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Latest revision as of 03:17, 16 April 2021

Denmark's Rot
Date of Scene: 14 April 2021
Location: Pucktech - Copenhagen, Denmark
Synopsis: A small team of SHIELD agents track down Katherine Huttz, another head of HYDRA, in Denmark. They lure her out to a small tavern in order to arrest her without attracting much attention. Some attention is still attracted.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Phil Coulson

Peggy Carter has posed:
Having much of their equipment back, HYDRA infiltration free, and without worries about who can be a trusted team member? That's quite nice. It means the team was able to fly over to Denmark without having to fake passports or dodge cameras, police eyes, and the possibility of being recognized by Interpol. They even have had the luxury to get to Copenhagen a full 24 hours before they wanted to perform the operation so the could confirm Huttz' whereabouts, time her coming and goings, figure out how much security there is, and implement a better plan than just 'get her'. The goal? Take her out as quickly and quietly as possible, preferably with her guards barely noticing, much less any of the public.

Peggy has gotten them a lovely little bed and breakfast near the water. It's over a bar so the white noise can help block out any planning and they aren't having to share walls with other guests. The blocky, modern IKEA-like furniture is plain, but mostly comfortable and it suits the bare, modern style of the place. There's a huge working marble dining table where Peggy's laid out guard schedules, the layout of the Pucktech building, and what other little details they know about the woman. There is also a file of her family and home address, but it's folded off to the side. That's the last resort. No one wants to bring kids into this.

Melinda May has posed:
The other helpful piece of information, aside from the guard schedules and typical movement patterns, is Huttz' personal schedule -- her meetings and appointments, as well as her usual arrival and departure times and routes. "It'll be easier to snag her enroute one way or the other," May notes, "than to attack the building directly." Given their team, this time, a full on frontal assault isn't in their best interest anyway.

Out everyone on the team, May is the one face Huttz is most likely to recognize. She bumped into her, literally, in the Vatican square. Huttz might also recognize Peggy, given Peggy's longevity with SHIELD and the fact she was also on the Vatican op. Coulson is a well-known face among both SHIELD and HYDRA; but whether he'll be recognized or not is a roll of the dice. About the only person who *won't* likely be recognized is Jemma.

"Two options," she suggests. "We can send Jemma in to lure her out -- presenting a new piece of technology, maybe? Or we can hijack her car service and snag her on her way from point A to point B."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Wait...what?" One Jemma Simmons blinks in mild surprise as May offers her two options. "You want me to go in and lure out the target? You mean, like, improvise?" There is a minor expression of surprise...or is it concern? "Improvisation isn't necessarily my strong suit. Preparation, observation, meticulous research. That is what I excel at." All said with a perfectly straight face. "I mean, are you sure this Huttz doesn't recognize me? Because, if so, that plan may not work. It would be more feasible if I offered to be a double agent than draw her out with my salesmanship skills."

Right now, with the half smile but the serious tone from the Brit, it is really hard to figure out if Jemma is kidding or if she is being sincere. Although, in regards to Jemma's skillset...that was no joke. "Certainly, if we wanted to do the sales pitch, it would be helpful to know what exactly she may be in the market for. And while I do have some engineering skill, I am nowhere near Fitz's level. Unless this Huttz person is in the market for biochemical technology."

Is she backpedalling, or simply sounding out her thoughts so she can process them better? Who knows? Oddly enough, there isn't a lot of nervousness from the scientist, though. Perhaps speaking out loud is a calming mechanism for her.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil Coulson nods a little thoughtfully as he looks to the various pieces of information. "Both of those options could work. Do we have any details about the car service, if we want to go that route?" There's a pause as he hears Jemma's words, nodding a little slowly. "That is the good thing of snagging her on the way between places, less likely to be recognized," he offers.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Looking up from her tea, Peggy considers quietly, "If we can figure a way to reach out to her, pitch the double cross and see if she takes the bite, we could try that? Otherwise..." Peggy frowns a bit more, studying the trio around her. Highly experienced officers, but not high numbers. The likelihood of succeeding on a bait and switch was far better than if they risked an entire confrontation. "Jemma. If you really are up to trying the con on her, we'll do it. But if she smells anything wrong, she'll probably have five times the numbers we do, and HYDRA's already a bit on edge. I know she is interested in biotech, she was researching it already. You could talk it well, but if we can get her car service... that will be less risk to you."

Peggy then looks back to Phil and May, red lips pressing into a thoughtful line, "What if we do both? See if she takes the meeting, and if she does, we take over the car service either two or from that? If we know where she's going, that makes things a little easier. All we would needs is to convince her to be interested enough to come to a meeting..."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods. "I have no doubt we can intercept her car service and replace the driver." She and Phil have done that sort of thing often enough before now. She eyes Jemma. "I would note, however, that selling a double-cross con requires as much, if not more improvisation than talking about a new piece of tech you already know. It's up to you, Jemma, but... whatever you choose, make sure you're solid on it." It's true, she knows, that Jemma isn't their strongest undercover operative. But the other three have less of a chance of pulling it off, overall.

Regardless, she agrees with Peggy. "But, we'll split the difference. Peggy, are you comfortable coming with me to hijack a limo while Phil assists Jemma, or do you want to assist Jemma and send Phil with me?" Because, really, she knows both the Chief and Commander well enough to work easily with them. It doesn't remotely occur to her, however, that she *wouldn't* be the one hijacking or driving the car. It's what she *does*, after all.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"As it just so happens..." An innocent smile plays across Jemma's features as she turns to regard May. "As I stated, improvisation isn't necessarily a strong suite. However, I do excel at preparation. And...having identified the particular weakness, I have developed particular scenarios, should I need to utilize them." A pause as that smile acquires a slightly devilish tilt. "Including a potential double-cross scenario. I had thought of the need after my first encounter with one of Hydra's command."

Sincerity rings in Jemma's words as she continues. "Using biotech as a potential selling point will make it easier. If this person is as involved as suspected, then the name of Jemma Simmons might be recognizable, even if the face isn't. Just mentioning that should be enough to warrant attention. Producing a prototype that wasn't in known databases, such as the sleep grenade prototype or something similar? That should be enough to at least spark a meeting. Especially if, during the pitch, it was mentioned that just altering the dose of dendrotoxin in the grenade prototype by mere milligrams will convert the non-lethal aspect to assured lethality? Yes...I think that would spark a great deal of interest."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil Coulson nods as he listens, unable to hold back a brief grin for a few moments. "Sounds like someone's done their homework," he offers a bit lightly as he hears Jemma's words. There's also a nod offered as he looks to the table again for a few brief moments. "Doing both is sounding like an excellent idea," he replies.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Well, let's see if we can't manage to get you a meeting, hm? And May, I'll go with Jemma, you take Phil. We'll all meet at the car and, if we're lucky, her guards will be none the wiser?" With that decision made, Peggy reaches over to the burner phone in the room and picks it up. She's got a few numbers, none directly to Huttz, but hopefully they can dangle enough tidbits of interesting to get her on the phone. Meantime, she's pulling up what information they have on the woman's private driver and where her car is usually parked -- a secure underground location which is going to be heavily guarded. It'll be far easier to get to the car at an off-site meeting. The file indicates she normally is driven around in a bullet proof BMW SUV. Souped up and classy, but tough enough to keep her safe.

The phone rings a few times and Peggy murmurs softly in fairly fluent Danish. <<Hello. I'm looking to speak to Dr. Huttz? I've got an... associate here, but she doesn't speak Danish. Her name is Jemma Simmons. I think Dr. Huttz will be quite interested in hearing from the woman. Just tell her Jemma Simmons is on the line.>> Hopefully that works.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods easily to Peggy. "On it," she says, flashing a tight smile to Phil. Just like old times, right? Her mind is already sorting out what they'll need, providing they can get the car either on the road or at an off-site location. Until they know that location, however... It's a waiting game.


In her office, Katherine looks up as her assistant knocks softly and opens her door. "Ms Huttz? Someone representing Jemma Simmons is on line one."

The executive's brows rise. "Jemma Simmonds. From SHIELD?"

The assistant gives a mild shrug. "It seems tht way, ma'am."

For just a moment, Katherine's eyes narrow. Still, SHIELD is in disarray. It would make sense that some of their former(?) agents might reach out. She doesn't trust it, mind. Not yet, but... "Thank you, Mathias. I'll handle it." As the young man retreats, she reaches for the phone. She hesitates just a half-second before picking it up and pushing the button to activate the line. "Katherine Huttz," she says by way of greeting. "How can I help you?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Really, it can't be that easy, right? Just call a person, ask for the executive, and just start talking. Sure...there is no way that will work.

Until it does....and Jemma is now on.

The phone in hand, Jemma speaks. "Ah, yes, hello. This is Doctor Jemma Simmons. I certainly apologize for the rather...unorthodox means of contact." A pause, then Jemma continues. "Since you are a rather busy person and gracious enough to take my inquiry, I will make this brief. I have access to biotechnology that I am willing to offer, in addition to lending my considerable expertise in the development of future innovations, in exchange for a more stable foundation in which to assist in future development. I find that...present situations make for poor research opportunities, both intellectually and financially."

There is no mention of what exactly Jemma has in way of prototypes. What she is going for is to gauge interest. And the best way to do so is to speak truthfully. Especially since this person, Katherine, should know what SHIELD's present state is. And the fact that Jemma's name did manage to make the connection possible.

But...is it enough?

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil Coulson nods a bit, offering a brief smile in return to May, before his attention turns to listening to the phone call, his mind also starting to think about how to approach getting hold of the car. His gaze is still on the information on the table, trying to find out what kind of information that could be useful from what's there.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As the woman takes Jemma's call and actually seems to be listening to the pitch, Peggy's eyes go a bit wide as she realizes they need a fairly good, out of the way place for them to meet. She's been through Copenhagen more than once before and while much of the city is busy during the day, she knows a few tucked around corners where it'll be easy to get to a car and hard to be seen. She looks for what is going to be open late and settles on Restaurant Maven -- it's in an old coverted church on a side street not too far from the water. Parking, or idling, should be on streets made for one car with higher buildings on either side and visible alleys. That means they can choose the chance to go to the car when no one is really watching. "Tell her to meet at Restaurant Maven. She can pick the time. You can make it a quick 'get to know you' meeting so Phil and May don't have to wait too long with the car.

With those orders, she's turning the map in Phil and May's direction so they can plan where they might want to hover to get into the car as quickly as possible and study the area.

Melinda May has posed:
May takes the map, giving it a quick study. She picks up a nearby tablet and pulls up a satellite feed -- cached rather than live. SHIELD's version of 'Google Earth', no doubt. (Meaning it's a little more up-to-date and there are far fewer blurred out sections.) "Here," she says, tapping the map. "We can wait here until Huttz has entered the restaurant, then make our move."


HYDRA, unsurprisingly, has been following Jemma's work for quite some time, now. However, Katherine's interest in the young scientist's work is measured. Fitz, she knows, is the engineering genius between the pair. However, given the disaster Vogel and List have made of the Pacifica research, she is not immediately dismissive. "I'm listening," the woman says calmly. Her tone is speculative and cautious all at once -- warm enough to suggest some interest, but still cool enough to suggest she will walk away at a moment's notice, if she doesn't like what she hears.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
With a hand covering the phone mouthpiece, Jemma offers a nod towards Peggy. No words, though....just the quick affirmative nod to show that she heard. Then, back to the call. To Katherine.

"Given the unstable landscape, I would rather rest assured that I may be able to continue my research. And, if we are able to negotiate an agreement, I may then be able to convince other assets to join me."

The subtlety is there, but if Katherine is as informed as Jemma thinks, she will know what Jemma is alluding to. If Jemma is recruited, she will bring Leopold with her. And...if there is one person that can convince Fitz to do something, it is Jemma.

The scientist continues. "I do have a prototype with me that I am more than willing to demonstrate for you. A dendrotoxin grenade, initially designed to knock a large group of individuals unconscious. A refinement of the improvised gaseous attack first used at a certain former Hydra island base." Former...as in Daniel Whitehall's little base. And former...as in the base no longer exists. Bobbi, Lance and Jemma saw to that. "I would certainly like to give you a personal demonstration. Perhaps even offer the prototype...as a gift of my intentions."

There is a pregnant pause...as Jemma looks down to the map. "If this interests you, perhaps we can meet? Restaurant Maven looks suitable. It is open late, so it will allow for a public venue, but be private enough to allow us to perform our business. If this is agreeable to you, you can choose whatever time suits you."

While the voice sounds assured, Jemma shrugs, holding up her free hand, with fingers crossed. She is hoping that she sounds convincing enough.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil Coulson looks to the map again, nodding as he hears May's words. "Excellent," he replies, glancing over to Jemma and the phone to see how things are going there. After a few moments, he turns back to the map, to try familiarizing the surroundings better.

Melinda May has posed:
Katherine considers Jemma's request. She's still not sure this is on the level. But the carrot of potentially recruiting the legendary FitzSimmons is simply too sweet to resist. "Very well," she agrees. "Let's see what you have, Doctor. I'll meet you at the restaurant in..." she checks her watch, "thirty minutes." Her smile is tight, but predatory, unseen by those at the bed and breakfast. "Don't be late."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Thirty minutes? When Jemma informs the team of that, Peggy's eyes go a bit wide. "She's smart. Doesn't give us much time to set up but we're still closer than her offices. Let's go." And with that command, Peggy's rolling out into the little alleyway that their Air BnB flanks, down to where the completely boring sleeper sedan they drove off of the quinjet in northern Denmark rests. She lets May drive, of course. It's always best when May drives.

There's only room for one car to go down the one way alley that flanks the old church where Restaurant Maven now calls it's home. The place isn't too busy this time of night, just one other couple dining and a few people ducking between buildings to smoke, but it's the only place open in this alley and there are better ways to get to the water than coming past here, so it's normally empty. There's a fire escape along one side of the building and a trash alcove on the other. The building across from it has some indented doors to shops that are now closed and living spaces on the second floor, but it's easy to tell who is home and who isn't by lights. Peggy's got her hair tied back into a very short wig and a set of glasses on to hide the shape of her face. She's already in the bar, sitting at the counter and speaking in quiet Danish to the single bartender working the pub area of the place tonight. She's just there for back up in case things go wrong for Jemma.

Melinda May has posed:
Thirty minutes is not a huge window, no. But they can make it. May stashes the SUV they've been using a street over so that it doesn't give them away. Together with Phil, she moves into position, the spot she selected earlier giving them both shelter from and access to the street. Hard to see when you're driving along, but easy for a pedestrian to access. They manage to stash themselves there not five minutes before Katherine's sleek, black SUV pulls up in front of the restaurant.

Her chauffer exits the car and walks around to open the door for her. She emerges, a slender woman -- attractive and on the young side of middle-age. She's well-dressed, well-heeled, and accompanied by a man who steps out of the car on his own. That man, of course, is tall, broad shouldered, and non-descript in the manner of bodyguards everywhere. Together, they enter the restaurant.

As they do, the chauffer returns to slide behind the wheel of the car so he can move the vehicle a little further down the street, and a little closer to where May and Phil are located.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
With May driving and Peggy her own personal guardian angel, Jemma does appear to be rather calm, at least for the moment. Of course, it does help to have a script to follow...and Jemma's mind keeps racing, rehearsing her own part over and over as the SUV races to the restaurant. Just follow the plan...just follow the plan. It leaves Jemma with just a touch of anxiety, with a tad of exhilaration. She is actually pulling this off!

And people says it doesn't pay to practice. Nonsense...

Of course, that 5 minutes gives Jemma just enough time to select a table, a little out of the way, but still viewable from the bar. Jemma...is dressed as classic Jemma. The sweater, the jeans, the canvas shoes. Really, the only thing missing is the labcoat to be the quintessential Dr Simmons. She has her tactical bag with her, set down on the floor next to her chair. In it? Not the usual fare. No, that wouldn't do for this meeting. However, it does have one object that Jemma had promised....the one item that bought her an audience with Katherine.

The prototype sleep grenade itself.

Of course, with Jemma out in the open, she is taking a big risk. Hence the guardian angel at the bar. It isn't difficult to figure out when Katherine walks in to the restaurant proper. After all, a well-dressed woman walking in with the time-honoured standard bodyguard? At thirty minutes exactly? It doesn't take a research scientist to put two and two together.

Fortunately, Jemma is a research scientist. One of the best...

Phil Coulson has posed:
As they get over to the restaurant, Phil looks around rather carefully for a few brief moments before moving into position with May. His attention is on the car as it arrives, as well as the people emerging from it, studying them carefully for a few brief moments, before the focus goes to the person moving the vehicle. "Ready whenever you are," he offers, words kept quietly as he still focuses on the car at the moment.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy barely moves as people come in the door. The convenient thing about the bar is that there is a long mirror behind it and she can very carefully watch Jemma and Katherine out of the corner of her eyes in the mirror without ever turning around. She frowns just a touch as she sees the body guard -- that'll be her job to take him out, but not quite right now. Let Jemma give her pitch, they'll get him on the exit.

Outside, while Katherine's only gone in with a body guard, she's not stupid. May and Phil, if they are particularly sharp, will see four other guards falling into place in the shadows around the pub. Two are right next to the doors and two are by the car. They're there to make certain just what the team has planned doesn't happen. It means they need taken out, fast and quick. But then the car is unguarded.

Melinda May has posed:
Oh, it's no surprise to May that Huttz has increased her personal security since Rome. She gestures towards the guards, on the off chance Phil isn't tracking them, too. But she'd be very surprised if he wasnt. "ICERs will be too loud," she tells him. "We're going to need to get up close and personal. You take the guys by the pub," she suggests, passing him a couple of small taser disks -- each about the size of a quarter. "I'll handle the three at the car." Two thugs, one driver. That's well within her abilities.

In fact, the driver is standing outside the car, not so far from the guards. He's taking the opportunity to enjoy a smoke, while there's still time for the evening breeze to blow the worst of the scent from the fabric of his jacket.

May waits long enough for Phil to take the taser disks, listening for any counter proposal. Ultimately, though, she's on the move fairly quickly so as to distance herself from his approach. Dressed casually, her exit from the alley looks less like an attack and more like a woman headed out for an evening with friends -- made all the more convincing by the way holds her burner to her ear, as if chatting as she goes.

Melinda May has posed:
"Doctor Simmons," Katherine says, approaching Jemma with little delay. "I'm Katherine Huttz, though I expect you know that." Her bodyguard hangs far enough back so as not to be intrusive, placing himself at the far end of the bar to where Peggy is. He knows the same tricks, after all, and that mirror is damned convenient.

The Pucktech CEO doesn't wait for an invitation before she pulls out a chair to join the SHIELD scientist. "It's quite the interesting proposition you've made."

She watches the Englishwoman carefully. A woman doesn't amass the sort of power Huttz has, both professionally or personally, without learning to read people very, very well. And she's still not certain this isn't a trap, given Vogel's disappearance and the attack on List not so many weeks ago. But the ball's in Jemma's court. Katherine wants to see just what the scientist is *really* selling... because she doubts it's really the weapons tech.

Jemma Simmons has posed:

The word is uttered, though with Jemma, it is offered with a rather inviting smile. Jemma is using her best bedside manner for this little meeting. "It is a pleasure, Ms. Huttz." There might have been an attempt to stand to welcome...but the CEO is too quick with her procurement of a chair. So, Jemma remains sitting. Though, a hand does reach down to tug on the backpack...a reassurance that it is still there more than anything. "I must admit, I was rather surprised that the proposition intrigued you so. I mean, I must have sounded positively insane to just approach out of the blue as I did."

Stick to the truth. It has served Jemma well up to this point, and there is no reason to not trust it now. All part of the scenario Jemma had devised. Stick to the truth...get to the point. The mantra repeats itself in Jemma's mind as she elaborates. "I seek to answer questions. It is what drives me. What drives *us*." The insinuation is clearly there....she is talking about the Fitzsimmons gestalt. "It is the reason I am where I am presently. I feel that you are a person that would appreciate that sense of seeking. To find answers."

With a glance towards the bar...and perhaps Peggy or the bodyguard, Jemma continues. "That is what I am offering. Answers. And...if it just happens to benefit you and your company in some way, so be it."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil Coulson nods as the guards are pointed out, taking the taser discks as they are handed over. "Got them," he replies to the part about taking out the two by the pub. Waiting for a few moments after May headed out of the alley, before he slips out of there as well, a tourist map in hand as he moves down along the street, as if he's looking for some location there. Ït takes him a few moments to adjust his course so he happens to move close to the doors of the pub, and the two guards there, making it look as much as a coincidence that he passes close by, muttering down at his map. See, stupid lost tourist here.

Peggy Carter has posed:
With a faint adjustment of her hand against her ear, Peggy turns up the volume on her ear piece so she can mostly hear what is happening between Jemma and the other woman. Dark eyes occasionally flicker up, checking them out in the mirrors again, but with that other body guard at the far end of the bar she doesn't dare stare too much and set off his paranoia. So, she has to monitor audio and hope if things go south, she has the spare second or two she needs to intervene. She gives the bartender a pleasant smile meanwhile, raising her beer glass to empty it and ask for another in Danish.

The outside guards are mostly wary. They've been warned that things have gone wrong in other areas and there may very well be someone on Katherine's tail. Therefore, when two people spill into the roadway, their heads turn almost immediately. May is given a narrow eyed look but she seems to be carrying off the distracted party girl well enough that the guards don't approach her yet. As Phil gets closer to the bar, however, one does step in his way and gives a gruff, "Private party, you'll have to go somewhere else," in slightly accented English. He's still assuming Phil is a tourist, hence defaulting to English, but he does not seem to be willing to let Phil pass. The driver is still smoking, but his back is a bit more stiff now. Readying to get out of there as quickly as possible if needed.

Melinda May has posed:
May is fully aware of the spike in alertness around her. She's also aware that the greater threat to her will be the pair of bodyguards. If the driver flees, it's inconvenient, but not the end of the world. They *can* get their own SUV, after all. But those the two goons need to go.

She rolls her eyes as she passes, apparently reacting to whatever is being said on the other end of the line. She chatters lightly in Cantonese and makes a show of hanging up her cell and shoving it into her jacket. Although there is a ICER hidden in a holster against her ribs, she doesn't draw it, relying instead on her hands and feet. They're just as deadly and a whole lot quieter.

Thus, she turns back towards the men, muttering again in Cantonese right before she explodes into action. Her knuckles jab toward the throat of the first and she spins a kick toward the second. Tiny Asian woman in the middle of two tough guys is a very, very comfortable spot for her.


Katherine leans back slightly in her seat, fingers tracing a idle pattern on the tabletop as she awaits the arrival of a drink. "It certainly was unusual," she says, with regard to Jemma's out-of-the-blue call. "I will admit, I was a little reluctant to come. I'm sure you can understand why." Her own eyes sweep the bar, also travelling over the bar area. Ostensibly, her attention is prompted by curiosity as to what has attracted Jemma's attention, however briefly.

"What answers are you offering, Dr. Simmons? The adjustment to the dendrotoxin is interesting, of course, but not beyond the capabilities of the scientists we already have employed. What research are you proposing, doctor? What other... assets can you guarantee?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The unspoken question is answered first. "I am sorry. I will admit, this whole scenario is just a little outside of my normal experience. I was simply noticing your associate." Again...truth spoken. Jemma was certainly taking note of Katherine's guard. What wasn't spoken was determining if her prototype sitting in her bag would reach that far with enough dendrotoxin to knock him out, if need be. But the brown eyes of the scientist are fully upon Katherine now. And, for all outward appearances, Jemma is keeping herself relatively cool. There is a bit of nervousness, certainly, though that would be expected, wouldn't it?

After all, this is Jemma Simmons...who is not necessarily known for her spycraft at all. However....her scientific skillset? That she is betting that Katherine knows full well what she is capable of. What Jemma and Leo are fully capable of.

And that is what Jemma leans into. A seemingly innocent smile plays over Jemma's features, as tbe emphasis on 'assets' clues her in on the CEO's intent. "Well, the dendrotoxin grenade was more an enticement than any sort of answer. After all, it is perfectly within your scientists' power to create a lethal dendrotoxin gas. Simply use as much as you want and the lethality is ensured. The real trick is to know exactly how much is too much to ensure maximum effectiveness without the unfortunate side effect of asphyxiating your potential information resource. That, I have. That, and more."

There isn't even a second glance anywhere else. Jemma keeps her attention on Katherine, trying to keep her as engrossed as possible. "Answers such as how to produce cryogenic rounds that can be fired from a handheld railgun without damaging said device, yet able to freeze whatever the round strikes within seconds. The ability to easily identify genetic anomalies and learn how to harness those abilities that certain anomalies allow. I have my research into the mutant genome as well as my findings in terragenesis that I can offer. Prototypes that are not within known inventories."

Pause for effect. "And, while I cannot absolutely guarantee certain assets, given past history, I would say that I am approximately 88 percent positive that certain lab partners would be willing to migrate with me." Yes...that is a 12 percent margin of error. And, perhaps the only statement that is not 100 percent truthful from Jemma for the whole conversation. But...she did say she was not absolutely certain on convincing Fitx.

Hopefully...12 percent is a small enough margin to be promising for Katherine.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Ah, sorry..." There's an apologetic smile from Phil to the guard that stepped in his way. "I think I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere. You see, I was going to meet a friend where Norr... Nørr..." A brief pause, and an absent wave of the hand, and he tries again, after that stumbling in the Danish street names. "Sorry... Nærregade and Stu... Studiestræde. Did I pronounce those names right? I always like to learn pronouncing the place names right when I visit different countries, you know..." He holds up the map again. "Maybe you could point out where I'm supposed to go on the map? Please? I'd be most grateful for the help." Another brief smile offered to the guard. "Big cities make me lose my sense of direction," he adds, rambling on a bit. Yes, just a lost and slightly nervous tourist here. All the while keeping those taser discs ready for use, although out of sight.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The advantage May often has isn't just that she's incredibly fierce, but that she looks small. Unassuming. The two muscled guards are on alert, but absolutely don't think this little Asian woman is going to be a threat to them, so they aren't quite as wary as they should be. It's their downfall. The first chokes as those knuckles jab into his throat, stumbling backwards as he tries to reach for his gun to shoot her. His fellow is immediately taken out, the kick hitting his temple with a quite crack and his body slumps heavy to the ground. The driver's eyes go wide and he's immediately moving to slip back into the car, reaching for his own earpiece. "Ma'am, we're under attack. Get to the door for retrieval now."

Meanwhile, inside, as Jemma is speaking, the body guard watches her eyes on him for a moment. That makes him frown and step a bit closer to Huttz, which also puts him closer to Jemma, not realizing the thoughts that are going through her mind and that it means he might more easily be in range of her bomb. In the big, meaty man's mind, he's getting in position if he needs to take a bullet for Huttz or worse, put one in Jemma.

The two guards out front are firmly standing between the bar's door and Phil, a frustrated breath escaping the first guard's mouth. He growls out to Phil, "Leave. We do not know!" But then the sound of a fight down the alley comes, and Phil's got two men in the process of drawing on him. He better use those discs and fast because they aren't going to hesitate to fire.

Peggy's reaching into her pocket to pull out 200 kroner to pay for her beer and a generous tip, but it also means her hand is near her ICER should she need to draw it. <<Where is your washroom? Thank you...>> She stands, starting a slow pace to the bathroom which puts her a bit closer to Jemma and company. She's just getting as ready for the fight as possible.

Melinda May has posed:
As the second of the two thugs goes down, May launches herself a second time at the first one. His hand comes up, hers clamps over the gun and force his arm straight. She whips around to slam a heavy blow into his elbow from the wrong direction, fully intending on disarming and disabling him. When the gun is no longer a threat, she strikes, taking him out with a well-placed blow to the head.

As he drops, she launches herself at the car, rolling across the hood toward the driver's side. The driver has had time to alert the people inside the bar, certainly, but unless he locks that car down, she is perfectly willing to go in after him and use the steering wheel as a source of blunt force trauma against his fase.


Katherine's expression sharpens considerably as her driver's voice sounds softly in her ear. The way her shoulders stiffen and the fact she rises almost automatically from the table should be enough to tell her bodyguard they're moving. The fact she is able to produce a small .38 out of somewhere and point it at Jemma probably reinforces that. "If you please, doctor," she says coolly. "I'm afraid we'll need to continue this discussion elsewhere." Her expression has darkened, though it remains cordial. It's obvious she's pissed."I dislike deception and violence. But I will use both as tools when necessary. Understand, however, I am not deceiving you now. Tell your team to back off or you will not walk out of this room."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well, truth or not, it seems that Jemma has found herself in a bit of trouble. Her own countenance deflates as Katherine stands. However, when the gun is produced, there is a momentary flash of panic. "What, you think this is my doing? I was trying to get away from these people!" That....sounded extraordinarily sincere from the research scientist. Still, those eyes focus on the barrel of the gun, even as a foot, given the cover of the table, snakes slowly to draw her tactical bag in closer. Just a quick jarring of the bag and she could trigger that grenade...and knock out her conversation partner and her guard...at the potential cost of knocking herself out. And Peggy.

But hey...better out than dead.

Hands raise up slowly. "Look, I don't know what is going on, but do you really think that killing me is in your best interest?"

Just keep her talking. Hopefully there is a way out of this one.

Phil Coulson has posed:
That moment the two guards starts drawing on him is when Phil starts springing into action. The map is dropped as he lunges forward towards the guards, bringing out one of the disks to try getting the guard closest to him disabled as quickly as possible. To aid in this, he also aims an elbow for the man's hed, before trying to use the forward momentum to smash that guard into the other, aiming to make sure the gun can't be aimed and fired at him. As soon as he can get an opening for it, he'll try getting the second disk used on that second guard, although making sure he won't get shot by any of the guards seem to be high on the list of priorities at the moment.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The second guard goes down hard at May's response but the driver is determined to get out of there. He's swinging quickly into the SUV and is already starting to pull out when May leaps into the car. He turns his gun, trying to fire at her and probably shattering a window in the process. He's mostly steering for the pub, trying to get straight to being outside the front door but when she slams his forehead into the steering wheel, it veers wide. The SUV is now going out of control straight for the front doors and Phil.

Inside, Peggy cannot help but catch sight of Huttz' gun out of the corner of her eye. While the guard is intimidating, Huttz is now the biggest threat in the room, but all her attention is focused on Jemma. She acts without hesitation, her ICER pulled and a single round shot into Huttz's neck while she orders, "Jemma, DOWN! Get the guard!" Whether it's with ICER or that little grenade, Peggy doesn't care, she just trusts that Jemma will take out the guard while Peggy works on the now-terrified bartender.

The first guard with Phil wasn't expecting the stupid tourist to be that fast, giving a quiet grunt and then sinking hard into the ground as the tazer disc does it's job. It does give the other guard enough time to get off two shots in Phil's direction, but Phil's moving fast and in this close of quarters, he's lucky to just be winged. The second disc drives home and the body guard goes down seizing. Just in time for a large SUV to be coming right in Phil's direction.

Melinda May has posed:
May reaches over and pulls the emergency brake on the car, wrenching the wheel back into the street, away from Phil and the other goons. It puts the heavy machine into something of a spin, but this isn't May's first rodeo.

"Woulda..." She struggles to unlock the door past the driver's bloody face.

"Been so much..." The car spins to a stop and she grabs hold of the door handle to pop it open.

"Easier!" She reverses her body, now, pressing her back against the door on her side of the car so she can bring her feet into play and physically shove the man out of the driver's seat and onto the pavement.

"To replace the driver..." She slides into the now vacant driver's seat and puts herself in control, "before they even got into the car in the first place."

Her complaint doesn't really carry any weight. But she's aware that, frankly, they've got their own SUV out there and if all they were really going to do was knock the woman out in a pub, it would've been easier to take her out the back and leave the guards out here none the wiser. But, hell. This is what they've got now, so she goes it it. She throws the car into reverse and backs up toward the pub door. "Yeah. This isn't going to attract any attention. Not at all."


Before she ever has a chance to reply, Katherine drops like a sack of potatoes asthe ICER round hits her. Her bodyguard simply didn't register Peggy as a threat in time. Whether or not Jemma gets him? It almost doesn't matter, since the boss is now down, her .38 skittering beneath the table where Jemma stands.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
But...Jemma doesn't stand. Following Peggy's command, Jemma drops to the floor, underneath the table. Where that tactical bag of her is...and now a skittering .38. And....it isn't to the bag that Jemma goes to, but for the .38 that conveniently appears. There is little thought involved and mostly all reflex. Jemma's hand reaches for the gun, snatching it off the floor. The arm moves on instinct, the barrel pointing under the table...towards the guard's left knee. It is only at the last second that the gun suddenly dips down and a single report sounds out, so much louder than the ICER in Peggy's hand. The bullet explodes from the barrel...straight into the left foot. The intent is obviously to maim, rather than kill. The idea is for the guard to fall.

And, if he does, he will find Jemma pointing the .38 right at him. She is not going to take any chances.

It isn't the same as the ICER, but it gets the job done.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Letting out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding, Phil doesn't quite relax as the two guards go down. Especially not since he sees that SUV coming straight in his direction, and he dives to the side to try getting out of the way of the incoming vehicle, before he sees the vehicle going into a spin instead. Getting quickly back to his feet, he lets out nother brief breath as the car seems to be back under control and the driver goes sliding out again. Looking around rather quickly in case there are any other goons incoming, before he heads towards the car as well, glancing towards the doors to the pub briefly, then back to the car.

Peggy Carter has posed:
If it wasn't for May's strangely vast amount of experience taking over cars like this, Phil and company would have probably been entirely run down. But she manages to veer the wheel out of the driver's hands and redirect the SUV to not going *directly* at the building. His body unceremoniously flops down and out of the car door, spilling into the alleyway and making room for May to fully take the driver's seat and position the SUV where she wishes.

The guard was *not* expecting Jemma to actually shoot him. He curses loudly, hitting the floor before he can fire his own weapon. The bartender is now screaming, begging in Danish for them not to kill her. The guard's trying to bring his own gun hand around to shoot Jemma before she has the courage to shoot him, but Peggy snaps off another ICER round in his direction and he flops to the ground as well. <<We're not going to hurt you. Forget we were here.>> She snaps to the poor bar maid and then leans over to unceremoniously try and scoop Huttz over our shoulder. Jemma's given a faint smile, "Good job. Kept her busy, at least. Come on. Let's get out of here." She prompts the woman, hustling for the door as fast as she can while carrying an unconscious woman.

Both guards in the alley are down and there seems to be no more fight left in anyone. However, someone has definitely heard gunshots and there are now sirens in the distance that both Phil and May can hear. They'll have to clear out fast.

Melinda May has posed:
May knows Peggy and Jemma *must* be aware of the quickly fleeting time. When the SUV is in place, she pops open its hatch and makes sure the doors are unlocked. Easy enough then, especially with Phil's help, to get Huttz tossed into the cargo area before the three of them slide into the various passenger seats.

By the time their doors are closing, May is hitting the gas. Latches slam in place and the sleek SUV leaps forward on the street. May expertly avoids both running over the bloody driver and hitting the few cars parked along the narrow road. She knows the city just well enough to know where the police station is in relation to this neighborhood and thus which way the cops will be coming from. "Why do I feel like I'm back Rome?" she asks dryly, even as she turns the car out onto a larger thoroughfare and moves to blend into traffic.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh, Jemma is fully aware of the time slipping away. And...she really didn't do them any favors by actually firing that gun she now sports in her hand. Still, she isn't exactly giving it up right now. There isn't even a second glance as she immediately heads out to the SUV, her tactical bag slung over her shoulder.

And she never had to use her grenade. Lucky for Jemma.

As she jumps in the SUV, Jemma immediately starts to apologize. "Sorry about that. I could have held her longer. And...yeah. About the gun..." The safety is flicked on...as the gun is added to the bag that was on her shoulder...and now in Jemma's lap. Spoils of war, it would seem.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Knowing time is of the essence here, Phil moves over to help making sure Huttz is safely deposited into the cargo parts of the car, then moving for one of the passenger seats and getting himself secure there. "So far so good," he offers, before looking around carefully outside the window, in case there are anyone else following them. There's a pause at Jemma's apologizing, and he offers her a brief smile. "The gun?" He sound a little curious as he goes back to keeping a lookout.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's had to carry too many unconsious bodies recently. She's a touch breathless by the time she's got Huttz out the doorand maybe even a touch pale, but that's probably exhaustion as much as anything. Phil's assistance in getting her into the back cargo area is much appreciated, she basically hands most of the weight off to him and lets him slam the back shut before they both swing into the middle seats. "Thanks, Coulson." She flashes him a faint smile as May takes off.

Then her head turns to look back up towards Jemma and shakes her head gently, "No, no, you did fine. It's fine. He'd have had time to get a shot on me if you didn't... distract him." Shoot him. Same difference. "Good job. We're all in one piece, we've got our mark. That's what matters."

Peggy collapses back against the seat and gives a little groan of thought as she stretches out her back with a few quiet pops. "How attached are you to our car? If you drop one of us... we can drive both to the quinjet and just get the hell out of here." Peggy suggests quietly. "And we should probably tie her up... just in case she wakes up. I only put one in her."

Melinda May has posed:
"It's a SHIELD asset," May tells Peggy. "We don't have a lot of those any more." So, yes. They should pick it up. But it may need to wait, since the priority needs to be securing Huttz. "We'll get it picked up, but let's this squid in the tank, first. Wait until the furor has died down." A beat. She adds. "You can always pop her a second time." Apparently, this doesn't bother the woman any. Gotta love ICERs

Then again, she's focussed on her driving and she's focussed on blocking out the adrenaline surge from everyone's heightened emotions. It helps that the danger is past, which means heartrates are returning to normal, and that all of them are professional enough to maintain a sense of operational calm even in the midst of action.

The sirens fade into the distance behind them, so she heads for the airfield -- albeit by a circuitous route and with an eye for tails.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
As for Jemma? Oh, she does have her fair share of nerves. After all, she was the one that was staring down the barrel of the .38 that is now in her possession. Speaking of that, she turns to Phil and offers a weak sort of smile. "I was the one that did the gunshot. If we stayed with ICERS then we wouldn't have to worry about the authorities." Yes...Jemma just admitted she shot a person. That is a rare occurrence.

Phil Coulson has posed:
As he doesn't notice anyone else following them for now, Phil leans back in his seat again, nodding a bit. "Retrieving the car would be a good thing," he agrees, before he adds, "But first things first." There's a brief smile as he hears Jemma's words about the gunshot and the authorities. "You shot someone?" A few more moments, and he adds, "But don't worry about it. They would probably have come due to the guard that tried shooting me anyway." Letting out another breath as he glances outside again.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"There were gunshots in the alley and the bartender was losing her mind. We're lucky the police didn't get there sooner. We got in, got our target, and are back out again. No one died. Where HYDRA is concerned? This was a win. Now...if we can get List's location out of her, we'll almost have every head squid out of the ocean." Peggy admits softly, a touch of tired hope behind her voice. They've been doing a lot of well overdue clean up, as of late. This is just another one. She sinks back into the seat a bit deeper as May keeps them trotting off to the Danish countryside and their Quinjet to head back home. Mission accomplished.