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Latest revision as of 19:35, 22 April 2021

April O'Neil interviews Reed Richards
Date of Scene: 01 March 2021
Location: Lobby - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Reed Richards, April O'Neil, Susan Richards

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards is standing in the Lobby, signing autographs, good naturedly, he makes small talk with the tourists and answers questions from his staff in the same breezey manner. He's waiting for something, or someone. It's a monday afternoon near the end of the day. There are tourists and office workers buzzing about, The place is busy, but they know who yo are at reception and the direct you to the man himself.

April O'Neil has posed:
April had borrowed the C6 News Van from Vernon who was on his lunch break at the time back at the station. She'd driven it over to the Four Freedoms plaza building and was now striding in to the lobby. Dressed in a black leather motorcycle jacket that is slim fit for her body build, a pair of slacks and a white blouse beneath it, April has a casual business look about her attire. Her dark auburn hair is loose about her shoulders and she is striding over to the receptionist area before directed to where Reed is. She moves then to where directed and starts to observe the famous individual in his natural habitat... She's a curious woman by nature, and Reed is a bit of an unknown element to her. She knows who he is, of course, she grew up with Fantastic Four stories at the forefront of Superhero culture, but she's not met him personally... outside of that visit at Luke's recently.

When she fianlly gets a chance, April approaches and offers him a smile and a hand. "Mister Richards." She says. "April O'Neil."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles and takes her hand graciously, "Ms. O'Neil, thank you for coming. I do appreciate your time. Please follow me." He leads the way towards a wall, maybe a hidden lift or something, but no, as you walk forward a stairway extends out of the wall smoothly and silently it meets you. As you follow him up the stairs the collapse behind you. You can see where a couple of security types have come out to disperse the crowd that collected around Reed, "I must admit Ms. O'neill that I have brough you here on a bit of false pretenses but I assure I can make it worth your time. I needed someone I could trust."

April O'Neil has posed:
April returns the handshake and then places her hands in to the pockets of that black leather jacket she's wearing. Her eyes glance around at the others gathered around before Reed starts to separate himself from them and indicates her to come with him. She does so, moving at his left side toward the other end of the room where that staircase manifests itself. This display gets a little grin from April.

"Fancy." She tells him with a sideways glance to her right at him.

She continues to follow after him and listen to his words. "What makes you think you can trust me, Mister Richards?" She asks him then, for the hell of it, curiosity after all!

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles and raises his eyebrows, "Is it? Sometimes it's hard to tell these days." Reed winks as he steps off the stairs onto a small seating area with three chairs. They are spaced equidistant and look comfortable. As Reed steps onto the platform at the opposite end doors open for an elevator.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is just a step or so behind Reed on the stairs and steps off of them a second after he does. She has a tablet computer in a black leather case at her side in her left hand that she moves to hold in front of her waist as they walk now toward the chairs, though she notes the elevator doors also. "I mean. I'm from Booklyn, I live in a place built like a hundred years ago and half of it is filled with a literal antique store that hasn't been open in a decade..." She glances then back to Reed and flashes him a big grin. "I'm not used to fancy new stuff like this, so to speak." She jests in good humor.

"So I was told you had information about something that I've been researching, namely a psychopath who calls himself the Rat King?" She just asks directly.

Susan Richards has posed:
     From the elevator, Susan Richards emerges, in her normal blue jumpsuit, boots, and gloves. "There you are, Reed!" she calls out. "The waffle iron went missing again, do you have any idea wher... oh!" Not that he would have -any- idea, of course. But, it seemed there was a guest, whom she favors with a warm smile. Stepping up a bit closer to Reed, she inclines her head by way of greeting. "Welcome, miss...?" One brow lofts, but the smile remains.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles and kisses his wife's cheek, "Susan, this is April O'Neil, Ms. O'Neil, this is Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman, CEO of Fantasticorp, and hopefully not least, my wife."

    Reed smiles at Sue, "Yes, April is here to do the interview." He then turns to April, "I am sorry, Ms. O'Neil but I may have brought you here under a bit of false pretenses but I needed this to be you." He stops and looks directly at April, the breeziness is gone, "I saw the way you interacted with Oroku Saki that night at Luke's, I've watched some of your work and you are a woman of integrity. You are quite frankly a better journalist than you are given credit for. Our son is a mutant, April, and with everything that's been going on, we just don't feel we can remain on the sidelines any longer"

    Reed turns back to Sue, "April is the young woman from when I ate out at Luke's bar, we really need to get back there. She's a reporter working on the King Rat story, but I want her to interview us for this, I feel that hers is the voice that needs to tell this story, I trust her." He nods solemnly. Then, "Oh! I did have this, as a bit of a peace offering. Every recorded sighting of the Rat King, with analysis on validity and predictive modeling. There are some predicted ranges to narrow your search." He hands you a tablet, not just the flash drive but the whole tablet.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's attention shoots over to the elevator when the doors open and Sue steps out. This is a bit of a hero worship moment for April, being that she's in her early twenties and she... yeah. When Sue steps over to join her husband, April grins at her and moves to offer a hand toward her as Reed makes the introductions. "Oh, I know who you are, Miss Richards. It's an honor... I mean, I had posters of you as a kid back home." She holds her grin then and steps back once more to watch Reed as he elaborates on the situation.

"That was a nice little bar, but yeah... I, uh... that man, at the bar. That isn't the name he truly goes by, he truly goes by the name The Shredder. He's a criminal kingpin, a murderer and a pure madman. I... thought he was dead. I guess I was wrong." She smirks then.

When the tablet is handed over April brings her existing one u pand accept it on top of the other. She glances down at it then back up to Reed and Sue. "Oh, fantastic. Thank you. Speaking of insane murderers... this guy is just as bad, only... arguably way creepier."

Susan Richards has posed:
     "Please, miss O'Neill, the honor is all mine," Sue replies, smiling as she accepts April's hand for a brief, but firm shake. The corners of her mouth quirk upwards, and she winks. "Please don't downplay your own significant contributions to journalism. If you still have those posters, when this is all said and done, I'd be delighted to sign them for you."

     Her eyes twinkle as she glances back over at Reed, taking a moment to absorb the information he relays to her. She nods once, reaching over to gently squeeze him on the shoulder. "Quite right. Our son is a mutant. We ourselves have had a small taste of what mutants endure, when we first gained our powers. There is no way we should or will remain silent."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards looks vaguely surprised as April gives them the skinny on Shredder, that is what the kids are saying right? He'll check with Val. He chuckles, "Where do they come up with these names?" His gaze focuses on the middle distance and Sue knows that he is updating the database with all the info, "Some one it seems good to keep an eye on, then." He smiles and motions to the chairs" Then should we have a seat?" As you sit down a small table with with a glass of water in the center rises from the floor next to each seat. The tables are big enough to hold small items like a book or tablet. Reed takes a sip. and smiles.