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Latest revision as of 19:33, 22 April 2021

New Suit... New Plan
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Elektra drops in on Matt while he tests his new suit. They come up with a plan to deal with Matt's doppleganger.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Elektra Natchios

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt had to admit his double had definitely made an impact on crime in Hell's Kitchen, the crooks were scared to go out at night for fear of losing their head and those that did go out went more heavily armed than they ever did before. That last point was something Matt was learning right now as a the local set of the Chico Locos unloaded on his cover with automatic weapons the sound of the shots ringing out through the night.

"You're not going to take our fucking heads man!" their leader said, gesturing for a couple of his boys to flank Matt where he crouched behind a dumpster. Or at least it might be Matt, or it could be his double. This one wasn't wearing Matt's black suit or the same red one as before, but something new and sleeker. If it was made by Melvin the man had definitely stepped up his game.

Though as the men peel off to flank him, the figure in the red suit moves, flinging a baton, that hits one man, ricochets off the wall and hits the other laying them both out in the alleyway before rolling to a stop at Matt's feet.

He picks up the baton, two down, unfortunately though there were six more to go.

OOC: Suit - https://i.imgur.com/RSoxctt.jpg

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Not bad. Elektra had always been partial to a nice, blood red. This one was close enough. And sleek enough to almost be one of hers. With the appropriate differences, that is. It's those kind of thoughts that were going through the assassin's head while she watched the scene from her perch above squatting down right on the edge, elbows resting on knees.

The leather outfit she is in complains just so as it's stretched when she leans further forward, balance impeccable while picking up targets below. Two down. A few more to go. Good odds. And regardless of who this might be she will intervene just the same. Black hair flutters in the wind as she launches herself down from the perch, a foot balancing on a ledge, then on a fire escape ladder as she continues on a dizzying path to land right next to a couple of the goons.

Her presence is suddenly felt in the air. The bloodlust. Now she not trying to hide her presence from Daredevil anymore but letting her own aggression come out. It translates to a punch right below the ribs of one of the Chicos, making the man gasp for air before she spins on one foot, hitting a roundhouse kick on the man's temple to send him sprawling down.

"It's fine, I will take them instead." Heads, that is. She doesn't really wait for a reply though, carwheeling out of the way and then behind a wall before the oncoming spray of bullets peppers the location she was just a moment ago.

Seems another challenger joined the fray.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The Chicos were not expecting a second opponent and by the time they're lifting their guns to shoot Elektra is already gone. From where he crouches behind the dumpster, Matt smiles, feeling the familiar presence of Elektra. Though he doesn't waste more time than that, he leaps backwards onto the can then rushes across it to join the fight, kicking one of the men who turned to fire at Elektra in the back of the head, then landing, drove a fist into the ribs of a second man before laying him out with a strong right hook. It was not the Chicos night.

Then like Elektra, Matt moves, to avoid retribution, the Chicos spraying wildly into the New York city night before beating a hasty retreat towards the far end of the alley and out into the night.

Taking a breath Matt follows his senses to the Chicos stash, kicking over the old tire they hid it in and crunching the vials of heroin under his feet. Now the night was more than just bloody for the gangers, it was expensive.

"Thanks for the assist," Matt says his head turning in Elektra's direction.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When superpowers aren't involved a stray bullet can be the difference between life or death. Which is why this game of shadows is Elektra's preferred method of combat. In and out. Let the bulletproof ones be all mighty and roar. She will play by different rules.

She waits until their clips get emptied, listening to that tell tale *click*, then the reload that is soon to come...

She slides her head out of her perch, moving sharply with a shuriken between fingertips. But then they are already running off. So much for 'bro unity'. They left the other Chicos here for the police to catch. Ah well...

Though the shuriken certainly doesn't go to waste, she throwing it right at one of the Chico's behinds, bringing out a yelp from the man and leaving with a memory of this day. Maybe that will make him rethink his life choices.

Elektra steps out of her hiding place fully now and approaches Matt, or is it 'Matt'? She offers him a nod, "No need to thank me. Just doing my part." eyes roaming the man's outfit. "Like the colors." she comments.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Thanks," Matt says holding out his arms to let her get a better look. "With the other Matt stealing my suit I finally let Melvin make me the upgraded suit he's always talking about." He shifts in it a little bit, putting away his batons. "Still getting used to the feel of it."

The mannerisms are all the original Matt, though he says. "And if you have any doubts about which me you're talking to feel free to ask me anything."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Eyes continue to roam over the suit. Or is it the man himself? Perhaps Elektra is trying to discern who is who. Yes, she had a easy way of knowing when she first met the doppel-Matt. But right now? Quite some time had went by, and the man is smart enough to adapt. "It showed." the part about him still getting used to it. Nothing like a little jab. Though she does smile a touch at least. She always like to tease.

"I am hurt. I am still waiting for you to get me one of those suits." She letting out a faint sigh. "And here you are getting second suits." a small shake of her head, one hand resting on a hip.

"Are you really sure you'd want me to ask you anything though? You shouldn't open that Pandora box, Matthew." Again a bit of a tease. But that's her MO.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt was used to Elektra's MO, both in the looks and in the teasing, he smiles wryly a little "Heh," escaping his lips about how the newness of the suit showed.

"That's funny, I am pretty sure you're wearing one right now." At least it sounded like his work, the armoured fabric he lined the suits with had a distinctive sound when they moved.

There's another amused noise about the questions, "Sure, why not," he says rising to Elektra's challenge.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra should had accounted for the Matt knowing the damn distinction between armor sounds. Because of course he would. Point for Team Matt though! But it's not as if it clears him. In fact it does make her just a tad suspicious. Maybe it's the way in which he said it. Yet right now she goes back to folding back into herself, at least emotionally, and mentally. Using those tricks she had learned to keep her from being an open book for Matthew.

Or at least she hoped those worked. Could always be that Matthew was simply not wanting to read her in the past. Which would honestly be a good idea.

And sure, now poke Elektra. She did warn Matthew though. "Very well." a beat, "What was the last thing you told me back at Sweeney's place?" there. Nothing like digging into the past.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
It was just like Elektra to for the jugular with her questions. So, at least he didn't have to worry about her being who she said she was that, plus the armour was enough for him to feel confident. As for her question, he answers plainly, "I love you."

He cocks his head. "Good enough?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra snorts out when the man answers, then offering a sharp nod. "Good enough." she admits. But that was one of those she was preeettyyy confident no doppelganger would know about. Or he'd just be the luckiest gambler of all time. Still, that appears to satisfy her and so some of her guard eases up, it visible in her posture and in the way those shoulders don't appear as ready to strike.

"Been over ten years since then.." She tells the man, hand up and bringing some dark hair out of her face, eyes trailing to where the Chicos fled to then back to Matt, ".. Yet some things never change, do they?" what is she talking about? Those words? Or maybe how they continue to so stubbornly follow their own path, blazing through without making concessions.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can sense Elektra's guard lowering and so knows for sure she was satisfied with the answer he gave. Her next words though summon a quizzical expression to his lips as he regards her carefully. "How so?' he asks arms crossing over the conjoined Ds on his chest. A sure sign now Matt was on his guard and not because he thinks Elektra was an imposter.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Maybe that was her superpower, getting Matt always on his guard. It makes Elektra smile in a bit of a twisted way, amused at the way the roles are reversed. "How even after so much time has gone by we are still the same stupid kids of before.." she says, eyebrows arching. "Or at least you are, mmm?" with those same convictions of the past!

The one she hadn't been able to 'break'.

She is silent for a few moments before stating, "Perhaps I shouldn't had digged into that Pandora box. Brings back too many memories.." she shakes her head a bit to herself.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
That odd twist of a smile makes Matt feel somewhat better, despite the memories her questions dug up, he could deal with her games at the very least. "It's alright, like you said it's been ten years since then, we shouldn't be afraid of our pasts," he reasons. "And I think things worked out alright, haven't they?" he asks her, finding that once they started down this road it was hard to turn off of it. Apparently they were going to touch on sensitive subjects whether they liked it or not.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"So says the man without fear..." Elektra retorts. But she knew better. How Matt's past about his father still haunts him. Among a few other things. But life is made of choices. "But I agree. Never regret the past. It's done. The 'what ifs' can really chew at you if you aren't careful." was she saying she had a few of those moments already? It doesn't seem she is telling.

"And you mean things working out alright with me being an assassin with involvement in the Hand and you a vigilante to keep his violent persona separated? Well, yes. They went out just .., 'dandy'." yes, there is a little emphasis on that word. A little bit of sarcasm there too.

A laugh suddenly erupts out of the woman. "We are a mess, Matthew."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's another of those 'hehs' for that title. "I wasn't the one who called me that," he says, like Daredevil, that appellation was a gift of the press. There's a nod though for he what if's as if the man hand wrestled with a few of those of his own. "Don't tell me Elektra Natchios has second thoughts about things?" he teases lightly before her assessment about their lives gets a laugh from Matt as he nods, "You're not wrong," he admits. "Though given how we were brought up, can we really be that surprised?" he asks with a grin. "At least we do a bit of good from time to time. Yes, even you."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Sometimes we don't have a choice on what we are called. Or who we become." Elektra replies, opening her arms to the sides. "Such is life. Still, you seem to be living up to that name. The Daredevil." another faint smirk on her lips. Her arms return to fold together in challenge when Matt questions her having second thoughts on things.

"I have no doubts, or regrets about anything. You should know better." Still, her heart does skip a beat when she says those words. Was she lying? It was only for a brief moment though.

She doesn't dispute the part about doing good though. Instead she only lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "I was told that was a condition to stay around. So that's what I am doing. Don't get too used to it though." another brief chuckle. "The tiger cannot change it's stripes." a saying.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I'll agree about what we're called, but who we become, that is up to us, it always has been. Nobody can force you to become something your not, not really." But then Matt's life wasn't as hard as Elektra's had been, and not filled with the same deadly choices.

The skipped beat is noted and it shows in how Matt considers her. "Sure," he says finally letting her off the hook for that. "No regrets, that's you," he says unable to hide the sarcasm in the remark.

"The condition was you couldn't kill, helping out, that was all you. So maybe a tiger can, even if they think otherwise."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Those first words have Elektra narrow her eyes. Clearly she doesn't believe that. In fact it was one of the main rifts that had separated them. It was all about how you were raised to Elektra. But then again, being a killer since she was twelve did that to someone. "You are still as naive as you were before, Matthew. Sometimes we don't have that free will to choose. It's all about surviving." key word: Surviving.

The part about regrets, and the sarcasm registering on Matt is ignored by Elektra. Or maybe she is just too happy to skip past that part. No retort or even one of her smirks.

As for the helping out.. "Now you are getting into technicalities. Maybe I have ulterior motives, and I need the Defenders for it." well, that was actually true. But then she relents. "But fine, I have helped. It's not *too* bad. Even if I do have to trust other people more than I am usually comfortable with. But I can live with that."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"And you're just as cynical as you always were," Matt retorts but without much fire. In a way it was sad to see the same rifts between them still divided them now. "What's the point of surviving if how you do it kills your soul?" he asks less a dig and more an honest question, even if it was a philosophical one.

There's a smirk about the technicalities, "I'm a lawyer," he explains. "But point taken, still you've helped out quite a bit and I'm grateful for it, whatever your motivations."

Turns his head when one of the men on the ground starts to stir, and he knocks him out with a quick kick to the face. "Could still use your help with the other me, I am at a loss at how to find him and now with the SHIELD Task Force looking at me it's even harder to get away. We need a way to draw him out and finish this before he kills more people in my name."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Thank you." About being cynical. Someone had to be the realist here! But indeed Elektra notes those same rifts still very much present. Perhaps Matt couldn't change his stripes too. Not from lack of trying out of Elektra though! "And I am not the type to roll over and die." she says. "So survival first. The rest .., it will come. I will have time to ponder on how tainted my soul is when I am dead." and not one minute before!

"A lawyer that was paid in pies." She then asserts. Because there's a need to make that distinction.

And with that out of the way she then focuses on the 'elephant in the room', which is Doppel-Matt. "We lure him into a trap." She tells him. " ... I can do it, but on one condition." she lifting up a finger. "You will have to teach me on how to better be unnoticed by those uncanny senses of yours. Because I know you don't really try to read me... Your doppel, he most likely won't have the same .., boundaries."

There's always a catch apparently. It would also mean if it's successful she'd learn how to evade Matt's tricks! Or at least partially.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Either that," Matt says with a grin. "Or we're both too stubborn to try and change them," he says. There's no comment about when she'll consider her tainted soul, just a slight frown that suggests he was keeping in an objection.

Matt can see the dangers of teaching her how to evade his senses, but all the same there's no hesitation when he says, "Done. When would you like to start?" he asks. He'd taught himself most of what he knew so he could lie to Stick and he's fairly sure it'd work on his own senses as well.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Tonight." Elektra replies. Because there's no time like the present. "My penthouse is always at your disposal afterall." now the smirk returning. Besides, she did get her objective, which was to have Matthew teach her that. So a good day all in all. Not to say how good it'd help in evading STICK too. But no need to tell Matthew that. That connection was still one that had to be revealed.

"After we get this Chicos stench out of us, that is." She comments, turning her nose a bit. She doesn't need super smell to know Matt has been in that suit for a bit already! (And so has she if one is to be honest).

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt snerks about the smell. "Fine, let me pick up the spare clothes I keep at Fogwell's and we can go to your place," he says with a smile. "Been awhile since I've been to that 'small penthouse' of yours," he says dusting off the old joke.

He turns his head in the direction of Fogwell's. "Shall we go? I'll use a burner and call the cops to pick these guys up on the way."