to reach the summit of anything worth mentioning." His chin lifts and he asks her, "Are you the adventurous sort yourself? Most people haven't heard of the Eiger."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"It's also the more dangerous way of getting to the top." Elektra points out, attention briefly taken by the bartender when he slides a martini close to the woman. A very faint smile of approval appears on her lips. "Thank you, Jack." fingertips reach for the drink and she takes a small sip before her attention is back on Roland, fingers tiptapping on the edge of her glass as if in thought.

Resuming her train of thought she then continues, "It tells me you are the kind of doing things for the challenge of it, and not exactly for the end goal. Or am I wrong?" yet at the question she nods in response. "My line of work leads me to often be travelling even if as of late I have been drawn to New York." she then gesturing with one hand.

"But allow me to introduce myself, I am Elektra Natchios." She says, a polite smile on her lips. "And whom might you be?"

Roland Livingston has posed:
"You are quite correct," Roland replies smoothly with a nod. "I've found that all too often the most rewarding things in life are the most difficult to achieve." There's another nod, "I've had to travel quite extensively myself, but I've chosen to reside here for the time being. Living here is like having one's fingers on the pulse of the entire world. There's always something happening."

When she introduces herself Roland smiles back at her, "It's a distinct pleasure to meet you, Elektra Natchios. Roland Livingston, at your service."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Livingston." Elektra echoes, drawling out the name as if trying to place it. Lips press together as if considering it before she finally speaks up. "The name does ring a bell. And you do have an accent to you.." a brief chuckle escaping her lips, ".. blame it on having travelled the world as an ambassador, but I'd say british?" she questions, resting her elbow on the counter and turning slightly so as to look at the man more directly.

"And you'd be right..., there is just something in this city." She gesturing vaguely to what's around them, ".. That draws everyone in.., and everything. I have been pleasantly surprised. It's not something I can say of most other places I have been at. They all lack something.."

A palm turns up to rest on her chin, holding it while she adds, "And we do have that in common, the challenge. There is no spice to life without it, is there? No point to anything if there isn't a struggle or a challenge behind it."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I am a loyal subject of her majesty, the queen," Roland confirms Elektra's theory with a grin. "My family was quite well off, descended from minor aristocracy and all that. Had our own castle." Lots of past tense going on there.

"Paris is quite nice, and London has something truly unique about it, but New York is its own entity entirely," He says. "I thought Dubai would be special, but it feels so artificial. For a city as young as it is, New York might be the center of the world."

Taking a drink, Roland considers what to say next, "I feel like we'll get along alright, Ms Natchios." The word 'Ms' is pronounced with a 'Z' sound. "When you're not at a speakeasy where you're on a first name basis with the barman how do you occupy your time? Myself, I hunt for mystical knowledge and artifacts as my family's done for centuries. And teach magical history, as well."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The past tense on the man's words doesn't go unnoticed by Elektra, she lifting a brow just so at it, questioningly even if she doesn't formulate it with words. Instead she focuses on the talk about the other cities. "Quite nice is a good way to put it. Paris just feels as if it is on a decadent decline though. It still has it's soul but.., for how long?" A shrug and she only smiling about the others though she does roll her eyes about Dubai. Clearly she seems to share the same sentiment about the place.

"I have followed on my father's footsteps, being an ambassador. Which is what occupies most of my time, and what brought me to travel abroad so much. But like you I do hunt for some good challenges.." though then she quirking a brow when the man mentions mystical knowledge and artifacts. A curious mmmm escapes her lips, clearly interested.

"Is that so? Mystical artifacts? Any of note that you have come across as of late? It's always been one of my interests. More the history aspect. Ancient cultures, what they left behind and their legacy. I am quite drawn to it for there is much we can learn from there." she says.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Paris will be there forever, in my estimation," Roland says with a chuckle. "But it's not the center of everything that it once was and the city itself seems to resent that. The Parisians are interesting people, however, good at rioting when they don't get what they want."

"That sounds like an interesting line of work. I imagine that you get to meet all sorts of people who are worth knowing," says the young man after a moment of thought.

"All sort of arcane items, but nothing of interest lately. Most of what my family had was stolen in an attack and I've just begun the process of rebuilding the collection. I had tracked down one of our lost artifacts, a ring imbued with the power to detect poisons or disease, in the hands of a minor vampire's familiar. On my way out west to collect back my property the plane I was on, as my own jet was being serviced, was hijacked by anti-mutant Nazi terrorists. Failed to make it out to the coast, but I took out a few of the villains and helped get the other passengers to safety with a bit of assistance."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The mention of vampires has Elektra narrowing her eyes slightly. Clearly it's not the first time she has heard of such creatures. She watches the young man more closely, brows furrowed. "I meet all sorts of people, yes. But as with everything the good comes with the bad. Many that are not worth knowing either." she states, another drink taken from her martini.

"Yet you do seem the type worth knowing. And as I said I am always interested in the challenge." the woman reaches to bring out a card, sliding it across the counter towards Roland. "If you find yourself needing some assistance do not hesitate to ask. I might have a way of helping. My reach goes ..., far." a faintly amused smile appearing on her expression after that.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I've met all sorts, myself," says Roland with a little chuckle. "Even those whose existence wastes precious oxygen may teach lessons, however. Even if they're just lessons on how not to conduct one's business." The old fashioned is brought to his lips for a drink.

"I'll certainly be in touch," the Englishman replies as he accepts the business card and puts it away in his jacket pocket. When his hand comes out he's holding a business card holder of his own and produces a black card with his name, phone number and an email address on it that he offers to his new acquaintance. "I'd very much like to find that fellow with my ring. If you could help me find him or his master I'd be quite grateful. His name is Victor Manuel Stephenson, and he follows a beast called Oleg the Ogre."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A laugh escapes the assassin about the lessons from the unworthy ones. "Indeed." she replies, "Everything is a lesson in the end. Failures and successes."

Elektra taps on the counter after receiving the card from Roland. "Jack. Do put Mr. Livingston's tab on me, will you? Thank you, dear." and considering the prompt nod received from the bartender it does seem Elektra has some kind of sway in the place.

"It was a pleasure. And I can certainly help with those troubles, or even direct you to those who may be able to more directly help." She casts a brief look over the man's card, "I will keep in touch. But as for now, it is time that I go." she offers the man a polite nod, getting up from her seat. "Until next time.." she starts on her way across the room and out of the speakeasy.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"The pleasure was all mine, Ms Natchios. Thank you for the drinks," Roland replies, nodding deeply enough that it's nearly a bow. "I look forward to our next meeting. Regardless of whether it helps on my quest you seem like someone whose company I will always enjoy."

Then he turns back to Jack he asks, "May I have another, please? The first one was quite good." And you can be sure he'll be leaving a big tip if someone else is covering the drinks.