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Latest revision as of 14:34, 23 April 2021

Things are afoot at the Centinel.
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: The Centinel Hotel - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Roland enters the Centinel, gets attacked by some goons, the bartender steps in.
Cast of Characters: Roland Livingston, Emma Frost

Roland Livingston has posed:
The Centinel Hotel. A classy joint with a fancy dining room. Just the perfect place to meet some rich artifact dealers who are trying to sell a magical antique pocket watch.

Roland is there a little early for the meeting, having a drink at the bar as he waits for his contacts. He's dressed rather nicely in a black suit, black shirt, black tie, black belt and black shoes. As he sips his whiskey the young Englishman studies the interior of the hotel, enjoying the elegant decorations and doing some people watching. To no one in particular he says in his upper class English accent, "This may just be my kind of place. I'll have to return some time when I'm not on business."

Emma Frost has posed:
    The crown jewel of her new empire as well as the stepping stone for growing Bushwick into something greater than the simple moniker it has earned these past few years. Mutant Town. It needs to be more than that. It will be more than that. Emma Frost is ensuring it will.

    The former White Queen. Former Teacher at Xavier's School, current hotel magnate, Emma Frost finds her way down from her personal suite to the main lobby but fancies something a bit unusual. As such the woman wearing a sharp suit, charcoal and dark greys with a splash of a vibrant blue that rivals her eyes in the pocket square and below the double breasted coat she wears to fight the New York winds.

    Taking a seat at the bar, Emma looks towards the bartender, sliding her sunglasses up over her blonde eyebrows to tuck into the perfectly combed hair and she smiles with a motion of her two fingers for Romero to pour her her usual. The woman's gaze then slides across the room, glancing at who is actually in the hotel at the current time.

Roland Livingston has posed:
The front doors to the hotel open to admit a man in a white pinstripe suit with a matching fedora. With him are half a dozen guys in dark suits, obviously bodyguards of some variety. When they see Roland they begin to head in his direction.

Roland, on the other hand, just had a striking, immaculately dressed woman join him at the bar. His attention turns towards her and he offers a smile, "Good evening, Ms." Hard 'z' sound in 'Ms'. But his attention doesn't remain on the blue eyed lady for very long before he notices the group entering the lobby. Standing up he smooths out his suit and finishes off the whiskey in his glass before starting to walk towards the man in the white suit.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's eyebrow closest to Roland lifts slowly as she's regarded as Mizz, but she doesn't say anything about it beyond returning the greeting. "Mizzter." The woman says with a smirk in her eyes more than her lips, though she turns her attention back to Romero as her drink is placed on the bartop, a brown and white cocktail with a straw in the side that she slowly uses to stir the ice and drink until it's mostly cream colored.

    Shifting to sit on the stool, Emma leans on her elbow as Romero motions behind her with a nod of his head and she twists to watch the gentleman that greeted her move away to talk to some new figures in her hotel. She notes with a hrmm to herself and elects to watch.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Mr. Livingston, I presume," says White Suit to Roland as they approach one another, a smile on his face.

"Mr. Anderson. How do you do?" Roland replies to the guy, extending his right hand so that the men can shake.

Only Anderson doesn't let go when he gets ahold of Roland, instead he grins and says, "Gebhard sends his regards." One of the bodyguard types draws a knife and attempts to insert it into Roland's side. The English adventurer doesn't hesitate, his reflexes ridiculously fast as he yanks on Anderson's hand and puts him in front of the blade so he ends up getting stabbed instead. Roland kicks Anderson hard enough that he and the fellow wielding the knife are knocked down together, sprawling out on the floor.

"That was quite impolite," Livingston tells the men in dark suits as they reach into their jackets to draw a variety of short, bladed weapons. They assume fighting stances, looking like they know what they're doing.

Emma Frost has posed:
    There's a yelp from someone in the bar, a woman screams when the blade comes out and another man gets stabbed and then kicked. As soon as the two men are down on the ground, and more blades are drawn, the bar clears out in a hurried panic. Bodies stream out and around the combatants hopefully before they get back to it and out of reach of any of those weapons.

    The bar empties quickly except for Roland, his 5 other foes, the 2 already on the ground, Emma and Romero. Emma lifts her drink to her lips and gives a short nod towards Romero. "Yes ma'am." The man says as he steps around the bar, his white button up shirt's sleeves rolled up to his elbows already and the black vest he wears tailored to fit his shape and with the hem perfectly set at the hem of his pants. He looks SHARP, but then he looks sharper as his fists ball up and then smash into each other, sparks flying from the impact though his tanned and tattooed skin ripples uniquely from the blow. "The boss is informing you all this one time. Leave or be banned from the Centinel." He says, approaching the group.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Shall we take this outside, gentlemen?" Roland asks the guys after hearing what the fellow with the sparks flying has to say. "I'd prefer to be able to come back here in the future."

The dark suited guy on the floor starts pushing himself to his feet, grabbing Anderson to try to drag him away. Anderson is not looking particularly good right now, pale and bleeding. The other guys don't seem inclined towards leaving the hotel, however. "Ready to die, Livingston?" They move to attack, four circling Roland while two move to intercept Romero to prevent him from interfering.

As the bad guys start circling Roland says, "I've been prepared to die since childhood. Today won't be the day, though."

Emma Frost has posed:
    As the one man on the floor starts to get up, Romero steps up to him and with a fist cocked back and the weight of a truck behind it, the bartender throws a fist towards the man's face, but it's also a moiton to try and grab the man's lapel. "You and your friend are now both banned." The bartender says with a slight grunt after his throw.

    Back at the bar Emma lifts her hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn, but quickly it fades and the woman is lifting her drink to her painted lips and takes a soft sip before holding it up to her bartender and congratulating him. "Perfect drink as always Romero." She says nearly emotionless in regards to the situation.

Roland Livingston has posed:
As the bad guys descend on Roland the Englishman starts moving, darting towards the first one to deliver a blow to the solar plexus that lifts him off of the ground and sends him back a few feet. As two more move in to slash at him the young adventurer dodges between them, grabbing one by the throat to lift him into the air and slam him into the ground. Hard.

The guy who got slugged by Romero is out of the fight, slumped over as he and the other fellow get dragged away.

As a villain leaps towards Roland, Livingston dodges away from the attack, catching the guy by the wrist and twisting it to cause him to drop the knife before striking him repeatedly in the side of the face, "I'm terribly sorry about any sort of mess this causes. I'll pay for everything."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Romero takes the by the lapels and drags them outside of the bar, through the lobby and with a heavy heft, YEETS them into the drop off zone beneath the grand awning of the Centinel and then he dusts his hands before popping his elbow joints. Getting back to work. Romero steps back in and without warning, brings the weight of his whole arm and shoulder into the back of one of the assailant's head.

    "I." SWING. "Said." PUNCH. "Get." HAYMAKER. "Out."

Emma Frost tips her drink back up again and is keeping her eye on Roland as he goes through the ball in her bar, curious, interested and intriquged.

Roland Livingston has posed:
The guy Romero goes to work on drops like a sack of potatoes, joining the guy Roland just finished slugging on the floor. Roland looks at the remaining pair of assassins and says, "The barman did tell you to get out." They don't hesitate before charging. A chop from Livingston to one's wrist causes a snapping sound and causes his blade to drop. The other nearly cuts Roland's chest open, slicing through some of the material of his suit, but the Englishman manages to draw back in time. With a frustrated sound the scholar of the arcane delivers a round kick to the criminal's head and sends him spinning through the air to fall on the ground, unmoving. The fellow with with the freshly broken wrist looks around and flees for the door.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Once the fighting is over, Romero twists his neck to pop it lightly and then moving to grab the writhing guards and carries them out to rest in a pile on the first two thugs and crooks he dragged out.

    As Romero is doing his job, Emma lowers her drink to the bar and twists the glass around to face no certain direction before she gets back to her feet. "Excuse me sir, I believe the bartender asked you /all/ to leave." Emma notes with a lift of both her eyebrows. "As I do believe the wording was, 'leave, or be banned from the Centinel."

Roland Livingston has posed:
Looking down at his damaged suit, Roland frowns faintly. Then he hears what the lady has to say. Nodding his head towards her he says, "Thank you for reminding me. It wouldn't do to get banned, now would it?" Before he does depart, however, he pulls a business card holder from his jacket and shows a card to the woman. "Have him call me if there's any cost associated with cleaning or repairs. And feel free to call me yourself, if you'd like." Then he's off, heading towards the exit. On the way out he'll nod towards Romero, "Terribly sorry about the trouble."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I might." Emma says, crossing her arms, but holding the card still between her fingers, slightly away from her, as she watches Roland leave and then turns back towards her drink.

    Romero looks over his shoulder as he starts to enter the hotel once more and pauses to look at Roland. "So, I don't know if the lady told you or not, but rules are rules here. No fighting. And I did give you a warning, so, I don't think you're going to have an easy time coming back." Romero says with a shrug of his shoulders and turns to move towards the bar again.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Rules are important, aren't they?" Roland asks Romero as he passes the threshold. "Have a good evening."

Once out the door he eyes the guys piled up on the ground and shakes his head at them. "If I see any of you again I'll probably kill you. Tell Gebhard I'm going to find him and I've got a silver bullet with his name on it." Then he strolls down the street towards where his Bentley SUV is parked.