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Latest revision as of 19:33, 22 April 2021

Flashback 2018: Mini Kaiju Pony To Glory!
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Toyko, Japan
Synopsis: Yellow Scarf Buster helps Robotman defeat a giant magical pony. He wires home for cash.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Cliff Steele

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It's a normal night in abnormal Tokyo, Where the traffic slacks when the sun goes down but it really never stops. Yakuza skulk around in their shitty little bars and night clubs, freaks lurk in darkened alleyways and a maze of underground passages. Villians scheme, and heroes of the Tokyo Justice Society endeavor to spoil those same plans. Above all of this, is half of what "Heroine magazine" named their "Team of the year". The Yellow Scarf buster but of course.

    Not that she's standing around at attention looking stoic, rather she's slumped back against an A/C unit. A night spent running solo when you're used to being part of a team, well it sucks -bad-. Casually scrolling through her phone with one hand as she hungrily devours the last of her packed lunch. See even everyone's favorite heroines need a lunch break now and then, especially after spending the night busting skulls and signing autographs for eager otaku.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele falls out of the sky, literally. Long is the recounting of fuck, and Robotman hath many many many fucks to give, and yay verily doth he give them until he lands on the ground with a thud leaving a lovely little crater. He lies there for several minutes as many people take selfies with him and a few even whisper, "Robotman!" One idiot says "Domo Arigato Mr Roboto" until everyone laughs because Cliff wont get that joke and because both the song and robotman are cool. It's a Robot...and a man!

But the robot is not alone as through the air a giant pony, about the size of a greyhound bus falls from the sky. It steps onto a car, crushing it, fire burning in its eyes (like actual fire not the spitfire of a wild and free spirit). It is plaid.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    The falling robot gets her attention of course, and she's about to go investigate that until down comes the Pony. It takes a moment for the smoke to stop pouring from her ears, and she can actually get into motion. She throws a grapple line out before taking a flying leap off the building, loosing her line to freefall the last dozen feet or so for a properly heroic entrance. <<Looks like you've made quite a mess of things, Time to clean things up.>>

    So just who the hell is the YSB anyway, right? Well it'd be easy to confuse her for somebody that just wandered out of a Maid cafe really, especially in this town. The black stockings, the short frilled skirt and formal blouse. Starched white cuffs and collar,stark white apron, neat little bow tie, cute little hat pinned off kilter. Maids don't wear armored knee and elbow pads though, much less black and yellow chucks, long flowing yellow scarfs wound up high around their face or carry a metal baseball bat. Anywho she draws herself up to her full height, pointing that bat towards the pony like a heavy weight slugger.

Cliff Steele has posed:
The Pony roars in fury with razor sharp teeth and it shoots a gout of flame from its eyes like a firey laser beam with a thousand suns down at Chizue though it is slow and likely easy to dodge, melting yet another car behind her to slag.

Robotman slowly gets up, groaning. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck a Duck. FUCK!" He moans and graps his head looking around. "JAPAN?!

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    YSB isn't just fast, she's downright legitimately superhuman on her feet. A half gainer twist mid backflip out of the way of those eyes, hitting the pavement without so much as a sound before she gets moving. Rushing up the sidewalk to draw herself around to the Pony's flanks, before reaching into her apron to produce...an RK-3 Soviet shaped charge anti-tank grenade. For those really nasty stains with heavily armored protection, of course.
    She pops the pin all but casually, before lofting the thing skyward and skidding immediately to a stop. Shoes still sliding on the pavement as she drops into a slugger's low ready, and with a loud -KLANG- of that bat? Yeah she sends that grenade skyward in a gentle arch towards the offending pony. <<No animals on the furniture!>>

Cliff Steele has posed:
The grenade makes impact and there is a bruise on the pony. It is a cute bruise and...has two giant bandaids on it?! The Pony roars and stomps on a bench and umbrella and then melts another car. Robotman might not understand Japanese but the pony sure does!

Cliff blinks at the grenade and chuckles, "Fuck that's...heavy. OK murderize the fucking death pony it is..." he chuckles to himself and starts to slowly move towards the Pony. While he can move fast it takes time to get up to speed.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Careful, heat rays from the eyes!"Comes the warning in English this time, because well you never turn down help when the public is in danger right? Anti-tank grenade foiled, it's time to return to the usual old thing right? She clears a car in a single smooth motion, before breaking into a dead sprint across the broken pavement. Circling around still, because well heat vision is not to be messed with clearly.

    Oh no instead she swings that bat like a sword, aiming for the horse's "knee" as she closes the distance. "This is why livestock is never allowed inside!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
She has to stab up with the bat to hit the knee but it seems to be a weakspot as it falls down to knee and melts three more cars, slowly melted to nothing. At just that moment Cliff finally catches up to its face and punches it in the face, POW! "FUCK YOU!" POW! "AND THE HORSE YOU RODE...." pause and thinks for a second, "RODE YOURSELF IN ON!"

The horse grabs Cliff in its mouth who continues swearing as the horse shakes Cliff like a rag doll in its mouth and throws him quite a ways away where he flies into a glass window full of TV's showing him flying, drool covered, into a ...you get the idea, turtles all the way down. Several people film this their phones and it trends on twitter. It's a meme for years to come.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Is it machine or magic?"She shouts towards Cliff once he actually comes to rest, because such things are important to know of course. Never the less she hurtles up the horse's shoulder as it falls, tossing that bat aside as she produces a blade from her sleeve and in one smooth motion? Yeah alright she's gonna try stabbing the bastard between the shoulder blades, presuming it has such things of course. Blunt force trauma wasn't exactly going to cut it on anything -this- big right?

    "Oh and please watch your language, there are impressionable children watching. We have to be good role models for their future development."See she took the mandatory PR course, she -listened- and didn't just cheat like everyone else.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "Magic?" This is said without all the confidence in the world. "I was just walking down the street and fell into a chess set. All the pieces turned into things and this knight is a giant fucking pony...." He is moving back to hit it again but slow. He is sufficiently loud to be heard from a ways away. "Oh yeah, sorry about my fucking language on fucking impressionable ears. I will fucking stop, sorry as fuck."

The horse seems to be slowly...what? Losing hit points? Dying? Breaking? Whatever she is doing the wood is taking its tool as more bandaids appear all over the horse and ....is that a health bar hundreds of feet up in the air? Seriously? But the pony gets a bit more health every time it fries a car so while Chizue (and nominally Robotman) are reducing the health of the thing, it is a back and forth thing."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Very mature!"Comes the automatic response, as she gives up on that knife. Casually threading it back into her sleeve, before digging about in her apron for the goods. She comes up with, well it looks sort've like a pringles can. Anywho she strips the lid out and pours two clear glass orbs and a fair bit of packing material into her hands. She hits the ground with them both held in her left hand, scrambling over a car to rescue her bat and grab a little more distance.

    "Get some distance, it's gonna get hot!"And -CRACK- goes the first glass orb which, kind of amazingly holds together perfectly well until it strikes. Followed immediately by the other. The PR lady had specified she was supposed to use dramatically less fire, and to minimize the ninja tricks but well when the situation calls for it?

Cliff Steele has posed:
Robotman is about to punch the nice magical(???) horsey when instead the binary fuel firebomb REALLY comes together and splatters all over the street spreading purple goo everywhere and a pair of googly fire marble eyes plop down and stare at Chizue accusingly. It is literally seconds before an Otaku snaps them up, selfies themselves and sells it on Ebay for thousands.

The goo covered audience cheers Chizue and takes pictures of her with their phones.


Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Gives that baseball bat a casual little flip into the air, taking her time to straighten those cuffs and collar before snatching the bat back out of the air without so much as a glance. "Robot Man was it, are you alright? Do you require any repairs?"Casually sauntering over towards cliff without a worry thrown to the photographers. "Oh and goodness how terribly rude, welcome to Tokyo."

    She does of course offer cliff a rag, because of course the street fighting maid offers the goo splattered robot a rag. "Why don't we get off the street yeah, get you cleaned up and presentable?"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

He sighs, "I need a bath, I need a beer, and a ticket back to the United States of America, but I'll settle for someone dialing a number and putting me on speaker so I can ask the chief to wire me some dough. Off the street is good too. I dont mind posing for selfies but this is....obsessesive. And Thanks, Tokyo..." he looks around, "Tokyo is great." That sounds genuine."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    The YSB pivots on a heel, peering at those gathered for a moment before raising an empty hand to get their attention. <<Excuse me citizens of Tokyo, Our American friend is quite tired from battle. Let us be good hosts and stop filming him for awhile, he had a rough time yes? Thank you.>>In Japanese of course, and well she's not going to hang around and give anyone really the chance to disobey (as if!). Rather leading down a narrow side alley, before popping open a drain cover to expose..

    Well it's not a sewer down there, theres rubber tiles and honest to god lights at least. One of very many little rooms scattered around Tokyo to permit Heroes a safe place to fix their uniforms, grab a bite to eat or bind a wound. It's nothing fancy of course but it's clean and quiet, and it has a sink.

Cliff Steele has posed:
The crowd, being inordinately polite, sighs and aws but immediately backs away, bows and talks amongst themselves sharing pictures. Robotman follows, anxious to get the goo off of him. He can't smell so he doesnt mind if its a sewer or not, looking around with curiousity. "Thanks, this is awesome." He starts to use said sink.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "You're quite welcome, It's fortunate you are well Robotman. Do you know whom it was that sent that monster, and transported you here?"She settles onto a folding chair heavily, before plonking that baseball bat onto the tabletop beside. "I will not have any further strange horses whilst you are here, or so I should hope yes?"

    Of course she doesn't have a drop on her, she's a Japanese Ninja dressed up as a maid who fights crime in Tokyo for the fun of it. "and we will get you a phone as soon as you are cleaned and we are confident you are well, we do have mechanics of course if necessary."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "I don't...." he wipes crap off his face but can keep talking since brain in a jar. "It was the damneds fu...fuding thing and fu...dge if I know why the fu...dge I ended up here. I do think that's the only one though." He washes off his arms. "Phones are good. I am as well as a fuu...dging brain in a jar can be. You OK?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "You can curse in front of me all you want, I'm adult."She offers casually, before tossing Cliff an honest to god wall phone with a curly cord and everything. It's got a speaker phone button, thankfully. "My concern is for the kids, they play Hero highlights of the night every morning and the little ones all watch before running off to school. Robots are popular Right now, so I'm certain you'll be shown. I just hope they get somebody who speaks English to sensor you."

    Theres a little shrug there, tugging that bat back across the table to plop into her lap. "Oh I'm quite fine, thankyou. Not my specialty by any stretch, but it was slow moving enough It never managed to touch me."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele chuckles, "Then I fucking will, thanks. Call me Cliff." He nods, "I can see that, I have a daughter and a granddaughter and they are indeed very fucking impressionable. I ....cannot comment on fucking censoring but hopefully kids dont fucking drop the fbomb at the worst time." He begins dialing a number for the chief. "Yeah it was fucking huge, and glad you are fucking ok. That was a seriously fucked up fucking horse.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    She rises whilst Cliff talks, producing a neat little business card which she offers over whilst he talks. "Yellow Scarf Buster" right there in bold English right across the top of the card, well isn't that convient? Anywho she circles around behind Cliff casually, before falling silent and well then doing what Ninjas -actually- do best. They vanish, right into thin fucking air as you might say. She has lunch to get back too, Ninja or not who can blame a girl?

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele nods, "Nice." He puts in his jacket pocket. He does have pockets actually. "Robotman or Cliff." He dials the chief and yells into the phone, "Yeah I'm alive. I'm in Japan. No don't ask...no...just...ask the Chief...Tell him to wire me some money. Great, thanks." He hangs up the phone and is shocked that she vanished, but claps. "Neat fucking trick.