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Latest revision as of 06:18, 18 April 2021

A Hellish Club
Date of Scene: 19 March 2021
Location: Purgatory Night Club - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Andi and Rave meet at Purgatory and see about having a good time.
Cast of Characters: Andi Benton, Naria Shepard

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton felt like partying, and after looking up a few other clubs in the city and deciding none of them fit the mood, she opted for a place she'd checked out once or twice last year, as it left her curious enough to see who else might show up from time to time.

The Hellfire Club was one of those haughty places, she'd determined, definitely above her class. She did not have that kind of money, did not come from that kind of money, and would probably never get to the point of having that kind of money. And yet, there was an under-21 club that didn't seem to have any restrictions on class or wealth.

Whatever. If she didn't have to think about that here, why bother? She showed up in mostly black fabrics, fitting with the goth/punk attitude she put out, but tonight she added a few bits of red: a tank top under the black shirt that exposed the shoulders, red laces in the chunky low-cut boots with a short, flat heel, red nails, and a little more in some of the accessories she wore, like a choker and wristbands. The hair? Still deep purple.

She was off getting a soda in between a few songs. Inside, her 'friend' was paying close attention to everything it could. Mania was not supposed to show up, not supposed to cause a scene, but sometimes Mania was hard to predict.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Different sort of crowd, different sort of thing, but messages to her agent had eventually pressured Rave into checking out Purgatory and there own club even if it was more of the 'mocktails' and legal activity than the underground or her namesake scene.

Still she was here, her form wrapped in her usual short skirt and that fishnet shirt over the bikini top. She still looked ready for the raver scene, but well... the bluenette had to look her namesake!

Andi Benton has posed:
This place? Probably a darker mood and design than the bright, flashy rave colors. For all Andi knows, they have a 'Rave Night' here, but if there is one she missed the news. The holographic flames, the onyx bar, the darker lighting and all that stuff certainly promotes a fitting scene. Nobody will mistake themselves for being in a bright, colorful club here.

Andi's giving a few of the masks a closer look. At that point, the voice of her 'friend' registers inside her head, and they have a brief conversation.

//What are these, Andi?//
//What are they for?//
<<Decoration here, but people wear stuff like that otherwise. Maybe not those, but...>>
//Like the heroes? Like us?//
<<Sort of. I guess you're like a mask when we're out doing those things.>>
//We want food, Andi. We are getting hungry.//

Well, that was a quick topic change. Shrugging, she makes her way back toward the bar so she can put an order in. The chicken wings, a bit of pizza, and definitely something with chocolate should do for now. As she waits, she looks around and her attention settles on the one with the blueish hair, the one who seemed more dressed for a rave as she passed a few people in all black. "Hmm."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Dark and sedated wasn't Rave's thing at the best of times. Her hair did literally glow and her attire was intended to be eye-catching for her form rather than simply because of a pricetag.

Making her way towards the bar herself, the young woman moves up beside Andi, lifting a hand to signal for attention and service.

"I'll have...something sweet I guess."

No booze in this place after all!

Andi Benton has posed:
It's definitely adhering to the rules of an under-21 place, with no alcohol! In a sense, Andi is pleased by that. No need to worry about drunks doing stupid drunk-person things, no temptation to get wasted while underage.

Imagine that, temptations lessened in a place like this.

//Does that one have lights in her hair, Andi?//
<<I..have no idea.>>

But Rave is coming this way, and as someone comes over to take her order, Andi is looking at her with a raised brow after she sips from a glass filled with cola. "Hey. So how'd you do the thing with your hair to make it glow? Nuka-Cola Quantum?" the gothy young woman asks.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Why tempt the crowd when they're not old enough to have anything to leverage or lose? That was almost certainly the purpose of the Hellfire Club's investment in this place, or perhaps it was truely just intendes to be an entertaining stop for the children of members and magnates.

Either way, Rave is recieving her ordered soda when the question comes, earning a little chuckle as she turns to face Andi.

"Kinda. Glow is all me, but it's not radioactive..."

Andi Benton has posed:
If there are ulterior motives to having this place in the Hellfire Club, Andi's not seen them yet. Maybe it /is/ just a place for rich parents and high-class snobs to unload their kids for a little while while they conduct business elsewhere in the place.

Just like the question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll Tootsie Pop, the world may never know. Damn that owl.

"I haven't broken out in sores or tumors, so I'm gonna guess you're right about that," she remarks, injecting a little sarcasm into the response. "You kinda stick out like a sore thumb in this place, if you know what I mean. I like it. It fits my moods. But the hair's a neat trick." She rests an elbow against the top of the bar.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I try to light up a room when I walk in," Rave grins at that last comment, a little amusement in her own double-meaning. "But thanks, it's not so much a trick as a little bit of a 'natural side-effect', but it looks neat and it adds to my charm."

A sip of her drink, the bluenettw gestures to herself. "Rave, and I like to be memorable."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton rolls her eyes at the joke that's made first, but it doesn't make it all the way to her words. "Good one," she offers. "How many times have you used that line?"

As her order is worked on - some of it is already prepped for minimal waiting - she adds, "Sounds like a nickname. I'm Andi, and that's not one." She squints like there's something familiar here, but she must still be trying to figure that part out.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"It's much more interesting than the name I was born with. I prefer it." Rave muses, a shrug of her shoulders and the glowing haired girl in the skirt grins. "Good to meet you then Andi. What do you think of this place?"

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton taps a few fingers against the bar, looking out over the people enjoying themselves as she maintains a bit of a distance from all of it, like she's observing more than participating. For now, anyway. "Hey, you can call yourself whatever you want. There's no rule against that. Here? It feels like the kind of place where something bad could happen any second." She emphasizes the word 'bad' with finger quotes, which could mean just about anything. "It's got a kind of dark mood, and I like it."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Really?" Rave muses, shrugging her shoulders at the mention of something bad. "I found it kinda dull so far, but they're offering decent cash for gigs here....but yeah. It'll take some work to liven the place up. Either that, or I'm just easily bored."

Andi Benton has posed:
"No. I mean, like, 'Purgatory?' That's supposed to be hell, where people who have sinned go," Andi remarks, giving Rave a halfway knowing grin. "So I guess that means we're sinners. It fits for a place called the Hellfire Club, though. Makes me feel a little bad, too." Food isn't quite ready yet, but she's still keeping an eye on just about everything.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Sinners?" Rave repeats, a little laugh given as she looks down at her attire and then over the other party-goers. "I mean...maybe. Everyone gets into a little trouble now and then, that's half the fun. But hey, I think Purgatory is meant to be where you wait before you decide where you go. Heaven or Hell..."

A sip of her drink, Rave grins a little. "Or someone decides for you."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton is quick to claim, "I knew that. I was just..testing you. Right." Rave is, however, basically correct as far as she knows. "To be honest, I never paid much attention to religion. I'll take your word for it." Her mostly black and red look is a fit for the mood of the place, and she points out a few people while lowering her voice. "Do you think that guy decides? Or maybe her? And where would they take you?" She plays it up to sound like a big mystery without an answer, trying to sound spooky in the process. "At least the music's not bad, even if some of the stuff in here is a little tacky."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I'd like to think a place like this? We decide for ourselves." A shrug, Rave lazily adjusts her skirt as she pushes off the bar and moves out a few steps towards the dance floor. "Y'know. See if I like it here, then decide what's next...heaven or hell..."

Bright blue in the gathering of red, black and white? Certainly Rave seemed to like making her own rules.

Andi Benton has posed:
A staffer comes over to let Andi know her food will be a little longer, so she moves away to keep up with Rave for the time being. "Yeah, that'd work too. What kinds of places do you usually hang out in? Honestly, this one looks a little dark for you. I can see stuff that's a lot more colorful and bright." The question now is..will she actually dance?

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Oh, I like some dark places, exciting and energetic. Clubbing, dancing, partying...Who doesn't like a little rush?"

Rave shrugs, grinning and offering a light wink.

Turning, moving her hips to the beat, Rave seems happy to join the dancing for a little while and she's clearly comfortable with it. If the symbiote host will join her? Well, that remains to be seen."

Andi Benton has posed:
"Oh, we enjoy dark places," Andi responds, and she freezes in hesitation for just a moment, a long second or so. Did Rave catch the slip, or not? She quickly tries to cover it up, adding, "Dark lighting, dark clothes, feeling alive and into the moment, yeah."

Getting the rhythm, she begins to move in time with it, watching Rave more than the rest now.

Naria Shepard has posed:
If it was caught? It was taken for ecsentic behaviour and nothing more, Rave herself moving with the beat and giving a little grin. She could dance, hell it had been one of her favourite ways to feel alive before she had her powers. The half-lidding of her eyes and movemwnt to the music made it plain.

She could at least enjoy -this- at Purgatory for a little longer!

Andi Benton has posed:
With nothing said, Andi determines it's probably nothing. It's a matter of being careful with secrets around people she doesn't know well. Then again, not even her father knows. The song thumps, a pulsing beat that increases in pace, leading to others around them dancing with more abandon to keep up, but Andi makes her own pace. It's about half-speed compared to what those nearby are doing, but it does lead to a lot of them getting closer to their dance partners. "This one is rocking," she speaks up over the noise.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Eventually the music would change, eventually things would come to an end, but for the time the dance draws them close enough to talk? Rave grins and nods. "It's not too bad. A fun way to wrap up before heading out to see what else I can get into..."

Andi Benton has posed:
When a new song plays, Andi finds it not as much to her liking. "Oh, these guys suck. I'll get back in on another one." They do end up within easier speaking range, though as Rave talks of moving on, Andi takes it to mean her time is about to be up in Purgatory. "I still have some food I'm waiting on that I paid for. If you find any cool spots, let me know? I can give you my Twitter name." She's just going to assume someone like Rave is all over social media. However, the account she gives is /not/ the one she also uses to post as Mania. It's just something that sounds goth/punk.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A step so deft it may well have been a fluid movement and suddenly Rave was beside Andi, a bump of her hip as the phone that seemed to simply appear in her hand was raised. "Perfect!" she exclaims, a clear instant shot of an intended 'selfie' to add to the artists own rather significant social media. "A record of our trip through purgatory."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton was not expecting the hip, but she gives back as good as she gets.

//Andi, what was that for?//
<<She's being friendly.>>
//Do humans always do that as a sign of friendship?//
<<Not exactly. There are a lot of different ways to show it.>>
//We would like to know more, Andi.//
<<Not now.>>

The very quick, internal exchange is had and by the time the selfie is taken Andi is looking mildly distantly at the cameraphone, as if through it. Not her best photo ever, but it is done. "Yeah. And it will never disappear from the internet," she soon realizes.