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Latest revision as of 19:33, 22 April 2021

Friendship bonds and binds
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Pepper and Amanda's apartment, NYC
Synopsis: Amanda makes dinner for friends.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Sefton, Pepper Potts, Lucifer

Amanda Sefton has posed:
The smell of pork and apples is fairly strong throughout the small, pricey apartment overlooking Central Park. There's a very handy appliance on the counter that takes care of the hardwork where that's concerned. A set-it-and-forget-it type of pressure-cooker-cum-everything-else thing that really does make dinner prep easy. Little roasted pototoes brown beside strips of asparagus and carrots. And a light Chardonnay sits chilling, ready for when the food is dished out.

Amanda moves between the kitchen and dining room, setting the table in a casual chic manner. Less preparing-for-a-date, but still preparing for company. She's dressed casually, but very *nice* casual. Trousers, rather than jeans. Soft cashmere, short-sleeved sweater top rather than t-shirt. That sort of nice. Her feet are still bare, of course. She's at home and intends to be comfortable. And it's not like she's done her make-up or hair any differently than any other day. So... dinner date. But not dinner DATE. Important distinction there.

Sir Patrick scoots around on wheels, making sure the floors are as perfect as his little mechanical heart can make them. He chirps and whistles as he goes, more like he's trying to create some sort of music only he understands than chattering at the sorceress for whom he's become something of a technological familiar. She benignly ignores him, continuing her pleasant chore.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is also present, but not for too long. She still has a few things tucked away in the apartment, though not too much anymore. She's got a 'drawer' over at the Penthouse, and slowly but surely things are looking like they've got a hint of a feminine touch to them where once it was total sparse bachelor pad. This time, she has a couple of small oils from her room of Colonial Connecticutt; farmhouses, old stone fences.. all very quaint. She's not always about the art nouveau, after all.

With a large art portfolio in hand, Pepper is dressed down in nice tan slacks, winnowy blouse covered with a knee-length sweater. Her strawberry blonde hair is tucked up in a pony tail, and a couple of little scratches on her face and neck where bared. And on her hands.

"That smells amazing. I might have," Pepper sets the large portfolio case down to lean against the wall, "to get one for the Penthouse. It'd cut back on ordering out, and it would save me from actually trying to keep something warm." That last bit is said with honest affection; a gentle tease born of decided fondness.

Lucifer has posed:
That this is a dinner date but not a DATE might be lost on Lucifer, if one judges simply by his physical carriage and attire. It's best to judge by more than just that, though: and those who know him may give him that extra credit. His nature is one of not being contained: pushing boundaries, crashing through barriers (painfully and maybe even dangerously). His personality inflicted on social situations can often be bizarre out of the context of the moment, without his strange and unusual aura of making things feel more 'acceptable' at the time, as if everything were seen through rose-colored glasses.

Lucifer knocks, but lets himself in: to simply save on time, not to break politeness barriers. The strong implication of familiarity carries strongly on the gesture, that boundless confidence to not wait - though, in truth, he would not have done so if he weren't expected.

Lucifer is dressed as if he expected this date to turn sensual, with his fitted pants, open-throated crimson shirt pressed perfectly and tailored to frame neck and upper chest. His hair is deliberately ruffled, and there's a sense to that he did /something/ with his features, maybe subtly, that has made his beauty just a little more 'off' than usual. Perfection of an unnatural level can feel just that: unnatural. He's slipping out of his jacket with a suave showy display, tossing it haphazardly to the back of couch, and approaching the kitchen. His aura is thick, a cloying quality, as if dowsing the social scene in a strong dose of pleasant drug. All of that distracts from that he isn't 'alone'; there is a little flying creature with him. It's some kind of little light gray bat, barely a hand-width in size, silently gliding in. For those that direct senses at it, it has a whiff of the demonic to it, but not a high level.

Lucifer had started to call a greeting, but instead stops to observe the glorified Roomba 'Patrick' with an amused snort, pushing at it with the edge of foot to direct it away from his immediate path. "You won't be able to clean me up; worldbending entities have tried and failed," he teases it, then lifts his voice to announce himeslf more directly. "Good evening, --- ladies." Adjusted to plural.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"You really should stay," Amanda says to Pepper. "It's not a *date*, Pepper. Honest." She knows she's losing that argument. But a one night stand with 'The Devil' isn't really what this witch wants. She's a little bit more of a long term sort of girl. And putting that type of constraint on Lucifer would very likely be unfair. No. The only way that happens is if he makes that move. Not her.

She's content with being friends. No matter what Pepper may think.

Of course, when the man of the hour does finally arrive, sweeping in, she can't help but smile -- and perhaps color just a little, realizing she'll *definitely* never win this argument with Pepper, now. Not unless she bloody well forces the woman to stay. Is it kidnapping if you lock someone in their own apartment?

"Good evening, Luci. You're looking very well, this evening."

Patrick pauses, backs away from Lucifer, and does his little transformer schtick into a mechnical knight. He steps back with a regal air, all but ushering the man into the room. This, despite the sooty mess he left behind last time.

Or maybe because of it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is moving towards her package, ready to reach out and take it before too much longer passes, and there's something of a sly, approving grin to her face. "Third wheel.. it's really okay. I won't be back to-"

Luci's entrance is enough to pull the attention, and Pepper can't help but stare. It's not a //bad// stare, per se. It's one of those that Luci no doubt expects, very much like Tony in that, and it's all very, very deliberate. It takes a long moment for her to find her breath, much less her train of thought, her words.


He has to know the effect he has, right? Right? Pepper takes the moment, and instead of reaching for her artwork, takes the step back as he greets the pair. "I.. uh.." should?

Oh no.. the man has his charm hitched up and she glances back and over her shoulder at Amanda before back to the newly arrived.

"Good evening. I.. I was.."

Breathe, Pepper.

".. just leaving."

Lucifer has posed:
"Stick around if you like; I like groups," Lucifer floats, evenly in his relaxed tone. It's entirely playful, there's no force to it. He's just genuinely a flippant, open spirit, by all visible signs. Expressive with himself, and not hiding even things that most people might feel awkward about or ashamed for. Casual pleasure, Lucifer is, without strings. At least, on the surface.

"Kind to say, though I see I am ... underdressed," he teases, in a way that proves he doesn't care at all about the mismatch of comfort and his sharpened style. He approaches Amanda with obvious intent to side-hug and, if she's not quick, snare her hand for an over-dramatic finger lip-brush. Mostly due to the reactions: he's playing it up more because he can. Boundaries played with! Tempted. But not forced. Though he does stare at her with his widened-eyed way, a check for signals: of welcome or rejection.

At least, until Pepper stumbles verbally.

"Oh, do you have paintings? I have a soft spot for art. May I see?" Lucifer asks, making a direct route to Pepper with clear interest in both seeing the paintings, but also doing it from close proximity. Whether that part is deliberate may be up for debate. "You paint---? No, not these at least. They don't feel like they'd come from you," Lucifer decides to Pepper, vision sliding over the art as if he were a professional critic.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda accepts the hug and even the 'gentlemanly' kiss. She chuckles softly, giving him a casual kiss on the cheek in return. Perhaps even a playful wink. "You try to convince her to stay, Luci. I've been wasting my breath for the past hour." Like ever since she put the pork on to cook.

She moves to take the wine to the table and then, as the oven dings, to start pulling the veg out and transferring them to serving platters. "There's plenty here, Pepper. Really. I made enough for leftovers." The worst that'll happen is she won't have pork sandwiches for lunch tomorrow.

Pepper Potts has posed:

Pepper flushes slightly, taking that in a completely different direction than was possibly intended. Or perhaps exactly as intended; it is Lucifer, after all. The flush is matched with a smile and an audible exhalation; it's not an uncomfortable laugh per se. It's just..

She's very aware of him.

"I really ca-"

And Amanda is siccing Lucifer on her now in order to convince her to stay? Dirty pool, 'Mands!

There is a moment to breathe, thankfully, as he moves past to greet Amanda, the familiarity giving force to the smile. It's cute, they're cute.. and she deserves..

Her paintings? "No, no.." and she's quick to deny that she's the artist. "I can't. I just collect.."

And there he is again, right beside her, oozing a charm and.. appeal. There's that pinkening to her cheeks again, and as he takes a look at the oils, Pepper finds herself taking a step back, a quick breath drawn. "They're just a little something from home. I never bothered looking up the artist. I just liked them." As opposed to her official art collection which is curated specifically based upon artist with a secondary of whether or not she liked them and if they were a good price and a good fit for the collection. (She's worked YEARS on that art collection!)

"I really should go.." Pepper begins again. "It smells amazing, 'Mands. It really does. Buut, I have a couple of stops to make on the way back, and I still need to make something for Tony.."

Lucifer has posed:
Amanda's european-friendly kiss to his cheek evokes response from Lucifer quickly, a sort of chuckled low purr sound in answer, that edges into a pleased growl. It's a sound usually more oriented to a private bedroom setting, maybe. Perhaps just aimed to show encouragement. And a real display of his pleasure at the affection?

Lucifer also joins in on the efforts to coax Pepper to stay. "It /does/ smell delicious. Come, share with us; we'd enjoy the pleasure of your company. Make an excuse to where you have to be, give yourself a break with us for a meal," Lucifer devilishly suggests, with easy temptation.

The little gray bat that came with Lucifer has done one lap around the ceiling, and picks a spot to hang from, wings curled around itself. Lucifer for the moment seems to have forgotten about the critter with how little attention he seems to be paying it.

"By the way. This third one is a different artist," Lucifer identifies, with an extension of long piano fingers near one of the paintings. He stares at it for a beat, and smiles privately. "The original artist's daughter's. Better than his, I daresay, she should sign her own name. Mmm." He then settles his gaze on Pepper, just to observe her, while she hedges.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda smirks slightly. "You could invite Tony to join us," she tells Pepper. Oh, she knows that'll never happen. But she's certainly not above tag-teaming her best friend. She releases the pressure on the pot to transfer the pork to a serving dish, pouring some of the juice over it. The thing is just about ready to fall apart. So, perhaps elegant presentation isn't nearly as important as taste in this case. She then brings the platter to the table to join the vegetables.

Finally, she moves to set the third place for Pepper -- including a wine glass for the Chardonnay that appears in the center of the table. All of which leads to her taking Pepper by the shoulders and all but pushing her to the table. "You can take leftovers to Tony. He won't care. It'll be a change from take out."

Meanwhile, in the living room, Patrick has noticed the grey bat and comes to stand obliquely beneath it, where he can look up at it. His little automaton brain assesses it closely. It's not a snake. So... that's a good thing.

Pepper Potts has posed:
But she does like going home and being where she 'has to be'! Pepper exhales in a softly audible chuffed breath, and looks between the pair. Two devils sitting on her shoulder, and it's only she that 'fights' to go home.

Home to Tony.

There's a scowl on her face, a good natured one but one all the same as Amanda sets the third plate, complete with wine glass. Wine will be good!

"Really?" Pepper's attention is drawn back to the paintings and the man evaluating them, critiquing them with a measured eye. "Let me see.." and she takes that step closer once more to the man, drawing into that circle once more. "Huh.."

It's that setting, however, that once again calls to her, and she physically removes herself from that sphere, and once out of the direct influence, Pepper takes another measured breath. "I could ask," she begins, "but he's probably in the lab. Or fashioning another VR. The one at the museum was destroyed the other night." Doesn't mean she shouldn't ask, however, and glancing about the room, she's looking for her cell.

Lucifer has posed:
The little bat doesn't /seem/ like a spy. But it provides no answers otherwise, just hanging there out of notice, harmlessly. Lucifer's distracted, and isn't minding it either.

Lucifer notices Pepper's physical shift back from him, and a quick grin shows up. He's self-aware. "If I can make a suggestion," Lucifer says, thoughtfully, "That you ask your Tony for a massage when you do get back. Let some of that tension ease." He's not pushy, just bluntly observant. "I'd expect he'd enjoy the request anyway - /I/ would." Lucifer grins but doesn't really press on Pepper's defenses or personal walls. He shoots a little 'I tried' look at Amanda, but a wrinkle of nose is playful and also does include her in whatever his massuse offer contained. Still, no pressure. Instead, he leaves the paintings be and comes to investigate what Amanda has brought to the table.

"Still a shame to rush off without having /any/. Please listen to your friend." Amanda, who directed her to sit down, while he moves to seat himself at the table with a confident manner, extending a hand to help pour the Chardonnay into all three glasses that Amanda produced.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda glances around as Pepper does, considering where the woman is likely to have laid her phone. Finally a small smile touches her lips. She ripples her fingers, breathing a soft spell. The Starkphone rises up out of Pepper's pocketbook and floats to her. "Call," she orders. "Then eat. I'll portal him in, if he wants to come. Otherwise... you can bring him leftovers. We'll save him a plate." Because, why not?

The point is, she's not getting out of this. Not, in any case, unless she insists harder. At the end of the day, Amanda won't deny her friend the right to make her own decision and exercise her own free will. She'll just moue at her and make sure she gets a more formal invitation next time.

As Luci pours the wine, Amanda makes one last sweep of the kitchen to make sure everything she intended for dinner is out. The desert is frozen. It's fine. Thus, she's free to join them at the table, while Patrick keeps his silent bat vigil.

Pepper Potts has posed:


Why yes, yes there is. Not bad, not really. But Pepper is missing Tony, and a little more than usual, a little more than normal, which feels strange and not all at the same time. She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it once more. There are just some things that she doesn't completely share, even with the dev- even with Lucifer. Even though there is just //something// about him that really makes her want to relax, give in, to simply enjoy his presence.

Pepper isn't freaked out with the fact the phone floats to her; a testament to how long the friends have been friends, and the fact that Pepper knows almost all about Amanda's abilities, or at least who and what she is. Reaching out to pluck it from the air, Pepper removes herself from that sphere of influence that Luci has, eyes cast to the floor as the phone is held to her ear. "HO-- HOMER tell Tony, yes I know. Just tell him I called and I'm going to be later than I expected. I'm at the apartment still and I'm going to bring him a plate home for dinner."

The cell's little red dot is pressed and the call is ended before she wanders back to the table. "Okay. I'll eat, he's busy. I'll take a plate over to him later. Fair?" Darn it!

Lucifer has posed:
While Pepper is on the phone, Lucifer gestures up at the ceiling to the little bat creature. "I didn't come empty-handed. That is a 'Skoken', if you're familiar with them. If not, no doubt you've used Skoken fur in spells before?" Lucifer asks Amanda. "That particular one is mostly shaved - not by me, I found it that way - but I thought of you, that you might want to partake of it, then banish it. They tend to cause rather lucid hallucinations if kept around too long." Lucifer reaches over to try to tap the back of Amanda's hand with a finger, with a quick smile.

Lucifer's upbeat about the whole thing - a magical, thoughtful gift from his perspective. He saw something and thought of her.

As Pepper returns, Lucifer gives her a beaming welcome, gesturing grandly to her seat. Clearly the best choice is to stay!

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Fair," Amanda agrees with Pepper, flashing her a wide grin. "Thank you." Yes, she's pleased. Pepper needs to take a break from work, and neither of them can deny that -- even when he's as well behaved as he ever is -- Lucifer is quite the distraction.

She picks up a spoon to start putting food on her plate. "Please," she says, "help yourselves. If there's anything you want that's not here, it's probably in the kitchen. I can get it."

As Lucifer talks about the Skoken, however, her brow rises curiously. Her eyes track to where the little critter hangs, her little mechanical knight standing guard beneath it. "Nice," she says, obviously pleased by the gift. "It's a pain to try to source in this city. Most of flocks I've heard of are more at home in Eastern or Northern Europe than here." She rewards him with a bright smile. "Thank you. I'll have to attend to that before you leave." Because she doesn't really need more hallucinations. Not that banishing the thing should be hard.

"So, how are your preparations for the Expo coming, Pepper?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper probably doesn't need to hear about hallucinagetic bats (do you lick them, or is it an area of effect after awhile?), and with the grand gesture to the seat, she takes it with thanks. Clearly, judging by the smile on Luci's face, the obvious, acceptable choice is to stay!

A break from work, however, is hard for her. Her work happens to encompass the love of her life; the two are intertwined and difficult to differentiate one from the other. Such is her life. There is very little separation of one from the other; only when she or they are on vacation, or a God's Honest Day Off is taken.

There is no way she'd trade it for the world.

Pepper partakes of dinner, getting the juices of the meat dripped onto the sides.

Finally, however, her eyes turn to the bat as if seeing it for the first time, unobtrusive as the little thing has been. Even Patrick didn't make a huge deal out of it, even if he apparently is still standing sentry. Must be the Lucifer effect!

"Hmmmm? Oh.. the Expo. It's coming along well. Sets are being built, final contracts are being signed. We have our lineups," and the food is finally stabbed and eaten, the proper time between finishing a bite and conversation taken, "with guest appearances and forum discussions."

Pepper is more than happy to go into detail, and will should she be asked; dinner, wine and friends do that to a person.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer partakes, but not in a gluttonous way. It lends more towards behavior as if he were enjoying the things for the taste, not out of hunger - though his consumption itself isn't specifically weird or unusual. He blends in perfectly when he chooses to do so, and he's relaxed into just being 'normal' at the moment. It reduces the impact of his natural ambiance, some, with him toning it back. It's a little easier to 'see' him without that electric mind-fog in the way. He's strange, in that he's deeply unnatural but deeply part of the world at the same time.

"Well, you have time; just don't let him sleep on your face," Lucifer lightly jokes of the hallucinations of the little bat-demon.

"Sounds like a dreadfully large amount of work still looms," he observes. It isn't with dismay: more just observational.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Gin is in her glory when a dreadfully large amount of work still looms," Amanda laughs lightly, giving her friend a fond look. "Even when we were in university, as I recall." Of course, she can get away with saying that because her official academic studies were half the weight of Pepper's -- solely because her arcane studies were twice as heavy. She just kept most of them under wraps.There were maybe half a dozen times over three years that her magical activities spilled over into their mundane existance. Once a semester isn't bad! The Scooby Gang are far worse than she.

She chuckles again at Lucifer's comment on the bat. "I suppose I can put it in the canary cage." Wait. She has one of those? Oh, who knows? She can conjure one, certainly.

She puts enough on her plate to enjoy, but doesn't overladen it. There's no reason to. There's plenty and they can always come back for more. Taking a sip of her wine, she asks Pepper, "Who are your guest appearances this year?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's the more 'normal' activity of eating that gives Pepper that breather, that is, when Luci is otherwise engaged. There's no need for anything but 'him', but even then, she keeps glancing over towards him. Even without that brainfog, there is something irresistable about the man.

With the active draw subdued over dinner, Pepper is able to concentrate a little more on her portion and the flavor of the food, which is amazing. "This really is delicious, 'Mands.. you'll have to give me the recipe." And she'll have to buy that slowcooker. Pressure cooker?

Soon enough, though, as discussion of the expo continues, and she does let her best friend in on the inner plans (some of them anyway). At the same time, Pepper is rising to pack some food for home, to give to Tony who she could bet hasn't eaten for one reason or another.

Ultimately, she's glad she'd remained, if only for that hour, or two, in the company of friends.