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Flashback: 2016 - Behold my Creation!
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Science Fair, Chicago 2016
Synopsis: Flashback: 2016-The Chief, Robotman and Harrison Wells meet at a science conference
Cast of Characters: Cliff Steele, Harrison Wells

Cliff Steele has posed:
Robotman and Dr. Niles Caulder argue back and forth as they walk to the room in the hotel that Niles is presenting at. "I still dont fucking understand why I am doing this."

"For Science!" Niles Caulder pushed his motorized chair forward as he glanced up at Cliff, "And because you lost the bet. This is my price. While I am wealthy enough to avoid plebian grant writing, I believe you are impressive enough in the field of cybernetes to ...." an actual 21rst century cybernetic being walks by and eyes the two of them suspciously. Cliff flips him off and the cybernetic being walks away, in a huff.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Making it to these conferences was always a chore... but if you wanted the top talent, it took a practiced eye to scout for it.

Harrison Wells and a few PR people from STAR Labs are in attendance in semi-casual clothing. One of the big names in the technology business, Harrison is well known to those in the conference. Famous, almost. He mingles among his 'peers' as he occasionally adjusts his glasses.

His attention, however, is on the Weird Tech that is Robotman. Glances from the corner of blue eyes keep Robotman in in the corner of his vision as he talks.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Niles Caulder stops and listens to Harrison. He seems fascinated and definitely knows who the man is. Then, master of social skills that he is Niles chuckles and realizes that Dr. Wells isnt speaking formally and moves into the lightly filled room where he is supposed to give a lecture.

Cliff sighs and stands at the head of the room next to the podium and takes a sign given to him by the Chief that says "Exhibit A"

Harrison Wells has posed:
Indeed, Doctor Wells isn't giving a lecture today! He usually does, but he is firmly a VIP guest at this Bostom conference. He is, in fact, discussing with another man with a prototype oxygen deprivation device for fires when Robotman gets into position... and Harrison tilts his head just slightly in curiosity. He murmurs to himself, "Even for these primitives, that's a mess." Just long enough for himself.

A moment later, he's walks slowly over to Robotman, glancing occasionally to others and giving small talk greetings to those he passes by.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele looks at Zoom as he walksaround him, "Er...Hello?"

"Dr Harrison Wells?" Dr Caulder beams,"It is an honor sir. I've read every single one of your papers; your years ahead of your time. Your theories in physics in particular are, well, dare I say ground breaking?"

Robotman says, "You don't need to fucking stare..."

The chief sighs, "Sorry,its a swearing glitch, I'm working on it."

"The Fuck you will not."



Harrison Wells has posed:
Harrison is visibly taking in Cliff as he walks a full circle. He doesn't respond to Cauldor verbally, but as he passes the man, Harrison does humor him with a warm smile as he stops to one side of Cliff and brings his hands casually behind his back, "Facinating." He remarks, "I don't think I've seen this configuration before. Is the structure your design?" Harrison asks, looking to Cauldor, "This is the sort of thing that gets everyones attention. At least the people who know their stuff."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Caulder (ie the Chief) beams and nods, "Yes. I actually designed him in the thirties but never had a chance to apply the design. I updated it a bit here and a bit there, but the result is ...suprisingly sturdy. I'm working on a much more advanced design for a second generation but it will take time; all suchthings take time. And I am purely in it for the advancement of science.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "He's in it for himself." He mutters to himself and looks at other people who fill up the lecture hall."

Harrison Wells has posed:
Harrison frowns slightly, his eyes glancing sideways to Cliff even as his face remains fixed on the Doctor. "The thirties? Surely you jest. Computing was barely a concept back then."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Niles Caulder says, "I had a few ideas based on IBM counting machines but even then, the real key to the technology was building a harness for the brain. There are digital elements but mainly for the coolant and heating systems. The actual machine is pure mechanics with a chemical interface at the neocortex. It's more biology and electrical engineering than computational skill."

Harrison Wells has posed:
There's a quiet 'hmmm' from Harrison as he stares at Robotman's chassis, "May I touch you?" He asks Robotman. There was apparently a brain in there... or at least one implied.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele looks at Niles, and if he had an expression it would be, "SEE?!" but he nods to the man who actually has some fucking respect, "Of course." He has a brain, though he won't be whiling away the hours on a damn thing.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Harrison reaches out, and starts to feel along the chassis, the joints, the chest. "When was the structure itself built?" Harrison asks.

Moments after, a small 'jolt' of electricity sparks along Cliff's arm, red lightning arcing just out of sight as Eobard's control of his own Speed Force energy slips. The body easily conducts it... though there's no serious damage.

That'll be felt... probably a glitch.

Cliff Steele has posed:
The Chief beams, "I assembled him from completely in 1995. I've made a few upgrades a long the way but at this point better to build a body from scratch."

Cliff jolts a moment as he talks insanely fast for a moment, "fufufufufufwathat" talking at superfast speeds and finally slowing down "whatthefuckwasthat?" He looks at the Chief and looks at Harrison Wells, "It tickled. Did you do something? Do it again. I felt SOMETHING without the finger.

Harrison Wells has posed:
There's an ever so slight frown. This thing is drawing out his electrical reserve. Something about the construction is conductive... but then, most robotics aren't done with actual metallics anymore.

This was bad. Maintaining control over his Speed Force energy would be exhausting at this rate, and he had at least an hour left here.

"I didn't do anything. See?" He runs his fingers along the chassis again, in exactly the same way... only with more tense control. "Must be a glitch in your system."

His eyes look to the Chief, and Harrison gives another warm smile, and brings up his left hand to his head, adjusting his glasses, "I'm sure we'll speak again. Your friend is very intriguing... but I'm afraid I have colleagues to get updates from, if you'll excuse me?"

Cliff Steele has posed:
The Chief looks disappointed but nods sagely,"Of course, pleased to meet you. Stop by any time." He excuses Harrison but clearly wants to talk more.

Cliff is just...STARING at Harrison.