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Latest revision as of 19:33, 22 April 2021

A Meeting With A Vampire (allegedly)
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Roland meets with Bella and Aisling at a local pub
Cast of Characters: Bella, Roland Livingston, Aisling Caroll

Bella has posed:
It's not everyday that Bella gets a letter addressed to her, so officially addressed to Bellatrix Lestrange. Not many know her full name, and whoever wrote the letter, some Roland something or other, was even aware of her notorious title: The Tempest. It just perked her interest, but at the same time, it was also very much against the whole notion of blending in successfully. She was curious, and so sent a reply, inviting this fellow to meet at Josie's Bar.

It was a silly place, with silly humans coming in and out, lots of looking weird, a pretty good place to blend in quietly and be in a crowd while not really. Bella picked the furthest table in the corner, and she's been regularly visiting for the last few weeks, because, well, mail is slow. Who knows when her letter arrives.

Roland Livingston has posed:
The sound of a motorcycle can be heard pulling up outside of Josie's. Whatever kind of bike it is it's a beast of a ride based on the sheer amount of noise that it makes. Moments after its engine cuts off a young man enters the bar dressed in a leather jacket. He takes a look around the establishment, checking out the various patrons. He could make a guess as to who might be the person he's to meet, but he'd rather not insult anyone by guessing wrong.

So he heads towards the bartender, "Good evening. May I have a..." It takes him but a moment to look up at the top shelf and say, "Lagavulin. Neat." As the drink is prepared the fellow indicates that he'd like to start a tab on his card. His fancy, Black American Express. "By any chance, would you happen to know if a Ms Bella is present tonight?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Fish out of water is the saying and boy does it fit with Ais. Bordome and a bike ride brought here to hell's kitchen all the way from Gotham. So, here she sits clad in mostly all black leather at the bar, drinking. The new arrival grabs her attention for a moment though it's fleeting attention at best. Back to that drink and people watching.

Bella has posed:
Josie is very professional, despite her jarring looks, and other than casting a quick look at the first time customer, she goes about fixing his drink. "Bella...? Odd one, hardly ever keeps company, you'll find her in the corner, all the way back," she hands the glass to Roland while pointing out at the far end of the bar. "That'll be $20."

Bella for her part looks up as if she was aware someone was asking about her, she arches a brow as Roland is pointed her way, curiously enough there is one untouched glass of some alcohol or something infront of her.

Roland Livingston has posed:
The woman at the bar nearby is given a glance and a slight smile from Roland, "Do you ride? Was that your bike outside?" He chuckles softly and says, "You should stick your head out the door if you appreciate motorcycles." Now that he's talking a bunch his upper class English accent is coming through strong.

When the bartender tells him who to look for the Englishman nods his thanks. Apparently, however, cards are not the way to pay here. Cash is fine with him, however, and he produces a couple of bills, trading the asked for 20 and some extra for his drink. "That's her, I'd imagine. Thank you."

Then he strolls down the bar towards the person he's to meet. "How do you do, mademoiselle? Mon nom est Roland Livingston." His French is pretty smooth, "Mon arrière-grand-père était Arthur Livingston." 'My great grandfather was Arthur Livingston.' Hopefully that'll mean something.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling just smirks a little and nods, "I do, and it is" she replies and as soon as she opens her mouth, the Irish accent is present just as his English one is. She eyes him as he leaves and heads over to the other woman sitting at the table. She shoots the other woman a slight smile and goes back to enjoying her drink for now.

Bella has posed:
The approach was expected, the French, less so. When Bella answers Roland, it is in French, but the accent is a bit peculiar, more old world, likely closer to what is now Quebecois French, compared to how the language evolved in the country itself. <<That is unexpected, Arthur Livingston...? That is a name...,>> she gives away nothing, before asking, <<why am I getting letters from you out of the blue...?>> Of course he went so much as to detail why, but it never hurt to hear in person. Aisling whom Roland exchanged some words with before approaching Bella gets a glance or two herself.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Roland takes a sip of his scotch before trying to reply. His French continues to roll off the tongue, <<I'm trying to track down an old family foe. Gebhard the Undying. I know that sometimes the world you exist in is more tightly knit than others.>> He switches back to English and smiles, "I thought you might appreciate the older sort of correspondence. There's something more... proper about writing a letter."

Bella has posed:
<Uh oh oh! Gebhard the Undying!> Bella laughs and raises her glass, giving a gesture of a toast at Roland, before putting her glass back down on the table. Not actually drinking from it. <<You have some interesting 'old family foes' as it were...that's very impressive, I must say.>> She does stop the laughter to smile warmly at Roland, "ahh...a man of true class, yes, it is much better than the finger screen." She switches back to English for a moment, <<suppose some parts of the world are more closely knit then others, who is to say I know anything of this, Gebhard...>> for not knowing a thing about him, she sure makes a rather distasteful expression at the very mention of the name.

Roland Livingston has posed:
<<Well, we've had to battle evil from time to time and old Gebhard's quite an evil sort of person, isn't he?>> Roland says as he lifts his own whiskey to join the toast. He, however, takes a decent sized drink. "While I'm fluent in the mobile devices and all that sort of thing I like to think I was raised to be a gentleman," the young man says with a grin. And then his shoulders shrug, <<I have no way of knowing, to be honest. I thought I'd found one of his minions out in California, but my plane was hijacked on the way and I lost the trail. Then I remembered some stories my great grandfather told me of a great warrior who fought the Germans. I decided to seek out... her relations.>>

He has another drink and scans over to Aisling, "You're not going to look at my bike? It's one of my favorite toys and I love to show it off."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling finishes her dink and slides Josie the payment before sliding off to find a table to sit at. Mainly one close enough to these two so she can listen in.

Bella has posed:
<<I'll tell you what,>> Bella says after some reflection, <<you can finish my drink,>> and she pushes her utterly full glass towards Roland, <<and show the lovely lady that big bike of yours, and I'll go look into some archives...I'll mull it over.>> As she gets up she switches to English again, "if I find it favorable, I will help you with that lost trail, otherwise, it was a pleasure meeting you, Monseiur." She inclines her head at Roland, twirls her fingers at Aisling, and proceeds to depart.

Roland Livingston has posed:
<<Thank you very much>> Roland says to Bella with a big, bright smile.

Then he turns his attention towards Aisling again as he finishes off his first drink, then picks up Bella's. He gives it a sniff before shrugging and taking a taste. Whatever it is seems to suit him just fine, at least for the time being. To Aisling he asks, "You're not from around here either, I take it? I just moved to Manhattan recently."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "What gave me away?" she asks keeping a rather stoic look on her face. "Was it the bike or the leathers?" she adds tossing a bit of extra smartass in there because it's not like the multi colored eyes and auburn hair draw attention or anything.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"If you were local you wouldn't have worn your leathers for a trip to the bar in all likelihood," Roland says with a bit of a smirk. "I don't usually put them on unless I'm going for a long ride or hitting the track." His chin lifts, "My name is Roland, by the way."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling just blinks, because that actually does make sense. She follows that with an exhale and a nod, "Aisling" she replies plainly. "I grew up in Gotham" the Irish accent giving away that she was probabaly an immigrant as well.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you, Aisling," Roland says before taking another sip of his drink. "Gotham, eh? I grew up in England in my family's old castle." With a little bit of a chuckle he says, "Working on becoming a proper superhero now that I live in the States, though. Caught a mad scientist one day, mangled some Nazi terrorists another. Met a Spider-Man last night. Helping him and the police with an investigation." Based on the way he's laughing it's hard to tell how serious he is.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "I spent the first few years of my life in the UK, my mother was from Ireland and my Father was a US service member." Just, gonna toss that out there because why not? As to the castle part, she's not impressed. All he gets with the rest of that story is a bit of a head tilt.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Ireland is a beautiful country," Roland comments. "I usually enjoy going there. Have you been back since you were a kid?" The rest of his drink ends up down his throat and he sets the glass aside so he can focus on the conversation. "I'm joking about becoming a superhero. Those events were mostly just me being in the right place at the right time. Except for meeting the Spider-Man. I'm a consultant for the local constabulary sometimes when they have a particularly unusual case."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling shakes her head no, "No, I spent most of my life in the foster care system" she replies rather plainly leaning back in the booth and exhaling. "So, you met the spider man eh? Sounds like fun, though I don't imagine working as a consultant for the cops is all that interesting in comparrison." She pauses and smiles slightly, "at least in comparrison to mad scientists and beating up nazis."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Yes, quite a nice chap," Roland says of Spider-Man. "I'll be working with him in the future, hopefully. Help him deal with some sort of monster or other." Then he nods his head, "Typically I need to convince them that something they think is supernatural isn't, but that's not always the case. I'm a scholar of the arcane, you see, in addition to being an adventurer."

There's a soft chuckle as he says, "Poor scientist was out of his mind. Threw a blob monster at someone. Even had some manner of science sword and laser weapon. It wasn't a challenge to subdue him. Mostly I feel sorry for the fellow, probably end up in an asylum." He looks almost sad at that statement.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling nods as she listens leaning back again to cross her legs and fold her arms. "Blob monster? That sounds, intense.." she adds exhaling a little. "Most of them do, the ones that have issues like that. Hopefully the system actually helps them."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Had to blow it up," Roland says in reference to the blob. "It started off small but was growing quite rapidly. Borrowed a propane tank from a food vendor, and a gun and a lighter from some onlookers. Rigged the lighter to the tank with a shoelace and then threw it at the monster before shooting the lighter. Boom. No more blob monster. Found the scientist fellow sword fighting a fence. Blade was quite sharp, went right through it." Then he nods, "I hope he gets better. Who knows what he might be able to develop if he has a clear mind?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling just can't help but stare and listen because all of this sounds really fantastical, but then, super heroes exist. "I, yeah..." pause, "Who knows..." she adds just a bit taken a back by that whole story.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"It's a strange world we live in, isn't it?" Roland comments. Then he asks, "What are you drinking? I'll buy us another round if you'd like." He turns to address the bartender, "I'll have another Lagavulin and one of whatever she's drinking delivered to her, please." Cash is produced, likely more than enough to cover the booze and a big tip.